The Collaborative Process as Research

Heyde, Neil and Fitch, Fabrice The Collaborative Process as Research.

A critical reflection on a collaboration between Fabrice Fitch and Neil Heyde as composer and performer, respectively. This dialogue traces the genesis of a composition by Fabrice Fitch for speaking cellist, "Per Serafino Calbarsi II: Le Songe de Panurge", written in 2002-3 and premiered at the BMIC's Cutting Edge series in October 2006. The collaboration first evolved as a constant exchange of ideas in which concept, technique and realization were held in fine balance. The session begins with a performance of the piece. The video accompanies the article '"Recercar' - The Collaborative Process as Invention' in twentieth-century music, 4/1 (2007), 71-85 doi:10.1017/S1478572207/000539

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