Proyectos de ley elevados a la H. Sala de Representantes Sobre un Plan General de Hacienda, precedidos de una memoria formada por el respectivo ministro para la mejor inteligencia de aquellos

García, Manuel José Proyectos de ley elevados a la H. Sala de Representantes Sobre un Plan General de Hacienda, precedidos de una memoria formada por el respectivo ministro para la mejor inteligencia de aquellos. Imprenta del Estado. (Unpublished)

Government report presenting a series of six projects for the consideration of the Sala de Representantes, which constitute a general plan for reconstruction and settlement of the finances for the province of Buenos Aires. The six projects are: plans for the settlement of public funds in Buenos Aires; banknotes and copper coins of the Banco Nacional; the Banco Nacional; the shares of the Banco Nacional; a loan; the formation of a Board of Inspection and guarantee of public finances, and of the holders of funds and consolidated debts. Preceded by details of government expenses

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