Manifiesto sobre las proposiciones que el gobierno ha presentado á la sancion de la H. J. sobre el congreso general, y objetos á que deben contraerse los diputados para él, exîstentes en Córdova

Rodriguez, Martin and Rivadavia, Bernardino Manifiesto sobre las proposiciones que el gobierno ha presentado á la sancion de la H. J. sobre el congreso general, y objetos á que deben contraerse los diputados para él, exîstentes en Córdova. Imprenta de la Independencia. (Unpublished)

Presentation and discussion of the 'Proposiciones' or pacts, submitted by the government of Buenos Aires to the general congress of the Rio de la Plata held at Cordoba, proposing that the provinces of Argentina should make a pact of alliance against common enemies, that two agents should promote the independence of the provinces in both Europe and America, that each province should undertake a census of the population, which in turn should appoint a provincial representative for the general congress, and that each province should become organised so that an annual general congress can sit at Cordoba. Dated 1 September 1821. Possibly published Buenos Aires, 1821.

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