U. S. Military Hi e« ions • Visit of Brigadier General George C. Marshall, U. S. Deputy Chief of Stuff, to Brazil, and return visit of General Goea Atonteiro, Chief of Staff of the Brazilian /.ray to the U.S.A. K. A., VASKUOTCJ? 255 Hay ldth, 59. M.O. * I.,(M.I.2.o.) Following fee receipt by the United States Governeant of an invitation fran the Govarnnrmt of Brasil for Brigadier General George C. Marshall, deputy Ghlof of Staff flat Chief of Staff deoignate, to visit that Hepublie during the latter port of Hay and early June, General Marshall only sad led from Mew Xork on Way 10th In the U. 3. 8. "Nashville" accompanied by the following Staffi- Colonsl James S. Cheney, Air Corps* Lieut,-Colonel Lehman v. Miller, Corps of Sngineern. Hajer Matthew B. Fidge»yf (infantry) General Staff Corps. ¦ajar Leeds J. Oonpten, (Field Artillery) General Staff Corps. Captain flKussa north, Field Artillery. After brief-'Stops at Sen Juan, Puerto Rioo, end Bert of Spain, Trinidad, the party will arrive in sio do Janeiro on May 25th; a Stay of ei$£gaytBa£ely tee weeks will bo made in Brazil _ 2. The United States Government has invited General Goes Xonteiro, Chief of Staff of the Brazilian. My, to visit the United States and he end Us staff will aocomp&tty General Marshall end staff on their return voyage to the United States in the U.S.S. TIsssTtlla". arriving at Annapolis, Maryland, en or about June MMeU 8. The visits will bo primarily of syakolical si#sificanee; they are, however, considered particularly important sinoe General Monteiro hoi been invited not long a&> to visit Germany ss s Q .eoial guest where he was to be offered the honorary osvnand of a division in s ©ereracial parade, an invitation which he declined. 0. 3. Military Missions - Yisit of Brigadier General CocrflS 6* Marshall, U.S.Deputy Chief of Stiff, to MlU, and return visit of General Goes fconteiro, Chief of Staff of the Brasilia* Amy te the tf.8«A« • S - 4. At a Department of State press oonf ereneo a few days NP * correspondent stated that the inference had been made that General MarsbaU*a visit to ftrasil indLoateft that the 9* 8. Coveraaent nay be esnoliarIng a gensral Military understanding with Srasil for the 4«fenco of the Western Heiaisphere in the event of a world waar« Xr. Cornell Hull, Secretary of State, replied that GenrraX Marshall's visit and the return visit of General Goes Montelro to this oo unary are purely visits of courtesy. Bo added that naturally, as la the case of «atchftngesi of visits hutwuaa high civilian off ioials and j i mil I so St business and profeasion&l ¦an of the jsnrloaa Hetrablioa, It is Jg%a4 that this eaohunge of visits between the higient ranking military officiala of the toe nations will fcrra saeth^r sad a valuable niiaial for tho dav«lopaent of mutual cotttarehension and understanding of their oeanon problems. 5, In this connection it will bo reraocabsred that a 9* 3. Military S&saioH has been la Brasil fbr eaestiwe for the yurpaae of eoosvireting with the srasilien Ax-op- la the development and functioning of the Brazilian Coast Artillery Instruction Centre. The life of this Kiosion was recently extended for too years tsm govei&er, 193$ (vide mj 36. 109 of Karth 9th, 1950.) ¦ I ^ mm Colonelf Military Attache.