Vlsltat Balfrln, Lord and H_1283/ HH ^ ... in BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D# C. July Slat, 1959. Mr, Z have the honour to inform 70a that Court ro$«s Karl Baldwin and Lady Baldwin, accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law, the Honourable Wyndham and Mrs, Baldwin, are expected to arrive at New York in the S, S. "Britannic" on or aoout August 19th to attend the World Congress on Education for Democracy. I should be wary grateful if you would bo good enough to cause the appropriate authorities at the Fort of New York to be Instructed to accord Lord Baldwin and his party the usual customs and landing facilities* I have the honour to be With the highest consideration, Sir, Year most obedient, humble servant, {For the Ambassador) (SOD) V* A. Ii« ft&IXKT The Honourable Cord.ll Hull, 1 0LPsCL Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C»