Cargoes: Title 1830/ // /39 WkSgiWMDM D.Ce November 11th, 109* My Lord, X tevo the honour with reference to my telegram Ho*754 of tfoveraber 10 th to tranesit to You* fetviahip fc*r©with u extract £re« today* $ *••« York fiaoa* stilting that the secretary of state hoe issued regulations apooifyiog that the "transfer of title* proviaiooa of Section 8 of tho neutrality AGt afaouid aot spply to certain eefcegorie* of goods oxportod tram this country* Tbeeo excepted include the personal offocte of tfettetf States eItisens, oatertala exported far relief pwrpoaoe by the AMMAn+n Red Cross 09 other authorised organisations and articles the ehipnont of which originated cuteide the geographical United states and which ore shipped throagh tte HwitsS states is bond op arrtwo at a United State© port ae on incident of transit between two foreign ports, provided the chipper Is resident ©wteide the United states and ia not a citizen or the agent of a eltiaea of the ©sited states* %. Too extracts from the "Journal of Commerce* for Hovevber 8th regarding tho operates of tho transfer of title provialone are alto enclosed* togothar with an extract frem to*day* a *Uew York Siaea* ee#wrdlng a etateesent leaned by the Merchants Association on tho subject* Zt will be soon that la this etatsoieat vhloh la eaid to have boec prepared TOO Bight Honorable The viscount Halifax* K.0*f "after/ HOC:PRHM:MS "after careful consultation with authoritative gonreee* it Is stated that *7h» issuance of a eouignttt'i atroight bill of lading, r^gordloas of the metbsd of payment, is ^gipl'S ee conetitutlng definite transfer or' title es required by the oot*. Such bill of lading must be consigned to a foreign individual, partnership w corporation. The net that the flrelgo corporation nay as* be I subsidiary of the Aserleao shipper doee not afreet such transfer* *8hlpaMte under a *3e Order* bill of letting do net constitute transfer of title* Ho transfer of title oeeurs in the case ef shipments to branohea or affiliate* of American companies unless sueh branches are foreign corporation*. "He ruling is yet available as to whether or get this declaration is to be required for freight shipments leas than $25 value, mll9 parcel poet Shipments or air express ehipneuts, for which e hlnper e,' ¦ oxport declarations ere net required. The set ep«$iflcally exempts rait end Inland'waters*y aMptssnts to Gaoeda« • At the time of aaking oath there must be no American lien or claim on the articles exported*" X hove the honour te be# vlth the highest respect. Hy lord, Your Lordship9 a aost obedient* humble servant, (for the JUebasaader) (sen ju&+mmi-*TtxuL