PRHM: flK (112) 8787/230 2.CW.CCO 4S4 JC&SUd Gp 64*f229 (RIOIMINT) MINUTE SHEET. Reference_______ Begin by reminding Welles that on September 8th he mentioned the case of the American liner "Santa Paula" which had been stopped near Curacoa by one of His Majesty's ships with *&e view to seeing whether any enemy nationals were on board. The question was taken up with the Foreign Office and the undesirability of a repetition of such incidents was emphasized. The Foreign Office have now informed us of the latest orders on this subject which have just been issued to His Majesty's ships. Copy of these orders is attached so that they may be read out to Mr. Welles. Point out to Mr. Welles that these orders have been drafted largely with a view to American susceptibilities., and emphasize that we have gone a long way to meet the Americans by agreeing not to exer- cise our right to stop and interrogate American ships in certain areas* Explain as regards members of enemy armed forces that only those who are of definite use to enemy will be removed, and if pressed regarding technicians explain that these have to be taken into account in view of the character of modern warfare. Emphasize point about genuine members of crews and exemption of outward bound vessels, which is designed to facilitate departure of genuine refugees from .Europe. Suggest that in order to avoid possible difficulties or delays a hint might be given to United States shipping lines that Germans of military age will be liable to removal in European waters, and^tnat while there is no intention on the part of His Majesty's Government/ [OYER, Government of seizing all such persons, trouble might be saved if United states ships did not embark them. November 13th, 1939