The.New.York.Tiraes.November^I.IOSQ. MERCHANTS ISSUE NEUTRALITY DATA Interpret Act as It Applies to Ordinary Shipments to Belligerents TITLE TRANSFER DEFINED Straight, Bill of Lading Fills Legal Requirements, Bulletin Asserts In an effort to clear up confusion concerning the requirements of the Neutrality Act with reference to ordinary commercial shipments by exporters to belligerent - nations, the Merchants Association yester- day Issued a bulletin defining Its understanding of the measure/ The statement, officials of the group said, "was prepared after- care^ 'fur consultation, with authoritative [sources." After reviewing general provisions of the act and its requirements that title must be transferred to the buyer before goods are shipped to a belligerent country, the bulletin added that a declaration of transfer of title is required for the follow- ing shipments: 1. All shipments on any vessel to European belligerent countries (Great-; Britain j France and Ger- many) and to all French and Brit- ish colonies and territories on the Mediterranean. 2. Ocean shipments on United States and neutral vessels to New^l foundtand and to Canadian ports east of 66 degrees west longitude (includes Halifax). Zi Shipments on belligerent ves- sels to any belligerent territory, In- cluding all parts of tho British Em- pire Australia, New Zealand. South Africa, Hong Kong, etc., and to all French colonies. (Title need not be transferred if shipped on a United States or neutral vessel to belliger- ent countries other than those speci- fied In 1 above.) 4. All shipments of arms, ammu- nition and implements of war to any belligerent territory. W^th regard to what constitutes a transfer of title within the mean- ing/of the act the bulletin said: "The issuance of a consignee's straight bill of lading, regardless of the method of payment, Is recog- nized as constituting definite trans- fer of title as required by the act. Such bill of lading must -be con- signed to a foreign Individual, part- nership or corporation. The fact that the foreign corporation may be a subsidiary of the American shipper does not affect such trans- fer. "Shipments under a 'To Order' bill of lading do not constitute transfer of title. No transfer of title occurs in the oase of ship-, menls to branches or affiliates of American companies unless such branches are foreign corporations. "No ruling is yet available as to whether or not this declaration is to be required for freight shipments less than $25 value, mall, parcel post shipments or air express ship- ments, for which shippers' export declarations are not required. The act specifically oxompu rail and Inland waterway shipments to Can- ada. "At the time of making oath there must be no American lien or claim on the articles exported." f^u fJV 1*2- ^