^A-aJk*L»k $sukJL \—&A^UW_l FU^ulaJ^ (j*M-e*JL& No. 741. (A 1161/260/45) FOREIGN OFFICE, S.W.I. 20th September, 1940. / My Lord Marquess, ffi17OCT40 1 With reference to my telegram No. 2102 of the 1st September, I transmit to Your Lordship herewith, The King's ratification in respect of the Commonwealth of Australia of the Convention signed at Washington on the 27th May, 1936 amending the Convention of the 2nd March, 1899 concerning the disposal of real and personal property. 2. -i- anuxx gxuu j.x yvu wixj. uuw , xn yuuucr Mr. Cesey, arrange with the State Department for the exchange of The King's ratifications in respect of the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the Commonwealth of Australia against the United States ratification. The form of the certificate or proces-verbal of exchange of ratifications may conceivably present some slight difficulty; but if it were made in duplicate, in the normal way, certified copies of the British copy of the certificate should be made for the Commonwealth and New Zealand Governments. A more satisfactory alternative, however, would perhaps be to have a proces-verbal of exchange of ratifications made in a single copy the original of which would be retained by the United States Government and certified copies thereof supplied to His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand. I shall be glad if you will now, in concert with I am, with great truth and respect, My Lord Marquess, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, (For the secretary of 3tate) Excellency The Right Honourable The Marquess of Lothian, C.H., etc., etc., etc., Washington.