D.O. 3. SECRET Communications on this subject "flrflild 1)0 addressed to— The Under-Secretary of State, Dominions Office, Downing Street, London. S.W.I, and the following number quoted :— llowing number <\\u f. Jle] 'H- CO Reference to previous correspondence: -r^ the Dominions Office of the ' 7' 7f* f t Ottl / * 3 r. 7jo //si- Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the Dominions Office, Downing Street, 10 StP 1958 193 - ¦ (•1326) Wfc IJ174—3707 2*/*>o io/j; T.S- 695 X 1 ¥ 720/136 PARAPHRASE TELEGRAM NWI ZEALAND To the Government of New Zealand Sent 9 p0in., 9th September 1938 Ho, 116- Secret* Strategic importance or Pacific Islands. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entirely agree on proposal /• made in paragraph 6 of your secret despatch 20th Hay and desire to express their appreciation of promptitude with which recommendations contained in CMoDc Paper Ho„ 1327-B have "been followed "p by His uiajesty's Government in Hew Zealand and of their willingness to bear the cost of Survey of Route A. Further communication will be sent as regards question of s conference between representatives of His Majesty's GG'/ernments in United Kingdom, Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand to discuss Pacific Islands matters.