FOREIGN OFFICE, 31st October, 1938 FOREIGN OFFICE, > . 7. l.» 29th October, 1938. A.8060/0. Dear Archer, >^ Your Secret letter P.720/158 of the 26th October asking for our viewB as to the character of the confer- ence v?hlch the New Zealand Government have suggested In general terms should take place between representatives of Great Britain, Australia and Hew Zealand to discuss acifle island matters. .Ye note that the despatch from the Governor-General of New Zealand of the 20th May last in which this suggestion is submitted deal© rriraarily with the importance of developing facilities on Pacific islands which can be employed by New .ealand aircraft for strategic purposes. It is clear, however, from the recent differences between His Majesty's Government and the United states Government regarding Janton Island, and from the various indications we have lately received that the United tatee Government may before long attempt to assert claims to sovereignty over other hitherto neglected Pacific Islands, which they could utilise as air ports, that any conference relating to the development of the above- mentioned. ... U.K.Archer, aq., O.B.8. mentioned air facilities must necessarily also concern it- self with the problem of consolidating the British title to Individual islands likely to be suitable for thia purpose, e.g. Hull Island and Christmas Island* The political aspect of the problem 1b thus insepar- able from the strategic* and the Foreign Office would recommend that the former aspect of the matter should be placed on the agenda of the conference and British repre- sentation arranged accordingly. It would appear appropri- ate in the circumstances that, if possible, both the united Kingdom High Commissionsr in New Zealand a; also the High Commissioner for the .©stern Pacific should participate in the discussions. f^Gm I might add that you will be receiving from us a copy of a letter to the oolonial Office Mo.A#7569/16/45 of the 28th Gotober enclosing a Foreign Office memorandum which surveys the question of the future status of outlying Pacific islands from the political angle. This survey should % is- be read in conjunction with two previous Forei&i Office memoranda on the subject, the one enclosed in ray letter to iJsdgwiCk A. 1292/16/45 of the 21st February last, and the other.•«• other in my letter to him A. 3639/16/45 of the 10th May. (Sgd.) J. BALFOUR