Enclosure in Western Pacific despatch Secret of 4th March, 1939." copy f?Jf? Suva, //' a8th February, 1939. .> » HKW ZEALAHD PACIFIC AVIaTIOH SURVEY SEDITION. Your Excellency, On return to Suva and prior to my de- parture for New Zealand I mas instructed to present to you a brief report on the expedition's activities on the various islands visited both within those island groups coming under the administration of the Gilbert and Elliot Islands Colony aa well as those visiteu wituin New Zealand's sphere of influence. Unfortunately with the great rush in which all of the expedi- tion's work has been carried out it has been impossible as yet to prepare any charts or maps of the islands visited or supply, in accurate form, any of the great amount of technical data obtained. w attached report il thtnftpl ¦•rely a brief description of general activities, the islands visited, and ray opinion so far as I have yet been able to form one, of their potential value for military and civil aviation. A more exact His Excellency The High Commissioner for the Western Pacific. exact and detailed technical report complete with maps and o titer data, *iil no doubt be supplied from Nev* Zealand at a later date should you so desire. In conclusion My I thank you personally for- the very great assistance that has been given to the expedition throughout its sojourn in tie Pacific not only by yourself but by the Secretary to the High Commission, the Colonial Secretary and the members of the staffs coming under' those Uo gentlemen. 1 would like to edd that the service of the personnel loaneu to the expedition from the Fijian Administration was satisfactory. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, (Signed) E.A. Gibson, Squadron-Leader, Royal New Zealand Air Force,