1/8/39. at once. 70S6/2A/39. CYPHER TELEGHAM from the Secretary of State for the Colonies bo the Governor of Fiji* (Sent 10 p.m., 1st August, 1959.) Ho»122* Secret, ?£y telegram No«l?.8« aou should nov~ co;Tnminicate With His Majesty1 s Government in New Zealand as regards construction of landing grounds recommended in report of New Zealand Defence Conference so aa to enaole v?or^ to "oe "begun as soon as possible* Government of Hew Zealand have "been informed that it is assumed that a firm estimate of the cost will t>o furnished hy them in due course? and that they will also indicate their wishes as to arrangement for the payment of the United Kingdom contribution. You Trill no doubt report "by mail arrangements made for construction of landing grounds, Copies to D.0-r/and Service Dep*