No. 1156. Pacific Islands (Certain) 91/ /// IH BRITISH EMBASSY, WA8HINGT0W, D.C., October 16th, 1939. My Lord* With reference to Sir Ronald LindsayVs despatch No. 401 of the 6th April, I have the honour to transmit to you the accompanying oopy from the Federal Register of August 86th of a proclamation issued by the president on August 81st last "extending the period for the establishment of an adequate shipping service for, and deferring extension of the coastwise laws to. Canton Island." 8. I regret to stats that owing to pressure of other work, this proclamation only recently came to my notice. Being somewhat puzzled as to Its purpose, X instructed the Counsellor of this Stab assy to raise the matter informally with Mr. Plerrepont Moffat at the State Department. Mr. Moffat explained that Pan-Amorloan Airways have had to sand quantities of supplies to Canton Island for the preparation of their landing ground there. The only ship available So convey these supplies from the West Coast of the United States to the Island was a Norwegian vessel. The Department of Commerce, however, had found themsSlves compelled by the Merchant Marina Act of 1980 to refuse to give the Norwegian vessel clearance |jS£; unlsss a certificate could be given by the State Department that Canton is not United states territory, or/ -M ¦ . _ L:JP:ACEM:VALM:NT The Bight Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K. O., etc., etc., etc. 3 %y or falling that unless an exception were made by proclamation. The State Department had found itself unable to give the required certificate, in view of the Anglo-American exchange of notes of April 6 th, 1989* Consequently this proclamation had bean issued ad hoe by the Executive in order to enable the said Norwegian ship to convey ita oargo to the Island* 3« I assume that Your Lordship will not wlah to raise any objection to this proclamation• It mighf \ have been more courteous of the United States Govern* ment to have informed His Majesty's iBmbassy of it before It was issued, and I would suggest that if at any time His Majesty's Government In the United Kingdom have occasion to issue an order-in-council affecting Canton and Knderbury Islands, prior notifi- cation should bo made to the United States Qoverna^hf|p I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lord ship'a moat ob; humble servant, (SOD) LOTHIAN [OVER. iuvhK*