Lease to the United Stttn of His MaJostr's Qovornmoat in the Pal tod r4"|jif| of porta la areas of land and wotor la Bermuda His Majesty** Ooverxuseat ia the United Kingdom, being desirous at this time to ozoouto la part the doolaratioaa aado oa lta behalf by his Xxselleaey Tao Right Honorable The Marquess of Lothian, C.H., Brltlali Ambassador Extra- ordinary aad Plenipotentiary, in ala communication of September 2, 1940, to the Oovernment of the United state a of Aaerioa, a copy of which la hereto appended aad aado a part hereof, do by theae preaeata to that end, make aad execute the following: His Majesty* a Government hereby lease to the Halted Statea of Aaerioa for the period of ninety-nine years from the date on whioh possession thereof shall be formally transferred the following areas of land aad water situated In Bermuda: Refereaoe: Ordnance Surrey Map, Sheets 1 aad 2, 1898-9, scale six laehes equals oae alio, (enclosure (B) aad (0). H.O. 27. ¦ (1) Long Bird Island, including adjoining islands in Ferry Reaeh, and oaussway to mainland south of Mullet Bay, the entire area described containing approximately eighty seres* (2) Beginning on the shoreline of Stocks Harbor at a point about seven hundred eighty feet northeast of the northern tip of Long Bird Island; thence east along the shoreline to Stokes Point; thence generally west along road (exclusive) about sixteen hundred fifty feet to road junction; thenoe south along road (exclusive) to Swing Bridge about aix hundred seventy-five feet; thenoe north of west about thirteen hundred twenty-five feet to property line; thenoe southwest about six hundred alxty feet to road between Terry Point aad St, George (exclusive); theuoe southwest about three Hundred slxty-flre feet to property lint; thence southeast about six Hundred foot alone property lino to shoreline of Richardson's Bayj thonoo along shoreline to point of beginning, the antiro tract containing ap- proximately fort/ aorea; prorided, that the buildings and grounds of the Biologioal Institute snail bo excluded from the parcel. (3) Beginning at Stocks' Point on the shoreline of St. George's Harbor) thenoe generally east and south along the shoreline to the western edge of Higgs Ba/j thenoe due south about one hundred aerenty-fire feet to road between Stocks Point and St. Darld's light- house! thenoe generally east along said road (exoluslTo) to road junction about three hundred forty feet southeast of Buroher's Point; thenoe generally southeast along road (exelualTo) to a point about one hundred fifty feet northwest of its terminus on Ruth's Bay; thenoe east about seren hundred twenty-fire feet to the shoreline south of Goto Point; thenoe south along the shoreline to Ruth's Point; thenoe generally west along the shoreline to point of beginning; provided, that Care Island, Sandy Island, Little Round Island, Jones Island, Round island, iiOng;;sland# Grace's Island, Westoott Island, and adjacent unnamed islands in Castle Harbor aha11 be Included, the entire area desoribed containing approximately two hundred sixty aorasj and proTided further, that the highway rights-of-way between stocks Point and aiggs Bay shall be exoluded. (4) All the Islands and oays at the entrance to Castle Harbor between Ruth's Point on St. David's Island and Castle Point on Hamilton Island, containing a total of approximately one hundred fifteen acres. • (5) Morgan and Tucker's Islands, and the im- mediately adjacent oays, in Great Sound, con- taining a total of approximately fifty acres. (6) The exaet metes and bounds of the aboTC de- scribed areas shall be established by surrey. The grant of the foregoing areas of land and water shall include the following: (a) The right, power, and authority to use, fill, and oooupy the waters adjaoent to said areas including apeoifioally the waters of Ferry Reach and Castle Harbor - 2 - and to improve and 4M|M the entrancea thereto and thm anchorages thereof and generally to do am/ and all things necessary to fit the premises for uao as naval aad air tmii (to) The right, power, and autlioritjr to eubatltute a drawbridge for highway aad tramway uao between St. Oeorge'e Island and Coney Island on the waatara antranea to Ferry Reach and to render tnia aatranao useable to rossals and seaplanes entering Castle Harbor, Including such alteration to too southeast causeway leading to Long.Island as an/ bo considered desirable or neoeaeary. (e) The right, power, and authority to use, fill and occupy the waters of Morgan and Tucker'a Islands aad the immediately adjaoont cays, to do an/ and all things necessary to fit tno premises for use as a seaplane base and to operate seaplanea in Great Sound. (d) The right, power, and authority to operate motor transport on the highways connecting the several United States areas which border on Oaetle Harbor. (a) Exclusive rights, power, authority, and control within the aforesaid areas and within the territorial waters and air spaces adjacent to or in the vicinity of such areas except as hereinafter otherwise proTided. (f) The right, power, and authority to assume military control and conduct military operations within any part of Bermuda and surrounding waters and air space to the extent which may become necessary or convenient for the protection of the property, instrumentalities, and activities of the United states of Aaerloa or otherwise to safeguard its national interests. 3 (g) The right, power, and authority to control tho anchorage, moorings, movements, communications, and o?«ra- tions of whatever oharaotar or all ship* within tho limits of tho areas leased, and the territorial waters adjacent to or in the vicinity of suoh areas, to such extent as may he found necessary or convenient in the use, control, and do* fense of suoh areas. (h) The right, power, and authority to control the anchorage, moorings, takeoffs, flights, landings, move- ments, and operation of all aircraft within the limits of the arena leased, and within the territorial waters end air spaces adjacent to or in the vicinity of such areas, to suoh extent as may be found necessary or convenient in the use, control, and defense of such areas. (i) The right, power, and authority to regulate and control all external and internal oommunications of what- ever nature from, to, and within the areas leased. (j) The right, power, and authority to employ and use all commercial or public utilities, services, and facilities, all roads, highways, bridges, viaducts, and similar channels of transportation to the sane extent and under the same conditions as His majesty's Government. (k) The right, power, and authority to install, main- tain, and operate at suoh sites as may be necessary or convenient, armament, underwater defenses, including mines, nets, booms, sound detection, and other similar devices; control stations ashore, beacons, dispensary and first aid stations, lights, warning or detecting devioes, and military polio*, to auoh extent a¦ m; be found necessary or eon- Ttnimt In the use, control, and protection of the areas leased, inoluding specifically the entrances to Castle Harbor. (1) The right, power, and authority to acquire by sup- plementary loaoo from Hi a Majeaty's Government for the unexpired poriod of tola loaoo, without oonaidaration other than Juat compensation to private owners if an/, additional araaa, sitae, looationa, and rights-of-way for roads, causeways, bridge a, power linos, watemalna, savors and similar faoilitios to auon aztont as u; bo found necessary or oonToniont for the eetabliehaent, maintenance, use sad protection of naval and air basss in the aforosaid lsasod araaa. (a) Tha riant, poww, and authority to uso all public lands, araaa, sitas, forts, doc lea, plors, qua/a, berths, shops, repair facilities, arsenals, aagaaiaes, and hospitals to the extent which an/ become necessary or convenient for the protection of the property, instrumentalities, **d aetiTitles of the United States, or otherwise to safeguard its national interacts without oompanaation other then re- imbursement of an/ additional ooat di recti/ resulting from euch use. (n) The privilege of importing free from all dues, imposts, excises, tolls, customs, IcTiea, or aeaeesmente of an/ nature whatever, all ships, boats, aircraft, anas, machinery, supplies, materials, equipment, clothing, house- hold furnishings, provisions, goods, wares, merchandise and articles similar to the aforesaid, consigned to or destined for tax activity of the United States of Ameriea, its mili- tary, naval, or civil personnel and their families, oon- traotors and their families, subject to the condition that articles so imported ahall not be further sold or trans- ferred to other interests in Bermuda. (o) The right, power, and authority to remove all im- provements plaeed upon the leased areas at any time before the expiration or termination of this lease or of an/ renewal thereof or within a reasonable time thereafter. The United States of Amerioa shall be under no obliga- tion to improve the leased areas in whole or in part for use as naval or air bases, nor to exercise an/ right, power, or authority herein granted; and if it shall make such im- provements or exercise any such right, power, or authority it shall nevertheless have the privilege of abandoning any part or all of the foregoing at any time without consent of His majesty's Government and without incurring any ob- ligation by reason of suoh abandonment. The United States of Amerioa shall be under no obliga- tion or responsibility for the civil administration or de- fense of Bermuda or any part thereof, or for the maintenance of military or neval forces within or without the leased areas. Crimes and misdemeanors oommitted within the leased areas during the oeoupation and use thereof by the United States of Amerioa shall be punishable either by the United States or the colonial authorities in accordance with their respective laws, dependent uponwhioh shall first acquire - 6 - Jurisdiction of the person of the offender; exoept that either government may on request deliver the offender to the other for trial} that in all oeeee the colonial govern- ment shall bring to trial all offender* turned over to it by the United States upon request of tao colonial author- ities or otherwise, and that all offenders in the serrioe of the United States, civil or military, shall on demand be apprehended and delivered to the government of the United States for trial whether or not the offense with which charged was committed within or without the leased areas; Provided, that the colonial authorities shall not arrest an/ person or serve any process, olvil or criminal, within the leased areas sxespt upon application previously made to the commanding officer and approved by him: Provided further, that oolonial laws of a regulatory nature, or whleh may otherwise interfere with the use of the leased premises by the United States, shall not be regarded as applicable with- in such areas. His Majesty's Government undertake to deliver possession of all lands and facilities, including such as may be privately owned within the leased areas hereinbefore pro- vided for, on such date as may be determined upon by the United States of America: Provided, that the United states of America shall pay to His Majesty's Government such sum or sums as may be mutually agreed upon to compensate the owners of private property for loss by expropriation or damage arising out of the establishment of naval or air bases in the leased areas. 7