October 15th, 19UQ. Dear J*r» Gecretary, V/ith reference to our telephone _ conversation this evening, I enclose the Aiae i'&noire which I proirdsod should "be on your desk at nine o'clock tornorrow morning* Believe me, Dear Mr« rjecretery, Yours very sincerely, ) e.:».B£Tebh Ofce Honourable Colonel P# Knox, NMB:CL Secretary of toe :ravy, Washington, B, C» 5 aids mmiim Owina to oertnin inoonvoniencoa that have boon found in the /x&rlonn proposals for naval and air bases in i'rinid ad they are not altogether acceptable in their present form » and the Governor is anxi ous to be able to discuss with the American Itevol /lesion alternative proposals, same of which would bo of to; .pornry character intended to enable certain preliminary measures of urgency to be token without delay. Admire! >reenslade is understood to have said that hie instructions do not allow him to consider the possibility of a temporary agreement. It seems clearly advantageous that the . iaoion should be emporc: red to discuss the Governor's alternative proposals, as this would in all probability render it unnecessary for the Uieslon to pay a return visit in the near future, as in the case of Bensuda, should it be found impossible to ogrco to the United status present proposals* The meeting between the /^terioan lie vol Mission ond the governor takes place tomorrow, and it is horded that urgent instructions nay be sent by signal to Admiral Oreenelatie authorizing hln to dlseuae at the raeetinc the Governor's alternative suggestions* NMB:CL BRITISH SKBASS*, October 15th, 19U0.