TREASURY'DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON March 20, 1941. My dear Mr. Secretary: Reference Is made to the letter dated January 28, 1941, from the Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury, with which there were enclosed two authenticated photostatic copies of a note (W 9188/G - Secret) dated December 20, 1940, received by the American Embassy in London from the British Foreign Office, relative to the opening of further accounts by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the name of the British Government, and two authenticated copies of a note dated January 20, 1941, received by the Depart- ment of State from the British Embassy in Washington, relating to such note of December 20, 1940. A copy of the Secretary of State's letter dated January 28, 1941, and one of the authenticated copies of each of the notes dated December 20, 1940 and January 20, 1941, were forwarded by the Treasury Department to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has acknowledged the receipt thereof, and has advised that, in accordance with the request con- tained in the note dated December 20, 1940, it has opened for and in the name of the British Government a further account designated "his Britannic Majesty's Government Special Account B", and that it has been advised by cable from the Bank of England that instruc- tions as to the operation of such account and the names of signatories will be cabled in due course. It is reouested that a copy of this letter be furnished to the British Government for its information. Very truly yours, D. W. BELL Acting Secretary of the Treasury The Honorable The Secretary of State.