SECRET. M.I.i.(41) 2'jth Mectin~. COPY Y NO. ^ BRITISH JOINT STAFF MISSION IN WASHINGTON. MINUTES of Meetin- held at 3055, Y/hitenaven Street, on T:^3DAY, "3QT:I SEPTEMBER. 1941, at 11 a.m. PRESENT:- Admiral Sir Charles Little, (In the Chair). Lieut.-General Sir Colville Air Marshal A.T. Harris. Wemyss. THE FOLLOWING Y/SRE ALSO PRESENT: - Rear-Admiral V.H.Danckwerts. Rear-Admiral Dorling. (For items 3-5). Air Commodore A.L. Fiddament. Commodore V.G. Brodeur,R.C.N., Canadian Naval Attache. Captain G.D. Belben, R.N. Lieut.-Colonel F.Y/. Vogel. Group Captain S.C.Strafford. Connandcr D*H. Harries^R,A.N, , Australian Representative Wing Commander J. Bryans, Lieut.-Commander J. Bailey, Canadian Air Attache. New Zealand Representative. Major (Ti-M, Drury, Canadian Assistant Military Attache. SECRETARIAT. Commander R.D. Coleridge, R.N. Major R.F.G. Jayne. 1 • TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE U.S.A. (Previous Reference: &.M.(41) 21st Meetin", Minute 3). (BOXES No, 107). THE COMMITTEE had before them BOXES No. 107 on the subject of technical assistance from the U.S.A. AIR MARSHAL HARRIS explained that this new requirement for technical officers appeared to be an enlargement of the American-recruited Civilian Technical Corps which was at present under discussion between himself and Messrs. Hopkins'and Stettinius. On a previous occasion, scientists had been recruited by Dr. Conant to operate certain wireless equipment in England. -1- ADMIRAL LITTLE expressed the opinion that it was likely that the electrical engineers for the Navy mi£ht be required to go to sea in warships. GEiJIJUAL WEMYSS suggested that the American Officers would relieve British Officers for more active onploynent. . TIE COMMITTEE:- Agreed that, before approaching the U.S. authorities concerned, a telegram* should be despatched envisaged that the officers concerned would be commissioned into the British or U.S. armed forces, and whether they would be required to carry out combatant-duties. The attention of the Chiefs of Staff should also be drawn to the fact that Mr. Cribbett was now in London, and available for consultation.