Allied Conferences: G261/ ^ /kl December 17th, 19U1 '12 My dear Mr. President, A message has been received from Mr. Duff Cooper at Singapore on the subject of the proposed naval and military confer- ence there, to the following effect:- "I have now secured representation for Australia, Kew Zealand, United States and Netherlands and am arranging that conference shall start December 18th. If we were to await arrival of representative from Chungking there would be much delay and report by December 20th aa requested by the President would certainly be impossible/ The Honourable Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, Washington, D. C. WGH:HK 2 "impossible. Should representative from Chungking arrive in time we shall of course be delighted to receive him.n Believe me, Yours very eincerely, (SOD) HA&IfAX