The Oovernraentu of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Jreat Britain and Northern Ireland, the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of 3outh Africa, Belgium, China, Czecho-alovalcia, Greece, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Korway, Poland, the Union of Soviet socialist Republics, and Yugo-Slavla, Having subscribed to a common programme of purposes end principles embodied in the Joint Declaration of the President of the United States of America and the Prime iiiniater of Great Britain dated August lUth, 19U1 and known as the Atlantic Charter, Being convinced that the complete und world-wide victory of all the Governments is essential to defend and preserve life, liberty and independence as well as the righteous possibilities of human freedom, Justice, and social security not only in their own lends but throughout the world, prapt joikt dbclaratioh The Governments of the United 3tatee of Americat the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland, the Dominion of Canada, the .raraonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of Row Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Belgium, China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Korway, Poland, the Union of Soviet uocialist Republics, and Yugo-Slavia, Having subscribed to a common programme of purposes and principles embodied in the Joint declaration of the President of the United states of America and the Prime Minister of Groat Britain dated August lUth, 19U1 and known as the Atlantic Charter, Being convinced that the complete and world-wide victory of all the Governments la easential to defend and preserve life, liberty and independence as well as the righteous possibilities of human freedom, Justice, and social security not only in their own lands but throughout the world, and that the struggle In which they are now engaged ie the common defence of human decencies everywhere against savage and brutal force seeking to subjugate the world. declare: 1. Each Government pledges itsjslf to employ Its full resources against the Axis forces of conquest and to continue such employment until these forces have been finally defeated; 2. Kseh Government pledgee itaelf to the other Governments associated in this Declaration to effect the full coordination of its military effort and the use of its resources against the common enemies; 3* Bach Government pledges iteelf to continue war against, and not tc make a separate peace with the common enemies or any of them* Other Governments desirous of associating themselves with this Declaration are hereby privileged to accede to it*