The chronicle of my thirteenth journey.

Bent, Mabel (1895) The chronicle of my thirteenth journey. Oxford : Archaeopress, 2006.

Bent diary 20. The diary of Mabel Bent, in her own handwriting, in a black leatherette pocket-book. It covers the period of December 1895-April 1896 and one reference to 1898, and is published in Gerald Brisch (ed.) - Make our sun stand still: the travel chronicles of Mrs. J. Theodore Bent. Volume II: The African journeys (Oxford : Archaeopress, 2012) pages 207-259 and Gerald Brisch (ed.) - World enough and time: the travel chronicles of Mrs. J. Theodore Bent. Volume I: Greece and the Levantine Littoral (Oxford : Archaeopress, 2006) pages 325-326.

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