Items where Author is "Butler, Neville M."

Number of items: 54.
  • Secret note on talks between Roosevelt and Churchill. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Complaints from Curdell Hull on United Press reports. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Agreement between the UK government and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles and Cordell Hull. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough and Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Covering note to Aide-mémoire for Cordell Hull. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Request for forwarding of Resolution (included) on British-American co-operation. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Potential exchange of British and Norweigan ships in French ports for French shipping held by the British authorities. (1941) Illegible and S., C. and Butler, Neville M.
  • Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Intelligence on the disposition of contributions to the 'Spitfire Fund'. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of a note informing of the signing of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Information regarding the status of British protection in Guadeloupe. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Message refering to telegram about the supervision of British interests in Guadeloupe. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Letter in response to Halifax's telegram of July 19th 1940. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt's personal secretary. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt on the matter of private war contributions. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Draft of a message on contributions to the Allied war effort. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of letter concerning proposed bases in Trinidad. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of Princess Juliana of the Netherland's visit to the US. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Flights to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Appointment by the King of Halifax as UK Ambassador to US. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Covering letter to copies of draft leases from US State Department for proposed bases on Caribbean islands. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Permission granted to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Bermuda Assembly communiqué to Governor regarding the construction of a US naval base in Bermuda. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Details of despatch by Trinidad Governor Sir Hubert Young on his objections to US proposals for US bases on Trinidad. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of amounts in loans owed by the UK under 1923 Debt Agreement. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • US naval pilots have left for the Dutch East Indies, and the Netherlands have purchased 300 aircraft from the US. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • US Inter-Departmental Committee on construction of bases on British territory. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Explanation of the US Nationality Act 1940 for an enquiry by the Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada in Puerto Rico. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Annoucement that all concerned British authorities have agreed to leasing the US land for bases in the Caribbean. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • British comments on construction of US base on Caribbean islands. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Message concerning the construction of seaplane bases in Bermuda and St. Lucia. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Respective British Caribbean governments have all agreed to US bases. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Respective Caribbean governments agree to US request for construction of bases on territory. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Confirmation of lease by the UK to the US of land in Newfoundland for base construction. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • UK Embassy Chargé d'affaires and US Secretary of State discuss US bases on British territory. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • British government decisions on issues relating to construction of US bases on British territory. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of letter from US Navy Department on seaplane base construction on St. Lucia. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • UK Embassy Chargé d'affaires and Colonel Knox discuss establishment of US bases on British territory. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Covering letter to US Naval Secretary's version of the draft leases for US bases in Newfoundland. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Permission granted to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Problems and revisions to proposed US air and naval bases in Trinidad. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of Italian military mission training the Ecuadorean Army. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Internal correspondence at the British Embassy regarding its attempts to obtain ten Naval Destroyers from the US. (1940) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Butler, Neville M.
  • US agree to oral discussions, and their delay but decline to outline which islands they lay claim to until the oral discussions begin. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Reaction to allied reverses in the Low Countries. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Discussion of official British response to US enemy export requirements. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Covering letter to proposed amendments to draft of Treaty of Establishment Commerce, Navigation and Consular Rights between the US and India. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of proposed amendments to draft of Treaty of Establishment of Commerce, Navigation and Consular Rights between the US and India. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Outlines US government's willingness to look after British interests in Europe. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Minutes on UK in Greenland. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Notes discussing Japanese request to withdraw silver from a bank in the British Tianjin concession. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Note of thanks for receipt of Lincoln Cathedral copy of Magna Carta at the Library of Congress. (1940) Butler, Neville M.
  • Correspondence between Embassy officials concerning US Navy Department's requests for bases in Newfoundland. (1940) Unknown and Butler, Neville M.