Items where Author is "Kerr, Philip Henry"
Number of items: 121.
Report of meeting between Hubert Young, Governor of Trinidad, and US Navy Admiral Greenslade. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Summary of memorandum from Chaing Kai Shek, regarding war with Japan. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US obtain facilities in additional areas of Newfoundland for bases. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US interests in Greenland. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Receipt of assumption of Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bahamas by the Duke of Windsor. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter and review of US political events during 1939. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry and Bramwell, C. l.
British request to the President for the speedy transfer of promised destroyers to Halifax, Canada. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Transferral of US aircraft to the UK purchased by the RAF. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to copies of letter for the US President. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to summary of Hitler's future strategy. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
American Export Lines to divert to Bermuda in order to deliver the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Note of thanks for assistance in the evacuation of Hong Kong. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Transmitting the text of an Act "to expedite national defence and for other purposes". (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Apology for late notification of appointment of Duke of Windsor as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bahamas. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Description of role of the Imperial War Graves Commission. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Receipt of note to State Department by British government regarding the transfer of British government accounts to the US. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Note of thanks for discussions over UK debts to the US. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Lists of Consular posts in French North Africa with HMG's request for the US to look after its interests. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
HMG request for the US to look after British interests in Spain and Portugal. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Congressional Joint Resolution amending Section 4 of the 1939 Neutrality Act. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Details of correspondence on war debts owed to the US by other countries. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Agreement to provide evacuation facilities in Hong Kong and the Philippines. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Aircraft purchased by belligerent powers may be delivered by air across American borders. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
HMG thanking US government for protecting British interests in Italy. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
HMG requests the US to protect British persons, property and interests in Italy. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK Ambassador thanking US Secretary of State for agreeing to protect British interests in Italy. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to press release detailing US delegates to the Eight American Scientific Congress. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
HMG request for the US to protect British interests in Italy should they go to war. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Details on the establishment of the Neutrality Law Unit to examine possible infringements to the law. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
HMG enquiries with the US Government concerning further US export credit to China. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Possibility of German invasion of Iceland after the seizure of Denmark. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Discussion of US decision to etablish a Constulate in Greenland. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to correspondence on "The American-Danish Greenland Commission". (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Notes from a discussion with a member of the US Army and Navy Munitions Board regarding Chinese production of 'strategic' materials. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Details of Dr. Calderon, President-elect of Costa Rica's trip to the US. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
negotiations between the Japanese government and British ambassador to Japan relating to the Tientsin crisis. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Receipt of despatch regarding the effects of US Neutrality Act on British shipping. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British and French governments joint declaration on Germany and the territorial waters of Norway. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British government explains its proposed actions to mine the waters off the coast of Norway to disrupt German prosecution of war. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to copies of a resolution calling for Senate committee on US neutrality. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Disputes between officials within the US Department of War spills over to Allied purchases of aircraft. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British Ambassador's support for the US companies perspective regarding the oil dispute with the Mexican government. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British Ambassador's support for the American companies' perspective in regards to the oil dispute with the Mexican government. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Representative Tinkham's suspicions concerning the Anglo-US control of Canton and Enderbury Islands and details on the history of sovereignty of Christmas island. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US treaty with Canada regarding the St. Lawrence Waterway Scheme does not affect the neutrality of the US. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Comments on Congressional debate on financial assistance to Finland and US-Soviet relations. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter and memorandum on financial and economic situation in the US. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
Regarding Letter of Credence confirming R.G. Casey as Australasian Minister to the United States. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Representative Tinkham highlighted his objections to Anglo-US joint use of Canton and Enderbury Islands. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Discussion over which British official should be the nominee for the British government accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Impact of suspending trans-atlantic passenger and airmail flights by British companies. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Establishment of the Inter-American Bank. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Summary of thoughts by prominent US people on the US economy, international trade and post-war economic issues. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to British aide-mémoire on Mexican oil dispute. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Concerns by the British Ambassador in regards to US proposals for the Mexican oil dispute tribunal. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Report on US public opinion on multiple issues. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Philippine President Manuel Quezon's comments on autonomy and independence by 1946. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Canadian Legation travels to the US to resume discussions on the joint Great Lakes St. Lawrence Waterway project. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
House of Representatives extends life of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Details the British desire to inform the American public that the Pitcairn islanders have not been abandoned. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Clarence E. Gauss appointed the first US Minister to Australi. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter and memorandum on US Budget report for the fiscal year ending June 30 1941. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
Details on the 1934 Act referring to the naturalisation of minor children. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Summary of varying US views on the US-Japanese commerce and possible US unilateral embargo. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British Ambassador to the US speaks on the British reasons for going to war at a number of engagements in Chicago. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Canadian and American efforts to reach an agreement on the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Waterway project. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Report on Congressional debate on the Neutrality Bill. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Establishment of US-Australian diplomatic relations. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Notes on a telegram from the Collector of Customs in New York regarding the Neutrality Act. (1940)
Kerr, Philip Henry
December 1939 despatch discussing recent political and economic events in the US. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
H.M.G. aprreciation of US support for Pitcairn islanders. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK contraband control bases. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US Neutrality Law amendments on legality of US Citizens travelling on belligerent ships. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US State Department states that aircraft purchased by belligerent nations cannot be delivered by air. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to a collection of newspaper clippings on Consuls and Consulates. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US Navy Admiral Byrd visits Pitcairn Island. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
The King's message to Mr. Winthrop Aldrich. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Describes the imprisonment of Fritz Kuhn, the 'Fuehrer' of German-American Bund on charges of larceny and forgery. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Discussion of statements by the German Chargé d'Affaires regarding Russian movements into Romania and the Bosphorous. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Receipt of request from island colonies for postal stamps. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Finance Ministers of the American Republics in Guatemala. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Despatch discussing recent US political and economic events in December 1939. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Report on US financial situation. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
American-born wives applying for British passports. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British Vice Consul in Wilington, North Carolina, George Frederick Todd. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Thanks from Sir Neville Henderson regarding support he received from the US Embassy in his trip to Berlin. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Japanese financial settlements to be made regarding damage to American property in China. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Summary of broadcast by US Under Secretary of State Welles on American Republics conference in Panama. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US Acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles reaffirms American rights in China. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British orders regarding removal of enemy aliens from neutral ships. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Despatch on the status of certain Pacific Islands. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Aide-mémoire on the status of certain Pacific Islands. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
November 1939 despatch discussing recent economic and political events in the US. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK Ambassador discusses contraband of war, and the Neutrality Act. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Black Tom explosions by German agents in 1916. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Secretary of State Hull incensed by Soviet behaniour in "City of Flint" case. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Summary of Belgian King's desire to protect its neutrality. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK Ambassador's report discussing various naval matters. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK Ambassador to enter into discussions with State Department over the Panama Conference. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British Ambassador denying comments made by Gustav A. Anderson regarding the sinking of the "Athenia". (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US government to take charge of British interests in occupied Poland, Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
UK ambassadorial speeches on US security being dependent on the allies winning the war. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US negotiating with Soviets for release of S.S. City of Flint from Murmansk port. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Despatch on provision of shipping to Canton Island. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
US government willing to look after British interests in the Soviet Union. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Receipt of note detailing US interpretation of the 1929 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Transportation by Air. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Outline of German note informing US to avoid ships acting "suspiciously". (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Comments on Under Secretary of State Welles address to the Pan-American Conference in Panama. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Discusses Secretary of State Hull's address at New York's 1939 World Fair. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Irish-American enthusiasm to fight Nazism with pro-British opinions. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Details of a press conference by President Roosevelt on Canada, Monroe Doctrine, and the Neutrality Act. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Conditions for civilian air bombardment by British and French governments. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Cover note for the pamphlet on the laws and regulations regarding the international traffic in arms. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Transmission of copies of the International Convention concerning Exemption from Taxation on Fuel and Lubricants used in Air Traffic. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British request for US looking after its interests to extend to its subjects being taken as prisoners of war. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Covering letter to press release by US Secretary of State regarding British resuce of survivors of the "S.S. Athenia". (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Discussion of US responses to a potential Japanese attack on British and French interests in Shanghai and Tientsin. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Joint declaration by British and French governments outlining legitimiate enemy targets for bombing. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British government message accepting the President's call to protect civilian populations. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
British request US to look after its persons and property interests in Germany. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry
Report on the apparent failure of the New Zealand Conference to resolve the Pacific Island problem. (1939)
Kerr, Philip Henry