Items where Author is "Kerr, Philip Henry"

Number of items: 121.
  • Report of meeting between Hubert Young, Governor of Trinidad, and US Navy Admiral Greenslade. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Summary of memorandum from Chaing Kai Shek, regarding war with Japan. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US obtain facilities in additional areas of Newfoundland for bases. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US interests in Greenland. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Receipt of assumption of Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bahamas by the Duke of Windsor. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter and review of US political events during 1939. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry and Bramwell, C. l.
  • British request to the President for the speedy transfer of promised destroyers to Halifax, Canada. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Transferral of US aircraft to the UK purchased by the RAF. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to copies of letter for the US President. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to summary of Hitler's future strategy. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • American Export Lines to divert to Bermuda in order to deliver the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Note of thanks for assistance in the evacuation of Hong Kong. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Transmitting the text of an Act "to expedite national defence and for other purposes". (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Apology for late notification of appointment of Duke of Windsor as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bahamas. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Description of role of the Imperial War Graves Commission. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Receipt of note to State Department by British government regarding the transfer of British government accounts to the US. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Note of thanks for discussions over UK debts to the US. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Lists of Consular posts in French North Africa with HMG's request for the US to look after its interests. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • HMG request for the US to look after British interests in Spain and Portugal. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Congressional Joint Resolution amending Section 4 of the 1939 Neutrality Act. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Details of correspondence on war debts owed to the US by other countries. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Agreement to provide evacuation facilities in Hong Kong and the Philippines. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Aircraft purchased by belligerent powers may be delivered by air across American borders. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • HMG thanking US government for protecting British interests in Italy. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • HMG requests the US to protect British persons, property and interests in Italy. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK Ambassador thanking US Secretary of State for agreeing to protect British interests in Italy. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to press release detailing US delegates to the Eight American Scientific Congress. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • HMG request for the US to protect British interests in Italy should they go to war. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Details on the establishment of the Neutrality Law Unit to examine possible infringements to the law. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • HMG enquiries with the US Government concerning further US export credit to China. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Possibility of German invasion of Iceland after the seizure of Denmark. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Discussion of US decision to etablish a Constulate in Greenland. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to correspondence on "The American-Danish Greenland Commission". (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Notes from a discussion with a member of the US Army and Navy Munitions Board regarding Chinese production of 'strategic' materials. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Details of Dr. Calderon, President-elect of Costa Rica's trip to the US. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • negotiations between the Japanese government and British ambassador to Japan relating to the Tientsin crisis. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Receipt of despatch regarding the effects of US Neutrality Act on British shipping. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British and French governments joint declaration on Germany and the territorial waters of Norway. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British government explains its proposed actions to mine the waters off the coast of Norway to disrupt German prosecution of war. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to copies of a resolution calling for Senate committee on US neutrality. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Disputes between officials within the US Department of War spills over to Allied purchases of aircraft. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British Ambassador's support for the US companies perspective regarding the oil dispute with the Mexican government. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British Ambassador's support for the American companies' perspective in regards to the oil dispute with the Mexican government. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Representative Tinkham's suspicions concerning the Anglo-US control of Canton and Enderbury Islands and details on the history of sovereignty of Christmas island. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US treaty with Canada regarding the St. Lawrence Waterway Scheme does not affect the neutrality of the US. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Comments on Congressional debate on financial assistance to Finland and US-Soviet relations. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter and memorandum on financial and economic situation in the US. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
  • Regarding Letter of Credence confirming R.G. Casey as Australasian Minister to the United States. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Representative Tinkham highlighted his objections to Anglo-US joint use of Canton and Enderbury Islands. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Discussion over which British official should be the nominee for the British government accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Impact of suspending trans-atlantic passenger and airmail flights by British companies. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Establishment of the Inter-American Bank. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Summary of thoughts by prominent US people on the US economy, international trade and post-war economic issues. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to British aide-mĂ©moire on Mexican oil dispute. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Concerns by the British Ambassador in regards to US proposals for the Mexican oil dispute tribunal. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Report on US public opinion on multiple issues. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Philippine President Manuel Quezon's comments on autonomy and independence by 1946. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Canadian Legation travels to the US to resume discussions on the joint Great Lakes St. Lawrence Waterway project. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • House of Representatives extends life of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Details the British desire to inform the American public that the Pitcairn islanders have not been abandoned. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Clarence E. Gauss appointed the first US Minister to Australi. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter and memorandum on US Budget report for the fiscal year ending June 30 1941. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
  • Details on the 1934 Act referring to the naturalisation of minor children. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Summary of varying US views on the US-Japanese commerce and possible US unilateral embargo. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British Ambassador to the US speaks on the British reasons for going to war at a number of engagements in Chicago. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Canadian and American efforts to reach an agreement on the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Waterway project. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Report on Congressional debate on the Neutrality Bill. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Establishment of US-Australian diplomatic relations. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Notes on a telegram from the Collector of Customs in New York regarding the Neutrality Act. (1940) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • December 1939 despatch discussing recent political and economic events in the US. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • H.M.G. aprreciation of US support for Pitcairn islanders. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK contraband control bases. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US Neutrality Law amendments on legality of US Citizens travelling on belligerent ships. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US State Department states that aircraft purchased by belligerent nations cannot be delivered by air. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to a collection of newspaper clippings on Consuls and Consulates. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US Navy Admiral Byrd visits Pitcairn Island. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • The King's message to Mr. Winthrop Aldrich. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Describes the imprisonment of Fritz Kuhn, the 'Fuehrer' of German-American Bund on charges of larceny and forgery. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Discussion of statements by the German ChargĂ© d'Affaires regarding Russian movements into Romania and the Bosphorous. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Receipt of request from island colonies for postal stamps. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Finance Ministers of the American Republics in Guatemala. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Despatch discussing recent US political and economic events in December 1939. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Report on US financial situation. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry and Pinsent, G. H. S.
  • American-born wives applying for British passports. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British Vice Consul in Wilington, North Carolina, George Frederick Todd. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Thanks from Sir Neville Henderson regarding support he received from the US Embassy in his trip to Berlin. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Japanese financial settlements to be made regarding damage to American property in China. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Summary of broadcast by US Under Secretary of State Welles on American Republics conference in Panama. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US Acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles reaffirms American rights in China. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British orders regarding removal of enemy aliens from neutral ships. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Despatch on the status of certain Pacific Islands. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Aide-mĂ©moire on the status of certain Pacific Islands. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • November 1939 despatch discussing recent economic and political events in the US. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK Ambassador discusses contraband of war, and the Neutrality Act. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Black Tom explosions by German agents in 1916. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Secretary of State Hull incensed by Soviet behaniour in "City of Flint" case. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Summary of Belgian King's desire to protect its neutrality. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK Ambassador's report discussing various naval matters. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK Ambassador to enter into discussions with State Department over the Panama Conference. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British Ambassador denying comments made by Gustav A. Anderson regarding the sinking of the "Athenia". (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US government to take charge of British interests in occupied Poland, Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • UK ambassadorial speeches on US security being dependent on the allies winning the war. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US negotiating with Soviets for release of S.S. City of Flint from Murmansk port. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Despatch on provision of shipping to Canton Island. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • US government willing to look after British interests in the Soviet Union. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Receipt of note detailing US interpretation of the 1929 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Transportation by Air. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Outline of German note informing US to avoid ships acting "suspiciously". (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Comments on Under Secretary of State Welles address to the Pan-American Conference in Panama. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Discusses Secretary of State Hull's address at New York's 1939 World Fair. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Irish-American enthusiasm to fight Nazism with pro-British opinions. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Details of a press conference by President Roosevelt on Canada, Monroe Doctrine, and the Neutrality Act. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Conditions for civilian air bombardment by British and French governments. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Cover note for the pamphlet on the laws and regulations regarding the international traffic in arms. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Transmission of copies of the International Convention concerning Exemption from Taxation on Fuel and Lubricants used in Air Traffic. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British request for US looking after its interests to extend to its subjects being taken as prisoners of war. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Covering letter to press release by US Secretary of State regarding British resuce of survivors of the "S.S. Athenia". (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Discussion of US responses to a potential Japanese attack on British and French interests in Shanghai and Tientsin. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Joint declaration by British and French governments outlining legitimiate enemy targets for bombing. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British government message accepting the President's call to protect civilian populations. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • British request US to look after its persons and property interests in Germany. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry
  • Report on the apparent failure of the New Zealand Conference to resolve the Pacific Island problem. (1939) Kerr, Philip Henry