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Number of items at this level: 989.
Proportionality – a German approach. (1999)
ARAI-Takahashi, Yutaka
Europeanisation of Contract Law and its effect on Third Countries: Egypt case. (2011)
Abdel Aziz, Omar
Ombudsmen and administrative justice. (2006)
Abraham, Ann
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Abrams, Charles
Efficiency and effectiveness of the law making process of Uganda. (2012)
Aceng, Florence
Foreign branch exemption (CTA 2009 Pt 2 Ch 3A): acceptable tax competition/simplification or ‘the heist of the century’? (2012)
Adam, Timothy
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Arbitration – Court powers to stay litigation because of arbitration agreements. (1997)
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A Comparative Analysis of the Control of Financial Crime From the Perspective of the UK, USA and Nigeria. (2017)
Adetunji, Adeoye
The principle of Ultra Vires and the local authorities’ decisions in England. (2012)
Aguma, Kalimba Charles
Can genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes be pardoned or amnestied? (2009)
Ahmed, Anees and Quayle, Merryn
Fiat based currency systems underlie the cause of financial crises: A critical examination which identifies the failure to effectuate a durable monetary framework on the worldwide economy. (2016)
Ajanaku, Ayodele Ademola Oladimeji
Interpretation of the concept of Beneficial Ownership: Trends, tensions, contradictions. (2011)
Aka, Gali Folawiyo
The Accountability of International Financial Institutions in light of Sustainable Development Goal 16: The Role of MDB’s Independent Accountability Mechanisms in Promoting Sustainable Development. (2022)
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Fraud control in offshore banking centres. (1999)
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Alexander, Kern
Practical implementation of CRD III remuneration rules in the UK - issues and results. (2012)
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Reforming European financial supervision and the role of EU institutions. (2010)
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US elections may pose challenge for Bush agenda. (2002)
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Why auditors and public companies need international regulation. (2002)
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The implications of the "USA Patriot Act" and US counter-terrorism on international human rights law. (2003)
Alexander, Klint
Criminal Law – Miscarriages of justice: putting errors right. (2000)
Alexander, Richard
Certainty in Islamic Legal Theory: An Enquiry into its theoretical Foundations and Implications on Sharia, with focus on its effects on the development of Islamic Finance Law. (2017)
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Alkhieli, Abdulrahman
Reinforcing territorial regimes: Uti possidetis and the right to self-determination in modern international law. (2003)
Allen, Steve and Castellino, Joshua
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Alnahdi, Layla
The impact of money laundering on economic, and financial stability and on political development of developing countries. (2012)
Aluko, Ayodegi
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Amadori, Leonardo
Dividend Taxation and the EU: a UK perspective. (2011)
Amlani, Vandana
Comparative law and constitutional transplants into national constitutions. (2010)
Amos, Merris
Judicial Review: An Effective Tool for
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Andama, Lillian
Harmonising and Regulating Financial Markets. (2011)
Andenas, Mads
Hong Kong – Securities regulation after the 1997 handover. (2000)
Ang, Amy N.N.
The ECHR and non-discrimination. (1998)
Arai, Yutaka
Challenges for international and comparative law in the UK. (2005)
Arden, Mary
The Meaning of “Enterprise”, “Business” and “Business profits” in the UK’s Double Taxation Conventions. (2011)
Arning, Rachael
Constitutionalism: an idea whose time has come ... and gone? (2008)
Arthurs, Harry W.
Theorising the relationship between social law and markets in regional integration projects. (2018)
Ashiagbor, Diamond
Evaluation of the US and EU Regulation on OTC Derivatives Markets. (2011)
Ashrafkashani, Sara
The Role and Responsibilities of Shari'ah Boards in the context of Islamic Finance and their position in Law. (2015)
Ashrafkashani, Sara
The South African Constitution and the transition from apartheid: legislating the reconciliation of rights in a multi-cultural society. (2007)
Asmal, Kader
Non-disclosure in insurance law: a more principled approach. (2006)
Aswani, Ravi
Matching expectations in computer contracts - what expectations ? (2003)
Atkins, Ruth
Women and the Law. (2018)
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The pendulum effect of regulation: How the policy swing between the over and under regulation of financial institutions will be ineffective and detrimental to business. (2017)
Atkinson, Elizabeth
Feminist approaches to sexuality and law scholarship. (2015)
Auchmuty, Rosemary
Researching Women in Legal History: The case of Miss Bebb. (2014)
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Proportionality in tax disputes: Lithuanian Court practice. (2011)
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Terrorism litigation as deterrence under international law - from protecting human rights to countering hybrid threats. (2011)
Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
Criminal Law – Sentencing mentally disordered offenders: new hybrid orders. (1998)
Baker, Estella
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Bamford, Colin
Solicitors' conflicts of interest. (2003)
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Financial Services – Conflicts of interest: the challenge to courts and regulators. (2000)
Barboutis, George
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Barlow, Craig
The three-legged stool of corporate governance reform. (1999)
Barnard, Jayne W.
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Beischl, Christoph
A critical analysis of the Ethiopian Commercial Code in light of OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. (2012)
Bekele, Gebeyaw Simachew
Financial Services – Conflicts of law and collateral in international securities markets. (1998)
Benjamin, Joanna
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Bennett, Amira
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Bernard, Desiree P.
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Beveridge, Jim
Human Rights – Protection from discrimination: the European dimension. (1998)
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Shifting the balance of power: civil liberties in the 21st century. (2002)
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Birkinshaw, Patrick
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Statutory interpretation in multilingual jurisdictions. (2012)
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Blair, Michael
USA – Wilderness no more: Alaska as the new “offshore” trust jurisdiction. (1999)
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Criminal Law – Let judges fix all life tariffs. (1998)
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Bogdanor, Vernon
The Contribution of Legislative Drafters. (2015)
Bond, Joann
Encryption – use and control in E-commerce. (2000)
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Proportionality and the Human Rights Act: a year in reflection. (2001)
Booth, Cherie
The Inland Revenue: a statutory ostrich? (1999)
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Taxation – Inland Revenue concessions: convenience or just illegal? (2000)
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Bostock, Tom
Reforming the public sector in the EU: the new public procurement regime. (2005)
Bovis, Christopher
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Company Law – Derivative actions in respect of public listed companies. (1997)
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Financial crime – The mens rea for knowing receipt. (1998)
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De-risking; assessing the consequences of enhanced anti-money laundering and counter terrorist-financing regulation on access to finance. (2015)
Broadway, Philippa
Court modernisation and the crisis facing our civil courts. (2004)
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Brown, Angella Dianee
The Society of Enhanced Legal Scholars, Seven of Nine, and some regulatory challenges for future generations. (2009)
Brownsword, Roger
The Netherlands – Transatlantic litigation: the Bijlmer air crash case. (1999)
Bruinsma, Fred J. and De Groot-van Leeuwen, Leny E.
Conflict of laws – The “proper law of a tort” and the Internet. (1999)
Buonaiuti, Fabrizio Marongiu
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Burki, Assad
Environmental Law – Enforcement through civil proceedings. (1997)
Burnett-Hall, Richard
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Butt, Peter
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Banking – The latest edition of the code of practice. (1998)
Campbell, Andrew
Investment risks and the regulator - educator or spoilsport? (2006)
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Financial Services – The protection of bank depositors: new developments. (1999)
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Criminal Law – The Louise Woodward trial. (1998)
Candler, Linda
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Cape, Ed
Contract law – The South Pacific: customary and introduced law. (2000)
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The commodification of information and the control of expression. (2002)
Cate, Fred H.
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Cenac-Maragh, Cybelle
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Chan, Michael
Defending human rights in Colombia. (2009)
Chandler, Sara
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Charlesworth, Lorie
Welfare's forgotten past: a socio-legal history of the poor law. (2010)
Charlesworth, Lorie
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Charnock, Ross
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