Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing

  • SAS-SPACE (7830)
  • Institute of Modern Languages Research (180)
  • Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing (74)
    Number of items at this level: 74.
  • An Afro-Arabian Shawl. Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
  • Open Sesame. (2010) Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
  • Travelling Subjects: Women's Writing, Mobility and Photography. Alu, Giorgia
  • Generation and Transmission: Transnational Ageing in Contemporary Women's Writing in French. (2016) Averis, Kate
  • ‘La casa de la escritura’: entrevista con Cristina Siscar Buenos Aires, 13 de marzo 2009. Averis, Kate
  • Laura Restrepo. (2013) Averis, Kate
  • Le 'vrai' moi: Nancy Huston's Concern for Authenticity. (2008) Averis, Kate
  • Neither Here nor There: Linda Le and Kim Lefevre's Literary Homecoming. (2009) Averis, Kate
  • Writing Displacement, Demythologising Violence: Discourses of Violence in Contemporary Colombia and Laura Restrepo's La multitude errante. (2016) Averis, Kate
  • Painful Italianness: Translating the (Post)Migrant Female Body. (2015) Baldo, Michela
  • 'Alle Case Venie': a key to reading Romana Petri's oeuvre. (2014) Best, David Albert
  • Conversando en chueca con Laura Freixas. Blanco, Maria Jose
  • The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose
  • Editors’ introduction. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose and Wall, Sinead
  • 'A Dialogue that Knows no Border between Nationality, Race or Culture': Themes, Impact and the Critical Reception of 'Far from Mogadishu. (2013) Brioni, Simone
  • Doppia temporalità e doppia spazialità: il cronotopo dei Fra-intendimenti di Kaha Mohamed Aden. (2015) Brioni, Simone
  • Intervista con Igiaba Scego. Brioni, Simone
  • "Un dialogo che non conosce confine né di nazionalità, né di razza, né di cultura”: temi, impatto e ricezione critica di Lontano da Mogadiscio. (2013) Brioni, Simone
  • Scrivere di Islam: Raccontare la diaspora. (2020) Brioni, Simone and Fazel, Shirin Ramzanali
  • Filling the Void: Bulimarexic Characters in Postmodern Italian Women's Writing. Calamita, Francesca
  • L’écriture planétaire de Nicole Brossard. (2013) Carrière, Marie
  • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Challenging the Mother-Daughter Trope in Contemporary Italian Women's Writings. (2013) Di Rollo, Aureliana
  • A Note from the Translators: Introduction to Maria-Mercè Marçal's 'The Body's Reason'. (2014) Díaz Vicedo, Noèlia and Abelló, Montserrat
  • Jane Sautiere's Autofictional Explorations: Nullipare. (2015) Edwards, Natalie
  • Poétique d’Hélène Dorion dans Les murs de la grotte : soi, le monde, l’univers et cette "parfaite géométrie". (2010) Gagnon, Evelyne
  • The Case of Helene Hegemann: Queerness, Failure, and the German Girl. (2013) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Disorienting Fictions: Antje Ravic Strubel and Post-Unification East German Identity. (2009) Jeremiah, Emily
  • The Hand that Rocks the Cradle: Maternity, Agency and Community in Women's Writing in German of the 1970s and 1980s. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • "The 'I' inside 'her'": Queer Narration in Sarah Waters's Tipping the Velvet and Wesley Stace's Misfortune. (2007) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Introduction: Developing a Nomadic Ethics. (2012) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Introduction: Mothering, Writing, and Performativity. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Motherhood to Mothering and Beyond: Maternity in Recent Feminist Thought. (2006) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Murderous Mothers: Adrienne Rich's Of Woman Born and Toni Morrison's Beloved. (2004) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Sewing an Account of Oneself: Materiality, Femininity, and Germanness in Larissa Boehning's Lichte Stoffe. (2013) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Shifting Cartographies: Ethical Nomadism and the Poetry of Dorothea Grunzweig. (2005) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Sibylle Berg, Die Fahrt: Literature, Germanness, and Globalization. (2011) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Troublesome Practices: Mothering, Literature and Ethics. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • We Need to Talk about Gender: Mothering and Masculinity in Lionel Shriver's 'We Need to Talk about Kevin'. (2010) Jeremiah, Emily
  • 'I am my Language': Mothering a Foreign Child. Kačkutė, Eglė
  • Cixous' Reframing: Femininity, Humanity and Beyond. (2015) Laflamme, Ela
  • D’Antigone à Sappho-Didon Apostasias: Repenser l’identité tragique des filles dans la littérature des femmes au Québec. (2013) Lebrun, Valerie
  • From The Ashes of Love : Defying Antigone in Christine Angot’s 'La Peur du lendemain'. (2014) Lebrun, Valerie
  • From The Ashes of Love : Defying Antigone in Christine Angot’s 'La Peur du lendemain' ['Fear of Tomorrow']. (2014) Lebrun, Valerie
  • Protean Prose: Fluidity of Character and Genre in Esther Tusquets’s Siete miradas en un mismo paisaje. (1996) Lee Six, Abigail
  • Why Giselle? Tusquet's Use of the Ballet in Siete miradas en un mismo paisaje. (2003) Lee Six, Abigail
  • Ana Luísa Amaral’s 'The Genealogy of Love'. Louro, Teresa
  • Visual and Literary Narratives of Dissent: Unframing Women and Representation. (2015) Macedo, Ana Gabriela
  • Resistance and Refusal in the New Literature of the Office: Reading Lydie Salvayre's La Vie commune and Delphine de Vigan's Les Heures souterraines. (2016) Mulhall, Anne
  • 'Cosmofobia' de Lucía Etxebarria: el miedo a lo diferente? (2012) Oaknin, Mazal
  • 'Crónica del desamor': The Involvement of the Reader and the Transmission of Female Experience. (2009) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Is There a Women's Literature in Postmodern Spain? The Writers' Response. (2011) Oaknin, Mazal
  • La reinscripción del rol de la mujer en la Guerra Civil española: 'La voz dormida'. (2010) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Introduction to Montserat Abello, Fifty Love Poems in Catalan: Montserrat Abello - A Life in Verse. (2014) Pou Jutglar, Ester
  • Agony or ecstasy? Reading Cixous’s recent fiction. (2000) Rye, Gill
  • Christine Angot by Christine Angot et al. (2004) Rye, Gill
  • Family tragedies: the death of a child in recent French literature. (2004) Rye, Gill
  • In uncertain terms: mothering without guilt in Marie Darrieussecq’s 'Le Mal de mer' and Christine Angot’s 'Léonore, toujours'. (2005) Rye, Gill
  • La prise de la parole de la mère: Marie Ndiaye’s "La Sorcière" (1996). (2006) Rye, Gill
  • Lesbian mothering and the family in France. (2007) Rye, Gill
  • Limits and boundaries in contemporary women’s life writing: the politics of reading Christine Angot. (2008) Rye, Gill
  • L’histoire d’amour chez Christine Angot: romance or betrayal? (2004) Rye, Gill
  • Maternal Genealogies: the figure of the Mother in/and literature. (2006) Rye, Gill
  • ‘Maternité rendue, maternité perdue’: the return of/to the past in Le Jour où jen’étais pas là. (2007) Rye, Gill
  • Mothering in context. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Narratives of mothering. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Narratives of mothering in contemporary French women’s writing. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • New representations and politics of procreation: surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination and human cloning in contemporary women’s writing in France. (2010) Rye, Gill
  • Threshold worlds: Marie Darrieussecq’s 'Le Pays' (2005). (2007) Rye, Gill
  • Uncertain Readings and Meaningful Dialogues: Language and Sexual Identity in Anne Garréta’s 'Sphinx' and Tahar Ben Jelloun’s 'L’Enfant de sable' and 'La Nuit sacrée'. (2000) Rye, Gill
  • À contre silence: the violation of women’s bodies in Leïla Marouane’s 'Le Châtiment des hypocrites'. (2006) Rye, Gill
  • The ethics of aesthetics in trauma fiction: memory, guilt and responsibility in Louise L. Lambrichs’s 'Journal d’Hannah'. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • 'In the margins is where I breathe': Queering the Double in Marie Nimier's Works. Stroia, Adina
  • Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin". (2009) Weiss-sussex, Godela
  • Maternal Genealogies and the Legacy of Slavery in Caribbean Women's Historical Fiction. (2016) Zimmerman, Tegan