
Number of items: 18.
  • Post-extractive juridification: Undoing the legal foundations of mining in El Salvador. (2022) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • On Care for Our Common Home: Ecological Materiality and Sovereignty over the Lempa Transboundary Watershed. (2021) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil: The Judicialization of Environmental Politics in Central America. (2018) Montoya, Ainhoa and Pauchulo, Constanza
  • B.E. Sánchez Mojica, ‘A silenced exodus: intra-urban displacement in Medellín’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 87–108. (2016) Sánchez Mojica, B.E.
  • D.J. Cantor, ‘Gang violence as a cause of forced migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 27–45. (2016) Cantor, David
  • D.J. Cantor, ‘International protection of persons displaced by organised crime: Latin American legal and policy frameworks’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 147–63. (2016) Cantor, David
  • G. Rojas Andrade, ‘Post-demobilisation groups and forced displacement in Colombia: a quantitative approach’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 63–85. (2016) Rojas Andrade, G.
  • ‘Introduction: Crime and forced displacement in Latin America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 1–6. (2016) Cantor, David and Rodríguez Serna, Nicolas
  • L.R. Díaz Leal, ‘Internal displacement in Mexico: the debate on concepts, statistics and State responsibility’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 47–62. (2016) Díaz Leal, L.R.
  • Á. Marroquín Parducci, ‘Gangs in Central America’s Northern Triangle: narratives and journeys’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 15–25. (2016) Marroquín Parducci, A
  • N. Rodríguez Serna and J.-F. Durieux, ‘The displaced as victims of organised crime: Mexico and Colombia compared’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 109–27. (2016) Rodriguez Serna, Nicolas and Durieux, Jean-Francois
  • S. Reynolds, ‘Persecution, politics and protection in the United States: finding refuge from organised crime in the Americas’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 129–46. (2016) Reynolds, S.
  • Thermal referral: evidence for a thermoceptive uniformity illusion without touch. (2015) Cataldo, Antonio and Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella and di Pellegrino, Giuseppe and Haggard, Patrick
  • Salience-driven overestimation of total somatosensory stimulation. (2014) Walsh, Lee and Critchlow, James and Beck, Brianna and Cataldo, Antonio and de Boer, Lieke and Haggard, Patrick
  • Social and Economic Study of Medieval London. Final Report to ESRC on Stage 2 (Aldgate Project). (1987) Keene, Derek
  • St Botolph Aldgate Gazetteer: Minories, East Side; Holy Trinity Minories: Abbey of St. Clare 1293-1539; Holy Trinity Minories: 1539-1670. (1987) Carlin, Martha
  • Social and Economic Study of Medieval London: Aldgate Project. Report for the Year 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1984. (1984) Keene, Derek J.