Number of items: 239.
The Afrikaner takeover: Nationalist politics and the colonisation of South Africa's Parastatals 1948-1960. (1994)
Cross, Tim
Structural adjustment and health in Zimbabwe. (1994)
Davies, Rob
The chronic sick on Robben Island 1846-1892. (1994)
Deacon, Harriet
The ethnicisation of politics and politicisation of ethnicity, culture and political development in South Africa. (1994)
Kaarsholm, Preben
Social security in South Africa: The link between welfare and development. (1994)
Lund, Fancie
The Killing floor: The First World War and the emergence of the South African beef industry 1902-24. (1994)
Milton, Shaun
Professor Leo Fouche, The history department and the Afrikanerisation of the University of Pretoria. (1994)
Mouton, F A
In search of nobility: The antecedents of Dawid van der Merwe of the Koue Bokkveld. (1994)
Newton-King, Susan
Lashers and leviathan: The 1954 Wankie Colliery strike. (1994)
Phimister, Ian
Creating ethnicity in the British colonial Cape: coloured and Malay contrasted. (1994)
Ridd, Rosemary
The imperial colossus and the colonial parish pump: Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners. (1994)
Tamarkin, M
Van Iuebeeck day and the new Jerusalem: Identity, community and violence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cape. (1994)
Trapido, Stanley
Arguments of accountability: historical narrative, crisis and social biography in Zimbabwe. (1994)
Werbner, Richard
Slavery, emancipation and the question of coloured identity, with particular attention to Cape town, 1875-1910. (1993)
Bickford-Smith, Vivian
Black Hamlet: A case of "psychic vivisection". (1993)
Dubow, Saul
The origins of the welfare state in pre-apartheid South Africa. (1993)
Duncan, David
Social history and Afrikaner historiography in changing South Africa, problems and potential. (1993)
Grundlingh, Albert
Culture and identity in early South African labour history. (1993)
Harries, Patrick
The failure to realise human capital: Ovambo migrant labour and the early South African state, 1915-1938. (1993)
Hayes, Patricia
Friend to Olive Schreiner: The story of Ruth Schechter. (1993)
Hirson, Baruch
Gendered disorder in colonial Zimbabwe: Cape alalyses of African female inmates at the Ingutsheni Mental Hospital. (1993)
Jackson, Lynette
South Africa after apartheid: Prospects for economic recovery. (1993)
Moll, Terence
The devil in the black box: Ethnic nationalism, cultural imperialism and the outlawing of TV under apartheid. (1993)
Nixon, Rob
Urban and regional planning and patterns of uneven development in post-independence Mozambique: An overview. (1993)
Sidaway, J D
Interpreting violence: The struggle to understand the Natal conflict. (1992)
Aitchison, John
The turn to the masses: The African National Congress' strategic review of 1978-79. (1992)
Barrell, Howard
The evolution of the policy of university apartheid. (1992)
Beale, M A
Transkeian migrant workers and youth labour on the Natal sugar estates, 1918-1940. (1992)
Beinart, William
The Mfengu revisited: The 19th century experience of one Mfengu community through the eyes of historians and contemporaries. (1992)
Bouch, Richard
Nyamarira that I loved: Commoditisation, consumption and the social history of soap in Zimbabwe. (1992)
Burke, Timothy
"Knowing all the names": The Ebenezer Congregational Church and the creation of community among the coloured population of Johannesburg 1894-1939. (1992)
Dugmore, Harry
A question of identity: evangelical culture and Khoisan politics in the early 19th Century eastern Cape. (1992)
Elbourne, Elizabeth
Gender and economic policy in a democratic South Africa. (1992)
Ginwala, Frene and Macintosh, Maureen and Massey, Doreen
Half a loaf of bread: A political life of Povundla. (1992)
Goodhew, David
Entryism and the Communist Party of South Africa 1923-25. (1992)
Hirson, Baruch
Gender, patterns of story-telling and forced removals: A Transvaal perspective. (1992)
Hofmeyr, Isobel
The past as battlefield in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. (1992)
Kaarsholm, Preben
The rise of African indebtedness in Natal during the late colonial period. (1992)
Lambert, John
Inventing the role of the preacher in the east-central Botswana, Moruti Seakgano 1865-1953. (1992)
Landau, Paul S
Class and gender in pre-capitalist societies: A consideration of the 1848 census of the Xhosa. (1992)
Lewis, Jack
Coal, capital and labour in colonial Zimbabwe. (1992)
Phimister, Ian
The politics of informal settlement in South African squatter setllements: The Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging region, 1980-1989. (1992)
Sapire, Hilary
Tender Ties: Women and the slave household, 1652-1834. (1992)
Shell, Robert
The "Wicked Christians" and the "Children of the Mist": Missionary and Khoi interactions at the Cape. (1992)
Stuart, Doug
The emergence of liberalism and the making of Hottentot nationalism 1815-1834. (1992)
Trapido, Stanley
The ignorance of mothers and the health of children in 20th Century Pondoland. (1992)
Wylie, Diana
Trying not to be cruel, local government resistance to application of the group areas act in Uitenhage 1945-1962. (1990)
Adler, Glenn
Numbering the dead, patterns in the midlands violence. (1990)
Aitchison, John
Creating solidarity, food and canning workers at the Cape 1940-60. (1990)
Berger, Iris
Chiefly authority and the Ame church 1896-1910. (1990)
Campbell, Jim
Liberalism and segregation revisited. (1990)
Dubow, Saul
A nice little house down Mashu way - perhaps a little car one day: state, capital and the building of Kwa Mashu 1947-1958. (1990)
Edwards, Iain
The making of a liberal programme 1947-1950. (1990)
Everatt, David
Women and the African National Congress, 1912-1943. (1990)
Ginwala, Frene
The message of warriors: the ICU, the labouring poor and the making of a popular political culture in Durban 1925-30. (1990)
Hausse, Paul la
1917, A year in the life of David Ivon Jones. (1990)
Hirson, Baruch
Julia Wells and Judie Jancovich - Whatever did happen at Jagersfontein. (1990)
Hirson, Baruch
A trade union organizer in Durban: M B Yengwa, 1943-44. (1990)
Hirson, Baruch
Changes in the bridewealth relationships in Gweru district (southern Rhodesia) 1894-1925. (1990)
Jeater, Diana
Clandestine migration in South Central Africa. (1990)
Johnson, David
Primitive accumulation and class formation in the making of Agrarian capitalism in South Africa. (1990)
Keegan, Tim
The Agrarian class structure of the Transvaal colony. (1990)
Krikler, Jeremy
White labour on the Rhodesian railway system 1891-1939. (1990)
Lunn, Jon
The rift within the lute: Conflict and factionalism in the school community in the Cape colony, 1890-1915. (1990)
Mills, Wallace G
Mishap or crisis, the aparthied economy's recent record in historical perspective. (1990)
Moll, Terence
South Africa's black victorians, sport, race and class in South Africa before union. (1990)
Odendaal, Andre
The Serowe Kgotla riot of 1952, popular opposition to Tshekedi Khama and colonial rule in Botswana. (1990)
Parsons, Neil
Culture and communication: the rise of the left-wing press in South Africa. (1990)
Pinnock, Don
Influx control policy and the interests of manufacturing and commerce in South Africa in the 1950's. (1990)
Posel, Deborah
Some debates around the privatisation of health care in South Africa. (1990)
Price, Max
British imperial policy, trusteeship and the appeasement of white South African power, 1929-1939. (1990)
Rich, Paul
Montagu's roads to capitalism: The distribution of landed property in the Cape colony 1845. (1990)
Ross, Robert
Powerlessness and politics, quiescence and protest in Pretoria - Witwatersrand-vaal townships 1973-1985. (1990)
Seekings, Jeremy
Class, Nation, Ethnicity in Natal's black working class. (1990)
Sitas, Ari
The Simonstown agreements 1955. (1990)
Spence, J E and Berridge, G R
Changing the guard: Champion-Msimang-Luthuli. the Anc in Natal 1945-1951. (1990)
Swanson, Maynard
The powers of the thunderbird: The nature and limits of the emergency state. (1990)
Swilling, Mark and Phillips, Mark
Banking on development, the development bank of southern Africa. (1990)
Tapscott, C P G
The South African novel in the 1970's: Some contextual markers. (1990)
Wade, Michael
Capitalism and agriculture: the South African case. (1990)
Williams, Gavin
Recent developments in regional government in South Africa with special reference to regional services councils. (1990)
Young, Tom
Destabilization, The Lesotho case. (1988)
Bardill, John
The succession crisis over the illness and death of Kgosi Sekgoma II of the Bangwato 1925: Western versus traditional medicine. (1988)
Crowder, Michael
Swaziland, Just another Bantustan. (1988)
Daniel, John
State against the market in South Africa: prelude to crisis. (1988)
Greenberg, Stanley B
The Durban city council and the Indian problem, local politics in the 1940's. (1988)
Grest, Jeremy
The homeboat of 1925, British seamen and South African community reactions. (1988)
Hirson, Baruch
The role of the South African Bureau of Racial Affairs in the formulation of apartheid ideology, 1948-1961. (1988)
Lazar, John
Class formation, ideology and transition in Swaziland. (1988)
Levin, Richard M
Political organisations in Pretoria's African townships 1940-1963. (1988)
Lodge, Tom
Commerce and material culture on the eastern Cape frontier 1784-1812. (1988)
Newton-King, Susan
Industrialisation, Fabianism and race, Sydney Olivier and the liberal critique of South African segregation. (1988)
Rich, Paul
Does Swaziland have a proletariat? (1988)
Russell, Margot
Development or domination, towards a critique of development theory in South Africa. (1988)
Tapscott, C P G
The Bloemfontein riots 1925, a study in community culture and class consciousness. (1984)
Baruch, Hirson
Ethnic particularism, worker consciousness and nationalism, the experience of a South African migrant 1930-1960. (1984)
Beinart, William
Vagabond Hollanders and runaway Englishmen, white poverty in the Cape before poor whiteism. (1984)
Bundy, Colin
Reinterpreting Afrikaner nationalism 1850-1900. (1984)
Giliomee, Hermann
The coloured labour preference policy, co-option and contradiction. (1984)
Goldin, Ian
The progressive party 1960-1980, political repsonses to structural change and class struggle. (1984)
Hackland, Brian
Spirit mediums and the authority to resist in the struggle for Zimbabwe. (1984)
Lan, David
The land of the Barolong: annexation and alienation 1884-1900. (1984)
Murray, Colin
Language, legitimation and control, the South African state after '78. (1984)
Posel, Debbie
Landscape, social darwinism and the cultural roots of South African racial ideology. (1984)
Rich, Paul
Relocation in Qwaqwa, betterment in Matatiele, resources and responses. (1984)
Spiegel, Andrew D and Sharp, John S
Putting a plough to the ground, a history of tenant production on the Vereeniging Estates 1896-1920. (1984)
Trapido, Stanley
Kimberley's model compounds. (1984)
Turrell, Rob
Oral Tradition and Identity, the Herero in Botswana. (1981)
Alnaes, Kirsten
The South African industrialization debate and the tariff in the inter-war years. (1981)
Archer, Sean
Cape workers in German South-West Africa, 1904-1912. (1981)
Beinart, William
The union, the nation and the talking crow. (1981)
Beinart, William and Bundy, Colin
The modern janus, Inkatha's role in black liberation. (1981)
Brewer, John D
A voice in the big house, the career of Headman Mamba. (1981)
Bundy, Colin
The consciousness of history in the novels of Nadine Gordimer, 1953-1974. (1981)
Clingman, Stephen
Capital restructuring and the modification of the racial division of labour in South Africa. (1981)
Davies, Robert
Imperialism in literature, the case of John Buchan. (1981)
Etherington, Norman
Labour supply and the genesis of South African confederation in the 1870's. (1981)
Etherington, Norman A
The use of Blacks in the South African armed forces. (1981)
Grundy, Kenneth W
The economic and political context of the growth of the progressive federal party in South Africa, 1959-1978. (1981)
Hackland, Brian
Language in control and resistance, the education of a black community in South Africa. (1981)
Hirson, Baruch
Tuskegee, the joint councils, and the all African convention. (1981)
Hirson, Baruch
Seasonality, markets and pricing, the South African maize trade in the early 20th century. (1981)
Keegan, Tim
Black resistance in South Africa, 1950-1961, an assessment of the political strike campaigns. (1981)
Lambert, Rob
The state, mineowners and labour regulation in the Transvaal, 1887-1906. (1981)
Levy, Norman
Some observations on class differentiation and class conflict within the labour reserve of Basutoland. (1981)
Leys, Roger
Self-interest and social control, Uitlander rule of Johannesburg, 1900-1901. (1981)
MacLaren, Diana R
Ethnic nationalism and structural unemployment, refugees in the orange free state. (1981)
Murray, Colin
These natives think this war to be their own: reflections on blacks in the Cape colony and the South African war, 1899-1902. (1981)
Nasson, Bill
Background to the Khoikoi rebellion of 1799-1803. (1981)
Newton-King, Susie
Riches from rags: Bosses and unions in the Cape clothing industry 1926-1937. (1981)
Nicol, Martin
The 1914 Strike. (1981)
O'Quigley, Ann
Slaves, slave owners and the British state, the Cape colony 1806-1834. (1981)
Rayner, Mary
Segregation and the Cape liberal tradition. (1981)
Rich, Paul
The South African institute of race relations and the debate on race relations, 1929-1958. (1981)
Rich, Paul
The Natal sugar industry, 1849-1905: an interpretative essay. (1981)
Richardson, Peter
The rise of the Cape gentry. (1981)
Ross, Robert
The Fabian Colonial Bureau and Southern Africa, 1940-1955. (1981)
Sansom, C J
Black trade unionism during the Second World War - the Witwatersrand strikes of December 1942. (1981)
Stein, Mark
Mission in a repressive society, the Christian institute of Southern Africa. (1981)
Walshe, Peter
Milner and the mind of imperialism. (1981)
van Helten, Jean-Jacques
South Africa's expanding relations with Latin America, 1966-1976. (1979)
Fig, David
The colonial state and the land question in Swaziland, 1903-1907. (1979)
Fransman, Martin
Peasants, capitalists and farm labour, class formation in the Orange River colony, 1902-1910. (1979)
Keegan, Tim
Trade unions and changes in the labour process in South Africa 1925-30. (1979)
Lewis, Jon
Poqo and rural resistance in the Transkei, 1960-1965. (1979)
Lodge, Tom
Company rule and agricultural development, the case of the BSA company in southern Rhodesia, 1908-1923. (1979)
Machingaidze, Victor
Natal, the Zulu royal family and the ideology of segregation. (1979)
Marks, Shula
Class struggle and economic development in South Africa, the inter-war years. (1979)
Plaut, Martin and Innes, Duncan
White farmers and labour tenants. (1979)
Rennie, J K
African politics and the Cape African franchise, 1926-1936. (1979)
Rich, Paul
The struggle for profit and participation by an emerging African petty-bourgeoisie in Bulawayo, 1893-1933. (1979)
Thornton, Stephen
British capital, the British state and economic investment in South African 1886-1914. (1979)
van Helten, Jean-Jacques
Classes, the mode of production and the state in pre-colonial Swaziland. (1978)
Bonner, P L
Slim jannie and the forces of production, South African industrialisation 1915-1925. (1978)
Christie, Renfrew
The Selebi-Phikwe strike, Botswana, 1975: The state, mine workers and the multinationals. (1978)
Cooper, David
Enthogrpahy, environment and the history of the Nguni in the 18th and 19th centuries. (1978)
Hall, Martin
British overseas investment in the later 19th century, Argentina and South Africa. (1978)
Jones, Charles
Blainey and the Jameson Raid: The debate renewed. (1978)
Mendelsohn, Richard
Continuity and Change in Ciskei Chiefship. (1978)
Peires, J B
Sexuality and slavery at the Cape in the 18th Century. (1978)
Ross, Robert
The natives appear contented and quiet, the Nqutu district of Zululand under British rule, 1883-1897. (1978)
Unterhalter, Elaine
San history and non-San historians. (1978)
Wright, John
Who were Dingiswayo and Shaka: Individual origins and political transformations. (1977)
Argyle, John
Economic change in Pondoland in the Nineteenth Century. (1977)
Beinart, William
Migrant labour and the Pedi before 1869. (1977)
Delius, Peter
Labour migration from Delagoa Bay Hinterland to South Africa, 1852-1895. (1977)
Harries, Patrick
Dock workers, labour circulation and class struggles in Durban, 1940-1959. (1977)
Hemson, David
Rural revolt in South Africa, 1937-1951. (1977)
Hirson, Baruch
The reogranization of African trade unions in Johannesburg, 1936-42. (1977)
Hirson, Baruch
The posthumous vindication of zachariah Gqishela, some reflections on the politics of dependence at the Cape in the 19th century. (1977)
Hogan, Neville
The mining industry in the context of South Africa's economic development, 1910-1940. (1977)
Innes, Duncan
An analysis of the South African state in the Fusion period, 1932-39. (1977)
Kaplan, David E
The Afrikaner broedberbond, 1927-1948: Class vanguard of Afrikaner nationalism. (1977)
O'Meara, Dan
Recent developments in the study of prehistory in the Cape. (1977)
Parkington, John
Mobilizing labour for the South African gold mines, The recruiting operations of the Transvaal chamber of mines in South China. (1977)
Richardson, Peter
James Read: Towards a reassessment. (1977)
Saunders, Christopher
African labour during the South African war, 1899-1902. (1977)
Warwick, Peter
The gift of the century, Solomon Plaatje de Beers and the old Kimberley tram shed, 1918-1919. (1977)
Willan, Brian
South Africa's Lumpenproletarian Army 'Umkosi Wa Ntaba - The regiment of the hills, 1890-1920. (1977)
van Onselen, Charles
The thirstland trekkers in Angola - Some reflections on a frontier society. (1976)
Clarence-Smith, W G
Garveyism in Africa: Dr Wellington and American movement in the Transkei, 1925-40. (1976)
Edgar, Bob
Two aspects of land settlement policy in Mozambique, 1900-1961. (1976)
Henderson, Robert d'A.
Xhosa expansion before 1800. (1976)
Peires, J B
The white population of the Cape colony in the eighteenth century. (1976)
Ross, Robert
Influx control, the colour bar, minimum wage legislation and the earnings gap in South Africa. (1976)
Siebert, W S
The 1974 General Election in South Africa. (1976)
Stadler, A
Aspects in the transition from slavery to serfdom, the South African republic 1842-1902. (1976)
Trapido, Stanley
Zoutpansberg, some notes on the dynamics of a hunting frontier. (1976)
Wagner, R
The Randlords and Rotgut, 1886-1903. (1976)
van Onselen, Charles
Mass population removals and separate development. (1975)
Baldwin, Alan
Ideology and the manufacturing class in South Africa, 1907-26. (1975)
Bozzoli, Belinda
Literature and Ideology, The Patterson Embassy to Lobengula, 1878, and King Solomon's Mines. (1975)
Couzens, T J
The Smuts Government and the Africans, 1939-48. (1975)
Davenport, T R H
1855-1863, A dividing point in the early development of African education in South Africa. (1975)
Davis Jr, R Hunt
Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand. (1975)
Phimister, I. R.
The 1912 Wankie Mine Strike. (1975)
Van Onselen, C
The theory of internal colonization: the South African case. (1975)
Wolpe, Harold
Land and Politics in the Transvaal in the 1880s. (1974)
Cornwell, R
Chartered Africans: Colonial Office, Settlers and BSA Co. Rhodesia, 1890-1923. (1974)
MacKenzie, John
The Swazi and land partition (1902-1910). (1974)
Mashasha, F. J.
Migrant labour and the development of Mozambique. (1974)
Newitt, M
The Portuguese Muzungos and the Zambesi Wars. (1974)
Newitt, M
Griqua power and wealth, an analysis of the paradoxes of their interrelationship. (1974)
Ross, Robert
The Natal Land and Colonisation Company 1860-1948. (1974)
Slater, Henry
Liberalism in the Cape in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (1974)
Trapido, S
Coenraad de Buys in Transorangia. (1974)
Wagner, R G
The response of African peasants in the Cape to economic changes, 1870 - 1910: a study in growth and decay. (1973)
Bundy, Colin
South Africa and Mozambique - 1960-1970. (1973)
Clarence-Smith, W.G.
Some notes on the financial state of the Eastern Cape, 1840-1850, and the fate of the Kat River settlement. (1973)
Kirk, Tony
Pre-Mfecane carry-overs in subsequent Ndebele politics. (1973)
Morrow, Lance F.
Some current manifestations of early Mfengu history. (1973)
Moyer, R. A.
The Cape eastern frontier in the early 19th century. (1973)
Oloyo, M.
The changing pattern of economic relationships in rural Natal, 1838 - 1914. (1973)
Slater, Henry
South Africa 1960-66: underground African politics. (1973)
Strauss, H
The Transkei: Conflict externalization and black exclusivism. (1973)
Szeftel, Morris
The South African Republic: class formation and the state, 1850-1900. (1973)
Trapido, Stanley
Reactions to rinderpest in southern Africa, 1896-97. (1973)
Van Onselen, C
Myth, truth and the South African reality in the fiction of Sarah Gertrude Millin. (1973)
Wade, Michael
The Aborigines' Protection Society and white settlers in Rhodesia, 1889-1930. (1973)
Whitehead, Rachael
The relations between internal and external politics in Swaziland and the eastern Transvaal in the mid-19th century. (1972)
Bonner, P.
The defiance campaign - a comparative analysis of the organisation, leadership, and participation in the Eastern Cape and the Transvaal. (1972)
Carter, David
The nature and consequences of South Africa's economic expansion. (1972)
Gervasi, Sean
The urban and industrial context of Southern Africa until union. (1972)
Hyman, Nicholas
The frontier tradition in South African historiography. (1972)
Legassick, Martin
The pan-African policy of the governments of South Africa, 1945 - 1970. (1972)
Nolutshungu, Sam C.
South Africa in a comparative study of industrialization. (1972)
Trapido, Stanley
Class, race and the occupational structure. (1972)
Wolpe, H.
Race relations in Southern Africa at the turn of the nineteenth century: the Cape Colony in the Batavian era, 1803-6. (1971)
Freund, William
Party politics and the plural society: South Africa 1910-1929. (1971)
Garson, Noel
Class conflict and colour bars in the South African gold mining industry - 1910-26. (1971)
Johnstone, Frederick A.
The Cape liberal tradition - myth or reality ? (1971)
Lewsen, Phyllis
The I.C.U. and British imperialism. (1971)
Neame, Sylvia
Independency and Ethiopianism among the Tswana in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. (1971)
Parsons, Q.N.
Enter the British legal machine: law and administration at the Cape, 1806-1910. (1971)
Sachs, A.
The new African elite in the Eastern Cape and some late nineteenth century origins of African nationalism. (1971)
Saunders, C. C.
The origin and development of the African political organization. (1971)
Trapido, Stanley