
Number of items: 239.
  • The Afrikaner takeover: Nationalist politics and the colonisation of South Africa's Parastatals 1948-1960. (1994) Cross, Tim
  • Structural adjustment and health in Zimbabwe. (1994) Davies, Rob
  • The chronic sick on Robben Island 1846-1892. (1994) Deacon, Harriet
  • The ethnicisation of politics and politicisation of ethnicity, culture and political development in South Africa. (1994) Kaarsholm, Preben
  • Social security in South Africa: The link between welfare and development. (1994) Lund, Fancie
  • The Killing floor: The First World War and the emergence of the South African beef industry 1902-24. (1994) Milton, Shaun
  • Professor Leo Fouche, The history department and the Afrikanerisation of the University of Pretoria. (1994) Mouton, F A
  • In search of nobility: The antecedents of Dawid van der Merwe of the Koue Bokkveld. (1994) Newton-King, Susan
  • Lashers and leviathan: The 1954 Wankie Colliery strike. (1994) Phimister, Ian
  • Creating ethnicity in the British colonial Cape: coloured and Malay contrasted. (1994) Ridd, Rosemary
  • The imperial colossus and the colonial parish pump: Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners. (1994) Tamarkin, M
  • Van Iuebeeck day and the new Jerusalem: Identity, community and violence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cape. (1994) Trapido, Stanley
  • Arguments of accountability: historical narrative, crisis and social biography in Zimbabwe. (1994) Werbner, Richard
  • 1993
  • Slavery, emancipation and the question of coloured identity, with particular attention to Cape town, 1875-1910. (1993) Bickford-Smith, Vivian
  • Black Hamlet: A case of "psychic vivisection". (1993) Dubow, Saul
  • The origins of the welfare state in pre-apartheid South Africa. (1993) Duncan, David
  • Social history and Afrikaner historiography in changing South Africa, problems and potential. (1993) Grundlingh, Albert
  • Culture and identity in early South African labour history. (1993) Harries, Patrick
  • The failure to realise human capital: Ovambo migrant labour and the early South African state, 1915-1938. (1993) Hayes, Patricia
  • Friend to Olive Schreiner: The story of Ruth Schechter. (1993) Hirson, Baruch
  • Gendered disorder in colonial Zimbabwe: Cape alalyses of African female inmates at the Ingutsheni Mental Hospital. (1993) Jackson, Lynette
  • South Africa after apartheid: Prospects for economic recovery. (1993) Moll, Terence
  • The devil in the black box: Ethnic nationalism, cultural imperialism and the outlawing of TV under apartheid. (1993) Nixon, Rob
  • Urban and regional planning and patterns of uneven development in post-independence Mozambique: An overview. (1993) Sidaway, J D
  • 1992
  • Interpreting violence: The struggle to understand the Natal conflict. (1992) Aitchison, John
  • The turn to the masses: The African National Congress' strategic review of 1978-79. (1992) Barrell, Howard
  • The evolution of the policy of university apartheid. (1992) Beale, M A
  • Transkeian migrant workers and youth labour on the Natal sugar estates, 1918-1940. (1992) Beinart, William
  • The Mfengu revisited: The 19th century experience of one Mfengu community through the eyes of historians and contemporaries. (1992) Bouch, Richard
  • Nyamarira that I loved: Commoditisation, consumption and the social history of soap in Zimbabwe. (1992) Burke, Timothy
  • "Knowing all the names": The Ebenezer Congregational Church and the creation of community among the coloured population of Johannesburg 1894-1939. (1992) Dugmore, Harry
  • A question of identity: evangelical culture and Khoisan politics in the early 19th Century eastern Cape. (1992) Elbourne, Elizabeth
  • Gender and economic policy in a democratic South Africa. (1992) Ginwala, Frene and Macintosh, Maureen and Massey, Doreen
  • Half a loaf of bread: A political life of Povundla. (1992) Goodhew, David
  • Entryism and the Communist Party of South Africa 1923-25. (1992) Hirson, Baruch
  • Gender, patterns of story-telling and forced removals: A Transvaal perspective. (1992) Hofmeyr, Isobel
  • The past as battlefield in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. (1992) Kaarsholm, Preben
  • The rise of African indebtedness in Natal during the late colonial period. (1992) Lambert, John
  • Inventing the role of the preacher in the east-central Botswana, Moruti Seakgano 1865-1953. (1992) Landau, Paul S
  • Class and gender in pre-capitalist societies: A consideration of the 1848 census of the Xhosa. (1992) Lewis, Jack
  • Coal, capital and labour in colonial Zimbabwe. (1992) Phimister, Ian
  • The politics of informal settlement in South African squatter setllements: The Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging region, 1980-1989. (1992) Sapire, Hilary
  • Tender Ties: Women and the slave household, 1652-1834. (1992) Shell, Robert
  • The "Wicked Christians" and the "Children of the Mist": Missionary and Khoi interactions at the Cape. (1992) Stuart, Doug
  • The emergence of liberalism and the making of Hottentot nationalism 1815-1834. (1992) Trapido, Stanley
  • The ignorance of mothers and the health of children in 20th Century Pondoland. (1992) Wylie, Diana
  • 1990
  • Trying not to be cruel, local government resistance to application of the group areas act in Uitenhage 1945-1962. (1990) Adler, Glenn
  • Numbering the dead, patterns in the midlands violence. (1990) Aitchison, John
  • Creating solidarity, food and canning workers at the Cape 1940-60. (1990) Berger, Iris
  • Chiefly authority and the Ame church 1896-1910. (1990) Campbell, Jim
  • Liberalism and segregation revisited. (1990) Dubow, Saul
  • A nice little house down Mashu way - perhaps a little car one day: state, capital and the building of Kwa Mashu 1947-1958. (1990) Edwards, Iain
  • The making of a liberal programme 1947-1950. (1990) Everatt, David
  • Women and the African National Congress, 1912-1943. (1990) Ginwala, Frene
  • The message of warriors: the ICU, the labouring poor and the making of a popular political culture in Durban 1925-30. (1990) Hausse, Paul la
  • 1917, A year in the life of David Ivon Jones. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • Julia Wells and Judie Jancovich - Whatever did happen at Jagersfontein. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • A trade union organizer in Durban: M B Yengwa, 1943-44. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • Changes in the bridewealth relationships in Gweru district (southern Rhodesia) 1894-1925. (1990) Jeater, Diana
  • Clandestine migration in South Central Africa. (1990) Johnson, David
  • Primitive accumulation and class formation in the making of Agrarian capitalism in South Africa. (1990) Keegan, Tim
  • The Agrarian class structure of the Transvaal colony. (1990) Krikler, Jeremy
  • White labour on the Rhodesian railway system 1891-1939. (1990) Lunn, Jon
  • The rift within the lute: Conflict and factionalism in the school community in the Cape colony, 1890-1915. (1990) Mills, Wallace G
  • Mishap or crisis, the aparthied economy's recent record in historical perspective. (1990) Moll, Terence
  • South Africa's black victorians, sport, race and class in South Africa before union. (1990) Odendaal, Andre
  • The Serowe Kgotla riot of 1952, popular opposition to Tshekedi Khama and colonial rule in Botswana. (1990) Parsons, Neil
  • Culture and communication: the rise of the left-wing press in South Africa. (1990) Pinnock, Don
  • Influx control policy and the interests of manufacturing and commerce in South Africa in the 1950's. (1990) Posel, Deborah
  • Some debates around the privatisation of health care in South Africa. (1990) Price, Max
  • British imperial policy, trusteeship and the appeasement of white South African power, 1929-1939. (1990) Rich, Paul
  • Montagu's roads to capitalism: The distribution of landed property in the Cape colony 1845. (1990) Ross, Robert
  • Powerlessness and politics, quiescence and protest in Pretoria - Witwatersrand-vaal townships 1973-1985. (1990) Seekings, Jeremy
  • Class, Nation, Ethnicity in Natal's black working class. (1990) Sitas, Ari
  • The Simonstown agreements 1955. (1990) Spence, J E and Berridge, G R
  • Changing the guard: Champion-Msimang-Luthuli. the Anc in Natal 1945-1951. (1990) Swanson, Maynard
  • The powers of the thunderbird: The nature and limits of the emergency state. (1990) Swilling, Mark and Phillips, Mark
  • Banking on development, the development bank of southern Africa. (1990) Tapscott, C P G
  • The South African novel in the 1970's: Some contextual markers. (1990) Wade, Michael
  • Capitalism and agriculture: the South African case. (1990) Williams, Gavin
  • Recent developments in regional government in South Africa with special reference to regional services councils. (1990) Young, Tom
  • 1988
  • Destabilization, The Lesotho case. (1988) Bardill, John
  • The succession crisis over the illness and death of Kgosi Sekgoma II of the Bangwato 1925: Western versus traditional medicine. (1988) Crowder, Michael
  • Swaziland, Just another Bantustan. (1988) Daniel, John
  • State against the market in South Africa: prelude to crisis. (1988) Greenberg, Stanley B
  • The Durban city council and the Indian problem, local politics in the 1940's. (1988) Grest, Jeremy
  • The homeboat of 1925, British seamen and South African community reactions. (1988) Hirson, Baruch
  • The role of the South African Bureau of Racial Affairs in the formulation of apartheid ideology, 1948-1961. (1988) Lazar, John
  • Class formation, ideology and transition in Swaziland. (1988) Levin, Richard M
  • Political organisations in Pretoria's African townships 1940-1963. (1988) Lodge, Tom
  • Commerce and material culture on the eastern Cape frontier 1784-1812. (1988) Newton-King, Susan
  • Industrialisation, Fabianism and race, Sydney Olivier and the liberal critique of South African segregation. (1988) Rich, Paul
  • Does Swaziland have a proletariat? (1988) Russell, Margot
  • Development or domination, towards a critique of development theory in South Africa. (1988) Tapscott, C P G
  • 1984
  • The Bloemfontein riots 1925, a study in community culture and class consciousness. (1984) Baruch, Hirson
  • Ethnic particularism, worker consciousness and nationalism, the experience of a South African migrant 1930-1960. (1984) Beinart, William
  • Vagabond Hollanders and runaway Englishmen, white poverty in the Cape before poor whiteism. (1984) Bundy, Colin
  • Reinterpreting Afrikaner nationalism 1850-1900. (1984) Giliomee, Hermann
  • The coloured labour preference policy, co-option and contradiction. (1984) Goldin, Ian
  • The progressive party 1960-1980, political repsonses to structural change and class struggle. (1984) Hackland, Brian
  • Spirit mediums and the authority to resist in the struggle for Zimbabwe. (1984) Lan, David
  • The land of the Barolong: annexation and alienation 1884-1900. (1984) Murray, Colin
  • Language, legitimation and control, the South African state after '78. (1984) Posel, Debbie
  • Landscape, social darwinism and the cultural roots of South African racial ideology. (1984) Rich, Paul
  • Relocation in Qwaqwa, betterment in Matatiele, resources and responses. (1984) Spiegel, Andrew D and Sharp, John S
  • Putting a plough to the ground, a history of tenant production on the Vereeniging Estates 1896-1920. (1984) Trapido, Stanley
  • Kimberley's model compounds. (1984) Turrell, Rob
  • 1981
  • Oral Tradition and Identity, the Herero in Botswana. (1981) Alnaes, Kirsten
  • The South African industrialization debate and the tariff in the inter-war years. (1981) Archer, Sean
  • Cape workers in German South-West Africa, 1904-1912. (1981) Beinart, William
  • The union, the nation and the talking crow. (1981) Beinart, William and Bundy, Colin
  • The modern janus, Inkatha's role in black liberation. (1981) Brewer, John D
  • A voice in the big house, the career of Headman Mamba. (1981) Bundy, Colin
  • The consciousness of history in the novels of Nadine Gordimer, 1953-1974. (1981) Clingman, Stephen
  • Capital restructuring and the modification of the racial division of labour in South Africa. (1981) Davies, Robert
  • Imperialism in literature, the case of John Buchan. (1981) Etherington, Norman
  • Labour supply and the genesis of South African confederation in the 1870's. (1981) Etherington, Norman A
  • The use of Blacks in the South African armed forces. (1981) Grundy, Kenneth W
  • The economic and political context of the growth of the progressive federal party in South Africa, 1959-1978. (1981) Hackland, Brian
  • Language in control and resistance, the education of a black community in South Africa. (1981) Hirson, Baruch
  • Tuskegee, the joint councils, and the all African convention. (1981) Hirson, Baruch
  • Seasonality, markets and pricing, the South African maize trade in the early 20th century. (1981) Keegan, Tim
  • Black resistance in South Africa, 1950-1961, an assessment of the political strike campaigns. (1981) Lambert, Rob
  • The state, mineowners and labour regulation in the Transvaal, 1887-1906. (1981) Levy, Norman
  • Some observations on class differentiation and class conflict within the labour reserve of Basutoland. (1981) Leys, Roger
  • Self-interest and social control, Uitlander rule of Johannesburg, 1900-1901. (1981) MacLaren, Diana R
  • Ethnic nationalism and structural unemployment, refugees in the orange free state. (1981) Murray, Colin
  • These natives think this war to be their own: reflections on blacks in the Cape colony and the South African war, 1899-1902. (1981) Nasson, Bill
  • Background to the Khoikoi rebellion of 1799-1803. (1981) Newton-King, Susie
  • Riches from rags: Bosses and unions in the Cape clothing industry 1926-1937. (1981) Nicol, Martin
  • The 1914 Strike. (1981) O'Quigley, Ann
  • Slaves, slave owners and the British state, the Cape colony 1806-1834. (1981) Rayner, Mary
  • Segregation and the Cape liberal tradition. (1981) Rich, Paul
  • The South African institute of race relations and the debate on race relations, 1929-1958. (1981) Rich, Paul
  • The Natal sugar industry, 1849-1905: an interpretative essay. (1981) Richardson, Peter
  • The rise of the Cape gentry. (1981) Ross, Robert
  • The Fabian Colonial Bureau and Southern Africa, 1940-1955. (1981) Sansom, C J
  • Black trade unionism during the Second World War - the Witwatersrand strikes of December 1942. (1981) Stein, Mark
  • Mission in a repressive society, the Christian institute of Southern Africa. (1981) Walshe, Peter
  • Milner and the mind of imperialism. (1981) van Helten, Jean-Jacques
  • 1979
  • South Africa's expanding relations with Latin America, 1966-1976. (1979) Fig, David
  • The colonial state and the land question in Swaziland, 1903-1907. (1979) Fransman, Martin
  • Peasants, capitalists and farm labour, class formation in the Orange River colony, 1902-1910. (1979) Keegan, Tim
  • Trade unions and changes in the labour process in South Africa 1925-30. (1979) Lewis, Jon
  • Poqo and rural resistance in the Transkei, 1960-1965. (1979) Lodge, Tom
  • Company rule and agricultural development, the case of the BSA company in southern Rhodesia, 1908-1923. (1979) Machingaidze, Victor
  • Natal, the Zulu royal family and the ideology of segregation. (1979) Marks, Shula
  • Class struggle and economic development in South Africa, the inter-war years. (1979) Plaut, Martin and Innes, Duncan
  • White farmers and labour tenants. (1979) Rennie, J K
  • African politics and the Cape African franchise, 1926-1936. (1979) Rich, Paul
  • The struggle for profit and participation by an emerging African petty-bourgeoisie in Bulawayo, 1893-1933. (1979) Thornton, Stephen
  • British capital, the British state and economic investment in South African 1886-1914. (1979) van Helten, Jean-Jacques
  • 1978
  • Classes, the mode of production and the state in pre-colonial Swaziland. (1978) Bonner, P L
  • Slim jannie and the forces of production, South African industrialisation 1915-1925. (1978) Christie, Renfrew
  • The Selebi-Phikwe strike, Botswana, 1975: The state, mine workers and the multinationals. (1978) Cooper, David
  • Enthogrpahy, environment and the history of the Nguni in the 18th and 19th centuries. (1978) Hall, Martin
  • British overseas investment in the later 19th century, Argentina and South Africa. (1978) Jones, Charles
  • Blainey and the Jameson Raid: The debate renewed. (1978) Mendelsohn, Richard
  • Continuity and Change in Ciskei Chiefship. (1978) Peires, J B
  • Sexuality and slavery at the Cape in the 18th Century. (1978) Ross, Robert
  • The natives appear contented and quiet, the Nqutu district of Zululand under British rule, 1883-1897. (1978) Unterhalter, Elaine
  • San history and non-San historians. (1978) Wright, John
  • 1977
  • Who were Dingiswayo and Shaka: Individual origins and political transformations. (1977) Argyle, John
  • Economic change in Pondoland in the Nineteenth Century. (1977) Beinart, William
  • Migrant labour and the Pedi before 1869. (1977) Delius, Peter
  • Labour migration from Delagoa Bay Hinterland to South Africa, 1852-1895. (1977) Harries, Patrick
  • Dock workers, labour circulation and class struggles in Durban, 1940-1959. (1977) Hemson, David
  • Rural revolt in South Africa, 1937-1951. (1977) Hirson, Baruch
  • The reogranization of African trade unions in Johannesburg, 1936-42. (1977) Hirson, Baruch
  • The posthumous vindication of zachariah Gqishela, some reflections on the politics of dependence at the Cape in the 19th century. (1977) Hogan, Neville
  • The mining industry in the context of South Africa's economic development, 1910-1940. (1977) Innes, Duncan
  • An analysis of the South African state in the Fusion period, 1932-39. (1977) Kaplan, David E
  • The Afrikaner broedberbond, 1927-1948: Class vanguard of Afrikaner nationalism. (1977) O'Meara, Dan
  • Recent developments in the study of prehistory in the Cape. (1977) Parkington, John
  • Mobilizing labour for the South African gold mines, The recruiting operations of the Transvaal chamber of mines in South China. (1977) Richardson, Peter
  • James Read: Towards a reassessment. (1977) Saunders, Christopher
  • African labour during the South African war, 1899-1902. (1977) Warwick, Peter
  • The gift of the century, Solomon Plaatje de Beers and the old Kimberley tram shed, 1918-1919. (1977) Willan, Brian
  • South Africa's Lumpenproletarian Army 'Umkosi Wa Ntaba - The regiment of the hills, 1890-1920. (1977) van Onselen, Charles
  • 1976
  • The thirstland trekkers in Angola - Some reflections on a frontier society. (1976) Clarence-Smith, W G
  • Garveyism in Africa: Dr Wellington and American movement in the Transkei, 1925-40. (1976) Edgar, Bob
  • Two aspects of land settlement policy in Mozambique, 1900-1961. (1976) Henderson, Robert d'A.
  • Xhosa expansion before 1800. (1976) Peires, J B
  • The white population of the Cape colony in the eighteenth century. (1976) Ross, Robert
  • Influx control, the colour bar, minimum wage legislation and the earnings gap in South Africa. (1976) Siebert, W S
  • The 1974 General Election in South Africa. (1976) Stadler, A
  • Aspects in the transition from slavery to serfdom, the South African republic 1842-1902. (1976) Trapido, Stanley
  • Zoutpansberg, some notes on the dynamics of a hunting frontier. (1976) Wagner, R
  • The Randlords and Rotgut, 1886-1903. (1976) van Onselen, Charles
  • 1975
  • Mass population removals and separate development. (1975) Baldwin, Alan
  • Ideology and the manufacturing class in South Africa, 1907-26. (1975) Bozzoli, Belinda
  • Literature and Ideology, The Patterson Embassy to Lobengula, 1878, and King Solomon's Mines. (1975) Couzens, T J
  • The Smuts Government and the Africans, 1939-48. (1975) Davenport, T R H
  • 1855-1863, A dividing point in the early development of African education in South Africa. (1975) Davis Jr, R Hunt
  • Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand. (1975) Phimister, I. R.
  • The 1912 Wankie Mine Strike. (1975) Van Onselen, C
  • The theory of internal colonization: the South African case. (1975) Wolpe, Harold
  • 1974
  • Land and Politics in the Transvaal in the 1880s. (1974) Cornwell, R
  • Chartered Africans: Colonial Office, Settlers and BSA Co. Rhodesia, 1890-1923. (1974) MacKenzie, John
  • The Swazi and land partition (1902-1910). (1974) Mashasha, F. J.
  • Migrant labour and the development of Mozambique. (1974) Newitt, M
  • The Portuguese Muzungos and the Zambesi Wars. (1974) Newitt, M
  • Griqua power and wealth, an analysis of the paradoxes of their interrelationship. (1974) Ross, Robert
  • The Natal Land and Colonisation Company 1860-1948. (1974) Slater, Henry
  • Liberalism in the Cape in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (1974) Trapido, S
  • Coenraad de Buys in Transorangia. (1974) Wagner, R G
  • 1973
  • The response of African peasants in the Cape to economic changes, 1870 - 1910: a study in growth and decay. (1973) Bundy, Colin
  • South Africa and Mozambique - 1960-1970. (1973) Clarence-Smith, W.G.
  • Some notes on the financial state of the Eastern Cape, 1840-1850, and the fate of the Kat River settlement. (1973) Kirk, Tony
  • Pre-Mfecane carry-overs in subsequent Ndebele politics. (1973) Morrow, Lance F.
  • Some current manifestations of early Mfengu history. (1973) Moyer, R. A.
  • The Cape eastern frontier in the early 19th century. (1973) Oloyo, M.
  • The changing pattern of economic relationships in rural Natal, 1838 - 1914. (1973) Slater, Henry
  • South Africa 1960-66: underground African politics. (1973) Strauss, H
  • The Transkei: Conflict externalization and black exclusivism. (1973) Szeftel, Morris
  • The South African Republic: class formation and the state, 1850-1900. (1973) Trapido, Stanley
  • Reactions to rinderpest in southern Africa, 1896-97. (1973) Van Onselen, C
  • Myth, truth and the South African reality in the fiction of Sarah Gertrude Millin. (1973) Wade, Michael
  • The Aborigines' Protection Society and white settlers in Rhodesia, 1889-1930. (1973) Whitehead, Rachael
  • 1972
  • The relations between internal and external politics in Swaziland and the eastern Transvaal in the mid-19th century. (1972) Bonner, P.
  • The defiance campaign - a comparative analysis of the organisation, leadership, and participation in the Eastern Cape and the Transvaal. (1972) Carter, David
  • The nature and consequences of South Africa's economic expansion. (1972) Gervasi, Sean
  • The urban and industrial context of Southern Africa until union. (1972) Hyman, Nicholas
  • The frontier tradition in South African historiography. (1972) Legassick, Martin
  • The pan-African policy of the governments of South Africa, 1945 - 1970. (1972) Nolutshungu, Sam C.
  • South Africa in a comparative study of industrialization. (1972) Trapido, Stanley
  • Class, race and the occupational structure. (1972) Wolpe, H.
  • 1971
  • Race relations in Southern Africa at the turn of the nineteenth century: the Cape Colony in the Batavian era, 1803-6. (1971) Freund, William
  • Party politics and the plural society: South Africa 1910-1929. (1971) Garson, Noel
  • Class conflict and colour bars in the South African gold mining industry - 1910-26. (1971) Johnstone, Frederick A.
  • The Cape liberal tradition - myth or reality ? (1971) Lewsen, Phyllis
  • The I.C.U. and British imperialism. (1971) Neame, Sylvia
  • Independency and Ethiopianism among the Tswana in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. (1971) Parsons, Q.N.
  • Enter the British legal machine: law and administration at the Cape, 1806-1910. (1971) Sachs, A.
  • The new African elite in the Eastern Cape and some late nineteenth century origins of African nationalism. (1971) Saunders, C. C.
  • The origin and development of the African political organization. (1971) Trapido, Stanley
  • 1944
  • Oral fieldwork in a war zone: Mozambique 1991-1992. (1944) Covane, Luis Antonio
  • 1942
  • Lerala: Portrait of another African village. Rain cults, ancestors, status and christian conversion, C1870-1930. (1942) Landau, Paul
  • 0176
  • Christian national education as an ideological commitment. (0176) Hexham, I R