
Number of items: 29.
  • The Role of the Prefect in the Italian Legal System. (2014) Armao, Gaetano
  • The Role of the Prefect in the Italian Legal System. (2014) Armao, Gaetano
  • Financing Corporate Rescues, Where Does the UK Stand? (2014) Aruoriwo, Akpareva
  • Financing Corporate Rescues, Where Does the UK Stand? (2014) Aruoriwo, Akpareva
  • Reflections on the Establishment of the Chinese Air Identification Zone. (2014) Bao, Yinan
  • Reflections on the Establishment of the Chinese Air Identification Zone. (2014) Bao, Yinan
  • Law Reform and Child Protection. (2014) Cormacain, Ronan
  • Welcome to the second issue of the IALS Student Law Review. (2014) Cormacain, Ronan
  • Mandatory Reporting? Issues to consider when developing legislation and policy to improve discovery of child abuse. (2014) Davies, Emma and Mathews, Ben and Read, John
  • Editorial Board and Associate Editors. (2014) Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • Editorial Board and Associate Editors. (2014) Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • Editorial Board and Associate Editors. (2014) Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • Law Commissions – What is the essence of their law reform role? (2014) Faris, Neil
  • Mandatory Reporting - the Legal Case for Change. (2014) Garsden, Peter
  • Updating the criminal law on child neglect: protecting children from severe emotional abuse. (2014) Gill, Abigail
  • Trends in Arbitrability. (2014) Kozubovska, Beata
  • Trends in Arbitrability. (2014) Kozubovska, Beata
  • The “effectiveness test” as a tool for law reform. (2014) Mousmouti, Maria
  • Editorial Comment. (2014) Mustafa, Ahmet
  • Intellectual property law and competition law in China - Analysis of the current framework and comparison with the EU approach. (2014) Nga Man, Yeung
  • Intellectual property law and competition law in China - Analysis of the current framework and comparison with the EU approach. (2014) Nga Man, Yeung
  • 2013
  • The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Second printed edition. (2013) Bao, Yinan
  • Judicial review under the UK and US Arbitration Acts: Is arbitration a better substitute for litigation? (2013) Celik, Devrim Deniz
  • The dog that did not bark in the night: Researches on the absence of litigation. (2013) Daintith, Terence
  • Editorial Board and Associate Editors. (2013) Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • The evolution of regulatory thought in the UK over the last two decades: How does this reflect regulatory and academic thinking more widely? (2013) Galeza, Dorota
  • Psychopathy and its relationship to criminal behaviour. (2013) Theodorakis, Nikos
  • Welcome to the IALS Student Law Review. (2013) Winterton, Jules and Sherr, Avrom and Stefanou, Constantin and Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • Legislative drafting: a new sub-discipline of law is born. (2013) Xanthaki, Helen