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Health, Hygiene and Sanitation in Latin America, c.1870 to c.1950. (1996)
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The Food Industry in Brazil: Towards a Restructuring? (1994)
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The Paraguayan War (1864-1870). (1996)
Bethell, Leslie
A Long-Run Model of Development for Central America. (1991)
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
The Failure of Export-Led Growth in Brazil and Mexico, c. 1870-1930. (1992)
Catão, Luis
The Idea of the Devil and the Problem of the Indian: the case of Mexico in the sixteenth century. (1991)
Cervantes, Fernando
Journey, Rediscovery and Narrative: British Travel Accounts of Argentina. (1998)
Cicerchia, Ricardo
The Bolivian Tin Mining Industry in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. (1993)
Contreras, Manuel E.
The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990s: Equity and Efficiency under Inflationary Conditions. (1996)
Coutinho, Mauricio C.
The Pinochet Case. (2000)
Davis, Madeleine
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Dore, Elizabeth and Weeks, John
The Pacification of Central America. (1993)
Dunkerley, James
Political Transition and Economic Stabilisation: Bolivia, 1982-1989. (1990)
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Britain and Latin America: 'Hope in a Time of Change?'. (1996)
Fawcett, Louise and Posada-Carbó, Eduardo
Military political identity and reformism in independent Mexico. An analysis of the Memorias de Guerra (1821-1855). (1996)
Fowler, Will
The Mexican Landlord: Rental Housing in Guadalajara and Puebla. (1989)
Gilbert, Alan and Varley, Ann
The New Agrarian Movement in Mexico 1979-1990. (1990)
Harvey, Neil
Roraima: Brazil's Northernmost Frontier. (1990)
Hemming, John
Public Policy and Private Initiative. Railway Building in São Paulo, 1860-1889. (1991)
Lewis, Colin M.
The Origins of the Peasant-Contra Rebellion in Nicaragua, 1979-87. (2001)
Marti i Puig, Salvador
Common Security in Latin America. The 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco. (1992)
Serrano, Monica
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Sheinin, David
Learning from Failed Stabilisation: High Inflation and The Cruzado Plan in Brazil. (1995)
Winograd, Carlos D.