Number of items: 56.
Feminist approaches to sexuality and law scholarship. (2015)
Auchmuty, Rosemary
Researching Women in Legal History: The case of Miss Bebb. (2014)
Auchmuty, Rosemary
Analysing Police-Recorded Data. (2016)
Brimicombe, Allan
Legal records at risk: does the legal profession care about preserving its heritage? What could be done to rescue private sector legal records. (2016)
Cowling, Clare
The Admission of Women into the Legal Profession: a guide to archival sources at IALS. (2015)
Dawson, Elizabeth
Archival Sources for Legal Biography at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2014)
Dawson, Elizabeth
Law, Gender and Sexuality an introduction to LSE Library collections. (2015)
Dawson, Heather
The best-kept secret(s) of evidence based policing. (2016)
Dawson, Paul and Stanko, Elizabeth A.
Cambridge Squire Law Library: historical development
and current status of International Law collections. (2017)
Dingle, Lesley
Legal biography, oral history and the Cambridge Eminent Scholars Archive. (2014)
Dingle, Lesley
Archives of the International Law Association. (2017)
Frendo, Ruth
Guest Editorial - Legal Biography. (2014)
Gee, David
Guest Editorial – Key sources for international law research. (2017)
Gee, David
Guest Editorial – Sources and Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research. (2016)
Gee, David
IALS@70: the growth of IALS Library and its development of digital initiatives for the UK legal community. (2018)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2010/2011. (2012)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2011/2012. (2013)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2012/2013. (2014)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2013/2014. (2015)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2014/2015. (2016)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2015/2016. (2017)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2016/2017. (2018)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2017/2018. (2019)
Gee, David
Biographical Research and Institutional Archives: the Case of the Inns of Court. (2014)
Holborn, Guy
Feminist Methods and Sources in Criminology and Criminal Justice. (2016)
Howe, Adrian
Analysing Judgments from a Feminist Perspective. (2015)
Hunter, Rosemary
The scene of the crime: police photographs, visual culture and sexuality. (2015)
Janes, Dominic
'The Oriental Jennings' An Archival Investigation into Sir Ivor Jennings’ Constitutional Legacy in South Asia. (2014)
Malagodi, Mara
Queering genealogy through wills. (2015)
Monk, Daniel
"Every picture tells a story": picturing judicial biography. (2014)
Moran, Leslie
Gateways, portails and Zugänge: a survey of some European national legal resources on the Internet. (2006)
Norman, Paul
FLAG the Foreign Law Guide Update 2013. (2014)
Power, Gerry
An introduction to archival collections at SOAS which relate to legal studies. (2014)
Rayner, Susannah
Introduction to Sources of German law: German Collections at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2014)
Read, Katherine
A Brief History of Record Management at the National Archives. (2016)
Rock, Paul
An Archive of The Women’s Liberation Movement: a Document of Social & Legislative Change. (2015)
Russell, Polly
Expanding the Collection: How the Social Law Library and the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies closed the gap and expanded patron access through document delivery. (2008)
Saporito, Michael
Sources of public response to the death penalty in Britain, 1930-65. (2016)
Seal, Lizzie
Guest Editorial: Law, Gender and Sexuality. (2015)
Sims, Jon
Law, Gender and Sexuality at the British Library. (2015)
Sims, Jon
Legal biography at the British Library: a particular perspective on resources. (2014)
Sims, Jon
Collecting Criminology: An Introduction to the Radzinowicz Library of Criminology. (2016)
Stone, Stuart
Alternative Visions of Legal Biography: An Abstract. (2014)
Sugarman, David
The International Law Collections of IALS Library. (2017)
Swift, Hester
Access to records of crime at The National Archives. (2016)
Taylor, Nigel
Choosing and using statistical sources in Criminology – What can the Crime Survey for England and Wales tell us? (2016)
Tseloni, Andromachi and Tilley, Nick
The Special Collections in the Peace Palace Library and the work of Library Director Dr Jacob ter Meulen. (2017)
Vervliet, Jeroen
Amicus Curiae Pro Bono Publico - open access online publication at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2012)
Whittle, Steven
Filling the frame – the role of practical metadata in online resources at the IALS. (2010)
Whittle, Steven
Launching IALS Digital: Connections and Collaboration. (2018)
Whittle, Steven
Telling Legal Backstories – making historic case papers from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council available to all online. (2016)
Whittle, Steven
Career in law librarianship: in memory of Gillian Sands. (2005)
Winterton, Jules
In Celebration of Willi Steiner. (2003)
Winterton, Jules
Muriel Anderson: an appreciation. (2007)
Winterton, Jules
On Starfish Island: the Philippine Group of Law Librarians Seminar of April 2008. (2009)
Winterton, Jules
Unwrapping crocodiles. (2004)
Winterton, Jules