Sustainable Development Goals - Goal 1: No Poverty

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1: No Poverty

Find out more about Goal 1: No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere on the United Nations SDG site.

Number of items: 1580.
  • City and Suburbs:London 1400-1700. (2014) Davies, Matthew
  • Annual Report 2004-05. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Annual Report 2005-06. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Annual Report 2005-6. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • IHR Newsletter Autumn 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Ingeborg Bachmann Centre Programmes (2002 to 2007). (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute brochure. (2004) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Strategic Plan 2006-2011. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2002-3. (2003) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2003-4. (2004) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Autumn Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Autumn Term 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Spring Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Spring Term 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Summer Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 3. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 4. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 14 No. 3. (1917) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 16 No. 4. (1919) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 32. (1935) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 37. (1940) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 38. (1946) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 39. (1947) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 41 No. 2. (1949) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 42 No. 2. (1950) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 42, No. 1. (1950) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 44 No. 1. (1952) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 44 No. 2. (1952) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 45 No. 1. (1953) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 46 No. 1. (1954) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 47 No. 1. (1955) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 47 No. 2. (1955) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 3. (1957) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 2. (1960) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 3. (1960) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 5 No. 4. (1908) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 52 No. 3. (1970) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 6. (1981) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 7. (1982) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 5. (1987) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 8. (1989) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 1. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 4. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 60 No. 2. (2004) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 2. (2007) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 8 No. 4. (1911) UNSPECIFIED
  • London Debates 2009. What role do museums play in the globalisation of culture ? (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • L’Événement du jour. Les Fêtes d’Arles-sur-Rhône. De notre envoyé spécial. (1899) UNSPECIFIED
  • Nako Temple Complex, Nako. (2007) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2005-06. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2006-07. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2007/2008. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2003-04. (2003) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2006-07. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2008-9. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • Los jesuitas y la constitucion, ó sea coleccion de los fundamentos legales que obran en favor del restablecimiento de la compañia de jesus en la república mexicana. (1850) "Tranquilino de la Vega"
  • Modo de aumentar dinero beneficiando, Y ruegos á los sugetos pudientes para que sin riesgo, y sí con utilidad suya y comun, fomenten á los mineros pobres. (1820) A. X.
  • Proportionality – a German approach. (1999) ARAI-Takahashi, Yutaka
  • May Day: why the right to protest should be sacred. (2012) Aborisade, Femi
  • Foreign branch exemption (CTA 2009 Pt 2 Ch 3A): acceptable tax competition/simplification or ‘the heist of the century’? (2012) Adam, Timothy
  • Trying not to be cruel, local government resistance to application of the group areas act in Uitenhage 1945-1962. (1990) Adler, Glenn
  • 'Being no parishioner with us': Responses to social and demographic change in St. Botolph's without Aldgate, London, 1583-1600. (2014) Adlington, Elizabeth
  • Can genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes be pardoned or amnestied? (2009) Ahmed, Anees and Quayle, Merryn
  • Interpreting violence: The struggle to understand the Natal conflict. (1992) Aitchison, John
  • Numbering the dead, patterns in the midlands violence. (1990) Aitchison, John
  • Fiat based currency systems underlie the cause of financial crises: A critical examination which identifies the failure to effectuate a durable monetary framework on the worldwide economy. (2016) Ajanaku, Ayodele Ademola Oladimeji
  • Interpretation of the concept of Beneficial Ownership: Trends, tensions, contradictions. (2011) Aka, Gali Folawiyo
  • Cartas sobre la prensa y la politica militante en la Republica Argentina. (1853) Alberdi, Juan Bautista
  • The Role of the Individual in Educational Reform. Aldrich, Richard
  • Reforming European financial supervision and the role of EU institutions. (2010) Alexander, Kern
  • Why auditors and public companies need international regulation. (2002) Alexander, Kern
  • The implications of the "USA Patriot Act" and US counter-terrorism on international human rights law. (2003) Alexander, Klint
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 4 No. 3. (1907) Alexander, Samuel and Turner, G. Lyon and Miller, William F. and Hodgkin, Thomas and Brayshaw, A. Neave and Penney, Norman
  • Search and seizure for electronic evidence: procedural aspects of UAE’s legal system. (2013) Aljneibi, Khaled
  • Oral Tradition and Identity, the Herero in Botswana. (1981) Alnaes, Kirsten
  • Prolegomena to Atlantic Catholic Citizenship. (2012) Alonso, Gregorio
  • Indigeneity, law and performance on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. (2014) Altamirano-Jiménez, Isabel
  • The impact of money laundering on economic, and financial stability and on political development of developing countries. (2012) Aluko, Ayodegi
  • The influence of garden city theories on the landscape of early to mid-twentieth-century English housing developments : a case-study of three sites in Essex. (2016) Alvey, Jane
  • Comparative law and constitutional transplants into national constitutions. (2010) Amos, Merris
  • Judicial Review: An Effective Tool for Protecting the Freedom of Expression in Uganda. (2013) Andama, Lillian
  • Harmonising and Regulating Financial Markets. (2011) Andenas, Mads
  • University history teaching: disciplinary distinctiveness, design and dialogue. (2005) Anderson, Charles and Day, Kate
  • Hong Kong – Securities regulation after the 1997 handover. (2000) Ang, Amy N.N.
  • Peruvian Labour and the Military Government since 1968. (1980) Angell, Alan
  • What remains of Pinochet's Chile ? (1993) Angell, Alan
  • UNSPECIFIED (1842) Anon.
  • UNSPECIFIED (1841) Anon.
  • UNSPECIFIED (1841) Anon.
  • Debates en la Sala de RR. de Buenos Aires sobre el acuerdo hecho en S. Nicolas de los Arroyos en 31 de mayo de 1852. (1853) Anon.
  • Ley vigente y antecedentes sobre jubilaciones civiles. (1860) Anon.
  • Ocios de un mexicano empleados en estudiar las instituciones que convendrian a su patria. o sea ensayo de una constitucion. (1840) Anon.
  • Translation of the General Treaty, signed in Congress, at Vienna, June 9, 1815; with the acts thereunto annexed. (1816) Anon.
  • The perspective from the Specialist Schools Trust. (2005) Anthony, Jacqueline
  • The South African industrialization debate and the tariff in the inter-war years. (1981) Archer, Sean
  • Who were Dingiswayo and Shaka: Individual origins and political transformations. (1977) Argyle, John
  • Digital forensics in Malaysia. (2008) Ariffin, Aswami Fadillah Mohd and Ishak, Izwan Iskandar
  • Digital Forensics Institute in Malaysia: the way forward. (2012) Ariffin, Aswami and Slay, Jill and Jazri, Husin
  • The Role of the Prefect in the Italian Legal System. (2014) Armao, Gaetano
  • The Role of the Prefect in the Italian Legal System. (2014) Armao, Gaetano
  • Cartas dirigidas por el doctor Basilio Arrillaga al doctor D. Jose M. Luis Mora, citandolo ante el tribunal de la sana critica, de la religion católica y de la verdadera política, a responder por los fundamentos y resultados de sus opiniones sobre bienes eclesiasticos, producidas en el tomo primero de sus obras sueltas. (1839) Arrillaga, Basilio
  • Constitutionalism: an idea whose time has come ... and gone? (2008) Arthurs, Harry W.
  • Financing Corporate Rescues, Where Does the UK Stand? (2014) Aruoriwo, Akpareva
  • Financing Corporate Rescues, Where Does the UK Stand? (2014) Aruoriwo, Akpareva
  • Theorising the relationship between social law and markets in regional integration projects. (2017) Ashiagbor, Diamond
  • Digital Evidence and the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act. (2014) Ashouri, Aida and Bowers, Caleb
  • An Overview of the Use of Digital Evidence in International Criminal Courts. (2014) Ashouri, Aida and Bowers, Caleb and Warden, Cherrie
  • Evaluation of the US and EU Regulation on OTC Derivatives Markets. (2011) Ashrafkashani, Sara
  • BDEEP vB6: The West Indies. (1999) Ashton, SR and Killingray, David
  • The South African Constitution and the transition from apartheid: legislating the reconciliation of rights in a multi-cultural society. (2007) Asmal, Kader
  • Crisis in Bolivia: the Elections of 2002 and their aftermath. (2003) Assies, Willem and Salman, Ton
  • The standard of living in Latin America during the twentieth century. (2005) Astorga, Pablo and Bergés, Ame and FitzGerald, Valpy
  • Matching expectations in computer contracts - what expectations ? (2003) Atkins, Ruth
  • The pendulum effect of regulation: How the policy swing between the over and under regulation of financial institutions will be ineffective and detrimental to business. (2017) Atkinson, Elizabeth
  • Durning-Lawrence Online: Benefits Of A Retrospective Catalogue Conversion Project. (2003) Attar, Karen
  • "The Establishment of a First-Class University Library”: The Beginnings of the University of London Library. (2014) Attar, Karen
  • Folios in Context: Collecting Shakespeare at the University of London. (2017) Attar, Karen
  • Jane Austen at King's College Cambridge. (2002) Attar, Karen
  • London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today. (2014) Attar, Karen
  • Making treasures pay? Benefits of the library treasures volume considered. (2013) Attar, Karen
  • Modern Special Collections Cataloguing: A University of London Case Study. (2013) Attar, Karen
  • Why Appoint Professionals? A Student Cataloguing Project. (2006) Attar, Karen
  • E-disclosure viewed as ‘sensemaking’ with computers: The challenge of ‘frames’. (2008) Attfield, Simon and Blandford, Ann
  • Feminist approaches to sexuality and law scholarship. (2015) Auchmuty, Rosemary
  • Proportionality in tax disputes: Lithuanian Court practice. (2011) Audzevicius, Ramunas
  • ‘La casa de la escritura’: entrevista con Cristina Siscar Buenos Aires, 13 de marzo 2009. Averis, Kate
  • Laura Restrepo. (2013) Averis, Kate
  • Chains across the Rhine. (2005) Bacchus, James
  • Lecky's circle: thoughts from the frontier of international law I. (2003) Bacchus, James
  • Terrorism litigation as deterrence under international law - from protecting human rights to countering hybrid threats. (2011) Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
  • Tory Tergiversation In The House Of Lords, 1714-1760. Backhouse, David
  • International aspects of migrating digital forensics in the cloud. (2013) Bagby, John W. and Schwerha, Joseph J.
  • Learning by going – and doing? (2005) Bage, Grant and Edwards, Siobhan
  • The Business of the Book as a Market Response to Social Change in the Thirteenth-Century Diversification and Secularisation of Demand and Supply of Religious Texts, and the Impact of Market Diversification on the Appearance of the Book. (2015) Bailey, Janine
  • Digital Research and Editing Environments: workshop report. (2011) Baillie, Donna
  • Lecture delivered to the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, 2010. (2010) Baker, Philip
  • Life in London’s eastern suburb, c. 1550—c. 1700. (2010) Baker, Philip
  • Economic History Society Conference 2011 presentations. (2011) Baker, Philip and Latham, Mark
  • The banana as icon: Orientalism, violence, and the problem of memory in Fallas's 'Mamita Yunai', Reyes-Manzo's photography and the cultural imagery. (2009) Baker, Valeria
  • Mass population removals and separate development. (1975) Baldwin, Alan
  • The Indonesian law on electronic information and transactions. (2009) Balfas, Hamud M.
  • Remedy Australia: because every human rights violation should be remedied. (2015) Ball, Olivia
  • A review of the Central Bank’s role as prudential regulator in Nigeria: an analysis of the case for a separate supervisory agency? (2011) Balogun, Olubunmi Opeyemi
  • Destabilization, The Lesotho case. (1988) Bardill, John
  • The constitutional tree: rendering the branches. (2007) Barlow, Craig
  • The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889. (2012) Barman, Roderick J.
  • The three-legged stool of corporate governance reform. (1999) Barnard, Jayne W.
  • The turn to the masses: The African National Congress' strategic review of 1978-79. (1992) Barrell, Howard
  • ‘And those who live, how shall I tell their fame?’ Historical pageants, collective remembrance and the First World War, 1919-1939. (2016) Bartie, Angela and Fleming, Linda and Freeman, Mark and Hulme, Tom and Readman, Paul and Tupman, Charlotte
  • Warrant and Objectivity. (2008) Barton, Jon
  • The Bloemfontein riots 1925, a study in community culture and class consciousness. (1984) Baruch, Hirson
  • Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities Final Report. (2006) Bates, David and Nelson, Janet L and Roueche, Charlotte and Winters, Jane
  • India – Economic and market development since liberalisation. (1999) Bath, Dimple S.
  • India – Legal aspects of oil and gas projects for foreign investors. (1999) Bath, Dimple S.
  • Decriminalisation of consensual same-sex sexual acts in the South Asian Commonwealth: struggles in contexts. (2013) Baudh, Sumit
  • The evolution of the policy of university apartheid. (1992) Beale, M A
  • The Victoria County History and publication. (2007) Beckett, John
  • On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009) Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
  • On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009) Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
  • Cape workers in German South-West Africa, 1904-1912. (1981) Beinart, William
  • Economic change in Pondoland in the Nineteenth Century. (1977) Beinart, William
  • The union, the nation and the talking crow. (1981) Beinart, William and Bundy, Colin
  • The Food Industry in Brazil: Towards a Restructuring? (1994) Belik, Walter
  • Diving into magnetic stripe card skimming devices. (2008) Bengtsson, Johnny
  • Perceptions from a student in Higher Education. (2005) Benjamin, Tabitha
  • Harmful Tax Competition, Past and Future. (2014) Bennett, Amira
  • Registered e-Mail and e-Invoicing in Turkey. (2009) Berber, Leyla Keser
  • Creating solidarity, food and canning workers at the Cape 1940-60. (1990) Berger, Iris
  • Hello Mr Clips. (2011) Bergman, Paul
  • ‘Conflict between anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism finance laws requirements and bank secrecy and confidentiality laws’. (2014) Berhe, Teklit Hailemichael
  • Sir William Leonard Dale 1906-2000: An appreciation. (2000) Berman, Franklin
  • The Impact of the English Common Law on Caribbean Society. (2014) Bernard, Desiree P.
  • Latin America’s debt crisis and “lost decade”. (2012) Bertola, Luis and Ocampo, Antonio
  • On democracy in Brazil past and present. (1994) Bethell, Leslie
  • The Paraguayan War (1864-1870). (1996) Bethell, Leslie
  • Known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns: anti-virus issues, malicious software and internet attacks for non-technical audiences. (2009) Bilar, Daniel
  • El evangelio americano. (1864) Bilbao, Francisco
  • La Contra-Pastoral. (1862) Bilbao, Francisco
  • Shifting the balance of power: civil liberties in the 21st century. (2002) Bindman, Geoffrey
  • Good faith in the reform of insurance law. (2004) Birds, John
  • Government and information - the limits of law's empire. (2005) Birkinshaw, Patrick
  • Colonial copyright: an early case of globalisation. (2011) Birnhack, Michael
  • The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose
  • Editors’ introduction. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose and Wall, Sinead
  • The Impact and Embedding of an Established Resource: British History Online as a Case Study: final report. (2011) Blaney, Jonathan and Webster, Peter
  • Compositeurs contemporains. - Rossini, sa vie et ses œuvres (juin 1854). (1854) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • L'Africaine de Meyerbeer à l'Opéra (mai 1865). (1865) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • La musique et ses destinées (octobre 1875). (1875) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • La musique française, un mot sur son passé et son présent (février 1872). (1872) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Mozart et la Flûte enchantée, souvenirs d'Allemagne (mars 1865). (1865) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (décembre 1875). (1875) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (juillet 1865). (1865) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (juillet 1883). (1883) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (juin 1867). (1867) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (mars 1851). (1851) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (novembre 1835). (1835) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (novembre 1868). (1868) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (septembre 1836). (1836) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (septembre 1874). (1874) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Une nouvelle philosophie de l'opéra (octobre 1884). (1884) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • A propos de la Religieuse de Schubert et de Diderot (mars 1882). (1882) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Études et souvenirs (octobre 1883). (1883) Blaze, Ange-Henri
  • Revue musicale (mai 1866). (1866) Blaze, Ange-Henri, writing as F. de Lagenevais
  • Models of investigation and processing of digital evidence. (2008) Blažek, Zdeněk
  • “[I]n the Barbed-Wire Cages of Democracy” . Fiction and Truth in Robert Neumann’s Exile Novel 'The Inquest'. Bleifuß, Kai
  • Standards for Networking Ancient Person-data: Digital approaches to problems in prosopographical space. (2016) Bodard, Gabriel and Cayless, Hugh and Depauw, Mark and Isaksen, Leif and Lawrence, K. Faith and Rahtz, Sebastian
  • Epigraphers and Encoders: Strategies for Teaching and Learning Digital Epigraphy. (2016) Bodard, Gabriel and Stoyanova, Simona
  • The Commonwealth Law Library. (1999) Boeg, Nigel and Winterton, Jules
  • Letter to the editor. (2012) Bohm, Nicholas
  • Watch what you sign! (2006) Bohm, Nicholas
  • Narrating Atrocity: Obstacles to Proving Credibility in Asylum Claims. Bohmer, Carol and Shuman, Amy
  • Narrating Atrocity: Obstacles to Proving Credibility in Asylum Claims. Bohmer, Carol and Shuman, Amy
  • My cautious optimism for Zimbabwe’s 2012 elections. (2011) Bomba, Briggs
  • Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing: How is 9/11’s memorial culture reflective of a crisis in representation that has engendered limiting templates of remembrance? (2009) Bond, Lucy
  • Encryption – use and control in E-commerce. (2000) Bond, Robert
  • Classes, the mode of production and the state in pre-colonial Swaziland. (1978) Bonner, P L
  • Britain and Latin America: Economic Prospects. (1996) Bonsor, Nicholas
  • The Inland Revenue: a statutory ostrich? (1999) Booth, John
  • Tax informers: the immunity issue. (1999) Booth, John
  • Taxation – Inland Revenue concessions: convenience or just illegal? (2000) Booth, John
  • Bringing history to life: the role of heritage in education. (2005) Borman, Tracy
  • Mr Higgins’s Hayley: A provincial gentleman’s copy of Hayley’s Life of Cowper and what it tells us about the writing and publishing of a literary biography in the early years of the nineteenth century. (2015) Bostock, Kate
  • The Corporations Act 2001. (2002) Bostock, Tom
  • The Mfengu revisited: The 19th century experience of one Mfengu community through the eyes of historians and contemporaries. (1992) Bouch, Richard
  • In The Presence Of Mine Enemies: Face-To-Face Killing In Twentieth Century Warfare. (1998) Bourke, Joanna
  • Forging Commonwealth consensus: the buck stops with the Secretary-General. (2012) Bourne, Richard
  • Delivering public private partnership in the EU: the competitive dialogue as a procurement process. (2007) Bovis, Christopher H.
  • Myths surrounding the PFI in the UK. (1999) Bovis, Christopher H.
  • Replacing CCT with “best value”. (1999) Bovis, Christopher H.
  • The evolution of EU financial services law. (1998) Bovis, Christopher H.
  • The Influence of Drafting Instructions on the Quality of Legislation in Grenada. (2014) Bowen, Christine-Marcia
  • The art of legislative drafting. (2006) Bowman, Geoffrey
  • Professor Louis Loss (1914-1997). (1998) Boyle, Tony
  • From Hierarchy to Inequality; From a Social Consciousness Based on Caste to One on Class. Breman, Jan
  • 'A Dialogue that Knows no Border between Nationality, Race or Culture': Themes, Impact and the Critical Reception of 'Far from Mogadishu. (2013) Brioni, Simone
  • Intervista con Igiaba Scego. Brioni, Simone
  • Urban demand in the English economy, 1300-1600. (2000) Britnell, Richard
  • De-risking; assessing the consequences of enhanced anti-money laundering and counter terrorist-financing regulation on access to finance. (2015) Broadway, Philippa
  • The Retreat from Oil Nationalism in Ecuador, 1976-1983. (1984) Brogan, Christopher
  • Court modernisation and the crisis facing our civil courts. (2004) Brooke, Lord Justice
  • Is a victim-centred approach to human trafficking key to increasing prosecution rates for human trafficking crimes? A UK case study. (2012) Brotherton, Vicky
  • The extent to which Corporate Governance may be successfully implemented by the Business Community: the role of Public Entities and Non profit-making Organisations. (2012) Brown, Angella Dianee
  • The impact of rivers on urban development - the Tyburn River and Mayfair in the eighteenth century. (2017) Brown, David
  • Domestic State Violence: Repression From The Croquants To The Commune. (1997) Brown, Howard G.
  • The Historical Vignettes in the Vatican Galleria delle Carte Geografiche. (2015) Brown, Jeremy
  • The railway works at Swindon and Stratford in the 19th century: a comparison of their origins, activity and labour force and their social impact on their respective neighbourhoods. (2010) Brownlee, Mike
  • The Society of Enhanced Legal Scholars, Seven of Nine, and some regulatory challenges for future generations. (2009) Brownsword, Roger
  • The Netherlands – Transatlantic litigation: the Bijlmer air crash case. (1999) Bruinsma, Fred J. and De Groot-van Leeuwen, Leny E.
  • Did Mexico turn left? The electoral performance of the PRD during the period 1997-2006. (2009) Brzezinski, Jacek
  • Brazil and the United Kingdom: Trade Relations in the 1990s. (1997) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • British Trade with Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. (1998) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Freedom to Trade, Free Trade and Laissez-Faire: Latin American Approaches to Economic Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century. (2012) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Life after Debt: The New Economic Trajectory in Latin America. (1992) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • A Long-Run Model of Development for Central America. (1991) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • The State, The Market and Elections in Latin America: How Much Has Really Changed? (1995) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Vagabond Hollanders and runaway Englishmen, white poverty in the Cape before poor whiteism. (1984) Bundy, Colin
  • Nyamarira that I loved: Commoditisation, consumption and the social history of soap in Zimbabwe. (1992) Burke, Timothy
  • Quality of Welsh Legislation. (2016) Burki, Assad
  • Images of reality: Iris Murdoch's five ways from art to religion. (2015) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Ontological arguments from experience: Daniel A. Dombrowski, Iris Murdoch, and the nature of divine reality. (2012) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Institution And Ideology: The Scottish Estates And Resistance Theory. (1997) Burns, J.H.
  • Why tax is a human rights issue: empowering communities living in poverty to hold governments to account for public services. (2015) Burrows, Bridget
  • Factors determining the repatriation of cultural heritage from museums; the place of cultural rights in British museums practice. (2015) Byrne, James Gerard
  • Voluntary Societies and Urban Elites in 19th Century Italy. (1997) Caglioti, Daniela L.
  • Interception of communications: Skype, Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft tools and electronic data retention on foreign servers: A legal perspective from a prosecutor conducting an investigation. (2009) Cajani, Francesco
  • International phishing gangs and operation Phish & Chip. (2009) Cajani, Francesco
  • Kant on Analogy. (2008) Callanan, John
  • Banking – The latest edition of the code of practice. (1998) Campbell, Andrew
  • Reflections on Northern Rock. (2008) Campbell, Andrew
  • Financial Services – The protection of bank depositors: new developments. (1999) Campbell, Andrew and Cartwright, Peter
  • Heroic Chancellor: Winston Churchill and the University of Bristol 1929–65. (2015) Cannadine, David
  • As deadly as armed conflict? Gang violence and forced displacement in the Northern Triangle of Central America. (2016) Cantor, David
  • Bucking the trend? Liberalism and illiberalism in Latin American refugee law and policy. (2015) Cantor, David
  • D.J. Cantor, ‘Gang violence as a cause of forced migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 27–45. (2016) Cantor, David
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