Sustainable Development Goals - Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Find out more about Goal 2: Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture on the United Nations SDG site.

Number of items: 1788.
  • Confronting Lord Haw-Haw: Rumour and Britain's Wartime Anti-Lie Bureau. (2019) Fox, Jo
  • 2018
  • Brazil: Essays on History and Politics. (2018) Bethell, Leslie
  • Violent Governance, Identity and the Production of Legitimacy: Autodefensas in Latin America. (2018) Curry, Alexander and Ansems de Vries, Leonie
  • Sonorous memory in Jonathan Perel’s El predio (2010) and Los murales (2011). (2018) Geraghty, Niall HD
  • The Narrators in 'Macbeth'. (2018) Hardy, Barbara
  • The Prevention and Control of Economic Crime in China: A Critical Analysis of the Law and its Administration. (2018) Liu, Enze
  • The Commonwealth and Challenges to Media Freedom. (2018) Onslow, Sue
  • "A natural hulk" : Australia's Carceral Islands in the Colonial Period. (2018) Roscoe, Katherine
  • Voces y miradas alternas a Efraín: Del amor y otras historias / Alternate Voices and Glances to Efrain: From Love and Other Stories. (2018) Uribe-Duncan, Elvia Jeannette
  • Launching IALS Digital: Connections and Collaboration. (2018) Whittle, Steven
  • The Character of Papal Finance at the Turn of the Twelfth Century. (2018) Wiedemann, Benedict
  • 2017
  • A Comparative Analysis of the Control of Financial Crime From the Perspective of the UK, USA and Nigeria. (2017) Adetunji, Adeoye
  • Interoception and Autonomic Correlates during Social Interactions. Implications for Anorexia. (2017) Ambrosecchia, M and Ardizzi, M and Russo, E and Ditaranto, F and Speciale, M and Vinai, P and Todisco, P and Maestro, S and Gallese, Vittorio
  • The pendulum effect of regulation: How the policy swing between the over and under regulation of financial institutions will be ineffective and detrimental to business. (2017) Atkinson, Elizabeth
  • Folios in Context: Collecting Shakespeare at the University of London. (2017) Attar, Karen
  • People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Norman Worlds of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. (2017) Bates, David and D'Angelo, Edoardo and van Houts, Elisabeth
  • ‘To avoide all envye, malys, grudge and displeasure’: sociability and social networking at the London wardmote inquest, c.1470-1540. (2017) Berry, Charlotte
  • Fashioning the Foundlings - Education, Instruction and Apprenticeship at the London Foundling Hospital c.1741-1800. (2017) Bright, Janette
  • The impact of rivers on urban development - the Tyburn River and Mayfair in the eighteenth century. (2017) Brown, David
  • Legislative Drafting and the Rule of Law. (2017) Cormacain, Ronan
  • The bodily space of images. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • How did British voluntary organisations concerned with the environment balance their commitment to protect it with supporting the Second World War effort. (2017) Gary, Willis
  • Guest Editorial – Key sources for international law research. (2017) Gee, David
  • An analysis of the Effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Funding Legislation and its Administration in the UAE. (2017) Gibbs, Tatyana
  • Consumption and poverty in the homes of the English poor, c. 1670-1834. (2017) Harley, Joseph
  • A chronological and analytical account of Achamore Gardens, Gigha, Inner Hebrides. (2017) Haugh, Helen
  • Legal Aspects of Takeover Defence Tactics: A Comparative Analysis between the English and the US Systems. (2017) Huseynov, Elshad
  • Electronic Evidence: 4th Edition. (2017) Mason, Stephen and Seng, Daniel
  • The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Stability in the Face of Financial Misconduct and the Possible Contribution that Islamic Finance Can Make to Stability. (2017) Naffa, Mohammad
  • Piety, beeswax and the Portuguese African slave trade to Lima, Peru, in the early colonial period. (2017) Newson, Linda
  • The perfection of the soul in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Al-Sirr al-maktūm. (2017) Noble, Michael Sebastian
  • Financial Product Regulation in age of Innovation - The final frontier towards achieving effective financial services regulation. (2017) Odigie, Catherine
  • Balancing the Interests Between TNCs and Host Developing States - The Role of Law. (2017) Pusic, Nastja
  • The publication and reception of local and Parliamentary legislation in England, 1422-c.1485. (2017) Rowland, Dean
  • A Chapter from ‘General Philology’ by Yuri Rozhdestvensky is here published in English Translation from the Russian for the first time: Chapter 5. Printed Literature. (2017) Rozhdestvensky, Yuri
  • Sensing the Worst: Neurophenomenological Perspectives on Neutral Stimuli Misperception in Schizophrenia Spectrum. (2017) Sestito, M and Parnas, J and Maggini, C and Gallese, Vittorio
  • The French gardening craze, 1908-1914 : horticulture, politics and the media in Edwardian Britain. (2017) Short, Andrew
  • ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable’ in the United Kingdom. (2017) Singer, Sarah
  • The perceptual categorisation of blended and single malt Scotch whiskies. (2017) Smith, Barry and Sester, Carole and Ballester, Jordi and Deroy, Ophelia
  • Ploughing a Furrow to Zion: Fostering Ideals and Identities through the Agricultural Training of European Jewish Youth - A Case Study of the Bachad Movement 1928-1962. (2017) Steele, Verity
  • After Brexit: The legal relationship of the UK-OCTs with the EU. (2017) Stoll-davey, Camille
  • The Optimal Level of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation for the UK Banking Sector. Banks’ Cost of Compliance, De-risking Problem and How to Implement Effective AML Systems and Controls. (2017) Sumkovski, Igor
  • What was the nature and extent of charitable giving by and through the livery companies in the year 1390-1570? (2017) Weake, Jane
  • Onwards, Upwards, Toward the Co-operative Commonwealth: London Co-Operative Citizenship, 1918-1925. (2017) Williams Elliott, Yvette
  • John Hay 1758-1836 : '...the most eminent horticultural architect Scotland ever produced.' (J. C. Loudon). (2017) Wilson, Patricia
  • A Critical Appraisal of the Law and Practice Relating to Money Laundering in the USA and UK. (2017) Yakubu, Sirajo
  • 2016
  • Fiat based currency systems underlie the cause of financial crises: A critical examination which identifies the failure to effectuate a durable monetary framework on the worldwide economy. (2016) Ajanaku, Ayodele Ademola Oladimeji
  • Medieval merchants and money: Essays in honour of James L. Bolton. (2016) Allen, Martin and Davies, Matthew
  • The influence of garden city theories on the landscape of early to mid-twentieth-century English housing developments : a case-study of three sites in Essex. (2016) Alvey, Jane
  • Interoception and Positive Symptoms in Schizophrenia. (2016) Ardizzi, M and Ambrosecchia, M and Buratta, L and Ferri, F and Peciccia, M and Donnari, S and Mazzeschi, C and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Rare Book Librarianship and Historical Bibliography. (2016) Attar, Karen
  • Generation and Transmission: Transnational Ageing in Contemporary Women's Writing in French. (2016) Averis, Kate
  • Writing Displacement, Demythologising Violence: Discourses of Violence in Contemporary Colombia and Laura Restrepo's La multitude errante. (2016) Averis, Kate
  • Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society. (2016) Baigent, Elizabeth and Cowell, Ben
  • ‘And those who live, how shall I tell their fame?’ Historical pageants, collective remembrance and the First World War, 1919-1939. (2016) Bartie, Angela and Fleming, Linda and Freeman, Mark and Hulme, Tom and Readman, Paul and Tupman, Charlotte
  • Epigraphers and Encoders: Strategies for Teaching and Learning Digital Epigraphy. (2016) Bodard, Gabriel and Stoyanova, Simona
  • Analysing Police-Recorded Data. (2016) Brimicombe, Allan
  • Touching the holy: the rise of contact relics in medieval England. (2016) Browett, Rebecca
  • The cult of St Æthelwold and its context, c. 984-c. 1400. (2016) Browett, Rebecca
  • Quality of Welsh Legislation. (2016) Burki, Assad
  • Implicit and Explicit Routes to Recognize the Own Body: Evidence from Brain Damaged Patients. (2016) Candini, M and Farinelli, M and Ferri, F and Avanzi, S and Cevolani, D and Gallese, Vittorio and Northoff, G and Frassinetti, F
  • As deadly as armed conflict? Gang violence and forced displacement in the Northern Triangle of Central America. (2016) Cantor, David
  • D.J. Cantor, ‘Gang violence as a cause of forced migration in the Northern Triangle of Central America’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 27–45. (2016) Cantor, David
  • D.J. Cantor, ‘International protection of persons displaced by organised crime: Latin American legal and policy frameworks’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 147–63. (2016) Cantor, David
  • Constitutional Reform of the Parliamentary System in Saint Lucia: A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Changes in the Caribbean. (2016) Cenac-Maragh, Cybelle
  • Two essays by Roman Jakobson, translated into English: ‘About Mayakovsky’s Later Lyrical Poems’ and ‘Dostoyevsky Echoed In Mayakovsky’s Work’. (2016) Coghill, Mary and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul
  • Coghill, Mary A. and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul (2017): A Chapter from ‘General Philology’ by Yuri Rozhdestvensky is here published in English Translation from the Russian for the first time. (2016) Coghill, Mary and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul and Rozhdestvensky, Yuri
  • Legal records at risk: does the legal profession care about preserving its heritage? What could be done to rescue private sector legal records. (2016) Cowling, Clare
  • Our legal heritage at risk: rescuing private sector legal records. (2016) Cowling, Clare
  • Is our legal heritage at risk? What might be done to rescue private sector legal records. (2016) Cowling, Clare and Reynolds, Michael
  • Means testing vs. universal targeting: Assumptions of efficiency and affordability. (2016) Cruz-martinez, Gibran
  • On the Cusp of Legend and History: The Myth of Alexander the Great in Italy between the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century. (2016) Daniotti, Claudia
  • Legal and regulatory aspects of conflicts of interest in the operation of wholesale insurance intermediaries. (2016) Day, Henry
  • Differentiated audio-tactile correspondences in sighted and blind individuals. (2016) Deroy, Ophelia and Fasiello, I and Hayward, Vincent and Auvray, M
  • L.R. Díaz Leal, ‘Internal displacement in Mexico: the debate on concepts, statistics and State responsibility’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 47–62. (2016) Díaz Leal, L.R.
  • Integrative Processing of Touch and Affect in Social Perception: An fMRI Study. (2016) Ebisch, SJH and Salone, A and Martinotti, G and Carlucci, L and Mantini, D and Perucci, MG and Saggino, A and Romani, GL and Di Giannantonio, M and Northoff, G and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Caroline Playne: the Activities and Absences of a Campaigning Author in First World War London. (2016) Espley, Richard
  • Between Use Sensitive and Assessment Sensitive Truth: A Criticism of Truth Relativism. (2016) Gariazzo, Matías
  • Guest Editorial – Sources and Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research. (2016) Gee, David
  • The emerging popularity of international arbitration in banking and financial sector – Is this a fashionable trend or a viable replacement? (2016) Hatami Alamdari, Bahar
  • “Cuts in Action”: A High-Density EEG Study Investigating the Neural Correlates of Different Editing Techniques in Film. (2016) Heimann, KS and Uithol, S and Calbi, M and Umilta, MA and Guerra, M and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Ravenna: its role in earlier medieval change and exchange. (2016) Herrin, Judith and Nelson, Jinty
  • Feminist Methods and Sources in Criminology and Criminal Justice. (2016) Howe, Adrian
  • Property Rights in Securities: A Law and Economics Analysis. (2016) Huang, Kai
  • ‘A nation of town criers’: civic publicity and historical pageantry in inter-war Britain. (2016) Hulme, Tom
  • Exodus, Expulsion, Explication: Collective Memories of Silesia as a German-Polish Frontier Zone. (2016) Jefferson, Steven
  • The London Furniture Trade, 1640 - 1720. (2016) Lindey, Laurie
  • Improving Chiswick, 1858-1883. (2016) Logan, Tracey
  • The making of the Book of Kells: two Masters and two Campaigns. (2016) MacGabhann, Donncha
  • Á. Marroquín Parducci, ‘Gangs in Central America’s Northern Triangle: narratives and journeys’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 15–25. (2016) Marroquín Parducci, A
  • Electronic Signatures in Law: 4th Edition. (2016) Mason, Stephen
  • From Cultural Translation to Clinical Consultation: Working Between Languages, Working Between Disciplines. (2016) Milne, Anna Louise
  • Resistance and Refusal in the New Literature of the Office: Reading Lydie Salvayre's La Vie commune and Delphine de Vigan's Les Heures souterraines. (2016) Mulhall, Anne
  • Interview with Salman Haidar: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Murphy, Philip and Haidar, Salman and Onslow, Sue and Ruth, Craggs
  • Review of García Loaeza, Pablo and Victoria L. Garrett eds. (2015) The Improbable Conquest: Sixteenth-Century Letters from the Río de la Plata. The Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA). (2016) Newson, Linda
  • Voices of the Commonwealth. (2016) Onslow, Sue
  • Interview with The Rt Hon Jim Bolger: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Bolger, Rt Hon Jim and Craggs, Ruth
  • Interview with Mark Chona: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Chona, Mark and Craggs, Ruth and Namusoke, Eva
  • Interview with Yash Ghai: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Ghai, Yash and Craggs, Ruth and Namusoke, Eva
  • Interview with Kamalesh Sharma: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Kamalesh, Sharma
  • Witness Seminar, March 2014: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Namusoke, Eva
  • Interview with Dorienne Rowan-Campbell: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2016) Onslow, Sue and Rowan-Campbell, Dorienne
  • Report: Seminar on Governance and Media Reform in Sri Lanka and the Commonwealth. (2016) Page, David and Crawley, William
  • S. Reynolds, ‘Persecution, politics and protection in the United States: finding refuge from organised crime in the Americas’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 129–46. (2016) Reynolds, S.
  • N. Rodríguez Serna and J.-F. Durieux, ‘The displaced as victims of organised crime: Mexico and Colombia compared’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 109–27. (2016) Rodriguez Serna, Nicolas and Durieux, Jean-Francois
  • G. Rojas Andrade, ‘Post-demobilisation groups and forced displacement in Colombia: a quantitative approach’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 63–85. (2016) Rojas Andrade, G.
  • Delegatus and Carltona are obsolete: the ‘modern principle’ is the only tool necessary to determine issues of delegation. (2016) Saunders, Valerie
  • Sources of public response to the death penalty in Britain, 1930-65. (2016) Seal, Lizzie
  • B.E. Sánchez Mojica, ‘A silenced exodus: intra-urban displacement in Medellín’, in D.J. Cantor and N. Rodríguez Serna (eds.), The New Refugees: Crime and Forced Displacement in Latin America (University of London, 2016), pp. 87–108. (2016) Sánchez Mojica, B.E.
  • Pre legislative and legislative scrutiny processes: the contribution of Parliament to quality legislation. (2016) Theleso, Bonno Refilwe
  • The Reverend James Woodroffe's Journals: Social welfare and the parishioner-curate interface in the parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green, 1888-1892. (2016) Toole, Wendy
  • Special issue - Beyond clickbait and commerce: The ethics, possibilities and challenges of not-for-profit media. (2016) Townend, Judith and Muller, Denis and Keeble, Richard Lance
  • Choosing and using statistical sources in Criminology – What can the Crime Survey for England and Wales tell us? (2016) Tseloni, Andromachi and Tilley, Nick
  • The reasons for the rise and fall of Bearer Shares: a company law comparison between the UK and some offshore jurisdictions. (2016) Vanterpool, Andre
  • Telling Legal Backstories – making historic case papers from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council available to all online. (2016) Whittle, Steven
  • Movilidad y estabilidad de las poblaciones en el mundo romano: una reflexión metodológica e historiográfica. (2016) Woolf, Greg
  • Moving Peoples in the Early Roman Empire. (2016) Woolf, Greg
  • Only Connect? Network analysis and religious change in the Roman World. (2016) Woolf, Greg
  • Li County under Reform: Policy Implementation and Impact in Central China, 1978 – 2013. (2016) Xu, Jing
  • Was it Uruguay or Coffee? The causes of the beef jerky industry’s decline in southern Brazil (1850 – 1889). (2016) Zamberlan Pereira, Thales
  • Maternal Genealogies and the Legacy of Slavery in Caribbean Women's Historical Fiction. (2016) Zimmerman, Tegan
  • The Impact of Parallel Legal Systems on Fundamental Liberties in Multi-religious Societies. (2016) bin Mohamed, Azahar
  • 2015
  • Vernacular Encounters with Aristotle’s Politics in Italy, 1260‒1600. (2015) Allen, Grace
  • Mary Magdalen and the Imagery of Redemption: Reception and Revival in Fifteenth-Century Tyrol. (2015) Anderson, Joanne
  • Feminist approaches to sexuality and law scholarship. (2015) Auchmuty, Rosemary
  • The Business of the Book as a Market Response to Social Change in the Thirteenth-Century Diversification and Secularisation of Demand and Supply of Religious Texts, and the Impact of Market Diversification on the Appearance of the Book. (2015) Bailey, Janine
  • Painful Italianness: Translating the (Post)Migrant Female Body. (2015) Baldo, Michela
  • Remedy Australia: because every human rights violation should be remedied. (2015) Ball, Olivia
  • Human rights theory as solidarity. (2015) Barreto, José-Manuel
  • Making Working Women Visible in the 1950s Italian Labour Conflict. The Case of the Ducati Factory. (2015) Betti, Eloisa
  • The Contribution of Legislative Drafters. (2015) Bond, Joann
  • Mr Higgins’s Hayley: A provincial gentleman’s copy of Hayley’s Life of Cowper and what it tells us about the writing and publishing of a literary biography in the early years of the nineteenth century. (2015) Bostock, Kate
  • De-risking; assessing the consequences of enhanced anti-money laundering and counter terrorist-financing regulation on access to finance. (2015) Broadway, Philippa
  • The Historical Vignettes in the Vatican Galleria delle Carte Geografiche. (2015) Brown, Jeremy
  • Political Homophobia In Brazil: An Evaluation of the Pentecostal Threat to the Human Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities. (2015) Brunke, Laura Isabella
  • Images of reality: Iris Murdoch's five ways from art to religion. (2015) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Why tax is a human rights issue: empowering communities living in poverty to hold governments to account for public services. (2015) Burrows, Bridget
  • Factors determining the repatriation of cultural heritage from museums; the place of cultural rights in British museums practice. (2015) Byrne, James Gerard
  • Heroic Chancellor: Winston Churchill and the University of Bristol 1929–65. (2015) Cannadine, David
  • Bucking the trend? Liberalism and illiberalism in Latin American refugee law and policy. (2015) Cantor, David
  • Extraterritorial non-refoulement: intersections between human rights and refugee law. (2015) Cantor, David
  • Front Matter: A Liberal Tide? Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Latin America. (2015) Cantor, David and Freier, Luisa Feline and Gauci, Jean Pierre
  • Embodying 'the new white race': colonial doctors and settler society in Algeria, 1878-1911. (2015) Chopin, Charlotte Ann
  • Machismo and Cultural Traditions: A case study of women’s organisations addressing gender based violence in Buenos Aires. (2015) Christie, Pip
  • Similar Stars And Strange Angels: Giorgio Anselmi’s Astrological Magic. (2015) Cox, Merlin
  • The Value of Open Access in Anthropology and Beyond. (2015) Dallemagne, Grégory and del Arco, Víctor and Montoya, Ainhoa and Pérez, Marta
  • The Admission of Women into the Legal Profession: a guide to archival sources at IALS. (2015) Dawson, Elizabeth
  • Law, Gender and Sexuality an introduction to LSE Library collections. (2015) Dawson, Heather
  • Rating-Based Regulation and Investors' Overrealiance: Quo Vadis? (2015) De Pascalis, Francesco
  • ‘A Man of Sorrows, and Acquainted with Grief’: Imagery of the Suffering Christ in the Art of the Late Medieval Low Countries and Counter-Reformation Spain. (2015) Deinema, Merel
  • Transnational business human rights regulations and their effects upon human rights protection. (2015) Dhanarajan, Sumi
  • Human, Nature, Dynamism: The Effects of Content and Movement Perception on Brain Activations during the Aesthetic Judgment of Representational Paintings. (2015) Di Dio, C and Ardizzi, M and Massaro, D and de Cesare, G and Gilli, G and Marchetti, A and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Legal Certainty: A Case of Keeping the Statute Book Up-to-date. (2015) Djokoto, Regina
  • Jane Sautiere's Autofictional Explorations: Nullipare. (2015) Edwards, Natalie
  • Tiere, Körper und Menschen von Gewicht bei Renée Sintenis und Mechtilde Lichnowsky. (2015) Emonts, Anne Martina
  • The Inter-American Human Rights System: notable achievements and enduring challenges. (2015) Engstrom, Par
  • Introductory essay to the special issue: Mediation in contemporary China: Continuity and change. (2015) FU, Hualing and Palmer, Michael
  • Refugee protection in Brazil (1921-2014): an analytical narrative of changing policies. (2015) Fischel de Andrade, Jose H.
  • Gratie ende Bevalligheydt: The Concept of Grace in Dutch Art Literature. (2015) Gerritsen, Anne
  • History and Biography. (2015) Goldman, Lawrence
  • The Culture of Dis/simulation in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe. (2015) Gordian, Michael
  • Theories of change for human rights and for development. (2015) Gready, Paul
  • ‘For to plant all maner plants’: French and English Household Books as Sources for Gardening in the Late 16th – Early 17th Centuries. (2015) Greenfield, Emilienne
  • Technical cooperation in the field of human rights. (2015) Hamdan, Farid
  • London and the Crown in the Reign of Henry VII. (2015) Harper, Samantha Patricia
  • Feedforward: An Analysis of Inventory Books’ Visualities Using Scholarship about Medieval Manuscripts. (2015) Henrickson, Leah
  • Considering the Elizabethan Portrait Miniature as an Object of Devotion. (2015) Hitti, Ngaio
  • The role of human rights in diversity management and conflict prevention. (2015) Holt, Sally
  • “A Nation Depends on Its Children”: School Buildings and Citizenship in England and Wales, 1900–1939. (2015) Hulme, Tom
  • Analysing Judgments from a Feminist Perspective. (2015) Hunter, Rosemary
  • The scene of the crime: police photographs, visual culture and sexuality. (2015) Janes, Dominic
  • The Relationship Between Law, Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Sierra Leone. (2015) Jones, Princetta
  • The Art of Memory as cultural transfer. An Italian treatise of the 15th century and its adoption. (2015) Kemper, Angelika
  • Shifting sands: a paradigm change in the development discourse on women’s human rights and empowerment. (2015) Klirodotakou, Catherine
  • Cixous' Reframing: Femininity, Humanity and Beyond. (2015) Laflamme, Ela
  • Plain Language - a promising tool for quality legislation. (2015) Lam, Kally
  • The World’s a Bubble: Francis Bacon, Nature, and the Politics of Religion. (2015) Lancaster, James
  • Introduction. (2015) Lennox, Corinne
  • Notes on Contributors. (2015) Lennox, Corinne
  • Canadian Cases before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. (2015) MacMillan, Catharine
  • Visual and Literary Narratives of Dissent: Unframing Women and Representation. (2015) Macedo, Ana Gabriela
  • Foreword. (2015) Manor, James
  • Human rights and the new(ish) digital paradigm. (2015) Marcus, Gaia
  • Ring-fenced Banking: Regulation and Practice. (2015) McCormack, Peter
  • Rooksdown House and the Rooksdown Club: A Study Into the Rehabilitation of Facially Disfigured Servicemen and Civilians Following the Second World War. (2015) Millar, Simon
  • In transit: migration policy in Colombia. (2015) Mojica, Beatriz Eugenia Sanchez
  • Queering genealogy through wills. (2015) Monk, Daniel
  • The Turn of the Offended: Clientelism in the Wake of El Salvador’s 2009 Elections. (2015) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • Trafficking persons within mixed migration flows in Central America. (2015) Mora, Diana Trimino
  • Natural Resource Exploitation as ‘Sustainable Development’? Extractive Processes, Mega Projects and Human Rights in Latin America. (2015) Morley, Joanna
  • Do Amnesties Undermine Human Rights? Zimbabwe as a Case in Point. (2015) Ncube, Abe
  • Review of Gregory T Cushman, Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World: A Global Ecological History, (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013). (2015) Newson, Linda
  • Review of John Slater, Marı´aluz Lopez-Terrada and Jose´ Pardo-Tomas, eds, Medical Cultures of the Early Modern Spanish Empire, Ashgate: Farnham, 2014; 326 pp., 9 figures, 1 table; 9781472428134, £70.00 (hbk). (2015) Newson, Linda
  • Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900. (2015) Nicholls, Angus
  • The social construction of Afro-descendant rights in Colombia. (2015) Ojulari, Esther
  • Interview with Hugh Craft: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2015) Onslow, Sue and Craft, Hugh and Craggs, Ruth
  • Interview with Billie Miller: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2015) Onslow, Sue and Miller, Billie
  • Free Trade - Free People? The Dominance of International Investment Arbitration and its Implications for Human Rights Fulfilment. (2015) Phelps, Ben
  • Nakedness Reveals Itself. Nudity is Placed on Display. (2015) Ramsey, Francesca
  • What Women Want - The Penis Market in Renaissance Italy. (2015) Re'em, Eleanor
  • An Archive of The Women’s Liberation Movement: a Document of Social & Legislative Change. (2015) Russell, Polly
  • Publishing for the Popes: The Cultural Policy of the Catholic Church towards Printing in Sixteenth-Century Rome. (2015) Sachet, Paolo
  • Rethinking Muslim women’s equal rights: faith, property and empowerment. (2015) Sait, M. Siraj
  • The impact of legal aid cuts on access to justice in the UK. (2015) Shah, Smita
  • Researching and studying human rights: interdisciplinary insight. (2015) Short, Damien
  • Extreme energy, ‘fracking’ and human rights: a new field for human rights impact assessments? (2015) Short, Damien and Elliott, Jessica and Norder, Kadin and Morley, Joanna and Lloyd-Davies, Edward
  • Guest Editorial: Law, Gender and Sexuality. (2015) Sims, Jon
  • Law, Gender and Sexuality at the British Library. (2015) Sims, Jon
  • "Women, Life, Freedom": The Struggle of Kurdish Women to Promote Human Rights. (2015) Siqueira de Miranda, Sarah
  • Bringing human rights home: refugees, reparation, and the responsibility to protect. (2015) Souter, James
  • The Wonderful Discoveries: English Witchcraft and Early Stuart Pamphlet Culture. (2015) Starr, Jessica
  • Poetry for human rights. (2015) Sumpton, Laila
  • How strong Is The Argument For A Rights Based Approach For The Prevention Of Gender Based Violence In South Africa? (2015) Taiwo, Iyanu
  • The United States and democracy promotion in Iraq and Lebanon in the aftermath of the events of 9/11 and the 2003 Iraq War. (2015) Taqi, Abess
  • The Cyprus Problem 1964-1974: The Divergent Development of the Two Communities and the Quest for Settlement. (2015) Varnava, Marilena
  • Power of the law, power to the people: pursuing innovative legal strategies in human rights advocacy. (2015) Venisnik, Tanja
  • Domestic incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Marshall Islands. (2015) Waiti, Divine
  • Ancient Illiteracy? (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • Greek Archaeologists at Rome. (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • Movers and Stayers. (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • Pliny/Trajan and the Poetics of Empire. (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • Ritual Traditions of Non-Mediterranean Europe. (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • Rome and Imperialism. (2015) Woolf, Greg
  • 'Thermae Diocletiani': Van Noyen's Ambitious Reconstruction of the Baths of Diocletian for Admirers of Architecture and the Antique. (2015) de Jong, Emma
  • 2014
  • Front Matter: Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • 'Being no parishioner with us': Responses to social and demographic change in St. Botolph's without Aldgate, London, 1583-1600. (2014) Adlington, Elizabeth
  • Indigeneity, law and performance on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. (2014) Altamirano-Jiménez, Isabel
  • Coexistence Of Mythological And Historical Elements And Narratives: Art At The Court Of The Medici Dukes. (2014) Assimakopoulou, Ianthi
  • London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today. (2014) Attar, Karen
  • Researching Women in Legal History: The case of Miss Bebb. (2014) Auchmuty, Rosemary
  • Harmful Tax Competition, Past and Future. (2014) Bennett, Amira
  • 'Alle Case Venie': a key to reading Romana Petri's oeuvre. (2014) Best, David Albert
  • Classical and revisionary theism on the divine as personal: a rapprochement? (2014) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Where the conflict really lies: Plantinga, the challenge of evil, and religious naturalism. (2014) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Public Money in Overseas Private Markets: The Dilemma of Reconciling the need for Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment on one hand and the Policy Concerns limiting such Investments. (2014) Chijioke-Orforji, Chijioke Chicka
  • The Rediscovery of Fra Angelico in Nineteenth-century Britain. (2014) Clarke, Alison Victoria
  • A Fifteenth-Century Merchant in London and Kent: Thomas Walsingham (d.1457). (2014) Clayton, Janet
  • Macmillan’s Early Trade in Educational Books to India, 1873-1891. (2014) Condie, Victoria
  • Indigenous interventions at Klahowya Village, χwayχw əy Vancouver/ unceded Coast Salish Territory. (2014) Couture, Selena
  • Data protection preliminary verification translation: Italy. (2014) Data protection preliminary verification translation:, Italy
  • La inclusión y la exclusión política y literaria: Josefa Acevedo de Gómez (1803-1861). (2014) Davies, Catherine
  • Mandatory Reporting? Issues to consider when developing legislation and policy to improve discovery of child abuse. (2014) Davies, Emma and Mathews, Ben and Read, John
  • Archival Sources for Legal Biography at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2014) Dawson, Elizabeth
  • Legal biography, oral history and the Cambridge Eminent Scholars Archive. (2014) Dingle, Lesley
  • A Note from the Translators: Introduction to Maria-Mercè Marçal's 'The Body's Reason'. (2014) Díaz Vicedo, Noèlia and Abelló, Montserrat
  • The Influence of 'Foreignness': How Immigration and Imported Commodities affected England's Cloth Industries and Consumer Habits, 1685-1755. (2014) Evans, Eppie
  • Art and Religion in Karel Van Mander’s Oeuvre: God and the Gods in the Schilder-boeck. (2014) Everaarts, Marijn Catharina
  • The Asymmetric Interdependence of Private Rating Agencies and Public Financial Regulation The Global Systematic Rebalancing. (2014) Fan, Tinqiao
  • Report: Contribution of the Commonwealth to the reinforcement of the linkage between the right to life and peace, human rights and development within the Human Rights Council. (2014) Fernández, Christian Guillermet and Puyana, David Fernández
  • 'As Good as Five Shillings a Week for Life': Poor Dental Health and the Establishment of Dental Provision for Schoolchildren in Edwardian London. (2014) Franklin, Helen
  • Exchange of Knowledge Through Translation: Jan Baptista Van Helmont and His Editors and Translators in the Seventeenth Century. (2014) Fransen, Sietske
  • Aspects of Nudity in Profane Art and Literature In Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Italy. (2014) Gay, Lorenza
  • Guest Editorial - Legal Biography. (2014) Gee, David
  • Introduction: Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas. (2014) Gilbert, Helen and Gleghorn, Charlotte
  • Updating the criminal law on child neglect: protecting children from severe emotional abuse. (2014) Gill, Abigail
  • Modernity and the indigenous in centennial celebrations of independence in Mexico City, 1910 and 1921. (2014) Gonzales, Michael J.
  • Communicating the Law: An Analysis of a Proposal to reduce the Perception of Disproportionate Complexity associated with UK primary Legislation. (2014) Gregson, Richard Donald
  • Rhodes Town: How Lamb became Hackney suburbia. (2014) Gubbins, Sean
  • re-trial detention and human rights in the Commonwealth: Any lessons from civil law systems? (2014) Hausler, Kristin and McCorquodale, Robert
  • Biographical Research and Institutional Archives: the Case of the Inns of Court. (2014) Holborn, Guy
  • Performing and disputing indigeneity in the Fiesta del Coraza in Otavalo, Ecuador. (2014) Huarcaya, Sergio Miguel
  • Putting the City Back into Citizenship: Civics Education and Local Government in Britain, 1918-45. (2014) Hulme, Tom
  • Caste and Power in the Lands of Agri-Culture. Revisiting Rural North-West India. (2014) Jodhka, Surinder S.
  • The Development of Penflourishing in Manuscripts Produced in England between 1180 and 1280. (2014) Johnston, Cynthia
  • Book Review: Globalization and Sustainable Economic Development: Issues, Insights and Inference (Piya Mahtaney). (2014) Kaisershot, Manette
  • Report on the state of UK-based research on Latin America and the Caribbean. (2014) Kapcia, Antoni and Newson, Linda
  • Index to "The road to Peradeniya : an autobiography" by Sir William Ivor Jennings, edited and introduced by H.A.I. Goonetileke, Colombo : Lake House Investments, 2005. (2014) Karunanayake, Chitra
  • Substance over Form in the Case-Law of the ECJ. (2014) Kolesnikovas, Giedrius
  • From The Ashes of Love : Defying Antigone in Christine Angot’s 'La Peur du lendemain'. (2014) Lebrun, Valerie
  • From The Ashes of Love : Defying Antigone in Christine Angot’s 'La Peur du lendemain' ['Fear of Tomorrow']. (2014) Lebrun, Valerie
  • Conservative Party Members: Speaking of Membership. (2014) Ledgerwood, Emmeline
  • Everyday work as spectacle: celebrating Maya embodied culture in Belize. (2014) Llanes-Ortiz, Genner
  • Sixteenth-century Hebrew typography: A typographical and historical analysis based on the Guillaume I Le Bé documents in the Bibliothèque nationale de France. (2014) Lubell, Stephen
  • Healthcare in Ireland and Britain from 1850: Voluntary, regional and comparative perspectives. (2014) Lucey, Donnacha Seán and Crossman, Virginia
  • Romanticism as Resistance: Bishop Robert Forbes’s Jacobite Collection, The Lyon in Mourning. (2014) McRae, Catherine
  • The Poetry of Sidney A Alexander. (2014) Meyers, Terry L
  • Ethnographies of the Opportunities and Risks of Neoliberalisation. (2014) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • FAQs about Open Access: The Political Economy of Knowledge in Anthropology and Beyond. (2014) Montoya, Ainhoa and Pérez, Marta and Dallemagne, Grégory and del Arco, Víctor
  • The “effectiveness test” as a tool for law reform. (2014) Mousmouti, Maria
  • Editorial Comment. (2014) Mustafa, Ahmet
  • Intellectual property law and competition law in China - Analysis of the current framework and comparison with the EU approach. (2014) Nga Man, Yeung
  • Intellectual property law and competition law in China - Analysis of the current framework and comparison with the EU approach. (2014) Nga Man, Yeung
  • What we talk about when we talk about Indian. (2014) Nolan, Yvette
  • The rights of women in Islam: The question of ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres for women’s rights and empowerment in Muslim societies. (2014) Orakzai, Saira Bano
  • Indigeneity in the Oruro Carnival: official memory, Bolivian identity and the politics of recognition. (2014) Oviedo, Ximena Córdova
  • Between Taste and Historiography: Writing About Early Renaissance Works of Art In Venice and Florence (1550-1800). (2014) Popoviciu, Laura
  • Introduction to Montserat Abello, Fifty Love Poems in Catalan: Montserrat Abello - A Life in Verse. (2014) Pou Jutglar, Ester
  • ‘Will making movies do the sheep any good?’ The afterlife of Native American images. (2014) Raheja, Michelle H.
  • Criminalising a ‘way of life’: The human rights implications of the UK Government’s ban of khat (or miraa) on the farmers of Meru County, Kenya. (2014) Riak, Maker Mayek
  • Spectacle and discourse of decommoditisation in the construction of subaltern public spheres: the P’urhépecha New Year and P’urhéecherio. (2014) Roth-Seneff, Andrew
  • The Long Title: An Old but Useful Friend. (2014) Saharom, Noor
  • The Iconography of the Madonna Lactans in The Thirteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Italian Art: Lithurgy and Devotion. (2014) Schaefer, Laura Isern
  • International Women’s Day in the Brazilian Countryside: New Forms of Political Protest and Resistance. (2014) Schwendler, Sônia Fátima
  • Gems in Renaissance Material Culture. (2014) Sessin, Serenella
  • Legal biography at the British Library: a particular perspective on resources. (2014) Sims, Jon
  • ‘The Alignment of Monetary Policy and Banking Regulations in Belize’. (2014) Sosa, Carmen
  • Performance, gestures and poses in postcards of Ho-Chunk in Wisconsin Dells. (2014) Stolte, Sarah Anne
  • Alternative Visions of Legal Biography: An Abstract. (2014) Sugarman, David
  • The Detained Fast Track. (2014) Vicary, Jessica
  • Crafting contemporary indigeneity through audiovisual media in Bolivia. (2014) Villarreal, Gabriela Zamorano
  • Law libraries and their users. (2014) Winterton, Jules
  • Mid-Nineteenth Century Migration from Norfolk to London: Migratory patterns, migrants' social mobility and the impact of the railway? (2014) Woods, Roger
  • The Georgian Theatre Audience: Manners and Mores in the Age of Politeness, 1737-1810. (2014) Wright, Rebecca
  • Nora Naranjo-Morse’s ‘Always Becoming’: enacting indigenous identity on a museum stage. (2014) Zittlau, Andrea
  • 2013
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 64. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Laura Restrepo. (2013) Averis, Kate
  • International aspects of migrating digital forensics in the cloud. (2013) Bagby, John W. and Schwerha, Joseph J.
  • Decriminalisation of consensual same-sex sexual acts in the South Asian Commonwealth: struggles in contexts. (2013) Baudh, Sumit
  • Beyond cross-cultural sensitivities: international human rights advocacy and sexuality in Jamaica. (2013) Blake, Conway and Dayle, Philip
  • The political space of Chancery Lane, c.1760-1815. (2013) Boorman, Francis Calvert
  • 'A Dialogue that Knows no Border between Nationality, Race or Culture': Themes, Impact and the Critical Reception of 'Far from Mogadishu. (2013) Brioni, Simone
  • "Un dialogo che non conosce confine né di nazionalità, né di razza, né di cultura”: temi, impatto e ricezione critica di Lontano da Mogadiscio. (2013) Brioni, Simone
  • Share an Idea, spare a thought: Community consultation in Christchurch’s time-bound post-earthquake rebuild. (2013) Carlton, Sally
  • L’écriture planétaire de Nicole Brossard. (2013) Carrière, Marie
  • Case Translation: France. (2013) Case Translation: France, France
  • Case Translation: Norway. (2013) Case Translation:, Norway
  • Some Reflections on Hydroelectric Development and the Land Rights of the Innu Who Live in Quebec and Those Who Live in Labrador. (2013) Cassell, Liz
  • The British Abolitionist Movement and print culture: James Phillips, activist, printer and bookseller. (2013) Clover, David
  • LGBT rights in Commonwealth forums: politics, pitfalls and progress? (2013) Cowell, Frederick
  • The Mau Mau Genocide: A Neo-Lemkinian Analysis. (2013) Crook, Martin
  • Organised Labour and the Cuban Revolution, 1952-1959. (2013) Cushion, Stephen
  • The dog that did not bark in the night: Researches on the absence of litigation. (2013) Daintith, Terence
  • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Challenging the Mother-Daughter Trope in Contemporary Italian Women's Writings. (2013) Di Rollo, Aureliana
  • Insider Dealing in the Commodities Market. (2013) Dixon, Gillian
  • Editorial Board and Associate Editors. (2013) Editorial Board, ISLRev
  • Alec Craig, Censorship and the Literary Marketplace: A Bookman’s Struggles. (2013) Espley, Richard
  • ‘Buggery’ and the Commonwealth Caribbean: a comparative examination of the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. (2013) Gaskins Jr., Joseph
  • Decriminalising homosexuality in Africa: lessons from the South African experience. (2013) Gomes da Costa Santos, Gustavo
  • Opinion: Will Terrorism Hijack the Pakistani Elections? (2013) Hassan, Kiran
  • The autonomous interpretation method in international law with particular reference to the proposed European Sales Law I. (2013) Heidemann, Maren
  • This alien legacy: the origins of ‘sodomy’ laws in British colonialism. (2013) Human Rights Watch, .
  • Presidential and Prime Ministerial Women in the Americas: A List with Interpretations. (2013) Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri
  • The Case of Helene Hegemann: Queerness, Failure, and the German Girl. (2013) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Sewing an Account of Oneself: Materiality, Femininity, and Germanness in Larissa Boehning's Lichte Stoffe. (2013) Jeremiah, Emily
  • The incremental approach: Uganda’s struggle for the decriminalisation of homosexuality. (2013) Jjuuko, Adrian
  • Aleister Crowley, Marie de Miramar & the True Wanga. (2013) Josiffe, Christopher
  • Anti Tax Avoidance Measures in Lithuanian Case-Law. (2013) Jouzaitis, Mantas
  • Banking Crisis and Hong Kong: Regulatory Measures and Compensation Schemes (Bailout, Deposit Insurance and Insolvency Laws). (2013) Kan, Ka Yee
  • The Contribution of the Drafter in Parliament to the Quality of Legislation in Cyprus. (2013) Karayianni, Natia
  • Why is Albania not an EU candidate Member State? (2013) Kellermann, Alfred
  • Wolfenden in Canada: within and beyond official discourse in law reform struggles. (2013) Kinsman, Gary
  • The sodomy offence: England’s least lovely criminal law export? (2013) Kirby AC CMG, The Hon. Michael
  • Letter from the Editor. (2013) Kleinberg, Jay
  • The Other Architects Who Made London: Planning and Design of Speculative Housing c. 1870-1939. (2013) Kroll, David
  • The House, the Street and the Brothel: Gender in Latin American History. (2013) Kuznesof, Elizabeth
  • The Evolution of Banking Regulation & Supervision: from isolated regulatory approach to regulation connected to macro-economic policies. (2013) Ladeji, Charles O.M.
  • That is Not the End of the Matter: Legislative Intent, Judicial Revision, and the Separation of Powers in the Affordable Care Act. (2013) Land, Christopher
  • D’Antigone à Sappho-Didon Apostasias: Repenser l’identité tragique des filles dans la littérature des femmes au Québec. (2013) Lebrun, Valerie
  • Conclusion: comparative analysis of decriminalisation and change across the Commonwealth. (2013) Lennox, Corinne and Waites, Matthew
  • Sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights in the Commonwealth: from history and law to developing activism and transnational dialogues. (2013) Lennox, Corinne and Waites, Matthew
  • Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change. (2013) Lennox, Corinne and Waites, Matthew and Kirby, Michael and Cowell, Frederick and Kinsman, Gary and Willett, Graham and Obendorf, Simon and Shah, Shanon and Baudh, Sumit and Gomes da Costa Santos, Gustavo and Tabengwa, Monica and Nicol, Nancy and Mwakasungula, Undule and Jjuuko, Adrian and Ward, Kevin and Gaskins Jr., Joseph and Blake, Conway and Dayle, Philip and Petrova, Dimitrina
  • Book Review: A world you do not know (Colin Samson). (2013) McCallum, Karen
  • The Masuline Rule and its Alternatives: A Comprehensive Analysis. (2013) McKenzie, Olva Adeola
  • Correcting history: mandatory education in Rwanda. (2013) Melvin, Jennifer
  • The Violence of Cold War Polarities and the Fostering of Hope: The 2009 Elections in Post-War El Salvador. (2013) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The LGBT situation in Malawi: an activist perspective. (2013) Mwakasungula, Undule
  • A few respectable steps behind the world? Gay and lesbian rights in contemporary Singapore. (2013) Obendorf, Simon
  • Access to Justice: The Contribution of Drafters. (2013) Ochanda, Catherine
  • The Necessity Exception to state Liability in International Investment Arbitration: The ICSID Approach. (2013) Ogunfolu, Oludotun
  • Interview with Abdul Minty: Commonwealth Oral History Project. (2013) Onslow, Sue and Minty, Abdul
  • Framework for peace pathways and conflict transformation for conflict in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. (2013) Orakzai, Saira
  • The Possibility of Anti-Money Laundering Laws Convergence at the Global Level. (2013) Otudor, Lovina
  • The use of equality and anti-discrimination law in advancing LGBT rights. (2013) Petrova, Dimitrina
  • Forty Years of Women’s and Gender Studies: A View from the Trenches. (2013) Pritchard, Linda K
  • From the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean: Three Governor’s Wives in Russian America. (2013) Rabow-Edling, Susanna
  • Direct Speech in the Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles : A Linguistic Analysis. (2013) Roger, Geoffrey
  • Whither History of Women in the Americas? (2013) Schofield, Ann
  • Residents and Non-Residents in the Direct Tax Jurisprudence of the ECJ: A Path through Comparability. (2013) Setti, Carlomaria
  • The Malaysian dilemma: negotiating sexual diversity in a Muslim-majority Commonwealth state. (2013) Shah, Shanon
  • The development of sexual rights and the LGBTI movement in Botswana. (2013) Tabengwa, Monica and Nicol, Nancy
  • Non-State Violence, State Responses, and Implications for Human Rights and Security in the Niger Delta. (2013) Takon, Nelson
  • Non-State Violence, State Responses, and Implications for Human Rights and Security in the Niger Delta. (2013) Takon, Nelson
  • Blood, Fire, Death: Bathory and the Birth of Viking Metal. (2013) Trafford, Simon
  • ‘This is the Age of Woman’: Black Feminism and Black Internationalism in the Works of Una Marson, 1928-1938. (2013) Umoren, Imaobong D
  • United Kingdom: confronting criminal histories and theorising decriminalisation as citizenship and governmentality. (2013) Waites, Matthew
  • Religious institutions and actors and religious attitudes to homosexual rights: South Africa and Uganda. (2013) Ward, Kevin
  • Australia: seven jurisdictions, one long struggle. (2013) Willett, Graham
  • Legislative drafting: a new sub-discipline of law is born. (2013) Xanthaki, Helen
  • The Effectiveness of Brunei Darussalam Legislation Requires the Introduction of better Accessibility Mechanisms. (2013) Zulkhairi Awang Hj Mohamad Noor, Awang
  • 2012
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 3. (2012) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 63. (2012) UNSPECIFIED
  • May Day: why the right to protest should be sacred. (2012) Aborisade, Femi
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of the law making process of Uganda. (2012) Aceng, Florence
  • The principle of Ultra Vires and the local authorities’ decisions in England. (2012) Aguma, Kalimba Charles
  • Practical implementation of CRD III remuneration rules in the UK - issues and results. (2012) Alexander, Kern
  • Prolegomena to Atlantic Catholic Citizenship. (2012) Alonso, Gregorio
  • The impact of money laundering on economic, and financial stability and on political development of developing countries. (2012) Aluko, Ayodegi
  • Human Rights & The Millennium Development Goals: “A human rights based approach to implementing gender equality in Zimbabwe". (2012) Banda, Victoria
  • The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889. (2012) Barman, Roderick J.
  • A critical analysis of the Ethiopian Commercial Code in light of OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. (2012) Bekele, Gebeyaw Simachew
  • Statutory interpretation in multilingual jurisdictions. (2012) Birungi Kamugundu, Odethie
  • Forging Commonwealth consensus: the buck stops with the Secretary-General. (2012) Bourne, Richard
  • Is a victim-centred approach to human trafficking key to increasing prosecution rates for human trafficking crimes? A UK case study. (2012) Brotherton, Vicky
  • The extent to which Corporate Governance may be successfully implemented by the Business Community: the role of Public Entities and Non profit-making Organisations. (2012) Brown, Angella Dianee
  • Freedom to Trade, Free Trade and Laissez-Faire: Latin American Approaches to Economic Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century. (2012) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Is there a distinctively feminist philosophy of religion? (2012) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Opportunities for National Biography Online: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2005–2012. (2012) Carter, Philip
  • Is it possible to establish effective financial services regulatory controls in multi-national enterprises? (2012) Chapman, Rosemary
  • Special Relations: The University of London and the University College of the West Indies. (2012) Clover, David
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: an honest duplicity. (2012) Connolly, Nicholas
  • Child Protection in Post-war Sierra Leone: Contextualizing provision, protection and participation rights of children. (2012) Conteh, Alimamy
  • A five-point plan to make the Commonwealth Foundation’s re-launch transformational. (2012) Cooper, Daisy
  • Prerogative legislation as the paradigm of bad law-making: The Chagos Islands. (2012) Cormacain, Ronan
  • Private Interests, Extreme Energy and the Human Right to Water. (2012) Cowell, Victoria
  • At Rio+20, the green economy won’t save the planet.But green democracy will. (2012) Crook, Martin and Patel, Raj
  • Corporate Governance and Economic Development in Less Developed and Developing Countries. An appraisal of country-level and International Measures. (2012) Darwish, Rania
  • The commercial corruption and Money Laundering: How adequate are the regulatory mechanisms? (2012) Ekwueme, Ejike Anaeto
  • The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: An Insight into The Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act of 2004, Laws of Nigeria. (2012) Ezewudo, Chibueze Valentine
  • Palestinian children's rights. (2012) Farooq, Sobhia
  • Humanitarian aid relief or displacement protections: Assessing the appropriate framework response to the effects of climate change. (2012) Flavius, Denis
  • The Continuation of Genocide without Mass Murder: The cases of 'cultural genocide' and 'ecocide' in Australia. (2012) Gauger, Anja
  • Philosophy According to Tacitus: Francis Bacon and the Inquiry into the Limits of Human Self-Delusion. (2012) Giglioni, Guido
  • The Social and Political Significance of Workfare in the United Kingdom. (2012) Hinton, Eleanor
  • Truth and reconciliation commissions. (2012) Hortenstine, Katie
  • Informality, security and neighbourhood development in downtown Kingston. (2012) Howard, David
  • Introduction: Developing a Nomadic Ethics. (2012) Jeremiah, Emily
  • The causes and the effects of the deficiency in the Pre-Legislative and Legislative scrutiny processes in St. Lucia. (2012) John-Theobalds, Michelle
  • The Haitian Revolution: Liberalism or Radical Universalism? (2012) Kaisary, Philip
  • Migration and human rights - challenges and possibilities. (2012) Karpen, Ulrich
  • Life in the Suburbs: Property History Narratives. (2012) Latham, Mark
  • State and development: economic liberalism in theory and practice, c.1900. (2012) Lewis, Colin M.
  • Modernity and Freemasonry in Nineteenth-Century Central America. (2012) Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo
  • Cameras in the courts: why the prohibition occurred in the UK. (2012) Mason, Stephen
  • The Provision of Underground Public Conveniences in London with Reference to Gender Differentials, 1850s-1980s. (2012) McCabe, Sarah
  • Beyond the veneer of reconciliation: human rights and democracy in Rwanda. (2012) Melvin, Jennifer
  • The Drafter’s role in the drafting process. (2012) Mico, Augustin
  • Stewardship and the insolvency practitioner: a review of the current position. (2012) Milman, David
  • Between Shared Understandings and Strategic Conflicts: The Making of a Presidential Republic in Argentina, 1853-1860. (2012) Negretto, Gabriel
  • Death in the suburbs: mortality in London and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700. (2012) Newton, Gill
  • 'Cosmofobia' de Lucía Etxebarria: el miedo a lo diferente? (2012) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Taxpayers rights protection in Nigeria. (2012) Oke, Busayo O.
  • EFCC, Money Laundering regulation and Politically Exposed Persons: Evidential burden and the cobweb of legalism. (2012) Oke, Tayo
  • Pinocchio Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body. (2012) Pizzi, Katia
  • Decolonising sexual citizenship: who will effect change in the south of the Commonwealth? (2012) Robinson, Colin
  • Human rights, capital punishment and the Commonwealth: still behind the curve. (2012) Schabas, Professor William
  • Inquest into justice of the Pakistani customary “Panchayat Justice System” in context of International Human Rights Law. (2012) Shahid, Usman
  • Tax reform in the context of new Revenue Authority administration for Liberia. (2012) Sherif, Musa M.
  • The Immigration Industry? A study of the effect of privatisation on immigration detention and related functions in the United Kingdom. (2012) Shortland, David
  • Egypt’s revolution one year on – the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak was just the start. (2012) Simic, Sasha
  • Scholasticism, Liberalism, Revolutionary Nationalism and Neoliberalism in Mexico. (2012) Stack, Trevor
  • The Right to Rehabilitation for Children. (2012) Sumpton, Laila
  • Conference Report: Economic Liberalism in the Americas. (2012) Toner, Deborah
  • Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • The pursuit of clarity, precision and unambiguity in drafting retrospective legislation. (2012) Turatsinze, Elias
  • International capital markets: which have been the effects of the 2007 liquidity crisis on global financial regulation, supervision and compliance? (2012) Vega, Patricio Juan
  • The impact of Basel II on EU banks, procyclical effects and proposals. (2012) Verri, Marco
  • To what extent are current efforts to tackle climate change in line with the Indigenous Peoples Movement? (2012) Waters, Fiona
  • Superhero or Foe: Securitization as a Means of Rebuilding the American Housing Market. (2012) Wells, Alisha
  • Contemplating privatisation of China's rural land ownership. (2012) Zhang, Xiaoyang
  • 2011
  • Europeanisation of Contract Law and its effect on Third Countries: Egypt case. (2011) Abdel Aziz, Omar
  • Evaluation of the US and EU Regulation on OTC Derivatives Markets. (2011) Ashrafkashani, Sara
  • The M.S. Anderson Collection of Writings on Russia Printed Between 1525 and 1917: An Introduction. (2011) Attar, Karen
  • Proportionality in tax disputes: Lithuanian Court practice. (2011) Audzevicius, Ramunas
  • Queering the Margins: Pedro Lemebel's Loco afan. (2011) Averis, Kate
  • A review of the Central Bank’s role as prudential regulator in Nigeria: an analysis of the case for a separate supervisory agency? (2011) Balogun, Olubunmi Opeyemi
  • Hello Mr Clips. (2011) Bergman, Paul
  • The development of financial services and financial regulation in Angola. (2011) Bessa, Jivkov
  • Case Translation: Denmark. (2011) Case Translation:, Denmark
  • Advice and Consent vs. Silence and Dissent: The Contrasting Roles of the Legislature in U.S. and U.K. Judicial Appointments. (2011) Clark, Mary L.
  • Exploring Caribbean Shipping Company Records: The Case of Sandbach Tinne and Co. (2011) Clover, David
  • A history of the French in London: liberty, equality, opportunity. (2011) Cornick, Martyn and Randall, Elizabeth and Boucher, Paul and Murdoch, Tessa and Carpenter, Kirsty and Mansel, Philip and Cross, Máire and Bensimon, Fabrice Bensimon and Tombs, Robert and Bantman, Constance and Mars, Valerie and Rapoport, Michel and Faucher, Charlotte and Lane, Philippe and Kelly, Debra and Drake, David and Huc-Hepher, Saskia and Drake, Helen
  • Talking Shit: getting the message across. (2011) Erridge, Marcus
  • From Pillar to Post: Voluntary and forced return of migrants in a European context. (2011) Feichter, Laura
  • The Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease. (2011) Foot, Samantha
  • Foreword: Marjorie Reeves: A Personal Tribute. (2011) Gould, Warwick
  • Consultation: a contribution to efficiency of drafting process in Malaysia. (2011) Hashim, Noor Azlina
  • Book Reviews. (2011) Heidemann, Maren
  • How have actors aiming to protect human rights represented the rights associated with religion? (2011) Hogg, Emily
  • Instructions to draft legislation: a study on legislative drafting process in Rwanda. (2011) Ikiriza, Ruth
  • People at the Gates of Tomorrow: Challenging social anti-immigration perceptions in Lampedusa. (2011) Jovic, Vesna
  • Warning: exchange of commercially sensitive information between competitors may result in an infringement of Article 101 TFEU by object. (2011) Kaczor, Anna
  • How bank depositors are protected in Japan. (2011) Kaneko, Hironao
  • The role the media should be playing in India. (2011) Katju, Markandey
  • Constitutional developments since the Lisbon Treaty in the area of freedom, security and justice at supranational and national level. (2011) Kellermann, Alfred E.
  • Regional responses to transnational migration in North and Central America. (2011) Kron, Stefanie
  • 650 years of the office of Justice of the Peace/Magistrate. (2011) Lambert, Alan
  • The Bugle and the Penguins: Democracy and the Media in Argentina. (2011) Macrory, Robbie
  • To Sustain the Commonwealth Commitment to Human Dignity: Reconsider the Award of the 2013 CHOGM to Sri Lanka. (2011) Manor, James
  • Multinational Corporations: Human rights beyond states’ responsibility. (2011) Massimino, Irene
  • From experiment to relic: the transitional identity of the Atlantic telegraph cable and the creation of cable communities through submarine cable collections. (2011) McIlvenna, Kathleen
  • Brave New World: Imperial and Democratic Nation-Building in Britain between the Wars. (2011) McKibbin, Ross and Beers, Laura and Thomas, Geraint and Gary Love, Gary Love and Ussishkin, Daniel and Bingham, Adrian and Delap, Lucy and Boucher, Ellen and Pietsch, Tamson and Satia, Priya and Matera, Marc and Windel, Aaron
  • Why the inflation in legislation on women’s bodies. (2011) McLean, Venessa
  • Does the International Framework for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programmes adequately provide for the rehabilitation of child soldiers? A case study of DDR Programmes for former female child soldiers in Uganda. (2011) Minasian, Lianne
  • Legal meaning in the interpretation of multilingual legislations: Comparative analysis of Rwanda, Canada and Ireland. (2011) Munyangabe, Froduard
  • Gender and historiography: Studies in the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford. (2011) Nelson, Janet L. and Reynolds, Susan and Johns, Susan M. and Balzaretti, Ross and Bates, David and Brooks, Nicholas and Fenton, Kirsten A. and Gillingham, John and Insley, Charles and Joye, Sylvie and Keynes, Simon and La Rocca, Cristina and LoPrete, Kimberly A. and Mumby, Julie
  • Trades and handy labour: occupations in London’s growing Eastern suburb,1580-1650. (2011) Newton, Gill
  • In the shadow of the ICC: Colombia and international criminal justice. (2011) O'Brien, Éadaoin and Engstrom, Par and Cantor, David
  • Is There a Women's Literature in Postmodern Spain? The Writers' Response. (2011) Oaknin, Mazal
  • The Equality and Human Rights Commission. Challenges and opportunities. (2011) Pegram, Thomas and Breckon, Jonathan
  • Novel Approaches: from academic history to historical fiction - A Virtual Conference. (2011) Phillpott, Matt
  • Pinocchio and the Mechanical Body: Luciano Folgore's Papers at the Getty Research Institute Library. (2011) Pizzi, Katia
  • Developing outcome measures for the assessment of quality and competence of firms involved in legal aid work. (2011) Sherr, Avrom
  • Historia y periodismo en las novelas de Silvia Galvis. (2011) Uribe-Duncan, Jeannette
  • Editing the Wake. (2011) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • Tales of the Unexpected: German-Jewish Women Writers in Early 20th-Century Berlin. (2011) Weiss-sussex, Godela
  • Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. (2011) White, Simone
  • 'Reviews in History' and peer review in the digital age. (2011) Winters, Jane
  • Globalization and Legal Information Management. (2011) Winterton, Jules
  • Cost implications of compliance with Basel III and competitiveness of internationally active banks. (2011) Wodi, Maurice
  • Quality of legislation: an achievable universal concept or a utopian pursuit? (2011) Xanthaki, Helen
  • 2010
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 1. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 2. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • London Debates 2009. What role do museums play in the globalisation of culture ? (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • Comparative law and constitutional transplants into national constitutions. (2010) Amos, Merris
  • Anonymous interview, 2 July 2010. (2010) Anonymous and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Lecture delivered to the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, 2010. (2010) Baker, Philip
  • Life in London’s eastern suburb, c. 1550—c. 1700. (2010) Baker, Philip
  • The railway works at Swindon and Stratford in the 19th century: a comparison of their origins, activity and labour force and their social impact on their respective neighbourhoods. (2010) Brownlee, Mike
  • Gulf of Mexico oil disaster: some legal issues. (2010) Chatterjee, C. and Lefcovitch, Anna
  • The latest civil legal proceedings between banks and their customers in China. (2010) Chen, Armstrong Sheng
  • Interview with John D. Clare, 7 April 2010. (2010) Clare, John D. and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Informal interview with Ian Colwill, 17 June 2010. (2010) Colwill, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Radical Jurisprudence in Constitutional Text-making: Jefferson's Writings and Rewritings. (2010) Crow, Matthew Ellsworth
  • In cane's shadow: the impact of commodity plantations on local subsistence agriculture on Cuba's mid-nineteenth century sugar frontier. (2010) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Cuban Popular Resistance to the 1953 London Sugar Agreement. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • The Most Expensive Port in the World: Dock Workers and the Cuban Revolution 1948-1959. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • A Working-class Heroine Is Also Something To Be: The Untold Story of Cuban Railway Workers and the Struggle against Batista. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • London and beyond: essays in honour of Derek Keene. (2010) Davies, Matthew and Galloway, James A. and Murphy, Margaret Murphy and Dyer, Christopher and Britnell, Richard and Stabel, Peter and Iliffe, Rob and McConnell, Anita and Harding, Vanessa and Baker, Philip and Merry, Mark and Spindler, Erik and Wright, Catherine and Stevens, Matthew Frank and Prak, Maarten and Dennis, Richard and Galviz, Carlos
  • Interview with Patricia A Dawson, 12 April 2010. (2010) Dawson, Patricia and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Enid Deeble, 10 August 2010. (2010) Deeble, Enid and Keating, Jenny
  • Interview with Ernie Dodd, 14 May 2010. (2010) Dodd, Ernie and Keating, Jenny
  • Colombia, conflict and the rule of law. (2010) Doyle, Anna
  • Web-site of memory: the war of the Pacific (1879-1884) in the global age of YouTube. (2010) Drinot, Paulo
  • Interview with John Edgar, 15 June 2010. (2010) Edgar, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Bill Endersby, 23 April 2010. (2010) Endersby, Bill and Keating, Jenny
  • The Mapuche movement and the state: indigenous rights in 21st century Chile. (2010) Gallantine, Catherine
  • Interview with John Geddes, 21 July 2010. (2010) Geddes, John and Keating, Jenny
  • The First of the Moderns or the Last of the Ancients? Bernardino Telesio on Nature and Sentience. (2010) Giglioni, Guido
  • Synesian Dreams. Giacomo Cardano on dreams as means of prophetic communication. (2010) Giglioni, Guido
  • Going to the pictures: British cinema and the Second World War. (2010) Glancy, Mark
  • Interview with Davina Gordon, 4 August 2010. (2010) Gordon, Davina and Keating, Jenny
  • Aura, Habit-Memory, and Commodification in the Twilight of Traditional Cooking. (2010) Halpern, Emily
  • Profession versus Trade? A defining episode in the development of the gas lighting industry in the late 19th century. (2010) Hide, Katrina
  • Interview with Evelyn Hinde, 25 January 2010. (2010) Hinde, Evelyn and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with trainee history teachers at the Institute of Education, London, 2 July 2010. (2010) History teachers, Trainee and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Urban Governance and Civic Responsibility: Interwar Council Housing in Buxton. (2010) Hulme, Tom
  • We Need to Talk about Gender: Mothering and Masculinity in Lionel Shriver's 'We Need to Talk about Kevin'. (2010) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Gef the talking mongoose. (2010) Josiffe, Christopher
  • Yardtapes: History, Identity and Diaspora in a Dancehall Style. (2010) Keefe, Tristram
  • When the EU qualified electronic signature becomes an information services preventer. (2010) Krawczyk, Pawel
  • The Senator William Maclay of Pennsylvania and the early development of the radical tradition. (2010) Lafferty, Ben
  • Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies, 2010. (2010) Larby, Patricia
  • Judicial Activism: Usurpation of Parliament’s and Executive’s legislative functions, or a Quest for Justice and Social Transformation. (2010) Matemba, Reyneck
  • Case law relating to service provision changes under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)(TUPE) Regulations 2006. (2010) McMullen, John
  • London Hearth Tax project database. (2010) Merry, Mark
  • How far can we understand the Bush Doctrine through the prism of the Truman Doctrine? (2010) Moore, Harriet
  • Interview with David Newham, 12 May 2010. (2010) Newham, David and Keating, Jenny
  • Steering the Ship of State: Fundamental Rights, State Power and Janus-faced Constitutionalism. (2010) O'Cinneide, Colm
  • La reinscripción del rol de la mujer en la Guerra Civil española: 'La voz dormida'. (2010) Oaknin, Mazal
  • She said she was in the family way': Pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland. (2010) O’Dowd, Mary and Farrell, Elaine and Daly, Ann and McAvoy, Sandra and Tait, Clodagh and Raughter, Rosemary and Bergin, Julia Anne and O’Toole, Emma and Murray, Elaine and Buckley, Sarah-Anne and Redmond, Jennifer and Kelly, James and O’Connor, Anne
  • English book owners in the seventeenth century: a work in progress listing: revised 2010. (2010) Pearson, David
  • Interview with Bridget Phillipson, 8 April 2010. (2010) Phillipson, Bridget and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Existing services for online lectures and seminars - scoping report. (2010) Phillpott, Matt
  • In what ways and to what intent can 'Dansons' by Zoulikha Bouabdellah be considered an expression of Franco-Algerian cultural memory ? (2010) Planel, Alice
  • Science in Poetic Contexts: Astronomy and Astrology in the Hebrew Poetry of Sepharad (Ciencia en un contexto poético: Astronomía y astrología en la poesía hebrea de Sefarad). (2010) Rodriguez Arribas, Josefina
  • New representations and politics of procreation: surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination and human cloning in contemporary women’s writing in France. (2010) Rye, Gill
  • Honneth on reification. (2010) Siebers, Johan
  • Legal reform and corruption of financial institutions in Nigeria. (2010) Sukubo, Japuimoniari
  • The Convergence of Anti-Money Laundering Laws: Legitimacy and Effects on Offshore Centres. (2010) Ur-Rehman, Haseeb
  • “I have met you too late”: James Joyce, W.B. Yeats and the Making of Chamber Music. (2010) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • Duke of Westminster to Vodafone2 – a journey from literal interpretation to liberal rewriting? Conforming construction of UK law in the context of EU direct tax. (2010) Wellens, Richard
  • Primary Concerns: an investigation into the reduction in impact of the televised debate in U.S presidential primary campaigns. (2010) Wheeler, Mark
  • Interview with Nick Whines, 19 January 2010. (2010) Whines, Nick and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Annie Whitehead, 13 April 2010. (2010) Whitehead, Annie and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Coming to terms with Distraction in German. (2010) Wilks, Thomas
  • Interview with Maggie Wilson, 1 July 2010. (2010) Wilson, Maggie and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Cybercrime: Issues and challenges in the United States. (2010) Winmill, B. Lynn and Metcalf, David L. and Band, Michael E.
  • 2009
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 3. (2009) UNSPECIFIED
  • Interview with David Anderson, 15 June 2009. (2009) Anderson, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Neither Here nor There: Linda Le and Kim Lefevre's Literary Homecoming. (2009) Averis, Kate
  • 'Fangs for the memory': can the American cinematic vampire be equated with Pierre Nora's idea of the 'lieux de memoire' ? (2009) Bacon, Simon J.
  • The banana as icon: Orientalism, violence, and the problem of memory in Fallas's 'Mamita Yunai', Reyes-Manzo's photography and the cultural imagery. (2009) Baker, Valeria
  • War, peace and free trade: the political economy of war and the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. (2009) Bargery, Christopher
  • Interview with history teachers at the Schools History Project Conference, 4 July 2009. (2009) Belshaw, Doug and Heffernan, John and Laffin, Diana and Main, Katy and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Ronald Reagan vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the influence of their ‘screenplays’ on lives of Californians. (2009) Binko, Grzegorz
  • The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose
  • Editors’ introduction. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose and Wall, Sinead
  • Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing: How is 9/11’s memorial culture reflective of a crisis in representation that has engendered limiting templates of remembrance? (2009) Bond, Lucy
  • Interview with David Burrell, 21 May 2009. (2009) Burrell, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interception of communications: Skype, Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft tools and electronic data retention on foreign servers: A legal perspective from a prosecutor conducting an investigation. (2009) Cajani, Francesco
  • Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Latin America. (2009) Chatzopoulos, Ioannis
  • “Tengo el Orgullo de ser Peruano y Soy Feliz” Upper Class Limeños, National Identity, and Cultural Change in the 21st Century. (2009) Claux, Denise
  • “Integrating ‘Traditional’ and ‘Scientific’ Medicine in contemporary Cuba”. (2009) Cochetti, Chiara Stella
  • The determinants and impact of US migration policy towards Mexico since 1986. (2009) Cohen, Grant
  • EU-central American relations in the 21st century: interregionalism in perspective. (2009) Corley, Michael
  • Interview with Ian Coulson, 3 July 2009. (2009) Coulson, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
  • 'Rich flames and hired tears': sugar, sub-imperial agents and the Cuban phoenix of empire. (2009) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Running from Albion: migration to Cuba from the British Isles in the 19th century. (2009) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Organised labour and the Batista régime: a British diplomatic perspective. (2009) Cushion, Stephen
  • Una sublevación de la clase obrera contra el Imperio Británico. (2009) Cushion, Stephen
  • Interview with Eric Evans, 29 June 2009. (2009) Evans, Eric and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Alan Farmer, 9 July 2009. (2009) Farmer, Alan and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Such stuff as we are made on. Exploring the non-narrative quality of cultural memory through the poems of Henri Meschonnic. (2009) Fruteau, Emmanuel
  • The Impact of Socially Responsible Investment On Economic Development in Brazil. (2009) Greer, James Michael
  • De la solidaridad a la dignidad: grassroots participation and Bolivia's universal social pension scheme. (2009) Hamill, Eoin
  • Interview with Penelope Harnett, 9 September 2009. (2009) Harnett, Penelope and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Scott Harrison, 6 May 2009. (2009) Harrison, Scott and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Roger Hennessey, 11 November 2009. (2009) Hennessey, Roger and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Greater than the sum of its parts: the growing impact of devolution on the processes of constitutional reform in the United Kingdom. (2009) Himsworth, Chris
  • Losing touch, keeping in touch, out of touch: reintegration and domestication of Hungarian exilic literature after 1989. (2009) Hites, Sandor
  • In living memory: how does an oral history collection map the landscape of Greenham and Cookham Common ? (2009) Jardine Brown, Catriona H.
  • Disorienting Fictions: Antje Ravic Strubel and Post-Unification East German Identity. (2009) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Interview with Gareth Elwyn Jones, 23 September 2009. (2009) Jones, Gareth Elwyn and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Globalisation and the state: what lessons does the Latin American ‘new left’ have to offer? (2009) Kirby, Peadar
  • Global forces: a new phase in Colombia’s political violence. (2009) Kirton, Neville
  • From right to privacy to personal autonomy: the changing nature of right to privacy in the US legal system (1965 – 2008). (2009) Koleníková, Blanka
  • Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. (2009) Larby, Patricia
  • Plus ca change? Continuity and change in UK legislative drafting practice. (2009) Laws, Stephen
  • To what extent does the nostalgic tone of some German film post-1989 facilitate a 'coming-to-terms' with the subject of the GDR past and provide the basis for a new form of cultural memory in the unified Germany? Discuss with reference to 'Good Bye, Lenin!' and 'Sonnenallee'. (2009) Lazić, Ivan
  • Interview with Peter Lee and Ros Ashby, 3 September 2009. (2009) Lee, Peter and Ashby, Ros and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Negotiating reproductive policy: perspectives on adolescent sexuality in contemporary Chile. (2009) Lindsey, Jennifer
  • Interview with John MacGregor, 3 November 2009. (2009) MacGregor, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Michael Maddison, 21 September 2009. (2009) Maddison, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Climate justice is what's needed for Copenhagen success. (2009) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • The Church in Pinochet’s Chile: agent for change? (2009) Marris, Johanna
  • Bank card fraud in Spain. (2009) Martin, Ricardo M. Mata y. and Martin, Antonio Javato
  • Negotiating and marketing Muslim identity for the West: Navid Kermani's 'Kurzmitteilung'. (2009) Matthes, Frauke
  • Whose mortgage is it anyway? Producers, consumers and the law in the UK mortgage market. (2009) McAuslan, Patrick
  • Interview with Chris McGovern, 28 August 2009. (2009) McGovern, Chris and Sheldon, Nicola
  • ‘For the house her self and one servant’: Family and Household in Late Seventeenth-century London. (2009) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • The rich among the poor: neighbourly interaction in London’s eastern suburb, 1540–1700. (2009) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • Interview with Estelle Morris, 19 October 2009. (2009) Morris, Estelle and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Jon Nichol, 3 August 2009. (2009) Nichols, Jon and Sheldon, Nicola
  • 'Crónica del desamor': The Involvement of the Reader and the Transmission of Female Experience. (2009) Oaknin, Mazal
  • The 'Heritage Minutes' and Canadian collective memory: an analysis of the use of nostalgia and nationalism to build a unifying cultural memory. (2009) Peters, Erin
  • The ‘Slave Sublime’ How do Chamoiseau's 'Biblique des derniers gestes' and Jones' 'The Known World' contribute to a critique of trends in the remembrance of slavery in France and America? (2009) Phillips, Anna
  • Judgment in the case of K.U. v Finland: the European Court of Human Rights requires access to communications data to identify the sender to enable effective criminal prosecution in serious violations of private life. (2009) Pöysti, Tuomas
  • The Crash that launched a thousand fixes: Regulation of Consumer Credit after the Lending Revolution and the Credit Crunch. (2009) Ramsay, Iain and Williams, Toni
  • António Lobo Antunes: Production and Consumption of Subjectivity. (2009) Rinhaug, Aino
  • The Twilight Zone: Puerto Rico's cultural identity in the work of José Luiz González. (2009) Rodríguez, Néstor E.
  • Conference report: War Crimes - Retrospectives and prospects, February 19-21, 2009. (2009) Rowbotham, Judith and Kandiah, Michael and Charlesworth, Lorie
  • Mothering in context. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Narratives of mothering. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Narratives of mothering in contemporary French women’s writing. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • The ethics of aesthetics in trauma fiction: memory, guilt and responsibility in Louise L. Lambrichs’s 'Journal d’Hannah'. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Connecting the Royal Historical Society Bibliography to other online resources. (2009) Salt, Peter
  • Memories of community: remembering and creating farming tradition at Ramsey Rural Museum. (2009) Samata, Susan
  • Does Credit Expansion Matter for Growth? What the Data Show. (2009) Sarkar, Prabirjit
  • The politics of multinational participation in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market. (2009) Shah, Sita
  • Interview with John Simkin, 4 June 2009. (2009) Simkin, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with David Sylvester, 7 July 2009. (2009) Sylvester, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • George Bell, John Masefield and 'The Coming of Christ': context and significance. (2009) Webster, Peter
  • Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin". (2009) Weiss-sussex, Godela
  • Mulheres do morro: The Representation of Women in Brazilian Funk. (2009) Wolfe Liblong, Caitlin Elizabeth
  • 2008
  • Annual Report 2005-6. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2007/2008. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2008-9. (2008) UNSPECIFIED
  • Decadent or Hearty?: Kipling's Dilemma. (2008) Adams, Jad
  • Medieval Smoke-blackened thatch in England. (2008) Alcock, Nat and Currie, Christopher
  • Constitutionalism: an idea whose time has come ... and gone? (2008) Arthurs, Harry W.
  • Le 'vrai' moi: Nancy Huston's Concern for Authenticity. (2008) Averis, Kate
  • Psychological Reductionism About Persons: A Critical Development. (2008) Baggini, Julian
  • Reflections on Northern Rock. (2008) Campbell, Andrew
  • Case Note: Denmark. (2008) Case Note:, Denmark
  • Forgotten justice: forgetting law's history and victim's justice in British "minor" war crime trials in Germany 1945-8. (2008) Charlesworth, Lorie
  • The Engineering Inspectorate: policemen, midwives or mere functionaries in the development of London's outer suburban infrastructure, 1858-1878 ? (2008) Clifford, John Andrew
  • “This horably wicked action”: abortion and resistance on a Jamaican slave plantation. (2008) Clover, David
  • eDiscovery implications, duties and consequences. (2008) Dunlap, Thomas M.
  • The Identity Problem In Buddhist Ethics: An Examination of Buddhist and Parfitian Conceptions of the Subject. (2008) Farrington, Roger William
  • Value Engaged – Justificatory Neutrality, Reasonable Consensus and the Value of Value-Beliefs. (2008) Feltham, Brian
  • Scepticism and The Genealogy of Knowledge: Situating Epistemology in Time. (2008) Fricker, Miranda
  • The Philosophy of Simulation: Hot New Issues or Same Old Stew? (2008) Frigg, Roman and Reiss, J
  • The Goodman-Kripke Paradox. (2008) Kowalenko, Robert
  • Draconian and manifestly unjust: how the confiscation regime has developed. (2008) Lawrence, Sir Ivan
  • On Moral Understanding. (2008) Levy, David
  • The Use of Hebrew in the Antwerp Polyglot Bible. (2008) Lubell, Stephen
  • Legal and responsible? (2008) Lynch-Wood, Gary
  • The Legal Services Act - a perspective from the Legal Services Ombudsman for England and wales and the Legal Services Complaints Commissioner. (2008) Manzoor, Zahida
  • Kant’s Theory of Progress. (2008) McCloughan, Meade
  • How Latin American Migrants Survive in the City. (2008) McIlwaine, Cathy
  • Vivir...Sobrevivir...Latinosamericanos en Londres. (2008) McIlwaine, Cathy
  • Full Project Database. (2008) Merry, Mark
  • Oxford Dayschool 22/11/08. (2008) Merry, Mark
  • Housing environments and health in early modern London. (2008) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • Legal approaches to the burial rights of a surviving wife. (2008) Nwabueze, Remigius N.
  • Comparative law at a crossroads. (2008) Orücü, Esin
  • Argentina's 'Nuevos Pobres' since the Corralito: from Despair to Adapting to Downward Mobility. (2008) Ozarow, Daniel
  • Withdrawal from the Senses and Cartesian Physics in the "Meditations". (2008) Patterson, Sarah
  • Goethe's Faust and Coleridge. "A Gentleman of Literary Eminence": A Review Essay'. (2008) Paulin, Roger and St Clair, William and Shaffer, Elinor
  • Resolving Inconsistencies in Plato: the Problem of Socratic Wisdom in the Apology and the Charmides. (2008) Rasmussen, Will
  • Limits and boundaries in contemporary women’s life writing: the politics of reading Christine Angot. (2008) Rye, Gill
  • Protecting the Community: Security Practices in London after 7/7. (2008) Salerno, Daniele
  • Semantic Externalism and Self Knowledge: Privileged Access to the World. (2008) Sawyer, Sarah
  • Indexical Predicates. (2008) Segal, Gabriel and Rothschild, D
  • The Singapore Electronic Transactions Act and the Hong Kong Electronic Transactions Ordinance. (2008) Seng, Daniel
  • Empirical Lessons for Philosophical Theories of Mental Content. (2008) Shea, Nicholas
  • BDEEP vB11: Malta. (2008) Smith, Simon C
  • Lawyers and legal services in NW England. (2008) Sugarman, David
  • Kant and the Epistemology of Metaphysics. (2008) Sundt, Eilert
  • To Represent As So. (2008) Travis, Charles
  • Memory, Myth and Postmodernism: Pierre Nepveu’s 'Des Mondes peu habités'/'Still Lives'. (2008) Vautier, Marie
  • John Locke's Natural Philosophy. (2008) Walmsley, Craig
  • The Politics of Federal Anti-lynching Legislation in the New Deal Era. (2008) Whelan, Isabelle Saoirse
  • The Causal Theory of Properties. (2008) Whittle, Ann
  • The British Book Trade in the English-Speaking World since the 1960s: A Preliminary Report to the Observatoire de L’Édition Contemporaine. (2008) Willison, Ian
  • Disability Among Equals. (2008) Wolff, Jonathan
  • 2007
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 2. (2007) UNSPECIFIED
  • The South African Constitution and the transition from apartheid: legislating the reconciliation of rights in a multi-cultural society. (2007) Asmal, Kader
  • Rare Book Librarianship and Historical Bibliography. (2007) Attar, Karen
  • Conference Report. (2007) Bates, David and Armitage, Paul
  • The God Delusion: Dawkins on Religion. (2007) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Religious nationalism and foreign policy: India and Israel compared. (2007) Chiriyankandath, James
  • Through the looking glass? Prisoners' children and penal policy. (2007) Codd, Helen
  • Sub-imperial globalisation and the phoenix of empire: sugar, engineering and commerce in nineteenth-century Cuba. (2007) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Working Class Militancy and the Downfall of Batista: the relationship between mass action and the armed struggle in Cuba 1952-59. (2007) Cushion, Stephen
  • Legal transplants and economics: the World Bank and Third World economies in the 1980s - A case study of Jamaica, the Republic of Kenya and the Philippines. (2007) Edwards, Gail
  • Justice and the duties of social equality. (2007) Fourie, Carina
  • Probability in GRW Theory. (2007) Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, C
  • Carnap-Confirmation, Content-Cutting, & Real Confirmation. (2007) Gemes, Ken
  • Truth, Meaning and Contextualism. (2007) Guttenplan, Samuel
  • Research Grant Final Report to the AHRC (Ref 16429). (2007) Harding, Vanessa and Davies, Matthew and Smith, Richard
  • Welfare, Voting and the Constitution of a Federal Assembly. (2007) Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L
  • The cost of organised transnational economic crime: a case study from the health sector. (2007) Jayasuriya, Dayanath
  • "The 'I' inside 'her'": Queer Narration in Sarah Waters's Tipping the Velvet and Wesley Stace's Misfortune. (2007) Jeremiah, Emily
  • To Lawyer or Not to Lawyer, Is that the question? (2007) Kritzer, Herbert M.
  • Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach. (2007) Lappin, Shalom and Fernandez, R and Ginzburg, J
  • A Question of Leadership, “Read My Lips: No New Taxes.”. (2007) Luxon, Stuart D
  • Austin: Sense & Sensibilia Revisited. (2007) Martin, Michael
  • Paper: 'Putting People in Place - the Jigsaw Project'. (2007) Merry, Mark
  • Paper: 'Family and household in late 17th century London: a Social Snapshot'. (2007) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901). (2007) Mitchell, Charlotte and Jordan, Ellen and Schinske, Helen
  • Uncontested Professionalism: Phoney Turf Wars and the Myth of Holism. (2007) Moorhead, Richard
  • The role of the notary in real estate conveyancing. (2007) Morandi, Eliana
  • The Development of 'Revolutionary Consciousness' in Maurice Bishop's Grenada. (2007) Morris, Edward
  • Trends in the South African Constitutional Court's jurisprudence on property protection and regulation. (2007) Mostert, Hanri
  • From mothering behind bars to parenting beyond barriers? The right to family life and the politics of imprisonment. (2007) Munro, Vanessa
  • 'No Tyrants Here Linger': Understandings of Democracy in Modern Belize. (2007) Nowottny, Mark
  • Withdrawal from the Senses and Cartesian Physics in the Meditations. (2007) Patterson, Sarah
  • English book owners in the seventeenth century: a work in progress listing (2007 version). (2007) Pearson, David
  • Libraries as history: the importance of libraries beyond their texts. (2007) Pearson, David
  • 'To parry the daggers of assasins is not to canvass votes for the Presidency': Popular campaigning and the presidential election of 1824. (2007) Peart, Daniel
  • The electronic signature in Chile. (2007) Quintanilla, Jorge and Doren, Cristian and Hernández, Diego
  • Relief is in the mind: observations on Renaissance Low-Relief sculpture. (2007) Quiviger, Francois
  • Sartre and Bergson: A Disagreement about Nothingness. (2007) Richmond, Sarah
  • Lesbian mothering and the family in France. (2007) Rye, Gill
  • ‘Maternité rendue, maternité perdue’: the return of/to the past in Le Jour où jen’étais pas là. (2007) Rye, Gill
  • Threshold worlds: Marie Darrieussecq’s 'Le Pays' (2005). (2007) Rye, Gill
  • Five Flies in the Ointment. (2007) Segal, Gabriel
  • Judicial activism and overreach in India. (2007) Shunmugasundaram, R.
  • Human Rights and Access to Justice. (2007) Smith, Roger
  • Trustees, tribunals and taxes: creativity in Victorian law. (2007) Stebbings, Chantal
  • Faith, fiction and the historical Jesus: theological revisionism and its influence on fictional representations of the Gospels (c. 1860-1920). (2007) Stevens, Jennifer
  • Index for the London Book Trades database. (2007) Turner, Michael
  • Scanlon on Substantive Responsibility. (2007) Voorhoeve, Alex
  • Equal Opportunity, Equality, And Responsibility. (2007) Voorhoeve, Alexander
  • Silent, forgotten and vulnerable: examining the risks for children with a parent in prison. (2007) Walker, Janet
  • Expressions of Authenticity: Music for Worship. (2007) Webster, Peter and Jones, Ian
  • Intute: Law – the What? Why? How? Where? and Who? (2007) Whittle, Steven
  • Muriel Anderson: an appreciation. (2007) Winterton, Jules
  • Health Risks and the People Who Bear Them. (2007) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Making the World Safe for Utilitarianism. (2007) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Market Failure, Common Interests, and the Titanic Puzzle. (2007) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Mean, Mode and Median Utilitarianism. (2007) Wolff, Jonathan
  • What Sort of Person Am I? Reproductive Choice and Moral Character. (2007) Wolff, Jonathan
  • The private company in Spanish law. (2007) Wooldridge, Frank
  • 2006
  • Annual Report 2005-06. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Gender and the Imagined City. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • IHR Newsletter Autumn 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Ingeborg Bachmann Centre Programmes (2002 to 2007). (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Autumn Term 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Spring Term 2006. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 1. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Psychoanalysis and the Arts & Humanities: a multilingual perspective. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Psychoanalysis and the Arts & Humanities: a multilingual perspective (leaflet). (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2006-07. (2006) UNSPECIFIED
  • Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities Final Report. (2006) Bates, David and Nelson, Janet L and Roueche, Charlotte and Winters, Jane
  • Views of Hosts: reporting the alien commodity trade, 1440-45 (ESRC RES-000-22-0628): End of award research report by Dr Helen Bradley and Dr Matthew Davies. (2006) Bradley, Helen and Davies, Matthew
  • Views of Hosts: Reporting the Alien Commodity Trade, 1440-45 database. (2006) Bradley, Helen and Merry, Mark and Davies, Matthew
  • Science and Ethics: tracing parallels and contrasts. (2006) Caruana, Louis
  • Photographs of Turin’s prison ‘Le Nuove. (2006) Chiari, Eleanor
  • Post-legislative scrutiny of legislation derived from the European Union. (2006) Clapinska, Lydia
  • West Indies Blues: an historical overview 1920s-1950s — blues and music from the English-speaking West Indies. (2006) Cowley, John
  • The 1941 miners' strike in northern France: from a dispute over soap to armed resistance. (2006) Cushion, Stephen
  • Powerlessness and Social Interpretation. (2006) Fricker, Miranda
  • Good stock market governance in the context of anti-money laundering regimes. (2006) Jayasuriya, Dayanath
  • The expanding frontiers of international law in the fight against corruption. (2006) Jayasuriya, Dayanath
  • Motherhood to Mothering and Beyond: Maternity in Recent Feminist Thought. (2006) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Talking and Listening: Dialogue and the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface. (2006) Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie and Purver, Matthew
  • Siswati Clefts: The Meeting Ground of Context and Contrast. (2006) Kempson, Ruth and Thwala, Nhlanhla and Marten, Lutz
  • BDEEP vB10: Fiji. (2006) Lal, Brij V
  • Global business and human rights. (2006) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • Intute: Law – finding the best of the Web for Law. (2006) Memess, Heather and Whittle, Steven
  • Paper: 'Family and household in late seventeenth-century London'. (2006) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • Paper: 'Households and families in seventeenth-century London'. (2006) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • IALS Library research guide: India. (2006) Narayan, Uma
  • News Items. (2006) News, Items
  • How to be a Libertarian without being Inegalitarian. (2006) Otsuka, Michael
  • The Cultural Origins of Cognitive Adapatations. (2006) Papineau, David
  • Graveyards of Memory at the Northeastern Borders of Italy. (2006) Pizzi, Katia
  • Customary law before the Conquest. (2006) Roebuck, Derek
  • La prise de la parole de la mère: Marie Ndiaye’s "La Sorcière" (1996). (2006) Rye, Gill
  • Maternal Genealogies: the figure of the Mother in/and literature. (2006) Rye, Gill
  • À contre silence: the violation of women’s bodies in Leïla Marouane’s 'Le Châtiment des hypocrites'. (2006) Rye, Gill
  • The Image of Persia in Western Medieval Cartography. (2006) Scafi, Alessandro
  • Circuits of desire & loss: Marivaux & My best friend’s wedding. (2006) Segal, Naomi
  • Is the lost object an imaginary friend, a phantom limb or a second skin? (2006) Segal, Naomi
  • ‘O dieses ist das Tier, das es nicht gibt’: Rilke and unicorns. (2006) Segal, Naomi
  • The other French Freud: Didier Anzieu – the story of a skin. (2006) Segal, Naomi
  • Bringing the Good News from Ghent to Aix. (2006) Sherr, Avrom
  • Does God Believe in Human Rights? (2006) Sherr, Avrom
  • Legal Education - where do we begin ? Starting again ... again. (2006) Sherr, Avrom
  • Other side of the mountain. (2006) Sherr, Avrom
  • Tabula Rasa and other Fairytales. (2006) Sherr, Avrom
  • Legal Ethics in England and Wales. (2006) Sherr, Avrom and Webley, Lisa
  • Davidson, Interpretation and First Person Constraints on Meaning. (2006) Smith, Barry
  • What I Know When I Know a Language. (2006) Smith, Barry
  • Why We Still Need Knowledge of Language. (2006) Smith, Barry
  • Insensitive Semantics. (2006) Travis, Charles
  • Finding not seeking: Law on the UK’s Social Science Information Gateway. (2006) Whittle, Steven
  • Intute Law Workbook. (2006) Whittle, Steven
  • Intute Foreign, Comparative and International Law Workbook. (2006) Whittle, Steven and Gee, David
  • Centre and Creative Periphery in the Histories of the Book in the English Speaking World and Global English Studies: A Propos The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. (2006) Willison, Ian
  • Peer review project online survey report. (2006) Winters, Jane and Wright, Catherine
  • Law libraries and their users. (2006) Winterton, Jules
  • Libertarianism, Utility and Economic Competition. (2006) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Models of Distributive Justice. (2006) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Philosophy at University College London: Part 1: From Jeremy Bentham to the Second World War. (2006) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Risk, Fear, Blame, Shame and the Regulation of Public Safety. (2006) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Economism and its Limits. (2006) Wolff, Jonathan and Haubrich, Dirk
  • Bonjour, Externalism and The Regress Problem. (2006) Zalabardo, Jose
  • 2005
  • Annual Report 2004-05. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2004-5. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Autumn Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Spring Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Institute of Historical Research Newsletter, Summer Term 2005. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 60 No. 3. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2005-06. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • Postgraduate Prospectus 2006-07. (2005) UNSPECIFIED
  • The perspective from the Specialist Schools Trust. (2005) Anthony, Jacqueline
  • The standard of living in Latin America during the twentieth century. (2005) Astorga, Pablo and Bergés, Ame and FitzGerald, Valpy
  • George Thackeray of King's College Cambridge: Portrait of a Bibliophile XXXVIII. (2005) Attar, Karen
  • Perceptions from a student in Higher Education. (2005) Benjamin, Tabitha
  • History teaching in Higher Education: breaking down the barriers to progression and dialogue. (2005) Booth, Alan and Nicholls, David
  • Using political ephemera for the history of Hispanic America. (2005) Brown, Matthew
  • Case Note: Colombia. (2005) Case Note:, Colombia
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 2004-5. (2005) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • Natural disasters and the issue of responsibility for the victim states. (2005) Chatterjee, Dr C.
  • The Tsunami: a wake-up call for north and south. (2005) Chatterjee, Dr C.
  • Primary school children, history, citizenship, social inclusion and civilising values. (2005) Claire, Hilary
  • Researching globalisation. (2005) Dine, Janet
  • Reaching out from the archive: minority history and academic method. (2005) Dresser, Madge
  • Disseminating research: enhancing the students' experience through the use of multi-level resources. (2005) Evans, Martin and Godin, Emmanuel
  • External pressures on awarding bodies. (2005) Fraser, Duncan
  • Legal aspects of the introduction of the electronic identity card in Belgian law by the Act of 25 March 2003. (2005) Goffard, Olivier and Roger France, Emmanuel
  • 'The Wicker Man', The Uncanny, and the Clash of Moral Cultures. (2005) Gullatz, Stefan
  • A Utilitarian Assessment of Alternative Decision Rules in the Council of Ministers. (2005) Hartmann, Stephan and Beisbart, C and Bovens, L
  • Why There Cannot be a Single Probabilistic Measure of Coherence. (2005) Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L
  • Review of P. Lipton: "Inference to the Best Explanation" (2nd ed.). (2005) Hartmann, Stephan and Farmakis, L
  • Brazil’s Popular Groups microfilm collection from the Library of Congress. (2005) Howard-Reguindin, Pamela
  • Shifting Cartographies: Ethical Nomadism and the Poetry of Dorothea Grunzweig. (2005) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Documenting Latin American civil society: concept, creation, publication, distribution. (2005) Johnson, Peter T.
  • Moral Pyrrhonism and Noncognitivism. (2005) Kalderon, Mark
  • Using Machine Learning for Non-Sentential Utterance Classification. (2005) Lappin, Shalom and Fernandez, R and Ginzburg, J
  • A mixed legal system with a constitution on top: South African law in the era of democracy. (2005) Lewis, Carole
  • 2003-2004 School Annual Report. (2005) Mann, Nicholas and Bell, Tony
  • Competition law and policy in Japan. (2005) Murata, Toshiko
  • BDEEP vB9: Central Africa. (2005) Murphy, Philip
  • Britain and the Belgrade Coup of 27 March 1941 Revisited. (2005) Onslow, Sue
  • The politicisation of UK immigration policy. (2005) Onslow-Cole, Julia
  • Why Left-Libertarianism Is Not Incoherent, Indeterminate, or Irrelevant: A Reply to Fried. (2005) Otsuka, Michael and Vallentyne, Peter and Steiner, Hillel
  • Social Learning and the Baldwin Effect. (2005) Papineau, David
  • The legal orders of the European Community and of the Member States: peculiarities and influences in drafting. (2005) Piris, Jean-Claude
  • Residual knowledge. (2005) Riley, Michael
  • Civil Society, Popular Political Culture, and the Church. (2005) Riordan, Patrick
  • Anticlericalism in Austrian Literature. (2005) Robertson, Ritchie
  • In uncertain terms: mothering without guilt in Marie Darrieussecq’s 'Le Mal de mer' and Christine Angot’s 'Léonore, toujours'. (2005) Rye, Gill
  • Address to UNHRC Human Rights conference. (2005) Vardy, Peter
  • The Ventris Papers. (2005) Ventris, Michael
  • Pleas bargaining, discretionary leniency and the making of political authority. (2005) Vogel, Mary E.
  • Review of "Pursuing Equal Opportunities: The Theory and Practice of Egalitarian Justice", by Lesley A. Jacobs. (2005) Voorhoeve, Alex
  • What's so Bad about Crime? (2005) Wolff, Jonathan
  • TV history – history on TV? (2005) Wood, Michael
  • The simplification of the election of certain German employee representatives. (2005) Wooldridge, Frank
  • The law on electronic medical prescriptions. (2005) de Clippele, Francis
  • 2004
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2003-4. (2004) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 60 No. 2. (2004) UNSPECIFIED
  • BDEEP vA5: East of Suez and the Commonwealth, 1964-1971. (2004) Ashton, SR and Louis, Wm Roger
  • Lecky's circle: thoughts from the frontier of international law II. (2004) Bacchus, James
  • Court modernisation and the crisis facing our civil courts. (2004) Brooke, Lord Justice
  • Causation: One Word Many Things. (2004) Cartwright, Nancy
  • From Causation To Explanation and Back. (2004) Cartwright, Nancy
  • Well-Ordered Science: Evidence for Use. (2004) Cartwright, Nancy
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 2003-4. (2004) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • From Doha to Cancun: a multilateral trading system? (2004) Chatterjee, Dr C.
  • Prisoners' families: issues in law and policy. (2004) Codd, Helen
  • What a second chamber can do for legislative scrutiny. (2004) Craighead, Lord Hope of
  • How Cuba burned with the ghosts of British slavery: race, abolition and the Escalera. (2004) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Dreaming of Freedom in the Americas: Four Minds and A Name. (2004) Dunkerley, James
  • In What Sense Is the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy a Measure for Chaotic Behaviour? – Bridging the Gap Between Dynamical Systems Theory and Communication Theory. (2004) Frigg, Roman
  • Things Thought Too Long: Modernism and the Future of the Single Author. (2004) Gould, Warwick
  • Why Justice does not Pay in Plato's Republic. (2004) Heinaman, Robert
  • International practice of commercial registration. (2004) Holzborn, Timo and Leube, Sabine
  • Conscience and Conflict: Darwin, Freud, and the Origins of Human Aggression. (2004) Hopkins, Jim
  • The Death Drive. (2004) Hopkins, Jim
  • Mind and Metaphor. (2004) Hopkins, Jim
  • Emotion and Cognition: Current Developments and Theraputic Practice. (2004) Lacewing, Michael
  • Broken Silence: The taboo of Korean prostitutes during American occupation and its depiction in the Korean films of the 1990s. (2004) Lee, Hyunseon
  • Re-defining charity for the 21st century. (2004) Luxton, Peter
  • 2002-2003 School Annual Report. (2004) Mann, Nicholas and Bell, Tony
  • The probative value of digital certificates: Information Assurance is critical to e-Identity Assurance. (2004) McKenna, Patrick
  • Rule of law in Sri Lanka and colonialism by default. (2004) Nathan, K.V.S.K.
  • Trieste: A border Identity. (2004) Pizzi, Katia
  • Being in Others: Empathy From a Psychoanalytical Perspective. (2004) Richmond, Sarah
  • Permission to Speak: Religious Arguments in Public Reason. (2004) Riordan, Patrick
  • Christine Angot by Christine Angot et al. (2004) Rye, Gill
  • L’histoire d’amour chez Christine Angot: romance or betrayal? (2004) Rye, Gill
  • Innateness and Cognitive Science. (2004) Samuels, Richard
  • Reason and Rationality. (2004) Samuels, Richard and Stich, S and Faucher, L
  • Reference, Causal Powers, Externalist Intuitions and Unicorns. (2004) Segal, Gabriel
  • The Viceroys Revillagigedo and Amarillas, Bishop Blanco y Helguero of Oxaca and the Matter of Fray Juan Amador O.P.(deceased). (2004) Starr, Jean
  • BDEEP vB8: Malaysia. (2004) Stockwell, AJ
  • Introduction to the Belgian laws on e-signatures. (2004) Vandendriessche, Johan
  • Equal Opportunity and Opportunity Dominance. (2004) Voorhoeve, Alex and Hild, M
  • Way of ignorance. (2004) Winterton, Jules
  • Are there Moral Limits to the Market? (2004) Wolff, Jonathan
  • 2003
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2002-3. (2003) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 60 No. 1. (2003) UNSPECIFIED
  • Publications Catalogue 2003-04. (2003) UNSPECIFIED
  • Evolutionary Game Theory. (2003) Alexander, James
  • Crisis in Bolivia: the Elections of 2002 and their aftermath. (2003) Assies, Willem and Salman, Ton
  • Durning-Lawrence Online: Benefits Of A Retrospective Catalogue Conversion Project. (2003) Attar, Karen
  • Science Interacting With Philosophy: The Case of Ludwig Wittgenstein. (2003) Caruana, Louis
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 2002-3. (2003) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • Settlement of disputes under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 I. (2003) Chatterjee, Dr C. and Lefcovich, Anna
  • Indispensable Aliens: the influence of engineering migrants in mid-nineteenth century Cuba. (2003) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Global competition - implications for enforcement. (2003) Farmer, Susan Beth
  • On the Property Structure of Realist Collapse Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and the So-Called “Counting Anomaly”. (2003) Frigg, Roman
  • The law as Janus: children, crime and care. (2003) Harris, Peter
  • Solving the Riddle of Coherence. (2003) Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L
  • The debate over trustee exemption clauses. Law Commission Consultation Paper 171: a response. (2003) Hill, Gregory
  • Emotion, Evolution and Conflict. (2003) Hopkins, Jim
  • Free Speech and Hate Speech: Language and Rights. (2003) Hornsby, Jennifer
  • Macassane: uma cooperativa de mulheres velhas no sul de Moçambique. (2003) Manghezi, Alpheus
  • On Knowing One's Own Actions. (2003) O'Brien, Lucy
  • Could There Be A Science of Consciousness? (2003) Papineau, David
  • Is Representation Rife? (2003) Papineau, David
  • The Care Standards Tribunal of England and Wales: a contribution to human rights. (2003) Pearl, David
  • The legal capacity of child-headed households. (2003) Ritchie, Graham
  • Rationality and Psychology. (2003) Samuels, Richard and Stich, S
  • It’s all a plot”: paranoid characters and mad readers in Gide and Kafka’. (2003) Segal, Naomi
  • Knowing How and Knowing That: A Distinction Reconsidered. (2003) Snowdon, Paul
  • Domestic values and the judicial process. (2003) Toulson, Roger
  • The constitutional rights of children. (2003) Van Bueren, Geraldine
  • Financial Planning and Management. (2003) Winterton, Jules
  • Virtual Legal Collections – breaking local and national boundaries. (2003) Winterton, Jules
  • 2002
  • Institute of Historical Research Annual Report 2001-2. (2002) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 59 No. 3. (2002) UNSPECIFIED
  • Jane Austen at King's College Cambridge. (2002) Attar, Karen
  • De l’usage des préjugés et des clichés dans le cinéma de Tran Anh Hung. (2002) Benezet, Delphine
  • Shifting the balance of power: civil liberties in the 21st century. (2002) Bindman, Geoffrey
  • Science and Progress: Some Recent Views. (2002) Caruana, Louis
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 2000-1 and 2001-2. (2002) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • Action against terrorist funding. (2002) Cranston, Ross
  • Perón and the Unions: The Early Years. (2002) Di Tella, Torcuato S
  • A Footnote to Borges Studies: a Study of the Footnotes. (2002) Fishburn, Evelyn
  • Models and Representation: Why Structures Are Not Enough. (2002) Frigg, Roman
  • Review of Mark Buchanan: "Ubiquity. The Science of History ... Or Why the World Is Simpler than We Think". (2002) Frigg, Roman
  • Karl Krause and the Ideological Origins of the Cuban Revolution. (2002) Gott, Richard
  • The Letters of William Sharp 'Fiona Macleod' (1st editions). (2002) Halloran, William F
  • Conclusions of the SALS working party on welfare choices for incapacitated adults. (2002) Harris, Peter
  • Plato's Division of Goods in the Republic. (2002) Heinaman, Robert
  • The Hand that Rocks the Cradle: Maternity, Agency and Community in Women's Writing in German of the 1970s and 1980s. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Introduction: Mothering, Writing, and Performativity. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Troublesome Practices: Mothering, Literature and Ethics. (2002) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Lions or squeaking mice? (2002) Keene, Lord Justice
  • On Left and Right Dislocation: A Dynamic Perspective. (2002) Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie and Otsuka, Masayuki
  • The Law Society and the Bar: can they be trade unions, brand managers and public watchdogs at the same time? (2002) Lock, David
  • The Transparency of Experience. (2002) Martin, Michael
  • Holding Multinationals to account: recent developments in English litigation and the Company Law Review II. (2002) Muchlinski, P. T.
  • Privatization of public assets in developing countries. (2002) Nathan, K. V.S.K.
  • The court’s role in life and death decisions. (2002) Oates, Laurence
  • Problems of interpretation by the European Court of Justice of community legislation on equal treatment for men and women. (2002) Puissochet, Jean-Pierre
  • Ending the Rationality Wars: How To Make Disputes About Human Rationality Disappear. (2002) Samuels, Richard and Stich, S and Bishop, M
  • Towards a Human Rights Convention on persons with disabilities: problems and prospects. (2002) Smith, Imran O.
  • The funding of terror: the legal implications of the financial war on terror. (2002) Society for Advanced Legal Studies, The Interdiction of Terrorist Property Working Group
  • The Politics of Anglo-American Aid to Nonaligned India, 1962. (2002) Steele, Tracy Lee
  • Reading Joyce in and out of the Archive. (2002) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • Update to Researching Law on the Internet with the Resource Discovery Network. (2002) Whittle, Steven
  • 2001
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 59 No. 2. (2001) UNSPECIFIED
  • Nice – The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. (2001) Bovis, Christopher H. and Reeves, Tracey
  • What is Wrong with Bayes Nets? (2001) Cartwright, Nancy
  • 2000-2001 School Annual Report. (2001) Daintith, Terence
  • Land Registration, Conveyancing and Property Markets: The Edwards Report, June 2001. (2001) Edwards, Andrew
  • Highs and lows of family law reform. (2001) Harris, Peter
  • Effective Field Theories, Reduction and Scientific Explanation,. (2001) Hartmann, Stephan
  • Partnership law for the new millennium. (2001) Henning, Johan J.
  • Ireland – Rogue directors – time to change careers? (2001) Igoe, Pat
  • HIV/AIDS and human rights in the third world. (2001) Jayasuriya, Dayanath
  • San Martín: Argentine Patriot, American liberator. (2001) Lynch, John
  • BDEEP vB7: Nigeria. (2001) Lynn, Martin
  • BDEEP vB7: Nigeria. (2001) Lynn, Martin
  • Elizabethan Parliamentary Oratory. (2001) Mack, Peter
  • The Origins of the Peasant-Contra Rebellion in Nicaragua, 1979-87. (2001) Marti i Puig, Salvador
  • What US law libraries have to offer. (2001) Norman, Paul
  • The Rise of Physicalism. (2001) Papineau, David
  • El genero en historia. (2001) Pérotin-Dumon, Anne
  • Psychoanalysis and Feminism: Anorexia, the Social World, and the Internal World. (2001) Richmond, Sarah
  • Legal protection of the mentally ill: Report of Lesotho Conference. (2001) Ritchie, Graham
  • André Gide and the Lost Boys. (2001) Segal, Naomi
  • Legal Education, Legal Competence and Little Bo Peep. (2001) Sherr, Avrom
  • The Return of the Native: the indigenous challenge in Latin America. (2001) Stavenhagen, Rodolfo
  • Bolivia: Reform and Resistance in the Countryside (1982-2000). (2001) Urioste, Miguel
  • The relationship between religious thought and the theory and practice of church music in England, 1603-c.1640. (2001) Webster, Peter
  • Names have been changed …. extracts from an AALL Conference diary 2001. (2001) Whittle, Steven
  • Researching Law on the Internet with the Resource Discovery Network. (2001) Whittle, Steven
  • Disability in a Society of Equals. (2001) Wolff, Jonathan
  • Disability in a Society of Equals. (2001) Wolff, Jonathan
  • The Problem of Quality in EU legislation: what on earth is really wrong? (2001) Xanthaki, Helen
  • 2000
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 59 No. 1. (2000) UNSPECIFIED
  • Sir William Leonard Dale 1906-2000: An appreciation. (2000) Berman, Franklin
  • Taxation – Inland Revenue concessions: convenience or just illegal? (2000) Booth, John
  • Urban demand in the English economy, 1300-1600. (2000) Britnell, Richard
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1999-2000. (2000) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • British Foreign Economic Policy Towards China 1949-60. (2000) Clayton, David
  • Foreign Law Guide project – some results of a survey into the needs of researchers. (2000) Clinch, Peter
  • The Pinochet Case. (2000) Davis, Madeleine
  • Trade, urban hinterlands and market integration, 1300-1600: a summing up. (2000) Dyer, Christopher
  • Environs and hinterland: Cologne and Nuremberg in the later middle ages. (2000) Eiden, Herbert and Irsigler, Franz
  • The impact of globalisation on human rights. (2000) Elias, Olusoji
  • The romance of decline: the historiography of appeasement and British national identity. (2000) Finney, Patrick
  • USA – Why US electric deregulation could stall. (2000) Flippen, Edward
  • One market or many? London and the grain trade of England. (2000) Galloway, James A.
  • The Caribbean – CARICOM – the other economic community. (2000) Higgins, Simone
  • Feminism in Philosophy of Language: Communicative Speech Acts. (2000) Hornsby, Jennifer
  • BDEEP vA4: The Conservative Government and the End of Empire, 1957-1964. (2000) Hyam, Ronald and Louis, Wm Roger
  • WTO constitutional problems: dispute settlement and decision making. (2000) Jackson, John H.
  • Discrimination – Pakistan: the right to marry. (2000) Jilani, Mr Justice Tassaduq Hussain
  • Changes in London's economic hinterland as indicated by debt cases in the Court of Common Pleas. (2000) Keene, Derek
  • Syntactic Computation as Labelled Deduction: WH a case study. (2000) Kempson, Ruth and Meyer-Viol, Wilfried and Gabbay, Dov
  • Insolvency – Multiple receivers a recipe for chaos? (2000) Linklater, Lisa
  • Risk, business and e-commerce. (2000) Mason, Stephen
  • From Tribal Rebellions to Revolution: British Counter-Insurgency Operations in Southwest Arabia 1955-67. (2000) Mawby, Spencer
  • Norwich, London, and the regional integration of Norfolk's economy in the first half of the fourteenth century. (2000) Nightingale, Pamela
  • The Nature of the Senses. (2000) Nudds, Matthew
  • Promoting democracy – the Commonwealth’s contribution. (2000) Nzerem, Richard
  • Sexual Offences – Rape and anonymity. (2000) Piggott, Linda and Soothill, Keith
  • The law, the environment and the mosquito. (2000) Polden, Martin
  • Shaping the duties of directors: “No” to stakeholder approach, “Yes” to transparency? (2000) Proctor, Giles and Miles, Lilian
  • Agony or ecstasy? Reading Cixous’s recent fiction. (2000) Rye, Gill
  • Uncertain Readings and Meaningful Dialogues: Language and Sexual Identity in Anne Garréta’s 'Sphinx' and Tahar Ben Jelloun’s 'L’Enfant de sable' and 'La Nuit sacrée'. (2000) Rye, Gill
  • The value of experience in legal competence. (2000) Sherr, Avrom
  • Banking on corruption: the legal responsibilities of those who handle the proceeds of corruption. (2000) Society for Advanced Legal Studies, Anti-Corruption Working Group
  • Safe trade and the WTO. (2000) Tripley, Deborah
  • The US as global attorney. (2000) Wallance, Gregory J.
  • Pro bono and Young Solicitors: Views from the Front Line. (2000) Webley, Lisa
  • Darío, Borges, Neruda and the Ancient Quarrel between Poets and Philosophers. (2000) Wilson, Jason
  • A. W. Brian Simpson: a bibliography. (2000) Winterton, Jules
  • Levelling Down. (2000) Wolff, Jonathan
  • The judiciary-based system of child support in Germany, France and Greece: an effective suggestion? (2000) Xanthaki, Helen
  • 1999
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 58 No. 3. (1999) UNSPECIFIED
  • Fraud control in offshore banking centres. (1999) Alba, Ricardo M.
  • BDEEP vB6: The West Indies. (1999) Ashton, SR and Killingray, David
  • The three-legged stool of corporate governance reform. (1999) Barnard, Jayne W.
  • India – Economic and market development since liberalisation. (1999) Bath, Dimple S.
  • India – Legal aspects of oil and gas projects for foreign investors. (1999) Bath, Dimple S.
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1998-9. (1999) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • Creating land registration systems for developing countries. (1999) Charlebois, Louis
  • The Human Rights Act 1998. (1999) Cooper, Jonathan
  • The Third Man: Francisco Burdett O'Connor and the Emancipation of the Americas. (1999) Dunkerley, James
  • China – Development of criminal law in China since the introduction to the reform and opening-up policy. (1999) Feng, Ye
  • New Regionalism and Latin America: The Case of Mercosul. (1999) Filho Campos, Leonardo
  • European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999: the constitutional issues. (1999) Ganz, Gabriele
  • Patterns of Interpretation: Speech, Action, and Dream. (1999) Hopkins, Jim
  • Psychoanalysis, Metaphor, and The Concept of Mind. (1999) Hopkins, Jim
  • European Law – Regional development aid: challenging the Commission to protect the environment. (1999) Jack, Brian
  • The Cayman Islands – Sham trusts. (1999) Lawton, Naomi
  • Fray Juan de Santa Gertrudis and the Marvels of New Granada. (1999) Lynch, John
  • CAP reform and world trade negotiations. (1999) McMahon, Joseph A.
  • Looking at silk. (1999) Megarry, The Right Honourable Sir Robert
  • Is the family to be abolished then? (1999) Munoz-Darde, Veronique
  • Criminal Law – Post-traumatic stress disorder: the legal view. (1999) Savla, Sandeep
  • Report on the cross border movement of children. (1999) Society for Advanced Legal Studies, Family Law Working Group
  • The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory. (1999) Stefanou, Constantin and Xanthaki, Helen
  • The selection of arbitrators. (1999) Winter, David
  • Media – the Video Appeals Committee. (1999) Wood, John
  • 1998
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 58 No. 2. (1998) UNSPECIFIED
  • The ECHR and non-discrimination. (1998) Arai, Yutaka
  • Human Rights – Protection from discrimination: the European dimension. (1998) Bindman, Geoffrey
  • Criminal Law – Let judges fix all life tariffs. (1998) Bobb-Semple, Colin
  • In The Presence Of Mine Enemies: Face-To-Face Killing In Twentieth Century Warfare. (1998) Bourke, Joanna
  • British Trade with Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. (1998) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Banking – The latest edition of the code of practice. (1998) Campbell, Andrew
  • The Socratics' Sparta And Rousseau's. (1998) Cartledge, Paul
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1997-8. (1998) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • Journey, Rediscovery and Narrative: British Travel Accounts of Argentina. (1998) Cicerchia, Ricardo
  • Human rights training and support for voluntary and community sector advisers. (1998) Civil Liberties Trust, CLT
  • The 1997 Bolivian election in historical perspective. (1998) Dunkerley, James
  • Employment Law – Ethical employment practices. (1998) Edwards, Martin
  • Company Law – Piercing the conceptual veil of voluntary assumption of responsibility. (1998) Giliker, Paula
  • The Peronist Revolution and its Ambiguous Legacy. (1998) Halperín-Donghi, Tulio
  • Franchising – Personal liability for negligent misstatements. (1998) Heatherington, Paul
  • Social Justice in Plato's Republic. (1998) Heinaman, Robert
  • Social Justice in Plato's Republic. (1998) Heinaman, Robert
  • Human Rights - Human rights and employment law. (1998) Hepple, Bob
  • BDEEP vB5: Sudan. (1998) Johnson, Douglas H
  • Feeding Medieval European Cities, 600-1500. (1998) Keene, Derek
  • BDEEP vB4: Egypt and the Defence of the Middle East. (1998) Kent, John
  • Do the courts have a future? (1998) Mackay of Clashfern, Lord
  • Legal Education & Practice – Assessing the strengths and weakness of a Judicial Appointments Commission. (1998) Malleson, Kate
  • The Bahamas – Doing business: what investors (and their lawyers) need to know. (1998) Maynard, Peter D.
  • USA – Glass-Steagall on life support. (1998) McCoy, Kimberley Anne
  • John Rawls, Justice in and Justice of the Family. (1998) Munoz-Darde, Veronique
  • Japan – Doom and gloom in the Tokyo market or a global storm? (1998) Nakajima, Chizu
  • Costs in English and Japanese legal procedure. (1998) Niiya, Satoko and Jarman, Sam
  • Some Ambiguities of Late Medieval Religion in England. (1998) Postles, David
  • Legal Education & Practice – Pro bono at the Bar. (1998) Sims, Vanessa
  • Japan – Conferences on Anglo-Japanese law. (1998) Tajima, Yutaka
  • Environmental law – The effect of the European Convention on Human Rights on UK environmental law. (1998) Thornton, Justine and Tromans, Stephen
  • BDEEP vC2: Records of the Cabinet, Foreign Office, Treasury and Other Records. (1998) Thurston, Anne
  • The Brazilian Labour Market in the 1990s. (1998) Trevisan, Leonardo
  • Replacing safe havens with a safe system. (1998) Winer, Jonathan M.
  • Civil Litigation & Procedure – Advance refusals of medical treatment. (1998) Woollard, Suzanne
  • South Africa – Interpretation of equality clause in Bill of Rights. (1998) de Wet, Erika
  • 1997
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 58 No. 1. (1997) UNSPECIFIED
  • Domestic State Violence: Repression From The Croquants To The Commune. (1997) Brown, Howard G.
  • Brazil and the United Kingdom: Trade Relations in the 1990s. (1997) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Institution And Ideology: The Scottish Estates And Resistance Theory. (1997) Burns, J.H.
  • Voluntary Societies and Urban Elites in 19th Century Italy. (1997) Caglioti, Daniela L.
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1996-7. (1997) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • BDEEP vB2: Sri Lanka. (1997) De Silva, KM
  • The Place and Space of Illness: Climate and Garden as Metaphors in the Robben Island Medical Institutions. (1997) Deacon, Harriet
  • The Policing Of Politics In Bologna, 1898-1914. (1997) Dunnage, Jonathan
  • Italy – Italian law and the unification of contract law in Europe. (1997) Gandolfi, Maria
  • Making its Mark? (1997) Garland, Paul and Harris, Paul
  • Reforming the State: Business, Unions and Regions in Brazil. (1997) Kinzo, Gil and D'Alva, Maria
  • Naturalisations In France, 1927-1939: The Example Of The Alpes De Haute Provence (Formerly The Basses-Alpes). (1997) Lawrence, Paul
  • Legal Education & Practice – Super-gentrification of the legal profession. (1997) Moorhead, Richard
  • Forced Labour, Workhouse-Prisons And The Early Modern State: A Case Study. (1997) Munck, Thomas
  • Management or Semi-Independence? The government of Scotland from 1707-1832. (1997) Murdoch, Alex
  • United States – The US smoking settlement – James I’s vindication. (1997) Parker, Wilmer "Buddy"
  • The Scottish contribution to the Enlightenment. (1997) Robertson, John
  • The WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism. (1997) Ruttley, Philip
  • Jung and Antisemitism. (1997) Samuels, Andrew
  • Customary Law and Democratic Transition in Guatemala. (1997) Sieder, Rachel
  • 1996
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 57 No. 3. (1996) UNSPECIFIED
  • Health, Hygiene and Sanitation in Latin America, c.1870 to c.1950. (1996) Abel, Christopher
  • BDEEP vA1: Imperial Policy and Colonial Practice, 1925-1945. (1996) Ashton, SR and Stockwell, SE
  • The Paraguayan War (1864-1870). (1996) Bethell, Leslie
  • Britain and Latin America: Economic Prospects. (1996) Bonsor, Nicholas
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1995-6. (1996) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990s: Equity and Efficiency under Inflationary Conditions. (1996) Coutinho, Mauricio C.
  • Britain and Latin America: 'Hope in a Time of Change?'. (1996) Fawcett, Louise and Posada-Carbó, Eduardo
  • Non-Analytic Conceptual Knowledge. (1996) Giaquinto, Marcus
  • Psychoanalytic and Scientific Reasoning. (1996) Hopkins, Jim
  • Argentina: Foreign relations and the new foreign policy agenda. (1996) Lewis, Colin M. and Szusterman, Celia
  • State, Gender and Institutional Change in Cuba's 'Special Period': The Federación de Mujeres Cubanas. (1996) Molyneux, Maxine
  • The Viva Rio Movement: The Struggle for Peace. (1996) Pereira, Gaspar and Maria, Hilda
  • John Dee and the English Calendar: Science, Religion and Empire. (1996) Poole, Robert
  • BDEEP vB3: Malaya. (1996) Stockwell, AJ
  • 1995
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 57 No. 2. (1995) UNSPECIFIED
  • The 1994 Mexican presidential elections. (1995) Casar, Maria Amparo
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1994-5. (1995) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • The 1995 Elections in Peru: End of the Line for the Party System? (1995) Crabtree, John
  • Elemental Meanings: Symbolic Expression in Inka Miniature Figurines. (1995) Dransart, Penny
  • Trade Liberalisation and Manufacturing in Bolivia. (1995) Jenkins, Rhys
  • Political Change in Cuba: Before and After the Exodus. (1995) Kapcia, Antoni
  • Using manuscript sources for British history. (1995) Olney, R. J.
  • BDEEP vC1: Records of the Colonial Office, Dominions Office, Commonwealth Relations Office and Commonwealth Office. (1995) Thurston, Anne
  • Learning from Failed Stabilisation: High Inflation and The Cruzado Plan in Brazil. (1995) Winograd, Carlos D.
  • 1994
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 57 No. 1. (1994) UNSPECIFIED
  • Health Care in Colombia c.1920-c.1950. A Preliminary Analysis. (1994) Abel, Christopher
  • The Food Industry in Brazil: Towards a Restructuring? (1994) Belik, Walter
  • On democracy in Brazil past and present. (1994) Bethell, Leslie
  • Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the United States. (1994) Corten, Andre and Andreu, Federico
  • uBungca (Oxford Bags): Recordings in London of African and West Indian music in the 1920s and 1930s. (1994) Cowley, John
  • Corporatism Revisited: Salinas and the Reform of the Popular Sector. (1994) Craske, Nikki
  • The Afrikaner takeover: Nationalist politics and the colonisation of South Africa's Parastatals 1948-1960. (1994) Cross, Tim
  • Structural adjustment and health in Zimbabwe. (1994) Davies, Rob
  • The chronic sick on Robben Island 1846-1892. (1994) Deacon, Harriet
  • The ethnicisation of politics and politicisation of ethnicity, culture and political development in South Africa. (1994) Kaarsholm, Preben
  • Social security in South Africa: The link between welfare and development. (1994) Lund, Fancie
  • The Killing floor: The First World War and the emergence of the South African beef industry 1902-24. (1994) Milton, Shaun
  • Professor Leo Fouche, The history department and the Afrikanerisation of the University of Pretoria. (1994) Mouton, F A
  • In search of nobility: The antecedents of Dawid van der Merwe of the Koue Bokkveld. (1994) Newton-King, Susan
  • Lashers and leviathan: The 1954 Wankie Colliery strike. (1994) Phimister, Ian
  • Creating ethnicity in the British colonial Cape: coloured and Malay contrasted. (1994) Ridd, Rosemary
  • The Military in Central America: The Challenge of Transition. (1994) Sieder, Rachel and Dunkerley, James
  • The imperial colossus and the colonial parish pump: Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners. (1994) Tamarkin, M
  • Van Iuebeeck day and the new Jerusalem: Identity, community and violence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cape. (1994) Trapido, Stanley
  • Arguments of accountability: historical narrative, crisis and social biography in Zimbabwe. (1994) Werbner, Richard
  • 1993
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 56 No. 4. (1993) UNSPECIFIED
  • What remains of Pinochet's Chile ? (1993) Angell, Alan
  • Slavery, emancipation and the question of coloured identity, with particular attention to Cape town, 1875-1910. (1993) Bickford-Smith, Vivian
  • Centre for Metropolitan History Annual Report 1992-3. (1993) Centre for Metropolitan History
  • The Bolivian Tin Mining Industry in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. (1993) Contreras, Manuel E.
  • Black Hamlet: A case of "psychic vivisection". (1993) Dubow, Saul
  • The origins of the welfare state in pre-apartheid South Africa. (1993) Duncan, David
  • The Pacification of Central America. (1993) Dunkerley, James
  • Social history and Afrikaner historiography in changing South Africa, problems and potential. (1993) Grundlingh, Albert
  • Making People Matter: Development and the Environment in Brazilian Amazonia. (1993) Hall, Anthony
  • Culture and identity in early South African labour history. (1993) Harries, Patrick
  • The failure to realise human capital: Ovambo migrant labour and the early South African state, 1915-1938. (1993) Hayes, Patricia
  • Friend to Olive Schreiner: The story of Ruth Schechter. (1993) Hirson, Baruch
  • Gendered disorder in colonial Zimbabwe: Cape alalyses of African female inmates at the Ingutsheni Mental Hospital. (1993) Jackson, Lynette
  • Between the Economy and the Polity in the River Plate: Uruguay 1811-1890. (1993) Lopez-Alves, Fernando
  • South Africa after apartheid: Prospects for economic recovery. (1993) Moll, Terence
  • The devil in the black box: Ethnic nationalism, cultural imperialism and the outlawing of TV under apartheid. (1993) Nixon, Rob
  • Reduction and Selection. (1993) Papineau, David
  • The Teleological Theory of Representation. (1993) Papineau, David
  • RF/6: Don Pinnock interview with Ismael Meer. (1993) Pinnock, Don and Meer, Ismail
  • RF/6: Don Pinnock interview with Barney Simon. (1993) Pinnock, Don and Simon, Barney
  • RF/6/20: Don Pinnock interview with Hilda Watts and Rusty Bernstein. (1993) Pinnock, Don and Watts, Hilda and Bernstein, Rusty
  • Urban and regional planning and patterns of uneven development in post-independence Mozambique: An overview. (1993) Sidaway, J D
  • 1992
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 56 No. 3. (1992) UNSPECIFIED
  • Interpreting violence: The struggle to understand the Natal conflict. (1992) Aitchison, John
  • Transkeian migrant workers and youth labour on the Natal sugar estates, 1918-1940. (1992) Beinart, William
  • The Mfengu revisited: The 19th century experience of one Mfengu community through the eyes of historians and contemporaries. (1992) Bouch, Richard
  • Life after Debt: The New Economic Trajectory in Latin America. (1992) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Nyamarira that I loved: Commoditisation, consumption and the social history of soap in Zimbabwe. (1992) Burke, Timothy
  • The Failure of Export-Led Growth in Brazil and Mexico, c. 1870-1930. (1992) Catão, Luis
  • The Red and the Black. The Sandinistas and the Nicaraguan Revolution. (1992) Dore, Elizabeth and Weeks, John
  • "Knowing all the names": The Ebenezer Congregational Church and the creation of community among the coloured population of Johannesburg 1894-1939. (1992) Dugmore, Harry
  • A question of identity: evangelical culture and Khoisan politics in the early 19th Century eastern Cape. (1992) Elbourne, Elizabeth
  • Gender and economic policy in a democratic South Africa. (1992) Ginwala, Frene and Macintosh, Maureen and Massey, Doreen
  • Half a loaf of bread: A political life of Povundla. (1992) Goodhew, David
  • Entryism and the Communist Party of South Africa 1923-25. (1992) Hirson, Baruch
  • Gender, patterns of story-telling and forced removals: A Transvaal perspective. (1992) Hofmeyr, Isobel
  • BDEEP vA2: The Labour Government and the End of Empire, 1945-1951. (1992) Hyam, Ronald
  • The past as battlefield in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. (1992) Kaarsholm, Preben
  • The rise of African indebtedness in Natal during the late colonial period. (1992) Lambert, John
  • Inventing the role of the preacher in the east-central Botswana, Moruti Seakgano 1865-1953. (1992) Landau, Paul S
  • Lonkos, Curakas and Zupais: The Collapse and Re-Making of Tribal Society in Central Chile, 1536-1560. (1992) Leon, Leonardo
  • Class and gender in pre-capitalist societies: A consideration of the 1848 census of the Xhosa. (1992) Lewis, Jack
  • Coal, capital and labour in colonial Zimbabwe. (1992) Phimister, Ian
  • RF/6/2: Don Pinnock interview with Mary Benson. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Benson, Mary
  • RF/6/14: Don Pinnock interview with Hilary Kuny and Luli Callinicos. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Callinicos, Luli and Kuny, Hilary
  • Rf/6/11: Don Pinnock interview with Rica Hodgson. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Hodgson, Rica
  • RF/6/19: Don Pinnock interview with Joe Slovo. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Slovo, Joe
  • BDEEP vB1: Ghana. (1992) Rathbone, Richard
  • The politics of informal settlement in South African squatter setllements: The Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging region, 1980-1989. (1992) Sapire, Hilary
  • Tender Ties: Women and the slave household, 1652-1834. (1992) Shell, Robert
  • The "Wicked Christians" and the "Children of the Mist": Missionary and Khoi interactions at the Cape. (1992) Stuart, Doug
  • The emergence of liberalism and the making of Hottentot nationalism 1815-1834. (1992) Trapido, Stanley
  • The ignorance of mothers and the health of children in 20th Century Pondoland. (1992) Wylie, Diana
  • 1991
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 56 No. 2. (1991) UNSPECIFIED
  • A Long-Run Model of Development for Central America. (1991) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • The Idea of the Devil and the Problem of the Indian: the case of Mexico in the sixteenth century. (1991) Cervantes, Fernando
  • Carnival and other seasonal festivals in the West Indies, U.S.A. and Britain: a selected bibliographical index. (1991) Cowley, John
  • "Take a whiff on me": Leadbelly's Library of Congress recordings 1933-1942. An assessment. (1991) Cowley, John
  • Public Policy and Private Initiative. Railway Building in São Paulo, 1860-1889. (1991) Lewis, Colin M.
  • Argentina and the United States at the Sixth Pan American Conference (Havana 1928). (1991) Sheinin, David
  • 1990
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 56 No. 1. (1990) UNSPECIFIED
  • Trying not to be cruel, local government resistance to application of the group areas act in Uitenhage 1945-1962. (1990) Adler, Glenn
  • Creating solidarity, food and canning workers at the Cape 1940-60. (1990) Berger, Iris
  • Chiefly authority and the Ame church 1896-1910. (1990) Campbell, Jim
  • London is the Place: Caribbean Music in the Context of Empire 1900-60. (1990) Cowley, John
  • Liberalism and segregation revisited. (1990) Dubow, Saul
  • Political Transition and Economic Stabilisation: Bolivia, 1982-1989. (1990) Dunkerley, James
  • A nice little house down Mashu way - perhaps a little car one day: state, capital and the building of Kwa Mashu 1947-1958. (1990) Edwards, Iain
  • The making of a liberal programme 1947-1950. (1990) Everatt, David
  • Women and the African National Congress, 1912-1943. (1990) Ginwala, Frene
  • The New Agrarian Movement in Mexico 1979-1990. (1990) Harvey, Neil
  • The message of warriors: the ICU, the labouring poor and the making of a popular political culture in Durban 1925-30. (1990) Hausse, Paul la
  • Roraima: Brazil's Northernmost Frontier. (1990) Hemming, John
  • 1917, A year in the life of David Ivon Jones. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • Julia Wells and Judie Jancovich - Whatever did happen at Jagersfontein. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • A trade union organizer in Durban: M B Yengwa, 1943-44. (1990) Hirson, Baruch
  • Changes in the bridewealth relationships in Gweru district (southern Rhodesia) 1894-1925. (1990) Jeater, Diana
  • Clandestine migration in South Central Africa. (1990) Johnson, David
  • Primitive accumulation and class formation in the making of Agrarian capitalism in South Africa. (1990) Keegan, Tim
  • The Agrarian class structure of the Transvaal colony. (1990) Krikler, Jeremy
  • White labour on the Rhodesian railway system 1891-1939. (1990) Lunn, Jon
  • The rift within the lute: Conflict and factionalism in the school community in the Cape colony, 1890-1915. (1990) Mills, Wallace G
  • Mishap or crisis, the aparthied economy's recent record in historical perspective. (1990) Moll, Terence
  • South Africa's black victorians, sport, race and class in South Africa before union. (1990) Odendaal, Andre
  • The Serowe Kgotla riot of 1952, popular opposition to Tshekedi Khama and colonial rule in Botswana. (1990) Parsons, Neil
  • Culture and communication: the rise of the left-wing press in South Africa. (1990) Pinnock, Don
  • Influx control policy and the interests of manufacturing and commerce in South Africa in the 1950's. (1990) Posel, Deborah
  • Some debates around the privatisation of health care in South Africa. (1990) Price, Max
  • British imperial policy, trusteeship and the appeasement of white South African power, 1929-1939. (1990) Rich, Paul
  • Montagu's roads to capitalism: The distribution of landed property in the Cape colony 1845. (1990) Ross, Robert
  • Powerlessness and politics, quiescence and protest in Pretoria - Witwatersrand-vaal townships 1973-1985. (1990) Seekings, Jeremy
  • Class, Nation, Ethnicity in Natal's black working class. (1990) Sitas, Ari
  • Changing the guard: Champion-Msimang-Luthuli. the Anc in Natal 1945-1951. (1990) Swanson, Maynard
  • Banking on development, the development bank of southern Africa. (1990) Tapscott, C P G
  • The South African novel in the 1970's: Some contextual markers. (1990) Wade, Michael
  • Capitalism and agriculture: the South African case. (1990) Williams, Gavin
  • Recent developments in regional government in South Africa with special reference to regional services councils. (1990) Young, Tom
  • 1989
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 7. (1989) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 8. (1989) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Mexican Landlord: Rental Housing in Guadalajara and Puebla. (1989) Gilbert, Alan and Varley, Ann
  • 1988
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 6. (1988) UNSPECIFIED
  • Destabilization, The Lesotho case. (1988) Bardill, John
  • The succession crisis over the illness and death of Kgosi Sekgoma II of the Bangwato 1925: Western versus traditional medicine. (1988) Crowder, Michael
  • Swaziland, Just another Bantustan. (1988) Daniel, John
  • The State and Henequen Production in Yucatán, 1955-1980. (1988) Escalante, Roberto
  • State against the market in South Africa: prelude to crisis. (1988) Greenberg, Stanley B
  • The homeboat of 1925, British seamen and South African community reactions. (1988) Hirson, Baruch
  • The role of the South African Bureau of Racial Affairs in the formulation of apartheid ideology, 1948-1961. (1988) Lazar, John
  • Class formation, ideology and transition in Swaziland. (1988) Levin, Richard M
  • Political organisations in Pretoria's African townships 1940-1963. (1988) Lodge, Tom
  • Commerce and material culture on the eastern Cape frontier 1784-1812. (1988) Newton-King, Susan
  • Industrialisation, Fabianism and race, Sydney Olivier and the liberal critique of South African segregation. (1988) Rich, Paul
  • Does Swaziland have a proletariat? (1988) Russell, Margot
  • Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro. (1988) Soares, Luiz Carlos
  • Development or domination, towards a critique of development theory in South Africa. (1988) Tapscott, C P G
  • 1987
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 5. (1987) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Market of Potosí at the End of the Eighteenth Century. (1987) Tandeter, Enrique and Milletich, Vilma and Ollier, María Matilde and Ruibal, Beatriz
  • 1985
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 3-4. (1985) UNSPECIFIED
  • Harnessing the Interior Vote: The Impact of Economic Change, Unbalanced Development and Authoritarianism on the Local Politics of Northeast Brazil. (1985) Hoefle, Scott William
  • Caciques, Tribute and Migration in the Southern Andes: Indian Society and the 17th Century Colonial Order (Audencias de Charcas). (1985) Saignes, Thierry
  • 1984
  • The Bloemfontein riots 1925, a study in community culture and class consciousness. (1984) Baruch, Hirson
  • Ethnic particularism, worker consciousness and nationalism, the experience of a South African migrant 1930-1960. (1984) Beinart, William
  • The Retreat from Oil Nationalism in Ecuador, 1976-1983. (1984) Brogan, Christopher
  • Vagabond Hollanders and runaway Englishmen, white poverty in the Cape before poor whiteism. (1984) Bundy, Colin
  • Reinterpreting Afrikaner nationalism 1850-1900. (1984) Giliomee, Hermann
  • The coloured labour preference policy, co-option and contradiction. (1984) Goldin, Ian
  • Spirit mediums and the authority to resist in the struggle for Zimbabwe. (1984) Lan, David
  • The land of the Barolong: annexation and alienation 1884-1900. (1984) Murray, Colin
  • Bonanza Development? The Selva Oil Industry in Peru 1968-1982. (1984) Philip, George
  • Language, legitimation and control, the South African state after '78. (1984) Posel, Debbie
  • Landscape, social darwinism and the cultural roots of South African racial ideology. (1984) Rich, Paul
  • Relocation in Qwaqwa, betterment in Matatiele, resources and responses. (1984) Spiegel, Andrew D and Sharp, John S
  • Putting a plough to the ground, a history of tenant production on the Vereeniging Estates 1896-1920. (1984) Trapido, Stanley
  • Kimberley's model compounds. (1984) Turrell, Rob
  • 1983
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 55 No. 1-2. (1983) UNSPECIFIED
  • Simón Bolivar and the Age of Revolution. (1983) Lynch, John
  • Paraguay in the 1970s: Continuity and Change in the Political Process. (1983) Painter, James
  • Fámilias Camponesas de Angónia no Processo de Socialização do Campo. (1983) UEM, CEA
  • Organizar os Trabalhadores das Machambas Estatais: O Caso da C.A.I.A. (1983) UEM, CEA
  • 1982
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 7. (1982) UNSPECIFIED
  • Brazilian Private Industrial Enterprise 1950-1980. (1982) Cunningham, Susan M.
  • Bolivia 1980-1981: the political system in crisis. (1982) Dunkerley, James
  • W H Hudson: the Colonial's Revenge. (1982) Wilson, Jason
  • 1981
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 6. (1981) UNSPECIFIED
  • Oral Tradition and Identity, the Herero in Botswana. (1981) Alnaes, Kirsten
  • The South African industrialization debate and the tariff in the inter-war years. (1981) Archer, Sean
  • Cape workers in German South-West Africa, 1904-1912. (1981) Beinart, William
  • The union, the nation and the talking crow. (1981) Beinart, William and Bundy, Colin
  • A voice in the big house, the career of Headman Mamba. (1981) Bundy, Colin
  • The consciousness of history in the novels of Nadine Gordimer, 1953-1974. (1981) Clingman, Stephen
  • Imperialism in literature, the case of John Buchan. (1981) Etherington, Norman
  • Labour supply and the genesis of South African confederation in the 1870's. (1981) Etherington, Norman A
  • Labour in Chile under the Junta,1973-1979. (1981) Falabella, Gonzalo
  • The economic and political context of the growth of the progressive federal party in South Africa, 1959-1978. (1981) Hackland, Brian
  • Language in control and resistance, the education of a black community in South Africa. (1981) Hirson, Baruch
  • Tuskegee, the joint councils, and the all African convention. (1981) Hirson, Baruch
  • Seasonality, markets and pricing, the South African maize trade in the early 20th century. (1981) Keegan, Tim
  • Black resistance in South Africa, 1950-1961, an assessment of the political strike campaigns. (1981) Lambert, Rob
  • The state, mineowners and labour regulation in the Transvaal, 1887-1906. (1981) Levy, Norman
  • Some observations on class differentiation and class conflict within the labour reserve of Basutoland. (1981) Leys, Roger
  • Self-interest and social control, Uitlander rule of Johannesburg, 1900-1901. (1981) MacLaren, Diana R
  • Ethnic nationalism and structural unemployment, refugees in the orange free state. (1981) Murray, Colin
  • These natives think this war to be their own: reflections on blacks in the Cape colony and the South African war, 1899-1902. (1981) Nasson, Bill
  • Background to the Khoikoi rebellion of 1799-1803. (1981) Newton-King, Susie
  • Riches from rags: Bosses and unions in the Cape clothing industry 1926-1937. (1981) Nicol, Martin
  • Slaves, slave owners and the British state, the Cape colony 1806-1834. (1981) Rayner, Mary
  • Development Policymaking in Mexico: the S A M. (1981) Redclift, Michael
  • Segregation and the Cape liberal tradition. (1981) Rich, Paul
  • The South African institute of race relations and the debate on race relations, 1929-1958. (1981) Rich, Paul
  • The Natal sugar industry, 1849-1905: an interpretative essay. (1981) Richardson, Peter
  • The rise of the Cape gentry. (1981) Ross, Robert
  • Black trade unionism during the Second World War - the Witwatersrand strikes of December 1942. (1981) Stein, Mark
  • Mission in a repressive society, the Christian institute of Southern Africa. (1981) Walshe, Peter
  • Milner and the mind of imperialism. (1981) van Helten, Jean-Jacques
  • 1980
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 5. (1980) UNSPECIFIED
  • Peruvian Labour and the Military Government since 1968. (1980) Angell, Alan
  • Industrial Investment in an 'Export' Economy: the Brazilian Experience before 1914. (1980) Versiani, Flavio Rabelo
  • 1979
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 4. (1979) UNSPECIFIED
  • South Africa's expanding relations with Latin America, 1966-1976. (1979) Fig, David
  • The colonial state and the land question in Swaziland, 1903-1907. (1979) Fransman, Martin
  • Peasants, capitalists and farm labour, class formation in the Orange River colony, 1902-1910. (1979) Keegan, Tim
  • Trade unions and changes in the labour process in South Africa 1925-30. (1979) Lewis, Jon
  • Poqo and rural resistance in the Transkei, 1960-1965. (1979) Lodge, Tom
  • Company rule and agricultural development, the case of the BSA company in southern Rhodesia, 1908-1923. (1979) Machingaidze, Victor
  • Natal, the Zulu royal family and the ideology of segregation. (1979) Marks, Shula
  • Oil and Politics in Ecuador, 1972-1976. (1979) Philip, George
  • Class struggle and economic development in South Africa, the inter-war years. (1979) Plaut, Martin and Innes, Duncan
  • White farmers and labour tenants. (1979) Rennie, J K
  • African politics and the Cape African franchise, 1926-1936. (1979) Rich, Paul
  • The struggle for profit and participation by an emerging African petty-bourgeoisie in Bulawayo, 1893-1933. (1979) Thornton, Stephen
  • British capital, the British state and economic investment in South African 1886-1914. (1979) van Helten, Jean-Jacques
  • 1978
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 3. (1978) UNSPECIFIED
  • Classes, the mode of production and the state in pre-colonial Swaziland. (1978) Bonner, P L
  • Slim jannie and the forces of production, South African industrialisation 1915-1925. (1978) Christie, Renfrew
  • The Selebi-Phikwe strike, Botswana, 1975: The state, mine workers and the multinationals. (1978) Cooper, David
  • Enthogrpahy, environment and the history of the Nguni in the 18th and 19th centuries. (1978) Hall, Martin
  • Blainey and the Jameson Raid: The debate renewed. (1978) Mendelsohn, Richard
  • Continuity and Change in Ciskei Chiefship. (1978) Peires, J B
  • Sexuality and slavery at the Cape in the 18th Century. (1978) Ross, Robert
  • The natives appear contented and quiet, the Nqutu district of Zululand under British rule, 1883-1897. (1978) Unterhalter, Elaine
  • San history and non-San historians. (1978) Wright, John
  • 1977
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 2. (1977) UNSPECIFIED
  • Who were Dingiswayo and Shaka: Individual origins and political transformations. (1977) Argyle, John
  • Economic change in Pondoland in the Nineteenth Century. (1977) Beinart, William
  • Migrant labour and the Pedi before 1869. (1977) Delius, Peter
  • The Mozambican Miner: A study in the export of labour. (1977) First, Ruth
  • O Mineiro Moçambicano: Um estudo sobre a exportaçāo de māo de obra. (1977) First, Ruth
  • Labour migration from Delagoa Bay Hinterland to South Africa, 1852-1895. (1977) Harries, Patrick
  • Dock workers, labour circulation and class struggles in Durban, 1940-1959. (1977) Hemson, David
  • Rural revolt in South Africa, 1937-1951. (1977) Hirson, Baruch
  • The reogranization of African trade unions in Johannesburg, 1936-42. (1977) Hirson, Baruch
  • The posthumous vindication of zachariah Gqishela, some reflections on the politics of dependence at the Cape in the 19th century. (1977) Hogan, Neville
  • The mining industry in the context of South Africa's economic development, 1910-1940. (1977) Innes, Duncan
  • An analysis of the South African state in the Fusion period, 1932-39. (1977) Kaplan, David E
  • The Afrikaner broedberbond, 1927-1948: Class vanguard of Afrikaner nationalism. (1977) O'Meara, Dan
  • Recent developments in the study of prehistory in the Cape. (1977) Parkington, John
  • Mobilizing labour for the South African gold mines, The recruiting operations of the Transvaal chamber of mines in South China. (1977) Richardson, Peter
  • James Read: Towards a reassessment. (1977) Saunders, Christopher
  • African labour during the South African war, 1899-1902. (1977) Warwick, Peter
  • The gift of the century, Solomon Plaatje de Beers and the old Kimberley tram shed, 1918-1919. (1977) Willan, Brian
  • South Africa's Lumpenproletarian Army 'Umkosi Wa Ntaba - The regiment of the hills, 1890-1920. (1977) van Onselen, Charles
  • 1976
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 54 No. 1. (1976) UNSPECIFIED
  • The thirstland trekkers in Angola - Some reflections on a frontier society. (1976) Clarence-Smith, W G
  • Garveyism in Africa: Dr Wellington and American movement in the Transkei, 1925-40. (1976) Edgar, Bob
  • Two aspects of land settlement policy in Mozambique, 1900-1961. (1976) Henderson, Robert d'A.
  • Xhosa expansion before 1800. (1976) Peires, J B
  • The white population of the Cape colony in the eighteenth century. (1976) Ross, Robert
  • Influx control, the colour bar, minimum wage legislation and the earnings gap in South Africa. (1976) Siebert, W S
  • Aspects in the transition from slavery to serfdom, the South African republic 1842-1902. (1976) Trapido, Stanley
  • Zoutpansberg, some notes on the dynamics of a hunting frontier. (1976) Wagner, R
  • The Randlords and Rotgut, 1886-1903. (1976) van Onselen, Charles
  • 1975
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 53 No. 4. (1975) UNSPECIFIED
  • Mass population removals and separate development. (1975) Baldwin, Alan
  • Ideology and the manufacturing class in South Africa, 1907-26. (1975) Bozzoli, Belinda
  • Literature and Ideology, The Patterson Embassy to Lobengula, 1878, and King Solomon's Mines. (1975) Couzens, T J
  • The Smuts Government and the Africans, 1939-48. (1975) Davenport, T R H
  • 1855-1863, A dividing point in the early development of African education in South Africa. (1975) Davis Jr, R Hunt
  • Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand. (1975) Phimister, I. R.
  • The 1912 Wankie Mine Strike. (1975) Van Onselen, C
  • The theory of internal colonization: the South African case. (1975) Wolpe, Harold
  • 1974
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 53 No. 3. (1974) UNSPECIFIED
  • Land and Politics in the Transvaal in the 1880s. (1974) Cornwell, R
  • Libya: The Elusive Revolution. (1974) First, Ruth
  • Chartered Africans: Colonial Office, Settlers and BSA Co. Rhodesia, 1890-1923. (1974) MacKenzie, John
  • The Swazi and land partition (1902-1910). (1974) Mashasha, F. J.
  • Migrant labour and the development of Mozambique. (1974) Newitt, M
  • The Portuguese Muzungos and the Zambesi Wars. (1974) Newitt, M
  • Griqua power and wealth, an analysis of the paradoxes of their interrelationship. (1974) Ross, Robert
  • The Natal Land and Colonisation Company 1860-1948. (1974) Slater, Henry
  • Liberalism in the Cape in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (1974) Trapido, S
  • Coenraad de Buys in Transorangia. (1974) Wagner, R G
  • 1973
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 53 No. 2. (1973) UNSPECIFIED
  • The response of African peasants in the Cape to economic changes, 1870 - 1910: a study in growth and decay. (1973) Bundy, Colin
  • South Africa and Mozambique - 1960-1970. (1973) Clarence-Smith, W.G.
  • Some notes on the financial state of the Eastern Cape, 1840-1850, and the fate of the Kat River settlement. (1973) Kirk, Tony
  • Pre-Mfecane carry-overs in subsequent Ndebele politics. (1973) Morrow, Lance F.
  • Some current manifestations of early Mfengu history. (1973) Moyer, R. A.
  • The changing pattern of economic relationships in rural Natal, 1838 - 1914. (1973) Slater, Henry
  • South Africa 1960-66: underground African politics. (1973) Strauss, H
  • The Transkei: Conflict externalization and black exclusivism. (1973) Szeftel, Morris
  • The South African Republic: class formation and the state, 1850-1900. (1973) Trapido, Stanley
  • Reactions to rinderpest in southern Africa, 1896-97. (1973) Van Onselen, C
  • Myth, truth and the South African reality in the fiction of Sarah Gertrude Millin. (1973) Wade, Michael
  • The Aborigines' Protection Society and white settlers in Rhodesia, 1889-1930. (1973) Whitehead, Rachael
  • 1972
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 53 No. 1. (1972) UNSPECIFIED
  • The defiance campaign - a comparative analysis of the organisation, leadership, and participation in the Eastern Cape and the Transvaal. (1972) Carter, David
  • The nature and consequences of South Africa's economic expansion. (1972) Gervasi, Sean
  • The urban and industrial context of Southern Africa until union. (1972) Hyman, Nicholas
  • The frontier tradition in South African historiography. (1972) Legassick, Martin
  • South Africa in a comparative study of industrialization. (1972) Trapido, Stanley
  • Class, race and the occupational structure. (1972) Wolpe, H.
  • 1971
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 52 No. 4. (1971) UNSPECIFIED
  • Race relations in Southern Africa at the turn of the nineteenth century: the Cape Colony in the Batavian era, 1803-6. (1971) Freund, William
  • Party politics and the plural society: South Africa 1910-1929. (1971) Garson, Noel
  • Class conflict and colour bars in the South African gold mining industry - 1910-26. (1971) Johnstone, Frederick A.
  • The Cape liberal tradition - myth or reality ? (1971) Lewsen, Phyllis
  • The I.C.U. and British imperialism. (1971) Neame, Sylvia
  • Independency and Ethiopianism among the Tswana in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. (1971) Parsons, Q.N.
  • Enter the British legal machine: law and administration at the Cape, 1806-1910. (1971) Sachs, A.
  • The new African elite in the Eastern Cape and some late nineteenth century origins of African nationalism. (1971) Saunders, C. C.
  • 1970
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 52 No. 3. (1970) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Barrel of a Gun: Political Power in Africa and the Coup d'État. (1970) First, Ruth
  • 1969
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 52 No. 2. (1969) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1968
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 52 No. 1. (1968) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1967
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 51 No. 3. (1967) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1966
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 51 No. 2. (1966) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1965
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 51 No. 1. (1965) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1964
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 50 No. 4. (1964) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1963
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 50 No. 3. (1963) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1962
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 50 No. 1. (1962) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 50 No. 2. (1962) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1961
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 4. (1961) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 5. (1961) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1960
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 2. (1960) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 3. (1960) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1959
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 49 No. 1. (1959) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1958
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 5. (1958) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 6. (1958) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1957
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 3. (1957) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 4. (1957) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1956
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 1. (1956) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 48 No. 2. (1956) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1955
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 47 No. 1. (1955) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 47 No. 2. (1955) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1954
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 46 No. 1. (1954) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 46 No. 2. (1954) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1953
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 45 No. 1. (1953) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 45 No. 2. (1953) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1952
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 44 No. 1. (1952) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 44 No. 2. (1952) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1951
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 43 No. 1. (1951) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 43 No. 2. (1951) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1950
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 42 No. 2. (1950) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 42, No. 1. (1950) UNSPECIFIED
  • Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/1: 1949-50. (1950) First, Ruth
  • 1949
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 41 No. 1. (1949) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 41 No. 2. (1949) UNSPECIFIED
  • Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/3: 1948-9. (1949) First, Ruth
  • 1948
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 40. (1948) UNSPECIFIED
  • Scrapbook RF/1/4/1/4: 1947-8. (1948) First, Ruth
  • 1947
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 39. (1947) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1946
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 38. (1946) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1944
  • Oral fieldwork in a war zone: Mozambique 1991-1992. (1944) Covane, Luis Antonio
  • 1942
  • School work of Audrey Brown, 1942-3. (1942) Brown, Audrey
  • Lerala: Portrait of another African village. Rain cults, ancestors, status and christian conversion, C1870-1930. (1942) Landau, Paul
  • 1940
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 37. (1940) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1939
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 36. (1939) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1938
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 35. (1938) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1937
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 34. (1937) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1936
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol.33. (1936) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1935
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 32. (1935) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1934
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 31. (1934) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1933
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 30. (1933) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1932
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 29. (1932) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1931
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 28. (1931) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1930
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 27. (1930) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1929
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 26. (1929) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1928
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 25. (1928) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1927
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 24. (1927) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1926
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 23 No. 1-2. (1926) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 23 No. 3-4. (1926) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1925
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 22 No. 1-4. (1925) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1924
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 21 No. 1-4. (1924) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1923
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 20 No. 1-2. (1923) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 20 No. 3-4. (1923) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1922
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 19 No. 1-2. (1922) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 19 No. 3-4. (1922) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1921
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 18 No. 1-2. (1921) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 18 No. 3-4. (1921) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1920
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 17 No. 1-2. (1920) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 17 No. 3. (1920) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 17 No. 4. (1920) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1919
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 16 No. 1-2. (1919) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 16 No. 3. (1919) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 16 No. 4. (1919) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1918
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 15 No. 1-2. (1918) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 15 No. 3. (1918) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 15 No. 4. (1918) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1917
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 14 No. 1. (1917) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 14 No. 2. (1917) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 14 No. 3. (1917) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 14 No. 4. (1917) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1916
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 13 No. 1. (1916) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 13 No. 2. (1916) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 13 No. 3. (1916) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol.13 No. 4. (1916) UNSPECIFIED
  • Formalist Poetics: towards a theory of a city poetic with special reference to the definition and use of the metonym. (1916) Coghill, Mary
  • 1915
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 12 No. 1. (1915) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 12 No. 2. (1915) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 12 No. 3. (1915) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 12 No. 4. (1915) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1914
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 1. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 2. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 3. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 11 No. 4. (1914) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1913
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 10 No. 1. (1913) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 10 No. 2. (1913) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 10 No. 3. (1913) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 10 No. 4. (1913) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1912
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 9 No. 1. (1912) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 9 No. 2. (1912) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 9 No. 3. (1912) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 9 No. 4. (1912) UNSPECIFIED
  • La Constitucion y La Dictadura Estudio sobre la organizacion politica de Mexico. (1912) Rabasa, Emilio
  • 1911
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 8 No. 1. (1911) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 8 No. 2. (1911) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 8 No. 3. (1911) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 8 No. 4. (1911) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1910
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 7 No. 1. (1910) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 7 No. 2. (1910) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 7 No. 3. (1910) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 7 No. 4. (1910) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1909
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 1. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 2. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 3. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 6 No. 4. (1909) UNSPECIFIED
  • 1908
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 5 No. 4. (1908) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 5 No. 1. (1908) Braithwaite, William C. and Manners, Emily and Turner, G. Lyon and Vaux, George and Miller, William F. and Rutter, Elizabeth B. and Sturge, Dickinson and Axon, William E. and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 5 No. 2. (1908) Lanson, Gustav and Turner, G. Lyon and Green, Joseph J. and Rutter, Elizabeth B. and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 5 No. 3. (1908) Lanson, Gustav and Turner, G. Lyon and Manners, Emily and Fox, R. Hingston and Rutter, Elizabeth B. and Penney, Norman
  • 1907
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 4 No. 3. (1907) Alexander, Samuel and Turner, G. Lyon and Miller, William F. and Hodgkin, Thomas and Brayshaw, A. Neave and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 4 No. 4. (1907) Green, Joseph J. and Turner, G. Lyon and Manners, Emily and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 4 No. 2. (1907) Miller, William F. and Turner, G. Lyon and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 4 No. 1. (1907) Sharp, Isaac and Summers, W.H. and Turner, G. Lyon and Thomas, Allen C. and Linney, Albert G. and Naish, Francis Clement and Penney, Norman
  • 1906
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 3 No. 4. (1906) Green, Joseph J. and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 3 No. 3. (1906) Sharpless, Isaac and Walton, Joseph S. and Cadbury, Joel and Lindley, Harlow and Graham, John W. and Penny, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 3 No. 2. (1906) Walton, Joseph S. and Alexander, Samuel and Morland, Lucy F. and Hart, Emily J. and Webb, Thomas Henry and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 3 No. 1. (1906) Webb, Thomas Henry and Brady, Charles and Irvine, W. Fergusson and Penney, Norman
  • 1905
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 2 No. 2. (1905) Birch, J. Guthlac and Green, Joseph J. and Gordon, Alexander
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society volume 2, no. 1. (1905) Brayshaw, A. Neave and Gummere, Amelia Mott and Sharp, Isaac and Howard, Eliot and Miller, William F. and Penney, Norman
  • Catálogo de la Biblioteca, Mapoteca y Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. (1905) Centeno, Francisco
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 2 No. 3. (1905) Graham, John W. and Penrose, E. Josephine and Sturge, Dickinson and Irvine, W. Fergusson and Miller, William F. and Penney, Norman
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 2 No. 4. (1905) Miller, William F. and Brown, Kirk and Irvine, W. Fergusson and Penney, Norman
  • 1904
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society volume 1, no. 3. (1904) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 1 No. 2. (1904) Green, Joseph and Sharp, Isaac and Penney, Norman and Miller, William and Evans, G. Eyre
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 1 No. 3. (1904) Rowntree, John S. and Grubb, J. Ernest and Green, Joseph J. and Miller, William F. and Vaux, George and Metford, Isabella
  • 1903
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society volume 1, no. 1. (1903) Rowntree, John S. and Sharp, Isaac and Penney, Norman and Green, Joseph J.
  • 1900
  • Iniciativa de presupuestos para el año fiscal de 1901 á 1902 Precedida de una exposicion de motivos. (1900) Limantour, J. Y.
  • 1892
  • Filigranas por Ricardo Palma aguinaldo á mis ámigos. (1892) Palma, Manuel Ricardo
  • 1889
  • Secretaria de estado y del despacho de hacienda y credito publico noticias de las Exportaciones de México para los Estados Unidos y de los Estados Unidos para México. En el año fiscal de 1887 á 1888. (1889) Stávoli, Javier
  • 1887
  • Proyecto de ley de matrimonio Presentado al Congreso Argentino en 22 de Setiembre de 1887. (1887) Célman, Miguel Juarez and Posse, Filemon
  • 1886
  • Conferencia descriptiva del territorio de Misiones, dada en el Teatro Colon el 21 enero de 1886. (1886) Godio, Guillermo
  • 1884
  • La República Argentina y sus relaciones económicas con la Francia Conferencia En la Sociedad de Geografía comercial de Paris (Sesión del 16 de Febrero de 1884). (1884) Lopez, José Francisco
  • 1879
  • Discurso sobre a emissão de papel-moeda pronunciado pelo Sr. Barão de Cotegipe na sessão do senado de 30 de junho de 1879. (1879) Wanderley, João Mauricio
  • 1874
  • Cuestion de límites entre la Republica Argentina y Chile Coleccion de artículos publicados en "La Democracia" de Salta en Abril y Mayo de 1873. (1874) Leguizamón, Juan Martín
  • 1873
  • Answer to M. Macdonell's remarks on the Argentine Republic. (1873) García, Manuel Rafael
  • 1871
  • Lecciones elementales de economía política, dadas en la escuela de jurisprudencia de México en el curso de 1871. (1871) Prieto, Guillermo
  • 1870
  • Exploracion del Rio Madera en la parte comprendida entre la Cachuela de San Antonio y la embocadura del Mamorè, por los injenieros Brasileros. (1870) Keller, José and Keller, Francisco
  • 1869
  • The War in Paraguay. President Lopez' official papers, taken by the Allies, in the assault of Dec. 27, 1868, and other authentic documents. With an introduction. (1869) López, Francisco Solano
  • Sinopsis de la Economia politica por el Dr. D. Pedro Pablo Pereyra bajo la direccion del Dr. D. José Maria de Uriarte Contiene un nuevo análísis, principalmente en la segunda parte y una nueva denominacion. (1869) Pereyra, Pedro Pablo
  • 1867
  • Ley hipotecaria de la República oriental del Uruguay promulgada por el Exmo. Gobierno Provisorio en 27 de mayo de 1865, con una breve exposicion de los motivos. (1867) Narvaja, Tristán
  • 1866
  • Nuestra industria rural ó rápida ojeada sobre el estado de nuestra ganaderia y los efectos de nuestra legislacion agraria. (1866) B.
  • La libertad y el gobierno. (1866) Bosselet, Hippolyte
  • 1865
  • La educacion popular en Buenos-Aires. Memoria presentada al consejo de instruccion pública por el inspector general de las escuelas D. Marcos Sastre, Socio del Instituto Histórico-Geografico, de la Sociedad de Amigos de la Historia Natural del Plata miembro del Directorio del Circulo Literario, presidente de la Sociedad Propagadora de la enseñanza primaria, Director de la Escuela Normal, autor de varias obras de educacion, etc. etc. etc. (1865) Sastre, Marcos
  • La Provincia de Entre-Rios demandada ante la Corte Federal serie de artículos publicados en "El Uruguay". (1865) Ugarte, Marcelino and Baltoré, José R.
  • 1864
  • El evangelio americano. (1864) Bilbao, Francisco
  • El capitan de patricios. (1864) Gutiérrez, Juan María
  • 1863
  • Tésis presentada para obtener el grado de Doctor en Jurisprudencia. (1863) Fernandez, Juan S.
  • 1862
  • Coleccion de leyes y decretos vigentes sobre tierras públicas promulgadas desde 1830 hasta julio de 1862. (1862) Anon.
  • 1859
  • Argentine Republic. The question between Buenos Ayres and the provinces of the Argentine Confederation, and the means by which foreign nations can co-operate in its solution. (1859) Sarsfield, Dalmacio Velez
  • 1858
  • Mensaje del Gobierno del Estado a la Asamblea General Legislativa. 1.o de Mayo de 1858. (1858) Alsina, Valentín and Pazos, José Barros and Riestra, Norberto de la and Zapiola, José Matias
  • 1857
  • Guia del apicultor traducida de la cuarta edicion de la obra del Doctor Debeauvoys i adaptada a las circunstancias de Chile. (1857) Debeauvoys, J. B.
  • Juicio político sobre la constitucion y situacion actual de la republica, manifiesto y protesta relativos al mismo, y Voto particular en la Comision de division territorial sobre la traslacion de los Supremos Poderes de la nacion á la ciudad de Aguuacalientes. (1857) García de Arellano, Luis
  • 1856
  • Mensaje del Gobierno del Estado a la Asamblea General Lejislativa. 1.o de Mayo de 1856. (1856) Alsina, Valentín and Riestra, Norberto de la and Mitre, Bartolome
  • Coleccion de las principales leyes y decretos promulgados por el Gobierno de Buenos-Aires, sobre el comercio exterior e interior, hacienda y rentas, desde el mes de setiembre de 1852, hasta julio de 1856. (1856) Anon.
  • Registro Oficial del Gobierno de Buenos-Aires. Año de 1856. Libro trigesimo-quinto. (1856) Anon.
  • 1854
  • Mensage del Poder Ejecutivo a la Asamblea General Legislativa del Estado de Buenos-Aires, 1854. (1854) Portela, Ireneo and Peña, Juan Bautista and Escalada, Manuel de
  • 1853
  • Curso elemental de agricultura para el uso de los colegios y escuelas populáres, traducido del ingles por Francisco S. Astaburuaga. (1853) Solano Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos, Francisco
  • 1852
  • Memoria historica sobre los derechos de soberania y dominio de la Confederacion Argentina a la parte austral del continente americano, comprendida entre las costas del oceano atlantico y la Gran Cordillera de los Andes, desde la boca del Rio de la Plata hasta el Cabo de Hornos, inclusa la Isla de los Estados, la Tierra del Fuego, y el Estrecho de Magallanes en toda su extension. (1852) de Angelis, Pedro
  • 1851
  • Bosquejo estadistico de Bolivia. (1851) Dalence, José María
  • Le Paraguay son passé, son présent et son avenir, par un étranger Qui a vécu longtemps dans ce pays, ouvrage publié a Rio-Janeiro en 1848, et reproduit en France par le Général Oriental Pacheco-y-Obes. (1851) Pacheco y Obes, Melchor
  • Emigracion Alemana al Rio de la Plata, memoria escrita en alemania por D. F. Sarmiento. I enriquecida con notas sobre el chaco i los paises adyacentes a los rios interiores de la America del Sud, por el Dr. Vappaüs, profesor de estadistica i jeografia en la Universidad de Gotinga. (1851) Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
  • 1850
  • Los jesuitas y la constitucion, ó sea coleccion de los fundamentos legales que obran en favor del restablecimiento de la compañia de jesus en la república mexicana. (1850) "Tranquilino de la Vega"
  • Esposicion que el ministro de hacienda dirige a las camaras sobre el estado de la hacienda publica en el presente año, e iniciativas correspondientes para establecer impuestos para el erario federal y arreglar la administracion y distribucion de las rentas que se le consignen. (1850) Anon.
  • 1849
  • A Republica do Paraguay e o governador de Buenos-Ayres Rosas. Ou discussão e exame das questões que este tem promovido á Republica do Paraguay sobre limites, independencia e direito á navegação do Paraná; Reimpressão dos artigos do Paraguayo Independente, periodico official do governo do Paraguay. (1849) Báez, Bernardino
  • Apuntes históricos sobre las agresiones del Dictador Argentino D. Juan Manuel Rosas. Contra la independencia de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Artículos escritos en 1845 para el Nacional de Montevideo, por D. Andres Lamas. 1828 á 1838. (1849) Lamas, Andrés
  • De la educacion popular. (1849) Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
  • 1845
  • Memoria o sean apuntamientos sobre la industria agricola del Peru y sobre algunos medios que pudieran adoptarse para remediar su decadencia, Por Francisco de Rivero, Miembro de varias sociedades científicas de Europa, Alumno que fué de la facultad de ciencias de Paris y de la Escuela Real de injenieros de minas en Francia, ex-director del Colejio de ciencias y artes de Puno etc. (1845) Rivero, Francisco de
  • 1842
  • UNSPECIFIED (1842) Anon.
  • 1841
  • UNSPECIFIED (1841) Anon.
  • UNSPECIFIED (1841) Anon.
  • 1840
  • Ocios de un mexicano empleados en estudiar las instituciones que convendrian a su patria. o sea ensayo de una constitucion. (1840) Anon.
  • 1837
  • Descripcion del acto de distribucion de premios a la Escuela Pública de Niñas de Mercedes. 1836. (1837) Anon.
  • 1835
  • Carta particular de un ciudadano de Puebla a otro de esta capital. (1835) S. y C.
  • Instruccion para que los administradores de aduanas hagan la legìtima exaccion de los derechos de alcabalas y demas impuestos, en los casos que por lo regular se ofrecen en las propias aduanas. (1835) Villalva, Estevan
  • 1834
  • Cuestion del dia, ó nuestros males y sus remedios. Segunda parte. (1834) "Un mexjicano"
  • Ya estan muy desesperados las viudas y retirados. (1834) Canguelo, Carpanta
  • 1833
  • Diario mercantil de Cadiz. (1833) Anon.
  • Pronunciamiento de las mugeres en Zacatlan. (1833) Anon.
  • Representacion dirigida al soberano congreso de la union por las madres, esposas e hijos de los espatriados. (1833) Anon.
  • 1830
  • Observaciones contra el proyecto de ley presentado por el Gobierno a las Camaras, sobre la moneda de cobre. (1830) Anon.
  • 1826
  • Respuesta del Pensador a Anita la Tamalera. (1826) Fernández de Lizardi, José Joaquín
  • Anita la Tamalera ha dado en ser diputada. Carta primera al Pensador Mexicano. (1826) la Tamalera, Anita
  • 1825
  • Constitucion política del estado libre de Oajaca. (1825) Anon.
  • UNSPECIFIED (1825) Blanco White, José María
  • 1824
  • Correspondencia política entre dos señoritas. (1824) Anon.
  • Manifiesto que el soberano congreso constituyente hizo a los pueblos, En los momentos de publicarse el Acta Constitutiva de la Federacion. (1824) Anon.
  • 1822
  • Exposicion del ciudadaño Don Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi, Leida en el Supremo Congreso de Córtes el dia 7 de marzo del presente año, En la que reclama su proteccion contra la publica censura fulminada por el sr. provisor de este arzobispado Dr. D. Felix Flores Alatorre, por su papel titulado: Defensa de los Francmasones. (1822) Fernández de Lizardi, José Joaquín
  • 1821
  • Cincuenta respuestas de una muger ignorante, a otras tantas preguntas del Pensador mexicano. (1821) Anon.
  • Cincuenta preguntas del Pensador a quien quiera responderlas. (1821) Fernández de Lizardi, José Joaquín
  • 1820
  • La ciudadana al Pensador mejicano. (1820) "La Ciudadana"
  • Modo de aumentar dinero beneficiando, Y ruegos á los sugetos pudientes para que sin riesgo, y sí con utilidad suya y comun, fomenten á los mineros pobres. (1820) A. X.
  • La defensa de las feas y su superioridad entre las bonitas. (1820) Anon.
  • La mujer constitucional al Pensador. La ley se ha de cumplir, y antes que cedar morir. (1820) Anon.
  • La petrimeta corregida. (1820) Anon.
  • Los hijos quejosos y despechados. Diálogo entre dos hermanos de padre, y distinta madre, Leon y Felipe. (1820) J. M. D. G.
  • 1816
  • Translation of the General Treaty, signed in Congress, at Vienna, June 9, 1815; with the acts thereunto annexed. (1816) Anon.
  • 1809
  • Discurso dirigido á los señores regidores de..... sobre la eleccion de diputado de la nueva españa, en cumplimiento de la Real orden de la Suprema Junta Central de 29 de Enero de 1809. (1809) "Filopatro"
  • 1807
  • Quatro cartas de un español a un anglomano en que se manifiesta La perfidia del gobierno de la Inglaterra, como pernicioso al genero humano, potencias Europeas, y particularmente à la España. (1807) Estala, Pedro
  • 1802
  • Tratado definitivo de paz entre S. M. el Rey de España y de las Indias, la República Francesa y la República Bátava de una parte, y S. M. el Rey del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña y de Irlanda de la otra, concluido en Amiens en 27 de marzo de 1802, con su traduccion al Castellano. (1802) Anon.
  • 1775
  • Discurso sobre la educacion popular de los artesanos, y su fomento. (1775) Rodríguez Campomanes y Sorriba, Pedro
  • 0214
  • Rethinking spectacle and indigenous consumption: commercial huayno music in Peru. (0214) Butterworth, James
  • 0176
  • Christian national education as an ideological commitment. (0176) Hexham, I R