Number of items: 11.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 53 No. 3. (1974)
Land and Politics in the Transvaal in the 1880s. (1974)
Cornwell, R
Wittgenstein and Physicalism. (1974)
Hopkins, Jim
Chartered Africans: Colonial Office, Settlers and BSA Co. Rhodesia, 1890-1923. (1974)
MacKenzie, John
The Swazi and land partition (1902-1910). (1974)
Mashasha, F. J.
Migrant labour and the development of Mozambique. (1974)
Newitt, M
The Portuguese Muzungos and the Zambesi Wars. (1974)
Newitt, M
Griqua power and wealth, an analysis of the paradoxes of their interrelationship. (1974)
Ross, Robert
The Natal Land and Colonisation Company 1860-1948. (1974)
Slater, Henry
Liberalism in the Cape in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (1974)
Trapido, S
Coenraad de Buys in Transorangia. (1974)
Wagner, R G