
Number of items: 24.
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 57 No. 1. (1994) UNSPECIFIED
  • Health Care in Colombia c.1920-c.1950. A Preliminary Analysis. (1994) Abel, Christopher
  • The Food Industry in Brazil: Towards a Restructuring? (1994) Belik, Walter
  • On democracy in Brazil past and present. (1994) Bethell, Leslie
  • Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the United States. (1994) Corten, Andre and Andreu, Federico
  • uBungca (Oxford Bags): Recordings in London of African and West Indian music in the 1920s and 1930s. (1994) Cowley, John
  • Corporatism Revisited: Salinas and the Reform of the Popular Sector. (1994) Craske, Nikki
  • The Afrikaner takeover: Nationalist politics and the colonisation of South Africa's Parastatals 1948-1960. (1994) Cross, Tim
  • Structural adjustment and health in Zimbabwe. (1994) Davies, Rob
  • The chronic sick on Robben Island 1846-1892. (1994) Deacon, Harriet
  • Explanation, Unification, & Content. (1994) Gemes, Ken
  • The ethnicisation of politics and politicisation of ethnicity, culture and political development in South Africa. (1994) Kaarsholm, Preben
  • Social security in South Africa: The link between welfare and development. (1994) Lund, Fancie
  • Linguistics, Logic and Finite Trees. (1994) Meyer-Viol, Wilfried and Blackburn, Patrick
  • The Killing floor: The First World War and the emergence of the South African beef industry 1902-24. (1994) Milton, Shaun
  • Professor Leo Fouche, The history department and the Afrikanerisation of the University of Pretoria. (1994) Mouton, F A
  • In search of nobility: The antecedents of Dawid van der Merwe of the Koue Bokkveld. (1994) Newton-King, Susan
  • Lashers and leviathan: The 1954 Wankie Colliery strike. (1994) Phimister, Ian
  • Creating ethnicity in the British colonial Cape: coloured and Malay contrasted. (1994) Ridd, Rosemary
  • The Military in Central America: The Challenge of Transition. (1994) Sieder, Rachel and Dunkerley, James
  • The establishment of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London. (1994) Steiner, Willi
  • The imperial colossus and the colonial parish pump: Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners. (1994) Tamarkin, M
  • Van Iuebeeck day and the new Jerusalem: Identity, community and violence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cape. (1994) Trapido, Stanley
  • Arguments of accountability: historical narrative, crisis and social biography in Zimbabwe. (1994) Werbner, Richard