Number of items: 103.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 58 No. 3. (1999)
Proportionality – a German approach. (1999)
ARAI-Takahashi, Yutaka
Fraud control in offshore banking centres. (1999)
Alba, Ricardo M.
Developments in European Company Law – Vol. 1. (1999)
Avgouleas, Emilios
The three-legged stool of corporate governance reform. (1999)
Barnard, Jayne W.
India – Economic and market development since liberalisation. (1999)
Bath, Dimple S.
India – Legal aspects of oil and gas projects for foreign investors. (1999)
Bath, Dimple S.
USA – Wilderness no more: Alaska as the new “offshore” trust jurisdiction. (1999)
Blattmachr, Jonathan G. and Crawford, Bridget J.
The Commonwealth Law Library. (1999)
Boeg, Nigel and Winterton, Jules
The Inland Revenue: a statutory ostrich? (1999)
Booth, John
Tax informers: the immunity issue. (1999)
Booth, John
An informer’s tale. (1999)
Booth, John
Myths surrounding the PFI in the UK. (1999)
Bovis, Christopher H.
Replacing CCT with “best value”. (1999)
Bovis, Christopher H.
Money laundering, tax and the criminal law. (1999)
Brindle, Michael
The Netherlands – Transatlantic litigation: the Bijlmer air crash case. (1999)
Bruinsma, Fred J. and De Groot-van Leeuwen, Leny E.
Conflict of laws – The “proper law of a tort” and the Internet. (1999)
Buonaiuti, Fabrizio Marongiu
Financial Services – The protection of bank depositors: new developments. (1999)
Campbell, Andrew and Cartwright, Peter
Is Science eliminating Ordinary Talk? (1999)
Caruana, Louis
Creating land registration systems for developing countries. (1999)
Charlebois, Louis
Ireland – New protection and its limits under the Investor Compensation Act 1998. (1999)
Clarke, Blanaid
The Human Rights Act 1998. (1999)
Cooper, Jonathan
USA – Competition strategies must adapt to the Euro. (1999)
Cordero, Richard
The Third Man:
Francisco Burdett O'Connor and the Emancipation of
the Americas. (1999)
Dunkerley, James
European Law – Liberalisation of postal services in the EU. (1999)
Eccles, Richard and MacLean, Robert
Private International Law – “Proper jurisdiction” and the Pakistan National Shipping case. (1999)
Elias, Olusoji
Private International law – Antisuit injunctions: Airbus Industrie GIE v Patel. (1999)
Elias, Olusoji
China – Development of criminal law in China since the introduction to the reform and opening-up policy. (1999)
Feng, Ye
China – Development of criminal law in China since the introduction to the reform and opening-up policy – continued. (1999)
Feng, Ye
New Regionalism and Latin America: The Case of Mercosul. (1999)
Filho Campos, Leonardo
Pension problems: who owes whom? (1999)
Franks, John A.
European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999: the constitutional issues. (1999)
Ganz, Gabriele
China – The new Chinese contract law: a brief introduction. (1999)
Gao, Shan
Comment – defence lawyers in serious fraud trials. (1999)
Gerrard, Neil and Sarker, Rinita
The Scottish coalition agreement. (1999)
Goldenberg, Philip
The lives and death of the MMC. (1999)
Goyder, Dan
Law of restitution – Abolition of the rule that moneys paid under a mistake of law cannot be recovered. (1999)
Hales, Michael
Model contracts in the construction industry. (1999)
Haley, Geoff
Constitutional law – three ways to read the American Constitution. (1999)
Harris, Ian
Alan Watchman. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Bruce Butcher. (1999)
Harris, Julian
David Keene. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Glenda Davies. (1999)
Harris, Julian
John Moscow. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Kenneth W. Starr. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Kim Santow. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Peter Carter-Ruck. (1999)
Harris, Julian
Models and Stories in Hadron Physics. (1999)
Hartmann, Stephan
Insolvency – Disqualifying the unqualified – a quixotic crusade? (1999)
Hicks, Andrew
Freud and the Science of Mind. (1999)
Hopkins, Jim
Patterns of Interpretation: Speech, Action, and Dream. (1999)
Hopkins, Jim
Psychoanalysis, Metaphor, and The Concept of Mind. (1999)
Hopkins, Jim
Wittgenstein, Davidson, and Radical Interpretation. (1999)
Hopkins, Jim
Anomalousness in Action. (1999)
Hornsby, Jennifer
European Law – Regional development aid: challenging the Commission to protect the environment. (1999)
Jack, Brian
Private international law – Pakistan: seminal judgment in Hitachi v Rupalo Polyseter. (1999)
Jaffer, M. J. and Ackhund, R. Z.
France – Mistake of law in French criminal law. (1999)
Kirsch, Andrew
Australia – Financial sector reform legislation. (1999)
Latimer, Paul
Why punish hate? (1999)
Lawrence, Frederick M.
The Cayman Islands – Sham trusts. (1999)
Lawton, Naomi
Fray Juan de Santa Gertrudis and the Marvels of New Granada. (1999)
Lynch, John
Intellectual property – Making fair dealing fairer in Australia? (1999)
Macmillan, Fiona
The Bahamas – The new Trustee Act. (1999)
Maynard, Peter D.
CAP reform and world trade negotiations. (1999)
McMahon, Joseph A.
Looking at silk. (1999)
Megarry, The Right Honourable Sir Robert
The law of restitution: taking stock. (1999)
Millett, The Right Hon The Lord
The selection of arbitrators. (1999)
Molineaux, Charles
Is the family to be abolished then? (1999)
Munoz-Darde, Veronique
Japan – Creation of the new financial universe in Japan through Big Bang. (1999)
Naka, Hiroshi
The selection of arbitrators: another view. (1999)
Nathan, K. V.S.K.
China – China’s developing legal system and the recent lawyers’ qualification examination. (1999)
O'Brien, Roderick
China – Step by step: China’s new Contract Law. (1999)
O'Brien, Roderick
Europe – Development of constitutional jurisdictions in Continental Europe and the advancement of liberal democracy. (1999)
Pizzorusso, Alessandro
Hong Kong – Post hand-over extradition arrangements put to the test. (1999)
Reading, John
Taxation – the implications of the Court of Appeal decision R v Dimsey. (1999)
Rhodes, John
Financial Services – Market abuse – will the FSA impose penalties as an alternative or in addition to, criminal prosecutions? (1999)
Richards-Carpenter, Peter
Application of scholarship. (1999)
Rider, Barry
Approaches to teaching law. (1999)
Rider, Barry
Architects appointed – the first step! (1999)
Rider, Barry
Debating the key issues. (1999)
Rider, Barry
The IALS Review. (1999)
Rider, Barry
In search of space. (1999)
Rider, Barry
Law at the centre. (1999)
Rider, Barry
Looking for the Emperor’s Clothes. (1999)
Rider, Barry
Remaining relevant. (1999)
Rider, Barry
A step in the right direction! (1999)
Rider, Barry
Mental Health – The Bournewood fright. (1999)
Ritchie, Graham
Criminal Law – Post-traumatic stress disorder: the legal view. (1999)
Savla, Sandeep
Italy – Privatisations and consumer protection. (1999)
Serio, Mario
Russia – Curriculum reforms in Russian legal education and practice. (1999)
Sinuraya, Timur
Reviewing the pantheon of sexual offending. (1999)
Soothill, Keith and Francis, Brian
The Principle of the Effective Protection of the Individual in EC Law and the Dialectic of European Integration Theory. (1999)
Stefanou, Constantin and Xanthaki, Helen
USA – Sweeping reforms proposed for securities offerings. (1999)
Summe, Kimberley Anne
Law and theory – Lawyer-client confidences and privilege: USA and UK compared. (1999)
Tunkel, Victor
Commercial Law – Break fees – issues for corporate lawyers. (1999)
Walter, Jerry and Shilling, Helen
European Law – The Corpus Juris: a bold step. (1999)
White, Simone
Misplaced trust? (1999)
Willoughby, Peter
Competition Law – Parallel imports – another view. (1999)
Willoughby, Tony
The selection of arbitrators. (1999)
Winter, David
Media – the Video Appeals Committee. (1999)
Wood, John
European Law – Medicinal products and essential similarity: the preliminary ruling in R v Medicines Control Agency ex parte Generics. (1999)
Wooldridge, Frank
The Netherlands – Contingency fees entering the Dutch legal system. (1999)
de Groot-van Leeuwen, Leny E.