Number of items: 125.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 1. (2006)
Ombudsmen and administrative justice. (2006)
Abraham, Ann
Non-disclosure in insurance law: a more principled approach. (2006)
Aswani, Ravi
Why Appoint Professionals? A Student Cataloguing Project. (2006)
Attar, Karen
Watch what you sign! (2006)
Bohm, Nicholas
The art of legislative drafting. (2006)
Bowman, Geoffrey
Investment risks and the regulator - educator or spoilsport? (2006)
Campbell, Andrew
From Metaphysics to Method: Comments on Manipulability and the Causal Markov Condition. (2006)
Cartwright, Nancy
Science and Ethics: tracing parallels and contrasts. (2006)
Caruana, Louis
Case Note: Brazil. (2006)
Case Note:, Brazil
Case Note: Brazil. (2006)
Case Note:, Brazil
Case Note: Germany. (2006)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Germany. (2006)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Greece. (2006)
Case Note:, Greece
Case Note: Thailand. (2006)
Case Note:, Thailand
The differing approach to commercial litigation in the European Court of Justice and the courts of England and Wales I. (2006)
Clarke, Anthony
The differing approach to commercial litigation in the European Court of Justice and the courts of England and Wales II. (2006)
Clarke, Anthony
Visions of the Caribbean: exploring photographs in the West India Committee Collection. (2006)
Clover, David
Brentano’s Concept of Intentional Inexistence. (2006)
Crane, Tim
Is there a Perceptual Relation? (2006)
Crane, Tim
Credit information for Volume 3. (2006)
Credits, Volume 3
The 1941 miners' strike in northern France: from a dispute over soap to armed resistance. (2006)
Cushion, Stephen
The service contract in Russia: parties, definitions, contents and form. (2006)
Ershova, E.A.
The Italian certified e-mail system. (2006)
Falciai, Roberta and Liberati, Laura
Electronically signed documents: legal requirements and measures for their long-term conservation. (2006)
Fischer-Dieskau, Stefanie and Wilke, Daniel
The Energy Policy Act of 2005: a missed opportunity. (2006)
Flippen, Edward
Encounters between legal systems: recent cases concerning Islamic commercial law in secular courts. (2006)
Foster, Nicholas H.D.
Lexecute: visualisation and representation of legal procedures. (2006)
Freiheit, Jörn and Luuk, Marc and Münch, Susanne and Sijanski, Grozdana and Zangl, Fabrice
Co-operative federalism in Australia - an intellectual resource for Europe I. (2006)
French, R.S.
Co-operative federalism in Australia - an intellectual resource for Europe II. (2006)
French, R.S.
Powerlessness and Social Interpretation. (2006)
Fricker, Miranda
Chaos and Randomness: An Equivalence Proof of a Generalised Version of the Shannon Entropy and the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy for Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems. (2006)
Frigg, Roman
Scientific Representation and the Semantic View of Theories. (2006)
Frigg, Roman
The Ergodic Hierarchy, Randomness and Chaos. (2006)
Frigg, Roman and Berkovitz, J and Kronz, F
String Theory under Scrutiny. (2006)
Frigg, Roman and Cartwright, N
Models in Science. (2006)
Frigg, Roman and Hartmann, S
Scientific Models. (2006)
Frigg, Roman and Hartmann, S
A system of trust: German civil law notaries and their role in providing trustworthy electronic documents and communication. (2006)
Gassen, Dominik
Submission of evidence through digital documents in Swiss civil litigation. (2006)
Gasser, Christoph and Peters, Stefanie
The evidential value of the data-message in Iran. (2006)
Gholizadeh, Ahad
A Friend of the Court. (2006)
Harris, Julian
Welfarism and the Assessments of Social Decision Rules. (2006)
Hartmann, Stephan and Beisbart, C
An Impossibility Result for Coherence Rankings. (2006)
Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L
Modeling Partially Reliable Information Sources: A General Approach Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory. (2006)
Hartmann, Stephan and Haenni, R
Tackling Market Abuse. (2006)
Haynes, Andrew
Website owners and Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. (2006)
Hayward, Sally
The admissibility of electronic evidence in court in Europe. (2006)
Insa, Fredesvinda
Good stock market governance in the context of anti-money laundering regimes. (2006)
Jayasuriya, Dayanath
The expanding frontiers of international law in the fight against corruption. (2006)
Jayasuriya, Dayanath
Motherhood to Mothering and Beyond: Maternity in Recent Feminist Thought. (2006)
Jeremiah, Emily
Antipathy to art in a recalcitrant court. (2006)
Kearns, Paul
Dynamic Syntax and dialogue modelling: preliminaries for a dialogue-driven account of syntactic change. (2006)
Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie
Talking and Listening: Dialogue and the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface. (2006)
Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie and Purver, Matthew
Siswati Clefts: The Meeting Ground of Context and Contrast. (2006)
Kempson, Ruth and Thwala, Nhlanhla and Marten, Lutz
Electronic disclosure in England & Wales. (2006)
Lambert, Janet
SHARDS: Fragment Resolution in Dialogue. (2006)
Lappin, Shalom and Fernandez, R and Ginzburg, J and Gregory, H
Honderich and the Curse of Epiphenomenalism. (2006)
Law, Stephen
„[…] so wundersam exotisch dieses Lied […]“ Franz Lehárs Operettenmusik als Medium kultureller Identifikation. (2006)
Lee, Hyunseon
The Electronic Signature Law in Vietnam: a note. (2006)
Linh, Nguyen D.
Global business and human rights. (2006)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
Editorial. (2006)
Mason, Stephen
Recent judicial and legislative developments in the law of transfer of undertakings. (2006)
McMullen, John
Transfer of undertakings: content and structure of the TUPE Regulations 2006. (2006)
McMullen, John
Intute: Law – finding the best of the Web for Law. (2006)
Memess, Heather and Whittle, Steven
The independence of arbitrators. (2006)
Nathan, K.V.S.K.
News Items. (2006)
News, Items
Comparative law. (2006)
Norman, Paul
Gateways, portails and Zugänge: a survey of some European national legal resources on the Internet. (2006)
Norman, Paul
How to be a Libertarian without being Inegalitarian. (2006)
Otsuka, Michael
The Cultural Origins of Cognitive Adapatations. (2006)
Papineau, David
Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts. (2006)
Papineau, David
Graveyards of Memory at the Northeastern Borders of Italy. (2006)
Pizzi, Katia
Visit to the Faculty of Law in the University of Jos, Nigeria. (2006)
Power, Gerry
Case Translation: Greece. (2006)
Rachavelias, Michael G.
An overview of German academic and legal research libraries: A CILIP sponsored visit to Hamburg, Berlin & Leipzig. (2006)
Read, Katherine
The Education Minister and the disqualified teachers. (2006)
Ritchie, Graham
Customary law before the Conquest. (2006)
Roebuck, Derek
Comments about the Brazilian Supreme Court electronic signature case law. (2006)
Rohrmann, Carlos Alberto
Electronic Signatures and court proceedings in Brazil. (2006)
Rohrmann, Carlos Alberto
Maternal Genealogies: the figure of the Mother in/and literature. (2006)
Rye, Gill
Austerity and Openness. (2006)
Sainsbury, Mark
Is the Mind Massively Modular? (2006)
Samuels, Richard
Risk and law in authentication. (2006)
Schapper, Paul R. and Rivolta, Mercedes and Malta, Joao Veiga
Cognitive Content and Propositional Attitude Ascriptions. (2006)
Segal, Gabriel
Truth and Meaning. (2006)
Segal, Gabriel
At Century’s Dawn – Future and Past of Human Rights and Rule of Law. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Bringing the Good News from Ghent to Aix. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
The Case of the Common Law in European Legal Education. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
The Case of the Common Law in European Legal Education. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Do Lawyers Do Any Good. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Does God Believe in Human Rights? (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Ethics of Prosecution. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Legal Education - where do we begin ? Starting again ... again. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Legal Education for Specialisation in England and Wales. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Tabula Rasa and other Fairytales. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom
Legal Ethics in England and Wales. (2006)
Sherr, Avrom and Webley, Lisa
Contemporary enactment of the electronic signature in the Czech Republic. (2006)
Smejkal, Vladimír
Consciousness: An Inner View of the Outer World. (2006)
Smith, Barry
Davidson, Interpretation and First Person Constraints on Meaning. (2006)
Smith, Barry
Publicity, Externalism and Inner States. (2006)
Smith, Barry
What I Know When I Know a Language. (2006)
Smith, Barry
Why We Still Need Knowledge of Language. (2006)
Smith, Barry
Terrorism, pre-emptive self defence and state interests: what challenges for contemporary international legal order? (2006)
Smith, Imran O.
Age discrimination: the new Regulations. (2006)
Sprack, John
Implementation of public e-services for immovable property contracts in Lithuania. (2006)
Stitilis, Darius and Petrauskas, Rimantas and Rotomskis, Irmantas
Judicial and executive branches of government - a new partnership? (2006)
Thomas, Lord Justice
Insensitive Semantics. (2006)
Travis, Charles
Insurance law - unfair, unclear, archaic and inaccessible? (2006)
Tyldesley, Peter
Preference Change and Interpersonal Comparisons of Welfare. (2006)
Voorhoeve, Alex
Should Losses Count? A Critique of the Complaint Model. (2006)
Voorhoeve, Alex
Transitivity, the Sorites Paradox, and Similarity-Based Decision-Making. (2006)
Voorhoeve, Alex and Binmore, K
Anglican ‘Establishment’ reactions to ‘pop’ church music in England, 1956–c.1990. (2006)
Webster, Peter and Jones, Ian
The theological problem of popular music for worship in contemporary Christianity. (2006)
Webster, Peter and Jones, Ian
Centre and Creative Periphery in the Histories of the Book in the English Speaking World and Global English Studies: A Propos The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. (2006)
Willison, Ian
The History of the Book as a Field of Study within the Humanities. (2006)
Willison, Ian
An agenda for imperial and post-imperial book history. (2006)
Willison, Ian
Libertarianism, Utility and Economic Competition. (2006)
Wolff, Jonathan
Models of Distributive Justice. (2006)
Wolff, Jonathan
Risk, Fear, Blame, Shame and the Regulation of Public Safety. (2006)
Wolff, Jonathan
Economism and its Limits. (2006)
Wolff, Jonathan and Haubrich, Dirk
Disputed land claims: a response to Weatherson and to Bou-Habib and Olsaretti. (2006)
Wolff, Jonathan and Steiner, Hillel
Employee participation under the cross-border mergers directive. (2006)
Wooldridge, Frank
The German private company limited partnership. (2006)
Wooldridge, Frank
Bonjour, Externalism and The Regress Problem. (2006)
Zalabardo, Jose
The electronic prescription of medication in a Netherlands hospital. (2006)
van Esch, Simone