Number of items: 86.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 1. (2010)
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 2. (2010)
Open Sesame. (2010)
Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
Reforming European financial supervision and the role of EU institutions. (2010)
Alexander, Kern
Russia revealed: a Senate House Library case study of special collection promotion. (2010)
Attar, Karen
RFID technology and the future – old school fraud in a new wrapper. (2010)
Bengtsson, Johnny
Case Judgment: England & Wales. (2010)
Case Judgment:, England & Wales
Case Note: England & Wales. (2010)
Case Note:, England & Wales
Case Note: Germany. (2010)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Germany. (2010)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Singapore. (2010)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Note: Singapore. (2010)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Note: Singapore. (2010)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Note: Slovenia. (2010)
Case Note:, Slovenia
Case Translation: France. (2010)
Case Translation:, France
Case Translation: Greece. (2010)
Case Translation:, Greece
Case Translation: Italy. (2010)
Case Translation:, Italy
Case Translation: Poland. (2010)
Case Translation:, Poland
Case Translation: Romania. (2010)
Case Translation:, Romania
Welfare's forgotten past: a socio-legal history of the poor law. (2010)
Charlesworth, Lorie
Gulf of Mexico oil disaster: some legal issues. (2010)
Chatterjee, C. and Lefcovitch, Anna
The latest civil legal proceedings between banks and their customers in China. (2010)
Chen, Armstrong Sheng
The first ‘Trojan Horse’ case prosecuted in China. (2010)
Chen, Jihong and Cheng, Bing
The credit crunch: the collapse of Lehman Brothers - and a Hong Kong scheme to handle Lehman claims. (2010)
Connerty, Anthony
Intestacy and family provision claims on death. (2010)
Cooke, Elizabeth
Credit information for Volume 7. (2010)
Credits, Volume 7
Credit information for Volume 7. (2010)
Credits, Volume 7
Recent developments in intellectual property law in Australia with some reference to the global economy. (2010)
Crennan, Susan
In cane's shadow: the impact of commodity plantations on local subsistence agriculture on Cuba's mid-nineteenth century sugar frontier. (2010)
Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Cuban Popular Resistance to the 1953 London Sugar Agreement. (2010)
Cushion, Stephen
The Most Expensive Port in the World: Dock Workers and the Cuban Revolution 1948-1959. (2010)
Cushion, Stephen
A Working-class Heroine Is Also Something To Be: The Untold Story of Cuban Railway Workers and the Struggle against Batista. (2010)
Cushion, Stephen
Colombia, conflict and the rule of law. (2010)
Doyle, Anna
Judges, commerce and contract law. (2010)
Gava, John
Fazio and His Demons: Girolamo Cardano on the art of storytelling and the science of witnessing. (2010)
Giglioni, Guido
The First of the Moderns or the Last of the Ancients? Bernardino Telesio on Nature and Sentience. (2010)
Giglioni, Guido
Synesian Dreams. Giacomo Cardano on dreams as means of prophetic communication. (2010)
Giglioni, Guido
Going to the pictures: British cinema and the Second World War. (2010)
Glancy, Mark
Where should war crimes be prosecuted? (2010)
Harris, Julian
The South African close corporation under the Companies Act of 2008. (2010)
Henning, J.J.
Urban Governance and Civic Responsibility: Interwar Council Housing in Buxton. (2010)
Hulme, Tom
Gef the talking mongoose. (2010)
Josiffe, Christopher
Moving a company's COMI to achieve a restructuring: factors for consideration. (2010)
Kaczor, Anna
When the EU qualified electronic signature becomes an information services preventer. (2010)
Krawczyk, Pawel
The archiving of electronic documents under French law. (2010)
Marcellin, Sabine and Ascoli, Pauline
Representations of fame: the National Portrait Gallery in post-war Britain. (2010)
Martin, Susan
Editorial. (2010)
Mason, Stephen
Editorial. (2010)
Mason, Stephen
Case law relating to service provision changes under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)(TUPE) Regulations 2006. (2010)
McMullen, John
Regulating credit rating agencies in the European Union: where might it lead? (2010)
McVea, Harry
Amitié, harmonie et paix politique chez Aristote et Jean Bodin. (2010)
Miglietti, Sara
"Justice et liberté". Des volontaires italiens en Catalogne (1936-1937). (2010)
Miglietti, Sara
The use of Artificial Intelligence in digital forensics: An introduction. (2010)
Mitchell, Faye
Civil recovery and international issues in relation to restraint and confiscation. (2010)
Mobedji, Philip F.J.
Religious "irrationality" and civil liberties. (2010)
Montgomery, John Warwick
So you think becoming a barrister is difficult? Try the French Bar! (2010)
Montgomery, John Warwick
La reinscripción del rol de la mujer en la Guerra Civil española: 'La voz dormida'. (2010)
Oaknin, Mazal
The burden of proof in the matter of alleged illegal downloading of music in Denmark. (2010)
Overbeck, Per
Commemorating Sir David Hughes Parry. (2010)
Parry, R. Gwynedd
Ukraine: Electronic filing of tax returns. (2010)
Pastukhov, Oleksandr
Legislative advances in financial stability in the US - the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010. (2010)
Pooran, Priya Nandita
Civil interventions for tackling MTIC fraud: a UK perspective. (2010)
Pope, Steven and Stone, Roderick
Justice and sheriff: Practical and authoritative methods for the electronic issuance of officially certified documents in the United States. (2010)
Reiniger, Timothy and Francoeur, Jacques R.
Justice and sheriff: Practical and authoritative methods for the electronic issuance of officially certified documents in the United States. (2010)
Reiniger, Timothy and Francoeur, Jacques R.
Book Report. (2010)
Report, Book
Science in Poetic Contexts: Astronomy and Astrology in the Hebrew Poetry of Sepharad (Ciencia en un contexto poético:
Astronomía y astrología en la poesía hebrea de Sefarad). (2010)
Rodriguez Arribas, Josefina
Electronic evidence in the Slovene Criminal Procedure Act. (2010)
Selinšek, Liljana
Sports contracts in Italy. (2010)
Serio, Mario
Electronic wills in South Africa. (2010)
Snail, Sizwe and Hall, Nicholas
Consumer insurance law - reform at last? (2010)
Tyldesley, Peter
Bailiffs on the internet and the validity of their certified reports: Lessons learned from the French and Belgian courts. (2010)
Van Canneyt, Tim and Verdure, Christophe
“I have met you too late”: James Joyce, W.B. Yeats and the Making of Chamber Music. (2010)
Van Mierlo, Wim
An overview of some recent case law in Belgium in relation to electronic signatures. (2010)
Vandendriessche, Johan
Pre-packed administration begins to take shape. (2010)
Walton, Peter
The English cathedrals since 1945. (2010)
Webster, Peter
Visual art in the English parish church since 1945. (2010)
Webster, Peter
Filling the frame – the role of practical metadata in online resources at the IALS. (2010)
Whittle, Steven
Cybercrime: Issues and challenges in the United States. (2010)
Winmill, B. Lynn and Metcalf, David L. and Band, Michael E.
Connected Histories: sources for building
British history 1500-1900. (2010)
Winters, Jane
The British History Online digital library: a model for sustainability? (2010)
Winters, Jane and Blaney, Jonathan
Duty of care and responsibilities of the management board of a German public company. (2010)
Wooldridge, Frank
The German Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (limited partnership with shares). (2010)
Wooldridge, Frank
German law governing private companies in a group. (2010)
Wooldridge, Frank
The German limited and silent partnership. (2010)
Wooldridge, Frank
Hiding illegal content in the SWF format and spreading through social network services: a legal approach. (2010)
Zaharis, Alexandros and Martini, Adamantini I. and Ilioudis, Christos and Rachavelias, Michael
Problems of legal regulation and investigation of computer crimes in Georgia. (2010)
Zaqashvili, Ucha