
Number of items: 86.
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 1. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 2. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • Open Sesame. (2010) Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
  • Reforming European financial supervision and the role of EU institutions. (2010) Alexander, Kern
  • Russia revealed: a Senate House Library case study of special collection promotion. (2010) Attar, Karen
  • RFID technology and the future – old school fraud in a new wrapper. (2010) Bengtsson, Johnny
  • Case Judgment: England & Wales. (2010) Case Judgment:, England & Wales
  • Case Note: England & Wales. (2010) Case Note:, England & Wales
  • Case Note: Germany. (2010) Case Note:, Germany
  • Case Note: Germany. (2010) Case Note:, Germany
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2010) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2010) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2010) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Note: Slovenia. (2010) Case Note:, Slovenia
  • Case Translation: France. (2010) Case Translation:, France
  • Case Translation: Greece. (2010) Case Translation:, Greece
  • Case Translation: Italy. (2010) Case Translation:, Italy
  • Case Translation: Poland. (2010) Case Translation:, Poland
  • Case Translation: Romania. (2010) Case Translation:, Romania
  • Welfare's forgotten past: a socio-legal history of the poor law. (2010) Charlesworth, Lorie
  • Gulf of Mexico oil disaster: some legal issues. (2010) Chatterjee, C. and Lefcovitch, Anna
  • The latest civil legal proceedings between banks and their customers in China. (2010) Chen, Armstrong Sheng
  • The first ‘Trojan Horse’ case prosecuted in China. (2010) Chen, Jihong and Cheng, Bing
  • The credit crunch: the collapse of Lehman Brothers - and a Hong Kong scheme to handle Lehman claims. (2010) Connerty, Anthony
  • Intestacy and family provision claims on death. (2010) Cooke, Elizabeth
  • Credit information for Volume 7. (2010) Credits, Volume 7
  • Credit information for Volume 7. (2010) Credits, Volume 7
  • Recent developments in intellectual property law in Australia with some reference to the global economy. (2010) Crennan, Susan
  • In cane's shadow: the impact of commodity plantations on local subsistence agriculture on Cuba's mid-nineteenth century sugar frontier. (2010) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Cuban Popular Resistance to the 1953 London Sugar Agreement. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • The Most Expensive Port in the World: Dock Workers and the Cuban Revolution 1948-1959. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • A Working-class Heroine Is Also Something To Be: The Untold Story of Cuban Railway Workers and the Struggle against Batista. (2010) Cushion, Stephen
  • Colombia, conflict and the rule of law. (2010) Doyle, Anna
  • Judges, commerce and contract law. (2010) Gava, John
  • Fazio and His Demons: Girolamo Cardano on the art of storytelling and the science of witnessing. (2010) Giglioni, Guido
  • The First of the Moderns or the Last of the Ancients? Bernardino Telesio on Nature and Sentience. (2010) Giglioni, Guido
  • Synesian Dreams. Giacomo Cardano on dreams as means of prophetic communication. (2010) Giglioni, Guido
  • Going to the pictures: British cinema and the Second World War. (2010) Glancy, Mark
  • Where should war crimes be prosecuted? (2010) Harris, Julian
  • The South African close corporation under the Companies Act of 2008. (2010) Henning, J.J.
  • Urban Governance and Civic Responsibility: Interwar Council Housing in Buxton. (2010) Hulme, Tom
  • Gef the talking mongoose. (2010) Josiffe, Christopher
  • Moving a company's COMI to achieve a restructuring: factors for consideration. (2010) Kaczor, Anna
  • When the EU qualified electronic signature becomes an information services preventer. (2010) Krawczyk, Pawel
  • The archiving of electronic documents under French law. (2010) Marcellin, Sabine and Ascoli, Pauline
  • Representations of fame: the National Portrait Gallery in post-war Britain. (2010) Martin, Susan
  • Editorial. (2010) Mason, Stephen
  • Editorial. (2010) Mason, Stephen
  • Case law relating to service provision changes under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)(TUPE) Regulations 2006. (2010) McMullen, John
  • Regulating credit rating agencies in the European Union: where might it lead? (2010) McVea, Harry
  • Amitié, harmonie et paix politique chez Aristote et Jean Bodin. (2010) Miglietti, Sara
  • "Justice et liberté". Des volontaires italiens en Catalogne (1936-1937). (2010) Miglietti, Sara
  • The use of Artificial Intelligence in digital forensics: An introduction. (2010) Mitchell, Faye
  • Civil recovery and international issues in relation to restraint and confiscation. (2010) Mobedji, Philip F.J.
  • Religious "irrationality" and civil liberties. (2010) Montgomery, John Warwick
  • So you think becoming a barrister is difficult? Try the French Bar! (2010) Montgomery, John Warwick
  • La reinscripción del rol de la mujer en la Guerra Civil española: 'La voz dormida'. (2010) Oaknin, Mazal
  • The burden of proof in the matter of alleged illegal downloading of music in Denmark. (2010) Overbeck, Per
  • Commemorating Sir David Hughes Parry. (2010) Parry, R. Gwynedd
  • Ukraine: Electronic filing of tax returns. (2010) Pastukhov, Oleksandr
  • Legislative advances in financial stability in the US - the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010. (2010) Pooran, Priya Nandita
  • Civil interventions for tackling MTIC fraud: a UK perspective. (2010) Pope, Steven and Stone, Roderick
  • Justice and sheriff: Practical and authoritative methods for the electronic issuance of officially certified documents in the United States. (2010) Reiniger, Timothy and Francoeur, Jacques R.
  • Justice and sheriff: Practical and authoritative methods for the electronic issuance of officially certified documents in the United States. (2010) Reiniger, Timothy and Francoeur, Jacques R.
  • Book Report. (2010) Report, Book
  • Science in Poetic Contexts: Astronomy and Astrology in the Hebrew Poetry of Sepharad (Ciencia en un contexto poético: Astronomía y astrología en la poesía hebrea de Sefarad). (2010) Rodriguez Arribas, Josefina
  • Electronic evidence in the Slovene Criminal Procedure Act. (2010) Selinšek, Liljana
  • Sports contracts in Italy. (2010) Serio, Mario
  • Electronic wills in South Africa. (2010) Snail, Sizwe and Hall, Nicholas
  • Consumer insurance law - reform at last? (2010) Tyldesley, Peter
  • Bailiffs on the internet and the validity of their certified reports: Lessons learned from the French and Belgian courts. (2010) Van Canneyt, Tim and Verdure, Christophe
  • “I have met you too late”: James Joyce, W.B. Yeats and the Making of Chamber Music. (2010) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • An overview of some recent case law in Belgium in relation to electronic signatures. (2010) Vandendriessche, Johan
  • Pre-packed administration begins to take shape. (2010) Walton, Peter
  • The English cathedrals since 1945. (2010) Webster, Peter
  • Visual art in the English parish church since 1945. (2010) Webster, Peter
  • Filling the frame – the role of practical metadata in online resources at the IALS. (2010) Whittle, Steven
  • Cybercrime: Issues and challenges in the United States. (2010) Winmill, B. Lynn and Metcalf, David L. and Band, Michael E.
  • Connected Histories: sources for building British history 1500-1900. (2010) Winters, Jane
  • The British History Online digital library: a model for sustainability? (2010) Winters, Jane and Blaney, Jonathan
  • Duty of care and responsibilities of the management board of a German public company. (2010) Wooldridge, Frank
  • The German Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (limited partnership with shares). (2010) Wooldridge, Frank
  • German law governing private companies in a group. (2010) Wooldridge, Frank
  • The German limited and silent partnership. (2010) Wooldridge, Frank
  • Hiding illegal content in the SWF format and spreading through social network services: a legal approach. (2010) Zaharis, Alexandros and Martini, Adamantini I. and Ilioudis, Christos and Rachavelias, Michael
  • Problems of legal regulation and investigation of computer crimes in Georgia. (2010) Zaqashvili, Ucha