Number of items: 74.
The M.S. Anderson Collection of Writings on Russia Printed Between 1525 and 1917: An Introduction. (2011)
Attar, Karen
Queering the Margins: Pedro Lemebel's Loco afan. (2011)
Averis, Kate
Electronic evidence in Hungary: a general overview. (2011)
Bacher, Gusztáv and Faludi (Snr), Gábor and Faludi (Jnr), Gábor and Keller, Anikó and Kerpel, Dávid and Loranger, Klara and Molnár, Bence and Wellmann, György
Hybrid threats, cyber warfare and NATO's comprehensive approach for countering 21st century threats - mapping the new frontier of global risk and security management. (2011)
Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
Terrorism litigation as deterrence under international law - from protecting human rights to countering hybrid threats. (2011)
Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
Firmware forensics: best practices in embedded software source code discovery. (2011)
Barr, Michael
Hello Mr Clips. (2011)
Bergman, Paul
Colonial copyright: an early case of globalisation. (2011)
Birnhack, Michael
The coalition and constitutional reform. (2011)
Bogdanor, Vernon
How to abolish the cheque clearing system but keep and improve cheques. (2011)
Bohm, Nicholas and Lang, Jack
My cautious optimism for Zimbabwe’s 2012 elections. (2011)
Bomba, Briggs
Case Note: Italy. (2011)
Case Note:, Italy
Case Note: Singapore. (2011)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Translation: Belgium. (2011)
Case Translation:, Belgium
Case Translation: Belgium. (2011)
Case Translation:, Belgium
Case Translation: Belgium. (2011)
Case Translation:, Belgium
Case Translation: Denmark. (2011)
Case Translation:, Denmark
Case Translation: Greece. (2011)
Case Translation:, Greece
Case Translation: Hungary. (2011)
Case Translation:, Hungary
Case Translation: Hungary. (2011)
Case Translation:, Hungary
Case Translation: Latvia. (2011)
Case Translation:, Latvia
Case Translation: The Netherlands. (2011)
Case Translations:, The Netherlands
The legal regulation of electronic evidence: a pending necessity. (2011)
Castrillo, Eduardo de Urbano
The legal regulation of electronic evidence: a pending necessity. (2011)
Castrillo, Eduardo de Urbano
Flare Index to Treaties Extended. (2011)
Clinch, Peter and Whittle, Steven
The spread of international arbitration: a survey based on views expressed in leading textbooks. (2011)
Connerty, Anthony
The spread of international arbitration: a survey based on views expressed in leading textbooks. (2011)
Connerty, Anthony
Credit information for Volume 8. (2011)
Credits, Volume 8
Trusted computing and the digital crime scene. (2011)
Danidou, Yianna and Schafer, Burkhard
Electronic evidence in torrent copyright cases. (2011)
Dunlap, Thomas M. and Kurtz, Nicholas A.
Rethinking the e-signatures Directive: on laws, trust services, and the digital single market. (2011)
Graux, Hans
Ten years of computer forensic tool testing. (2011)
Guttman, Barbara and Lyle, James R. and Ayers, Richard
The House of Lords Reform White Paper and draft Bill 2011 and a simpler alternative. (2011)
Hand, James
A question of religion or orientation: Hall & Preddy v Bull and the possible effect of the Equality Act 2010. (2011)
Hand, James and Feast, Pat
Open Access Journal Publishing and Amicus Curiae. (2011)
Harris, Julian
The war against on-line piracy. (2011)
Harris, Julian
Book Reviews. (2011)
Heidemann, Maren
Electronic evidence in control of and adversely affecting the opposing party: a comparative study of English and Norwegian law. (2011)
Hjort, Maria Astrup
The Moving Finger: sms, on-line communication and on-line disinhibition. (2011)
Hofman, Julien
Throwing petrol on a fire: the human and environmental cost of tar sands production. (2011)
Huseman, Jennifer and Short, Damien
Warning: exchange of commercially sensitive information between competitors may result in an infringement of Article 101 TFEU by object. (2011)
Kaczor, Anna
How bank depositors are protected in Japan. (2011)
Kaneko, Hironao
Constitutional jurisprudence. (2011)
Katju, Markandey
The role the media should be playing in India. (2011)
Katju, Markandey
Constitutional developments since the Lisbon Treaty in the area of freedom, security and justice at supranational and national level. (2011)
Kellermann, Alfred E.
650 years of the office of Justice of the Peace/Magistrate. (2011)
Lambert, Alan
OLAF - a view from inside: a typology of investigative cultures. (2011)
Levi, Julia
The Bugle and the Penguins: Democracy and the Media in Argentina. (2011)
Macrory, Robbie
Parliament, the Church of England and the last gasp of political Protestantism, 1963-4. (2011)
Maiden, John and Webster, Peter
Indonesia: the controversy over the Bill concerning lawful interception. (2011)
Makarim, Edmon
Creeping legitimacy of corporate social responsibility. (2011)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
To Sustain the Commonwealth Commitment to Human Dignity: Reconsider the Award of the 2013 CHOGM to Sri Lanka. (2011)
Manor, James
Editorial. (2011)
Mason, Stephen
Practitioner note: E-mails cause practical problems for client confidentiality. (2011)
Mitchell, Iain G.
The applicable law in the Caribbean Single Market. (2011)
Nelson, Rolston
Is There a Women's Literature in Postmodern Spain? The Writers' Response. (2011)
Oaknin, Mazal
Alleged illegal downloading of music: the Danish Supreme Court provides a high bar for evidence and a new line of direction regarding claims for damages and remuneration. (2011)
Overbeck, Per
Electronic Evidence in Swiss Criminal Procedure. (2011)
Perrin, Bertrand and Rémy, Marc and Roubaty, Romain
Federated identity management: enabling legal control over digital property in the cloud. (2011)
Reiniger, Timothy S. and Hansberger, Richard J.
Book report. (2011)
Report, Book
Electronic evidence in Latvia: a general overview. (2011)
Repšs, Agris and Znotiņa, Ilze
Electronic Signatures in Iran. (2011)
Savrai, Parviz
Digital watermarks as legal evidence. (2011)
Schellekens, Maurice
Quietude and identity - the silent core of language. (2011)
Siebers, Johan
Henri Frankfort, Aby Warburg and ‘Mythopoeic Thought’. (2011)
Taylor, Paul
Utmost good faith – unintended injustice? (2011)
Tyldesley, Peter
Remote forensics and cloud computing: an Italian and European legal overview. (2011)
Vaciago, Giuseppe
Editing the Wake. (2011)
Van Mierlo, Wim
The effect of ‘virtual presence’ in Belgium on the duty to cooperate with criminal investigations: some prudence may be required when confronted with a request from a Belgian public prosecutor. (2011)
Vandendriessche, Johan
QQ Messenger chat record as criminal evidence in China. (2011)
Wang, Minyan
Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. (2011)
White, Simone
Employee participation under German company law. (2011)
Wooldridge, Frank
Rules governing the share capital of German public companies. (2011)
Wooldridge, Frank
Practitioner note: Preserving cyber investigation evidence – the screen tool witness signature. (2011)
Wright, Benjamin