
Number of items: 74.
  • The M.S. Anderson Collection of Writings on Russia Printed Between 1525 and 1917: An Introduction. (2011) Attar, Karen
  • Queering the Margins: Pedro Lemebel's Loco afan. (2011) Averis, Kate
  • Electronic evidence in Hungary: a general overview. (2011) Bacher, Gusztáv and Faludi (Snr), Gábor and Faludi (Jnr), Gábor and Keller, Anikó and Kerpel, Dávid and Loranger, Klara and Molnár, Bence and Wellmann, György
  • Hybrid threats, cyber warfare and NATO's comprehensive approach for countering 21st century threats - mapping the new frontier of global risk and security management. (2011) Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
  • Terrorism litigation as deterrence under international law - from protecting human rights to countering hybrid threats. (2011) Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
  • Firmware forensics: best practices in embedded software source code discovery. (2011) Barr, Michael
  • Hello Mr Clips. (2011) Bergman, Paul
  • Colonial copyright: an early case of globalisation. (2011) Birnhack, Michael
  • The coalition and constitutional reform. (2011) Bogdanor, Vernon
  • How to abolish the cheque clearing system but keep and improve cheques. (2011) Bohm, Nicholas and Lang, Jack
  • My cautious optimism for Zimbabwe’s 2012 elections. (2011) Bomba, Briggs
  • Case Note: Italy. (2011) Case Note:, Italy
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2011) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Translation: Belgium. (2011) Case Translation:, Belgium
  • Case Translation: Belgium. (2011) Case Translation:, Belgium
  • Case Translation: Belgium. (2011) Case Translation:, Belgium
  • Case Translation: Denmark. (2011) Case Translation:, Denmark
  • Case Translation: Greece. (2011) Case Translation:, Greece
  • Case Translation: Hungary. (2011) Case Translation:, Hungary
  • Case Translation: Hungary. (2011) Case Translation:, Hungary
  • Case Translation: Latvia. (2011) Case Translation:, Latvia
  • Case Translation: The Netherlands. (2011) Case Translations:, The Netherlands
  • The legal regulation of electronic evidence: a pending necessity. (2011) Castrillo, Eduardo de Urbano
  • The legal regulation of electronic evidence: a pending necessity. (2011) Castrillo, Eduardo de Urbano
  • Flare Index to Treaties Extended. (2011) Clinch, Peter and Whittle, Steven
  • The spread of international arbitration: a survey based on views expressed in leading textbooks. (2011) Connerty, Anthony
  • The spread of international arbitration: a survey based on views expressed in leading textbooks. (2011) Connerty, Anthony
  • Credit information for Volume 8. (2011) Credits, Volume 8
  • Trusted computing and the digital crime scene. (2011) Danidou, Yianna and Schafer, Burkhard
  • Electronic evidence in torrent copyright cases. (2011) Dunlap, Thomas M. and Kurtz, Nicholas A.
  • Rethinking the e-signatures Directive: on laws, trust services, and the digital single market. (2011) Graux, Hans
  • Ten years of computer forensic tool testing. (2011) Guttman, Barbara and Lyle, James R. and Ayers, Richard
  • The House of Lords Reform White Paper and draft Bill 2011 and a simpler alternative. (2011) Hand, James
  • A question of religion or orientation: Hall & Preddy v Bull and the possible effect of the Equality Act 2010. (2011) Hand, James and Feast, Pat
  • Open Access Journal Publishing and Amicus Curiae. (2011) Harris, Julian
  • The war against on-line piracy. (2011) Harris, Julian
  • Book Reviews. (2011) Heidemann, Maren
  • Electronic evidence in control of and adversely affecting the opposing party: a comparative study of English and Norwegian law. (2011) Hjort, Maria Astrup
  • The Moving Finger: sms, on-line communication and on-line disinhibition. (2011) Hofman, Julien
  • Throwing petrol on a fire: the human and environmental cost of tar sands production. (2011) Huseman, Jennifer and Short, Damien
  • Warning: exchange of commercially sensitive information between competitors may result in an infringement of Article 101 TFEU by object. (2011) Kaczor, Anna
  • How bank depositors are protected in Japan. (2011) Kaneko, Hironao
  • Constitutional jurisprudence. (2011) Katju, Markandey
  • The role the media should be playing in India. (2011) Katju, Markandey
  • Constitutional developments since the Lisbon Treaty in the area of freedom, security and justice at supranational and national level. (2011) Kellermann, Alfred E.
  • 650 years of the office of Justice of the Peace/Magistrate. (2011) Lambert, Alan
  • OLAF - a view from inside: a typology of investigative cultures. (2011) Levi, Julia
  • The Bugle and the Penguins: Democracy and the Media in Argentina. (2011) Macrory, Robbie
  • Parliament, the Church of England and the last gasp of political Protestantism, 1963-4. (2011) Maiden, John and Webster, Peter
  • Indonesia: the controversy over the Bill concerning lawful interception. (2011) Makarim, Edmon
  • Creeping legitimacy of corporate social responsibility. (2011) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • To Sustain the Commonwealth Commitment to Human Dignity: Reconsider the Award of the 2013 CHOGM to Sri Lanka. (2011) Manor, James
  • Editorial. (2011) Mason, Stephen
  • Practitioner note: E-mails cause practical problems for client confidentiality. (2011) Mitchell, Iain G.
  • The applicable law in the Caribbean Single Market. (2011) Nelson, Rolston
  • Is There a Women's Literature in Postmodern Spain? The Writers' Response. (2011) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Alleged illegal downloading of music: the Danish Supreme Court provides a high bar for evidence and a new line of direction regarding claims for damages and remuneration. (2011) Overbeck, Per
  • Electronic Evidence in Swiss Criminal Procedure. (2011) Perrin, Bertrand and Rémy, Marc and Roubaty, Romain
  • Federated identity management: enabling legal control over digital property in the cloud. (2011) Reiniger, Timothy S. and Hansberger, Richard J.
  • Book report. (2011) Report, Book
  • Electronic evidence in Latvia: a general overview. (2011) Repšs, Agris and Znotiņa, Ilze
  • Electronic Signatures in Iran. (2011) Savrai, Parviz
  • Digital watermarks as legal evidence. (2011) Schellekens, Maurice
  • Quietude and identity - the silent core of language. (2011) Siebers, Johan
  • Henri Frankfort, Aby Warburg and ‘Mythopoeic Thought’. (2011) Taylor, Paul
  • Utmost good faith – unintended injustice? (2011) Tyldesley, Peter
  • Remote forensics and cloud computing: an Italian and European legal overview. (2011) Vaciago, Giuseppe
  • Editing the Wake. (2011) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • The effect of ‘virtual presence’ in Belgium on the duty to cooperate with criminal investigations: some prudence may be required when confronted with a request from a Belgian public prosecutor. (2011) Vandendriessche, Johan
  • QQ Messenger chat record as criminal evidence in China. (2011) Wang, Minyan
  • Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights. (2011) White, Simone
  • Employee participation under German company law. (2011) Wooldridge, Frank
  • Rules governing the share capital of German public companies. (2011) Wooldridge, Frank
  • Practitioner note: Preserving cyber investigation evidence – the screen tool witness signature. (2011) Wright, Benjamin