Number of items: 74.
Case Note: Singapore. (2012)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Translation: Brussels. (2012)
Case Translation:, Belgium
Case Translation: Dubai. (2012)
Case Translation:, Dubai
Case Translation: Japan. (2012)
Case Translation:, Japan
Case Translation: Japan. (2012)
Case Translation:, Japan
Case Translation: Norway. (2012)
Case Translation:, Norway
Case Translation: Republic of Turkey. (2012)
Case Translation:, Republic of Turkey
Why a legal opinion is necessary for electronic records management systems. (2012)
Chasse, Ken
A five-point plan to make the Commonwealth Foundation’s re-launch transformational. (2012)
Cooper, Daisy
Queen Elizabeth II should be the final Head of the Commonwealth. (2012)
Cooper, Daisy and Murphy, Philip
Credit information for Volume 9. (2012)
Credits, Volume 9
At Rio+20, the green economy won’t save the planet.But green democracy will. (2012)
Crook, Martin and Patel, Raj
Forensic document examination of electronically captured signatures. (2012)
Harralson, Heidi H.
A Charter for the Press? (2012)
Harris, Julian
Holding the Bank of England to account. (2012)
Harris, Julian
A long-term view of financial regulation. (2012)
Harris, Julian
The politics of press regulation. (2012)
Harris, Julian
eDiscovery in New Zealand under the new amended rules. (2012)
Harvey, David and Garrie, Daniel B.
The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012)
Heidemann, Maren
The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012)
Heidemann, Maren
Interpreting the new South African Companies Act: some challenges. (2012)
Henning, Johan
Judah Benjamin: the Confederate barrister. (2012)
MacMillan, Catharine
The authority of a truncated arbitral tribunal - straight path or puzzle? (2012)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
The concept of good faith in international investment disputes - the arbitrator's dilemma. (2012)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
Cameras in the courts: why the prohibition occurred in the UK. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
Editorial. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
Vehicle remote keyless entry systems and engine immobilisers: do not believe the insurer that this technology is perfect. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
Beyond the veneer of reconciliation: human rights and democracy in Rwanda. (2012)
Melvin, Jennifer
Stewardship and the insolvency practitioner: a review of the current position. (2012)
Milman, David
EU defence rights: how the system can be improved. (2012)
Mitchell, Jonathan
Digital Forensics Specialist Group. (2012)
Moore, Miranda and Iveson, Simon