Number of items: 58.
Proactive Control Strategies for Overt and Covert Go/NoGo Tasks: An Electrical Neuroimaging Study. (2016)
Angelini, M and Calbi, M and Ferrari, A and Sbriscia-Fioretti, B and Franca, M and Gallese, Vittorio and Umilta, MA
Interoception and Positive Symptoms in Schizophrenia. (2016)
Ardizzi, M and Ambrosecchia, M and Buratta, L and Ferri, F and Peciccia, M and Donnari, S and Mazzeschi, C and Gallese, Vittorio
Less Empathic and More Reactive: The Different Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Facial Mimicry and Vagal Regulation. (2016)
Ardizzi, M and Umilta, MA and Evangelista, V and Di Liscia, A and Ravera, R and Gallese, Vittorio
Writing Displacement, Demythologising Violence: Discourses of Violence in Contemporary Colombia and Laura Restrepo's La multitude errante. (2016)
Averis, Kate
‘And those who live, how shall I tell their fame?’ Historical pageants, collective remembrance and the First World War, 1919-1939. (2016)
Bartie, Angela and Fleming, Linda and Freeman, Mark and Hulme, Tom and Readman, Paul and Tupman, Charlotte
Standards for Networking Ancient Person-data: Digital approaches to problems in prosopographical space. (2016)
Bodard, Gabriel and Cayless, Hugh and Depauw, Mark and Isaksen, Leif and Lawrence, K. Faith and Rahtz, Sebastian
Analysing Police-Recorded Data. (2016)
Brimicombe, Allan
The Fate of Anglo-Saxon Saints’ Cults after the Norman Conquest of England: St Æthelwold of Winchester as a Case Study. (2016)
Browett, Rebecca
Touching the holy: the rise of contact relics in medieval England. (2016)
Browett, Rebecca
Self-adjustment mechanisms and their application for orthosis design. (2016)
Cai, VAD and Bidaud, P and Hayward, Vincent
Implicit and Explicit Routes to Recognize the Own Body: Evidence from Brain Damaged Patients. (2016)
Candini, M and Farinelli, M and Ferri, F and Avanzi, S and Cevolani, D and Gallese, Vittorio and Northoff, G and Frassinetti, F
As deadly as armed conflict? Gang violence and forced
displacement in the Northern Triangle of Central America. (2016)
Cantor, David
Pages without borders: global networks and the settler press in Algeria, 1881-1914. (2016)
Chopin, Charlotte Ann
Legal records at risk: does the legal profession care about preserving its heritage? What could be done to rescue private sector legal records. (2016)
Cowling, Clare
Our legal heritage at risk: rescuing private sector legal records. (2016)
Cowling, Clare
Is our legal heritage at risk? What might be done to rescue private sector legal records. (2016)
Cowling, Clare and Reynolds, Michael
Means testing vs. universal targeting: Assumptions of efficiency and affordability. (2016)
Cruz-martinez, Gibran
The best-kept secret(s) of evidence based policing. (2016)
Dawson, Paul and Stanko, Elizabeth A.
Differentiated audio-tactile correspondences in sighted and blind individuals. (2016)
Deroy, Ophelia and Fasiello, I and Hayward, Vincent and Auvray, M
Generalized Movement Representation in Haptic Perception. (2016)
Dupin, L and Hayward, Vincent and Wexler, M
Frictional dynamics of finger pads are governed by four length-scales and two time-scales. (2016)
Dzidek, Brygida and Bochereau, Séréna and Johnson, Simon and Hayward, Vincent and Adams, Michael
Integrative Processing of Touch and Affect in Social Perception: An fMRI Study. (2016)
Ebisch, SJH and Salone, A and Martinotti, G and Carlucci, L and Mantini, D and Perucci, MG and Saggino, A and Romani, GL and Di Giannantonio, M and Northoff, G and Gallese, Vittorio
Caroline Playne: the Activities and Absences of a Campaigning Author in First World War London. (2016)
Espley, Richard
Embodied Simulation: Beyond
the Expression/Experience Dualism
of Emotions. (2016)
Gallese, Vittorio and Caruana, F
Guest Editorial – Sources and Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research. (2016)
Gee, David
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2014/2015. (2016)
Gee, David
Touch uses frictional cues to discriminate flat materials. (2016)
Gueorguiev, D and Bochereau, S and Mouraux, A and Hayward, Vincent and Thonnard, J-L
The parties’ choice of the Common European Sales Law – which governing law? (2016)
Heidemann, Maren
“Cuts in Action”: A High-Density EEG Study Investigating the Neural Correlates of Different Editing Techniques in Film. (2016)
Heimann, KS and Uithol, S and Calbi, M and Umilta, MA and Guerra, M and Gallese, Vittorio
Feminist Methods and Sources in Criminology and Criminal Justice. (2016)
Howe, Adrian
‘A nation of town criers’: civic publicity and historical pageantry in inter-war Britain. (2016)
Hulme, Tom
Sympathy Crying: Insights from Infrared Thermal Imaging on a Female Sample. (2016)
Ioannou, S and Morris, P and Terry, S and Baker, M and Gallese, Vittorio and Reddy, V
‘In the custom of this country’: The Migration of Decorative Style in Thirteenth-century Reading Abbey Manuscripts. (2016)
Johnston, Cynthia
KiloHertz Bandwidth, Dual-Stage Haptic Device Lets You Touch Brownian Motion. (2016)
Lu, T and Pacoret, C and Heriban, D and Mohand-Ousaid, A and Regnier, S and Hayward, Vincent
From Cultural Translation to Clinical Consultation: Working Between Languages, Working Between Disciplines. (2016)
Milne, Anna Louise
The Change in Fingertip Contact Area as a Novel Proprioceptive Cue. (2016)
Moscatelli, A and Bianchi, M and Serio, A and Terekhov, A and Hayward, Vincent and Ernst, MO and Bicchi, A
Review of Before the Middle Passage: Translated Portuguese Manuscripts of Atlantic Slave Trading from West Africa to Iberian Territories, 1513–26, Ed. by Trevor P. Hall. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. (2016)
Newson, Linda
Review of Crawford, The Andean Wonder Drug: Cinchona Bark and Imperial Science in the Spanish Atlantic, 1630-1800, for the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. (2016)
Newson, Linda
Review of García Loaeza, Pablo and Victoria L. Garrett eds. (2015) The Improbable Conquest: Sixteenth-Century Letters from the Río de la Plata. The Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA). (2016)
Newson, Linda
Review of The Black Doctors of Colonial Lima: Science, Race, and Writing in Colonial and Early Republican Peru. By José R. Jouve Martín. (2016)
Newson, Linda
Anticipatory Vibrotactile Cueing Facilitates Grip Force Adjustment during Perturbative Loading. (2016)
Okamoto, S and Wiertlewski, M and Hayward, Vincent
Review of Muehlenbeck, P. (2016). Czechoslovakia in Africa, 1945–1968. (2016)
Onslow, Sue
Review of Steve Emerson (ed) The Battle for Mozambique. (2016)
Onslow, Sue
Voices of the Commonwealth. (2016)
Onslow, Sue
Haptic Edge Detection Through Shear. (2016)
Platkiewicz, J and Lipson, H and Hayward, Vincent
A Brief History of Record Management at the National Archives. (2016)
Rock, Paul
Sources of public response to the death penalty in Britain, 1930-65. (2016)
Seal, Lizzie
Spatial patterns of cutaneous vibration during whole-hand haptic interactions. (2016)
Shao, Y and Hayward, Vincent and Visell, Y
Content in Simple Signalling Systems. (2016)
Shea, Nicholas and Godfrey-Smith, Peter and Cao, Rosa
Collecting Criminology: An Introduction to the Radzinowicz Library of Criminology. (2016)
Stone, Stuart
Access to records of crime at The National Archives. (2016)
Taylor, Nigel
The United Kingdom: The impact of charity and tax law/regulation on not-for-profit news organizations. (2016)
Townend, Judith
Special issue - Beyond clickbait and commerce: The ethics, possibilities and challenges of not-for-profit media. (2016)
Townend, Judith and Muller, Denis and Keeble, Richard Lance
Choosing and using statistical sources in Criminology – What can the Crime Survey for England and Wales tell us? (2016)
Tseloni, Andromachi and Tilley, Nick
Telling Legal Backstories – making historic case papers from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council available to all online. (2016)
Whittle, Steven
Movilidad y estabilidad de las poblaciones en el mundo romano: una reflexión metodológica e historiográfica. (2016)
Woolf, Greg
Only Connect? Network analysis and religious change in the Roman World. (2016)
Woolf, Greg
Was it Uruguay or Coffee? The causes of the beef jerky industry’s decline in southern Brazil (1850 – 1889). (2016)
Zamberlan Pereira, Thales