
Number of items: 35.
  • An Afro-Arabian Shawl. Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
  • Multiphonics and the Oboe. Archbold, Paul and Redgate, Christopher
  • 4 Songs Between Words (from the set of 48). BARKER, Paul
  • In Memorian: for those who fall in time of war. BARKER, Paul Alan
  • Ethnographic Research into Contemporary String Quartet Rehearsal. Bayley, Amanda
  • Interview between John Lunn (Film Composer) and Philip Chambon. Chambon, Philip
  • Resolving the resource nationalism struggle. Connerty, Anthony
  • Evolution of an Interpretation: Schubert's Piano Trio in E Flat Op.100. Dogantan-Dack, Mine
  • Organ as Orchestra, Piano Concerto as Chamber Music. Dogantan-Dack, Mine
  • Collaborative workshop and performance of "...that which echoes in eternity" (Fribbins, 2002-03) by Mine Dogantan-Dack, piano, and Pal Banda, cello. Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Banda, Pal and Fribbins, Peter
  • Open Rehearsal of Franz Schubert's 'Arpeggione' Sonata for Cello and Piano in A minor D.821. Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Szücs, Ferenc
  • Open Rehearsal of Rachmaninoff's Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor Op.19. Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Szücs, Ferenc
  • Interview with Stephen Coombs (pianist) and Ileana Ruhemann (flautist). Ewers, Timothy
  • Accordez vos flûtes: the Renaissance Flute in Performance. Hadden, Nancy
  • Defamation - the promise of reform. Harris, Julian
  • Editing Debussy's Sonatas. Heyde, Neil
  • The Collaborative Process as Research. Heyde, Neil and Fitch, Fabrice
  • Extreme Energy As Genocidal Method: Tar Sands and the Indigenous Peoples of Northern Alberta. Huseman, Jennifer and Short, Damien
  • Foundations of English Opera: Improvisation and Ornamentation as part of the National Identity created by Professional Singers and Accompanists in Early Seventeenth-Century England. Kenny, Elizabeth
  • Elgar's Pianistic Iconoclasm. Norris, David Owen
  • Sawn in Half: Mendelssohn and the Divided Pedal. Norris, David Owen
  • Ecosonics/Ecosonic Improvisation: Performances and Explorations. Preston, Stephen
  • Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University 18th June 2009. Part 1. Searby, Michael
  • Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University Part 2 18th June 2009. Searby, Michael
  • Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University part 4. 18th June 2009. Searby, Michael
  • Interview with Judith Weir part 3 at Kingston University, 18th June 2009. Searby, Michael
  • Interview with Steve Martland (composer). Searby, Michael David
  • The Law Development Centre, its Library and Law Librarianship in Uganda: a presentation to the IALS Library staff. Semugabi, Joseph
  • Elgar's Bow. Sheppard Skaerved, Peter
  • Shhh: the Violin Mute in the Twentieth Century. Sheppard Skaerved, Peter
  • Opening up the UK’s foreign and international law collections: the FLARE initiative and Index to Treaties, and the FLAG Foreign Law Guide. Swift, Hester and Clinch, Peter
  • Zaum: Beyond mind (1). WIlkins, Caroline
  • Interview between Tina May (professional jazz singer) and Meredith White. White, Meredith
  • Interview with Frank Mead (Popular Music Saxophonist) with Meredith White at Kingston University. White, Meredith
  • Zaum: Beyond Mind (1). Wilkins, Caroline