Number of items: 35.
An Afro-Arabian Shawl.
Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
Multiphonics and the Oboe.
Archbold, Paul and Redgate, Christopher
4 Songs Between Words (from the set of 48).
In Memorian: for those who fall in time of war.
BARKER, Paul Alan
Ethnographic Research into Contemporary String Quartet Rehearsal.
Bayley, Amanda
Interview between John Lunn (Film Composer) and Philip Chambon.
Chambon, Philip
Resolving the resource nationalism struggle.
Connerty, Anthony
Evolution of an Interpretation: Schubert's Piano Trio in E Flat Op.100.
Dogantan-Dack, Mine
Organ as Orchestra, Piano Concerto as Chamber Music.
Dogantan-Dack, Mine
Collaborative workshop and performance of "...that which echoes in eternity" (Fribbins, 2002-03) by Mine Dogantan-Dack, piano, and Pal Banda, cello.
Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Banda, Pal and Fribbins, Peter
Open Rehearsal of Franz Schubert's 'Arpeggione' Sonata for Cello and Piano in A minor D.821.
Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Szücs, Ferenc
Open Rehearsal of Rachmaninoff's Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor Op.19.
Dogantan-Dack, Mine and Szücs, Ferenc
Interview with Stephen Coombs (pianist) and Ileana Ruhemann (flautist).
Ewers, Timothy
Accordez vos flûtes: the Renaissance Flute in Performance.
Hadden, Nancy
Defamation - the promise of reform.
Harris, Julian
Editing Debussy's Sonatas.
Heyde, Neil
The Collaborative Process as Research.
Heyde, Neil and Fitch, Fabrice
Extreme Energy As Genocidal Method: Tar Sands and the Indigenous Peoples of Northern Alberta.
Huseman, Jennifer and Short, Damien
Foundations of English Opera: Improvisation and Ornamentation as part of the National Identity created by Professional Singers and Accompanists in Early Seventeenth-Century England.
Kenny, Elizabeth
Elgar's Pianistic Iconoclasm.
Norris, David Owen
Sawn in Half: Mendelssohn and the Divided Pedal.
Norris, David Owen
Ecosonics/Ecosonic Improvisation: Performances and Explorations.
Preston, Stephen
Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University 18th June 2009. Part 1.
Searby, Michael
Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University Part 2 18th June 2009.
Searby, Michael
Interview with Judith Weir at Kingston University part 4. 18th June 2009.
Searby, Michael
Interview with Judith Weir part 3 at Kingston University, 18th June 2009.
Searby, Michael
Interview with Steve Martland (composer).
Searby, Michael David
The Law Development Centre, its Library and Law Librarianship in Uganda: a presentation to the IALS Library staff.
Semugabi, Joseph
Elgar's Bow.
Sheppard Skaerved, Peter
Shhh: the Violin Mute in the Twentieth Century.
Sheppard Skaerved, Peter
Opening up the UK’s foreign and international law collections: the FLARE initiative and Index to Treaties, and the FLAG Foreign Law Guide.
Swift, Hester and Clinch, Peter
Zaum: Beyond mind (1).
WIlkins, Caroline
Interview between Tina May (professional jazz singer) and Meredith White.
White, Meredith
Interview with Frank Mead (Popular Music Saxophonist) with Meredith White at Kingston University.
White, Meredith
Zaum: Beyond Mind (1).
Wilkins, Caroline