Number of items: 13.
The Pattern Of Distribution Of The Offices Of Lords Lieutenant And Custodes Rotulorum, 1689-1760. (1997)
Backhouse, David
Domestic State Violence: Repression From The Croquants To The Commune. (1997)
Brown, Howard G.
Institution And Ideology: The Scottish Estates And Resistance Theory. (1997)
Burns, J.H.
Voluntary Societies and Urban Elites in 19th Century Italy. (1997)
Caglioti, Daniela L.
The Place and Space of Illness: Climate and Garden as Metaphors in the Robben Island Medical Institutions. (1997)
Deacon, Harriet
The Policing Of Politics In Bologna, 1898-1914. (1997)
Dunnage, Jonathan
Naturalisations In France, 1927-1939: The Example Of The Alpes De Haute Provence (Formerly The Basses-Alpes). (1997)
Lawrence, Paul
Forced Labour, Workhouse-Prisons And The Early Modern State: A Case Study. (1997)
Munck, Thomas
Deconstructing History. (1997)
Munslow, Alan
Management or Semi-Independence? The government of Scotland from 1707-1832. (1997)
Murdoch, Alex
Public And Private Schooling In Australia - Historical And Contemporary Considerations. (1997)
Potts, Anthony
The Scottish contribution to the Enlightenment. (1997)
Robertson, John
Jung and Antisemitism. (1997)
Samuels, Andrew