Items where Year is 1941
Number of items: 245.
Allied Joint Declaration on prosecuting the war. (1941)
British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941)
Confidential US government oral report on US-Japanese relations. (1941)
Confidential US government report on US-Japanese relations. (1941)
Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1941. (1941)
Draft Allied Joint Declaration (State Department version). (1941)
Draft Allied Joint Decleration (with FO comments). (1941)
Draft of proposed telegram from the Joint Staff Mission to Lord Hankey's Committee. (1941)
Exchange of ratifications of treaties between the US and South Africa. (1941)
Explanation of the problematic account of the Nemours incident provided by the French government. (1941)
French government discussion of British attack on French Navy (in French). (1941)
Information to be forwarded by the United States to Marshal Petain. (1941)
Minutes of meeting of British Joint Staff Mission in Washington. (1941)
Notes resulting from consultation with the British Minister in Iceland. (1941)
Notes resulting from the discussion between Cordell Hull and Lord Halifax on the preceeding discussion with the Japanese Ambassador. (1941)
Outline of proposed basis for agreement between the US and Japan on the Pacific. (1941)
Proclamation of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace with South Africa. (1941)
Report on the Anglo-American response to the Thai-Japanese situation. (1941)
Secret message to the US on the Turkish question and defence of the Middle East. (1941)
Summary of Foreign Office redraft of the allied "Joint Declaration". (1941)
Text of message from the UK government to the French government. (1941)
Secret request for information on construction of US air bases in British territory in the Pacific. (1941)
(Illegible), Christopher
Recruitment of students, social works and technical people. (1941)
(Illegible), Craig
Notes on a conversation with the Director of U.S. Naval Intelligence. (1941)
A., N.
Forwarding of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Balfour, John
Correspondence on the upcoming ratification of the treaty of the advancement of peace between New Zealand and the United States. (1941)
Barnes, Charles M.
Covering letter to a draft protocol of exchange on treaty ratifications. (1941)
Barnes, Charles M.
Opening of a further account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the UK government. (1941)
Bell, D.W.
Transmission of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Bennet, J. C. Sterndale
Outline of topics discussed with Netherlands Government officials regarding the Far East. (1941)
Bennett, J. C. Sterndale
Report of a conversation with the US Ambassador. (1941)
Bennett, J. C. Sterndale
Return of file on Technical Assistance schemes. (1941)
Bewley, T. K.
Acknowledgement of receipt of a note informing of the signing of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Agreement between the UK government and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Complaints from Curdell Hull on United Press reports. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Covering note to Aide-mémoire for Cordell Hull. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Draft of a message on contributions to the Allied war effort. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Information regarding the status of British protection in Guadeloupe. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Intelligence on the disposition of contributions to the 'Spitfire Fund'. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Letter in response to Halifax's telegram of July 19th 1940. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Message refering to telegram about the supervision of British interests in Guadeloupe. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt on the matter of private war contributions. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt's personal secretary. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Request for forwarding of Resolution (included) on British-American co-operation. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Secret note on talks between Roosevelt and Churchill. (1941)
Butler, Neville M.
Allied conference and informing the Government of India. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Covernote and secret 'cockshy' report on talks on diplomatic situation in the Far East. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Note on appropriation of $7 Billion credit. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Notes on conversation with Hull on the Far East. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Record of conversation with Cordell Hull on US-Japanese relations. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Report of a telegram from Former Naval Person to the President. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Report of conversation with Hornbeck on breakdown of the modus vivendi proposal. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Secret notes on conversation with President Roosevelt and Duff Cooper. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Transmission of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Campbell, Ronald Ian
Minute of meeting on the British Supply Council in North America. (1941)
Chance, Leslie
Comments on Major Elliot and the Lend-Lease Bill. (1941)
Childs, S. L.
Technical assistance sent by US contractors. (1941)
Childs, T. W.
Export licenses for Turkish delegation to the US. (1941)
Christlelow, A.
Secret account of conversations between Churchill and Roosevelt. (1941)
Churchill, Winston Leonard
Note of thanks for letter (A00000970). (1941)
Coit, Richard
Receipt of cable on volunteers. (1941)
Coit, Richard
British requirements for technical assistance from the US. (1941)
Coleridge, R. D.
Meeting of British Joint Staff Mission in Washington. (1941)
Coleridge, R. D.
Report of a conversation with the US Ambassador. (1941)
Coote, Edward Osborne
British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941)
Cribbett, W. C. G.
Notes of a meeting with John J. Mcloy, Assistaint Secretary of War. (1941)
Cribbett, W. C. G.
Notes on Joint Staff Mission discussion. (1941)
Cribbett, W. C. G.
Notes on Joint Staff Mission discussion. (1941)
Cribbett, W. C. G.
Notes on a meeting of the O.P.M. Labour Supply Committee. (1941)
Cribbett, W. C. G.
Conversation points for UK Ambassador to US' meeting with Secretary Hull. (1941)
D., M. E.
Presentation of defense contracts and agreements. (1941)
Diamantopoulos, C.
US-Vichy government relations (In French). (1941)
Authorisation granted for the signing of future notifications by Nevile Butler. (1941)
Eden, Anthony
Secret letter on Turkish-US relations and Lend-Lease. (1941)
Eden, Anthony
Notes on delivery of Lend-Lease aid to Turkey. (1941)
Ellis, C.H.
Letter on the use of British and American manpower from the US. (1941)
Foster, John
Notes from a variety of authors on the status of Hopkins. (1941)
Foster, John
Notes on issue of manpower in the United States. (1941)
Foster, John
Notes on the use of semi-skilled labour. (1941)
Foster, John
Report of telephone conversation with Air Ministry's Cribbett. (1941)
Foster, John
Secret minutes on British man power in the US war effort. (1941)
Foster, John
Information on Turkish officers in the US. (1941)
Fraser, Ingram
Turkish Staff Mission visit to the US. (1941)
Fraser, Ingram.
Authorisation granted for the signing of future notifications by Butler. (1941)
Gifford, Thomas Johnstone Carlyle
Note on Technical Assistance from the US. (1941)
Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers
Letter enclosing memorandum on the Civilian Technical Corps. (1941)
Harris, Arthur Travers
Communications received from US undergraduates and social workers offering to work as non-skilled workers. (1941)
Possible recruitment of US civilians to the UK war effort. (1941)
Covering letter to copy of a letter requesting Dr. Webster to ask Harvard President Conant about sending his students to the UK to work on the war effort. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Covering note to Aide-mémoire on a discussion with the Japanese Ambassador. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Covering note to papers on British manpower in the US. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Information on Turkish officers in the US. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Intent to start a chronological record of discussions on Japan. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on General Doyen's letter. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on Harvard undergraduate J.A. Ordway. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on Joint Staff Mission report. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on Ordway proposal for US volunteers for Britain. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on conversation with Squadron Leader Russell. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Notes on reports of Japanese troop movements in southern Indo-China. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Proposal of Ordway proposals at Clement-Jones Sub-Committee. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Record of progress on proposals for modus vivendi and American talks with the Japanese. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Recruitment of non-skilled workers. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Response to letter of October 14th 1941. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Secret letter on Norris Tibbetts at Harvard. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Secret letter on the Ordway scheme. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Secret notes on Ordway proposals. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Summary of letter on Ordway and civilian recruitment. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Summary of three telegrams on Far East. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough
Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles and Cordell Hull. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough and Butler, Neville M.
Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles. (1941)
Hayter, William Goodenough and Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Presentation of defense contracts and agreements. (1941)
Henry, Self
Report of Washington War Conference, attended by Churchill, Halifax and representatives from Canada, New Zealand and Australia. (1941)
Hollis, L. C.
Copy of document handed by the US Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador in the US. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Covering letter to aide-mémoire on the French government. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Receipt of letter and telegram on the Thai government. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Reports of Japanese attack on American Legation in Bangkok. (1941)
Hull, Cordell
Brief notes on Japanese movements in Indo-China. (1941)
British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941)
Confusion between Secretary Hull's and R. Craigie's reports from Tokyo regarding Japanese war ambitions. (1941)
Covering letter to Joint Declaration (State Department version). (1941)
Covering missive to copy of a letter by General Doyen. (1941)
Discusses possible telegram to FO on reasons why US may not be willing to take action on possible Japanese aggression to Russia. (1941)
Discussion of ammendments to the Lend Lease Act. (1941)
Discussion with Lord Halifax regarding negotiations with Japanese. (1941)
Doubts raised over US interpretation of Japanese intentions in Far East. (1941)
Future talking points with Secretary Hull and Under Secretary Welles on Japan. (1941)
HMG opening of a further account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the UK government. (1941)
Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. (1941)
Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. (1941)
Lend Lease and Turkey. (1941)
Letter on the general Turkish position. (1941)
Netherlands government request for US to support declaration of war if attacked by the Japanese. (1941)
Note concerning minutes by Mr. Dening with no details on what those minutes are. (1941)
Overview of the contents of eight telegrams on the subject of Japan. (1941)
Proposed talking points for UK Ambassador to raise with Secretary Hull on japanese negotiations. (1941)
Report of American-Dutch-British Staff Conversations at Singapore. (1941)
Report on conversation with Vice-President concerning Committee on Economic Defense. (1941)
Report on discussion regarding US-Japanese negotiations. (1941)
Request for message to be passed on to the President of the US. (1941)
Secret message regarding ability to censor the press. (1941)
Secret note in support of Peake's thoughts on the Presidential trip to meet the Prime Minister. (1941)
Secret notes on the status of France in the Joint Declaration. (1941)
Suggested actions on UK Ambassdor to Japan's three telegrams on US-Japanese negotiations on the Far East. (1941)
Illegible and Hayter, William Goodenough and Campbell, Ronald Ian
Potential exchange of British and Norweigan ships in French ports for French shipping held by the British authorities. (1941)
Illegible and S., C. and Butler, Neville M.
Agreement by New Zealand to Joint Declaration. (1941)
Langstone, Frank
Allied need to prevent a Turko-German rapprochement. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
British authorities have received intelligence on Marshal Petain. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Cover document to secret letters on Turkey Lend-Lease. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Covering letter to copy of telegram on volunteers and British Information Services in New York. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Discussion as to who is to sign the "Joint Declaration" for India and New Zealand. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Draft receipt of a letter on the protection of British interests in Guadeloupe from the British Consul. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
General description of the situation regarding the messages exchanged between the UK Prime Minister and the President of the US. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Information on passport control and British subjects. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Notes on American assistance on British projects. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Notes on alterations to Allied Joint Declaration. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Notes on recent telegrams that raise questions on foreign policy. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Notes on strategic assistance to Turkey. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Official text issued by the British Embassy on the Nemours incident. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Possible ammendments to Allied Joint Declaration. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Request for message to be passed on to Sumner Welles on Japan in Indo-China. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Secret description of discussion between Churchill and Roosevelt. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Secret note on supply of war materials to Turkey. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Telephone conversation with Sir Bajpai. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
UK authorities are weighing a range of responses to Japanese aggression in Indo-China. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
US military construction in British territories and sending US technicians to work in the UK. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
Need to clarify position of the US in regards to negotiations with the Japanese. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Campbell, Ronald Ian
Notes on conversation between First Secretary Hayter and Air Ministry's Cribbett. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Foster, John and Illegible
Discussion as to whom should sign the "Joint Declaration" for the Dominion governments. (1941)
Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Conveyance of thanks to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (1941)
Morgenthau, Henry
Secret questions on US Technical Officers. (1941)
O., T. O.
Secret note on possible meeting between the President and the Prime Minister. (1941)
Peake, Osbert
Paraphrase of a report from US Ambassador in Ankara regarding Turkish support for Allies. (1941)
R., A.
Notes (in various hands) on the British archives in Martinique. (1941)
R., A. and Hayter, William Goodenough
Secret message on the construction of Pacific airbases. (1941)
Ronald, N. B.
Messages to Stalin and Chiang Kai-Shek. (1941)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1941. (1941)
Taylor, Edward Thomas
Questions on potential Ordway proposal. (1941)
Tibbetts, Norris
British government despatches instructions on economic warfare measures versus Japan. (1941)
Covering note and two draft letters on US-Japanese relations. (1941)
Covering note to a re-draft of the Joint Declaration. (1941)
Draft Joint Declaration. (1941)
Draft instrument of ratification for the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Draft protocol of exchange on treaty ratifications. (1941)
Exchange of ratifications of treaties between the US and the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand governments regarding any disputes. (1941)
Minutes from heads of missions, British Joint Staff Mission in Washington to Chiefs of Staff on manpower. (1941)
Note on military desertion and British law. (1941)
Note on the desptach referring to the US Vice-Consul at Guadeloupe. (1941)
Notes on the Allied conference discussing the Far East. (1941)
Position on destroyers-bases deal in the Caribbean. (1941)
Return of borrowed document (?) from UK Embassy to the US. (1941)
Secret telegram from Bangkok on Japanese aggression to Thailand. (1941)
Cover note and report by Ecuadorian Minister to Vichy France on Russo-Japanese Pact. (1941)
Unknown and Unknown
Notes on discussion with US War Department regarding Turkey. (1941)
V., J.W.
Notes on the recruiment of scientists and the Hankey Committee. (1941)
Webster, W. L.
Confidential information on secret message from Roosevelt to Churchill. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Package of telegram paraphrases. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of message from Churchill to Roosevelt. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of message received. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from President Roosevelt to Churchill. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Receipt of information on correspodence with the Icelandic government. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Receipt of telegram on a meeting held at Wellington on March 16th 1941. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Report of conversation with Petain and Darlan. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Secret cover letter on aide-mémoires concerning US-Japanese relations. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Secret response to telephone conversation on secret documents. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Text of a telegram on HMG account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. (1941)
Welles, Sumner
Covering letter to proposal from Ordway. (1941)
Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler
Note on feeling in American universities. (1941)
Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler
UK recruitment of young US scientists for research establishments in the Supply Department. (1941)
Whitehead, T. North
Call for urgent action on Thailand situation. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Conversation with Cordell Hull concerning the Thai situation. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Covering letter and press release on Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Covering letter to aide-mémoire on the French government. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Covering letter to copies of telegram from Duff Cooper. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Covering letter to telegram on Thai oil shortage. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Covering note to document on a previous conversation. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Forwarding a message from Duff Cooper on proposed naval and military conference. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Halifax informs Welles of the request made by the Icelandic government for more information on the US visit. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Information on correspondence between the governments of Britain and Iceland. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Message on the timeline of the creation of the Lease-Lend Act, signed by Roosevelt on March 11th. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Note on US-British technical co-operation. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Notes on UK Embassy Official's conversation with Japanese Ambassador to US regarding US-Japanese negotiations. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Notes on conversation with Secretary Hull about possible warning to Japan to not move against Russia. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Notes on the Joint Declaration. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Paraphrase of telegram on the meeting between Petain and Goering. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Receipt of letter of the 14th December. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Report on conversation with Sumner Welles on Japanese prospects. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Request as to why a message has only just reached the British Ambassador. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Response to a despatch on the treaty between the United States and New Zealand. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Response to expansion of Japanese present policy to Thailand. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Response to message that President Roosevelt thought it injudicious to immediately withdraw British troops from Iceland. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Secret message on on hand-over of Vichy bases in North Africa to Germany. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Secret note on aide-mémoire (#A00001027). (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Secret report on talks with Japanese Ambassador. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Thoughts on report from Anthony Eden on discussion with Stalin in Moscow. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Transmission of copies of Presidential messages on the Anglo-US Peace Commission. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
Update after earlier conversation on Japanese movements in Indo-China. (1941)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley