Items where Year is 1941

Number of items: 245.
  • Allied Joint Declaration on prosecuting the war. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Confidential US government oral report on US-Japanese relations. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Confidential US government report on US-Japanese relations. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1941. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Draft Allied Joint Declaration (State Department version). (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Draft Allied Joint Decleration (with FO comments). (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Draft of proposed telegram from the Joint Staff Mission to Lord Hankey's Committee. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Exchange of ratifications of treaties between the US and South Africa. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Explanation of the problematic account of the Nemours incident provided by the French government. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • French government discussion of British attack on French Navy (in French). (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Information to be forwarded by the United States to Marshal Petain. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Minutes of meeting of British Joint Staff Mission in Washington. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Notes resulting from consultation with the British Minister in Iceland. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Notes resulting from the discussion between Cordell Hull and Lord Halifax on the preceeding discussion with the Japanese Ambassador. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Outline of proposed basis for agreement between the US and Japan on the Pacific. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Proclamation of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace with South Africa. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Report on the Anglo-American response to the Thai-Japanese situation. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Secret message to the US on the Turkish question and defence of the Middle East. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Summary of Foreign Office redraft of the allied "Joint Declaration". (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Text of message from the UK government to the French government. (1941) UNSPECIFIED
  • Secret request for information on construction of US air bases in British territory in the Pacific. (1941) (Illegible), Christopher
  • Recruitment of students, social works and technical people. (1941) (Illegible), Craig
  • Notes on a conversation with the Director of U.S. Naval Intelligence. (1941) A., N.
  • Forwarding of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Balfour, John
  • Correspondence on the upcoming ratification of the treaty of the advancement of peace between New Zealand and the United States. (1941) Barnes, Charles M.
  • Covering letter to a draft protocol of exchange on treaty ratifications. (1941) Barnes, Charles M.
  • Opening of a further account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the UK government. (1941) Bell, D.W.
  • Transmission of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Bennet, J. C. Sterndale
  • Outline of topics discussed with Netherlands Government officials regarding the Far East. (1941) Bennett, J. C. Sterndale
  • Report of a conversation with the US Ambassador. (1941) Bennett, J. C. Sterndale
  • Return of file on Technical Assistance schemes. (1941) Bewley, T. K.
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of a note informing of the signing of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Agreement between the UK government and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Complaints from Curdell Hull on United Press reports. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Covering note to Aide-mémoire for Cordell Hull. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Draft of a message on contributions to the Allied war effort. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Information regarding the status of British protection in Guadeloupe. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Intelligence on the disposition of contributions to the 'Spitfire Fund'. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Letter in response to Halifax's telegram of July 19th 1940. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Message refering to telegram about the supervision of British interests in Guadeloupe. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt on the matter of private war contributions. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt's personal secretary. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Request for forwarding of Resolution (included) on British-American co-operation. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Secret note on talks between Roosevelt and Churchill. (1941) Butler, Neville M.
  • Allied conference and informing the Government of India. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Covernote and secret 'cockshy' report on talks on diplomatic situation in the Far East. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Note on appropriation of $7 Billion credit. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Notes on conversation with Hull on the Far East. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Record of conversation with Cordell Hull on US-Japanese relations. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Report of a telegram from Former Naval Person to the President. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Report of conversation with Hornbeck on breakdown of the modus vivendi proposal. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Secret notes on conversation with President Roosevelt and Duff Cooper. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Transmission of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Minute of meeting on the British Supply Council in North America. (1941) Chance, Leslie
  • Comments on Major Elliot and the Lend-Lease Bill. (1941) Childs, S. L.
  • Technical assistance sent by US contractors. (1941) Childs, T. W.
  • Export licenses for Turkish delegation to the US. (1941) Christlelow, A.
  • Secret account of conversations between Churchill and Roosevelt. (1941) Churchill, Winston Leonard
  • Note of thanks for letter (A00000970). (1941) Coit, Richard
  • Receipt of cable on volunteers. (1941) Coit, Richard
  • British requirements for technical assistance from the US. (1941) Coleridge, R. D.
  • Meeting of British Joint Staff Mission in Washington. (1941) Coleridge, R. D.
  • Report of a conversation with the US Ambassador. (1941) Coote, Edward Osborne
  • British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941) Cribbett, W. C. G.
  • Notes of a meeting with John J. Mcloy, Assistaint Secretary of War. (1941) Cribbett, W. C. G.
  • Notes on Joint Staff Mission discussion. (1941) Cribbett, W. C. G.
  • Notes on Joint Staff Mission discussion. (1941) Cribbett, W. C. G.
  • Notes on a meeting of the O.P.M. Labour Supply Committee. (1941) Cribbett, W. C. G.
  • Conversation points for UK Ambassador to US' meeting with Secretary Hull. (1941) D., M. E.
  • Presentation of defense contracts and agreements. (1941) Diamantopoulos, C.
  • US-Vichy government relations (In French). (1941) Doyen
  • Authorisation granted for the signing of future notifications by Nevile Butler. (1941) Eden, Anthony
  • Secret letter on Turkish-US relations and Lend-Lease. (1941) Eden, Anthony
  • Notes on delivery of Lend-Lease aid to Turkey. (1941) Ellis, C.H.
  • Letter on the use of British and American manpower from the US. (1941) Foster, John
  • Notes from a variety of authors on the status of Hopkins. (1941) Foster, John
  • Notes on issue of manpower in the United States. (1941) Foster, John
  • Notes on the use of semi-skilled labour. (1941) Foster, John
  • Report of telephone conversation with Air Ministry's Cribbett. (1941) Foster, John
  • Secret minutes on British man power in the US war effort. (1941) Foster, John
  • Information on Turkish officers in the US. (1941) Fraser, Ingram
  • Turkish Staff Mission visit to the US. (1941) Fraser, Ingram.
  • Authorisation granted for the signing of future notifications by Butler. (1941) Gifford, Thomas Johnstone Carlyle
  • Note on Technical Assistance from the US. (1941) Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers
  • Letter enclosing memorandum on the Civilian Technical Corps. (1941) Harris, Arthur Travers
  • Communications received from US undergraduates and social workers offering to work as non-skilled workers. (1941) Haslett
  • Possible recruitment of US civilians to the UK war effort. (1941) Haslett
  • Covering letter to copy of a letter requesting Dr. Webster to ask Harvard President Conant about sending his students to the UK to work on the war effort. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Covering note to Aide-mémoire on a discussion with the Japanese Ambassador. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Covering note to papers on British manpower in the US. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Information on Turkish officers in the US. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Intent to start a chronological record of discussions on Japan. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on General Doyen's letter. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on Harvard undergraduate J.A. Ordway. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on Joint Staff Mission report. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on Ordway proposal for US volunteers for Britain. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on conversation with Squadron Leader Russell. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Notes on reports of Japanese troop movements in southern Indo-China. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Proposal of Ordway proposals at Clement-Jones Sub-Committee. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Record of progress on proposals for modus vivendi and American talks with the Japanese. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Recruitment of non-skilled workers. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Response to letter of October 14th 1941. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Secret letter on Norris Tibbetts at Harvard. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Secret letter on the Ordway scheme. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Secret notes on Ordway proposals. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Summary of letter on Ordway and civilian recruitment. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Summary of three telegrams on Far East. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles and Cordell Hull. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough and Butler, Neville M.
  • Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles. (1941) Hayter, William Goodenough and Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Presentation of defense contracts and agreements. (1941) Henry, Self
  • Report of Washington War Conference, attended by Churchill, Halifax and representatives from Canada, New Zealand and Australia. (1941) Hollis, L. C.
  • Copy of document handed by the US Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador in the US. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Covering letter to aide-mémoire on the French government. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Receipt of letter and telegram on the Thai government. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Reports of Japanese attack on American Legation in Bangkok. (1941) Hull, Cordell
  • Brief notes on Japanese movements in Indo-China. (1941) Illegible
  • British requirements for technical officers from the US. (1941) Illegible
  • Confusion between Secretary Hull's and R. Craigie's reports from Tokyo regarding Japanese war ambitions. (1941) Illegible
  • Covering letter to Joint Declaration (State Department version). (1941) Illegible
  • Covering missive to copy of a letter by General Doyen. (1941) Illegible
  • Discusses possible telegram to FO on reasons why US may not be willing to take action on possible Japanese aggression to Russia. (1941) Illegible
  • Discussion of ammendments to the Lend Lease Act. (1941) Illegible
  • Discussion with Lord Halifax regarding negotiations with Japanese. (1941) Illegible
  • Doubts raised over US interpretation of Japanese intentions in Far East. (1941) Illegible
  • Future talking points with Secretary Hull and Under Secretary Welles on Japan. (1941) Illegible
  • HMG opening of a further account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the UK government. (1941) Illegible
  • Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. (1941) Illegible
  • Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. (1941) Illegible
  • Lend Lease and Turkey. (1941) Illegible
  • Letter on the general Turkish position. (1941) Illegible
  • Netherlands government request for US to support declaration of war if attacked by the Japanese. (1941) Illegible
  • Note concerning minutes by Mr. Dening with no details on what those minutes are. (1941) Illegible
  • Overview of the contents of eight telegrams on the subject of Japan. (1941) Illegible
  • Proposed talking points for UK Ambassador to raise with Secretary Hull on japanese negotiations. (1941) Illegible
  • Report of American-Dutch-British Staff Conversations at Singapore. (1941) Illegible
  • Report on conversation with Vice-President concerning Committee on Economic Defense. (1941) Illegible
  • Report on discussion regarding US-Japanese negotiations. (1941) Illegible
  • Request for message to be passed on to the President of the US. (1941) Illegible
  • Secret message regarding ability to censor the press. (1941) Illegible
  • Secret note in support of Peake's thoughts on the Presidential trip to meet the Prime Minister. (1941) Illegible
  • Secret notes on the status of France in the Joint Declaration. (1941) Illegible
  • Suggested actions on UK Ambassdor to Japan's three telegrams on US-Japanese negotiations on the Far East. (1941) Illegible and Hayter, William Goodenough and Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Potential exchange of British and Norweigan ships in French ports for French shipping held by the British authorities. (1941) Illegible and S., C. and Butler, Neville M.
  • Agreement by New Zealand to Joint Declaration. (1941) Langstone, Frank
  • Allied need to prevent a Turko-German rapprochement. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • British authorities have received intelligence on Marshal Petain. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Cover document to secret letters on Turkey Lend-Lease. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Covering letter to copy of telegram on volunteers and British Information Services in New York. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Discussion as to who is to sign the "Joint Declaration" for India and New Zealand. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Draft receipt of a letter on the protection of British interests in Guadeloupe from the British Consul. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • General description of the situation regarding the messages exchanged between the UK Prime Minister and the President of the US. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Information on passport control and British subjects. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Notes on American assistance on British projects. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Notes on alterations to Allied Joint Declaration. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Notes on recent telegrams that raise questions on foreign policy. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Notes on strategic assistance to Turkey. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Official text issued by the British Embassy on the Nemours incident. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Possible ammendments to Allied Joint Declaration. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Request for message to be passed on to Sumner Welles on Japan in Indo-China. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Secret description of discussion between Churchill and Roosevelt. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Secret note on supply of war materials to Turkey. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Telephone conversation with Sir Bajpai. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • UK authorities are weighing a range of responses to Japanese aggression in Indo-China. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • US military construction in British territories and sending US technicians to work in the UK. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer
  • Need to clarify position of the US in regards to negotiations with the Japanese. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Campbell, Ronald Ian
  • Notes on conversation between First Secretary Hayter and Air Ministry's Cribbett. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Foster, John and Illegible
  • Discussion as to whom should sign the "Joint Declaration" for the Dominion governments. (1941) Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Conveyance of thanks to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (1941) Morgenthau, Henry
  • Secret questions on US Technical Officers. (1941) O., T. O.
  • Secret note on possible meeting between the President and the Prime Minister. (1941) Peake, Osbert
  • Paraphrase of a report from US Ambassador in Ankara regarding Turkish support for Allies. (1941) R., A.
  • Notes (in various hands) on the British archives in Martinique. (1941) R., A. and Hayter, William Goodenough
  • Secret message on the construction of Pacific airbases. (1941) Ronald, N. B.
  • Messages to Stalin and Chiang Kai-Shek. (1941) Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
  • Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriation Bill, 1941. (1941) Taylor, Edward Thomas
  • Questions on potential Ordway proposal. (1941) Tibbetts, Norris
  • British government despatches instructions on economic warfare measures versus Japan. (1941) Unknown
  • Covering note and two draft letters on US-Japanese relations. (1941) Unknown
  • Covering note to a re-draft of the Joint Declaration. (1941) Unknown
  • Draft Joint Declaration. (1941) Unknown
  • Draft instrument of ratification for the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Unknown
  • Draft protocol of exchange on treaty ratifications. (1941) Unknown
  • Exchange of ratifications of treaties between the US and the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand governments regarding any disputes. (1941) Unknown
  • Minutes from heads of missions, British Joint Staff Mission in Washington to Chiefs of Staff on manpower. (1941) Unknown
  • Note on military desertion and British law. (1941) Unknown
  • Note on the desptach referring to the US Vice-Consul at Guadeloupe. (1941) Unknown
  • Notes on the Allied conference discussing the Far East. (1941) Unknown
  • Position on destroyers-bases deal in the Caribbean. (1941) Unknown
  • Return of borrowed document (?) from UK Embassy to the US. (1941) Unknown
  • Secret telegram from Bangkok on Japanese aggression to Thailand. (1941) Unknown
  • Cover note and report by Ecuadorian Minister to Vichy France on Russo-Japanese Pact. (1941) Unknown and Unknown
  • Notes on discussion with US War Department regarding Turkey. (1941) V., J.W.
  • Notes on the recruiment of scientists and the Hankey Committee. (1941) Webster, W. L.
  • Confidential information on secret message from Roosevelt to Churchill. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Package of telegram paraphrases. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of message from Churchill to Roosevelt. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of message received. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from President Roosevelt to Churchill. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Paraphrase of secret message from Winston Churchill to Roosevelt with covering note. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Receipt of information on correspodence with the Icelandic government. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Receipt of telegram on a meeting held at Wellington on March 16th 1941. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Report of conversation with Petain and Darlan. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Secret cover letter on aide-mémoires concerning US-Japanese relations. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Secret response to telephone conversation on secret documents. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Text of a telegram on HMG account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. (1941) Welles, Sumner
  • Covering letter to proposal from Ordway. (1941) Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler
  • Note on feeling in American universities. (1941) Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler
  • UK recruitment of young US scientists for research establishments in the Supply Department. (1941) Whitehead, T. North
  • Call for urgent action on Thailand situation. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Conversation with Cordell Hull concerning the Thai situation. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Covering letter and press release on Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Covering letter to aide-mémoire on the French government. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Covering letter to copies of telegram from Duff Cooper. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Covering letter to telegram on Thai oil shortage. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Covering note to document on a previous conversation. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Forwarding a message from Duff Cooper on proposed naval and military conference. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Halifax informs Welles of the request made by the Icelandic government for more information on the US visit. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Information on correspondence between the governments of Britain and Iceland. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Message on the timeline of the creation of the Lease-Lend Act, signed by Roosevelt on March 11th. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Note on US-British technical co-operation. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Notes on UK Embassy Official's conversation with Japanese Ambassador to US regarding US-Japanese negotiations. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Notes on conversation with Secretary Hull about possible warning to Japan to not move against Russia. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Notes on the Joint Declaration. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Paraphrase of telegram on the meeting between Petain and Goering. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Receipt of letter of the 14th December. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Report on conversation with Sumner Welles on Japanese prospects. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Request as to why a message has only just reached the British Ambassador. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Response to a despatch on the treaty between the United States and New Zealand. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Response to expansion of Japanese present policy to Thailand. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Response to message that President Roosevelt thought it injudicious to immediately withdraw British troops from Iceland. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Secret message on on hand-over of Vichy bases in North Africa to Germany. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Secret note on aide-mémoire (#A00001027). (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Secret report on talks with Japanese Ambassador. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Thoughts on report from Anthony Eden on discussion with Stalin in Moscow. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Transmission of copies of Presidential messages on the Anglo-US Peace Commission. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley
  • Update after earlier conversation on Japanese movements in Indo-China. (1941) Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley