Items where Year is 1994
Number of items: 28.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 57 No. 1. (1994)
Health Care in Colombia c.1920-c.1950. A Preliminary Analysis. (1994)
Abel, Christopher
The Food Industry in Brazil: Towards a Restructuring? (1994)
Belik, Walter
On democracy in Brazil past and present. (1994)
Bethell, Leslie
Minimal Realism. (1994)
Caruana, Louis
Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the United States. (1994)
Corten, Andre and Andreu, Federico
uBungca (Oxford Bags): Recordings in London of African and West Indian music in the 1920s and 1930s. (1994)
Cowley, John
Corporatism Revisited: Salinas and the Reform of the Popular Sector. (1994)
Craske, Nikki
The Afrikaner takeover: Nationalist politics and the colonisation of South Africa's Parastatals 1948-1960. (1994)
Cross, Tim
Structural adjustment and health in Zimbabwe. (1994)
Davies, Rob
The chronic sick on Robben Island 1846-1892. (1994)
Deacon, Harriet
Explanation, Unification, & Content. (1994)
Gemes, Ken
BDEEP The Conservative Government and the End of Empire 1951- 1957 - Part 1. (1994)
Goldsworthy, David
The Conservative Government and End of Empire 1951 - 57 part 2. (1994)
Goldsworthy, David
The Conservative Government and End of Empire 1951-57 part 3. (1994)
Goldsworthy, David
The ethnicisation of politics and politicisation of ethnicity, culture and political development in South Africa. (1994)
Kaarsholm, Preben
Social security in South Africa: The link between welfare and development. (1994)
Lund, Fancie
Linguistics, Logic and Finite Trees. (1994)
Meyer-Viol, Wilfried and Blackburn, Patrick
The Killing floor: The First World War and the emergence of the South African beef industry 1902-24. (1994)
Milton, Shaun
Professor Leo Fouche, The history department and the Afrikanerisation of the University of Pretoria. (1994)
Mouton, F A
In search of nobility: The antecedents of Dawid van der Merwe of the Koue Bokkveld. (1994)
Newton-King, Susan
Lashers and leviathan: The 1954 Wankie Colliery strike. (1994)
Phimister, Ian
Creating ethnicity in the British colonial Cape: coloured and Malay contrasted. (1994)
Ridd, Rosemary
The Military in Central America: The Challenge of Transition. (1994)
Sieder, Rachel and Dunkerley, James
The establishment of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London. (1994)
Steiner, Willi
The imperial colossus and the colonial parish pump: Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners. (1994)
Tamarkin, M
Van Iuebeeck day and the new Jerusalem: Identity, community and violence in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cape. (1994)
Trapido, Stanley
Arguments of accountability: historical narrative, crisis and social biography in Zimbabwe. (1994)
Werbner, Richard