Number of items: 190.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 2. (2007)
The South African Constitution and the transition from apartheid: legislating the reconciliation of rights in a multi-cultural society. (2007)
Asmal, Kader
From Private to Public: the Durning-Lawrence Library at the University of London. (2007)
Attar, Karen
Financial crimes and financial misdemeanours. (2007)
Bamford, Colin
The constitutional tree: rendering the branches. (2007)
Barlow, Craig
Delivering public private partnership in the EU: the competitive dialogue as a procurement process. (2007)
Bovis, Christopher H.
The God Delusion: Dawkins on Religion. (2007)
Burns, Elizabeth
Case Note: Denmark. (2007)
Case Note:, Denmark
Case Note: Denmark. (2007)
Case Note:, Denmark
Case Note: Germany. (2007)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Germany. (2007)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Greece. (2007)
Case Note:, Greece
Case Note: Italy. (2007)
Case Note:, Italy
Case Note: People's Republic of China. (2007)
Case Note:, People's Republic of China
Case Note: People's Republic of China. (2007)
Case Note:, People's Republic of China
Case Note: Republic of Slovenia. (2007)
Case Note:, Republic of Slovenia
Case Note: Russian Federation. (2007)
Case Note:, Russian Federation
Reference and meaning: the ambiguity of definite descriptions in wills. (2007)
Charnock, Ross
The West Indian Club Ltd: an early 20th century West Indian interest in London. (2007)
Clover, David
Through the looking glass? Prisoners' children and penal policy. (2007)
Codd, Helen
Intentionalism. (2007)
Crane, Tim
Credit information for Volume 4. (2007)
Credits, Volume 4
Sub-imperial globalisation and the phoenix of empire: sugar, engineering and commerce in nineteenth-century Cuba. (2007)
Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Lorraine v Markel: unnecessarily raising the standard for admissibility of electronic evidence. (2007)
Esler, Brian W.
Issues in measuring the efficacy of a suspicious activity reports (SARs) regime. (2007)
Fleming, Matthew H.
The Value of Knowledge and the Test of Time. (2007)
Fricker, Miranda
Probability in GRW Theory. (2007)
Frigg, Roman and Hoefer, C
Merleau-Ponty's Transcendental Theory of Perception. (2007)
Gardner, S
A copyright balance? An overview for librarians of current UK copyright law. (2007)
Gee, David
The Eternal Return of the Same Intellects. A new edition of Girolamo Cardano's De Immortalitate Animorum. (2007)
Giglioni, Guido
Scepticism and Justification. (2007)
Grayling, Anthony
Truth, Meaning and Contextualism. (2007)
Guttenplan, Samuel
Welfare, Voting and the Constitution of a Federal Assembly. (2007)
Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L
Reliable Methods of Judgment Aggregation. (2007)
Hartmann, Stephan and Pigozzi, G and Sprenger, J
Professionalism in digital forensics. (2007)
Irons, Alistair and Konstadopoulou, Anastasia
The cost of organised transnational economic crime: a case study from the health sector. (2007)
Jayasuriya, Dayanath
"The 'I' inside 'her'": Queer Narration in Sarah Waters's Tipping the Velvet and Wesley Stace's Misfortune. (2007)
Jeremiah, Emily
The Unity of a Tractarian Fact. (2007)
Johnston, Colin
Metamerism, Constancy, and Knowing Which. (2007)
Kalderon, Mark
The Multiply Qualitative. (2007)
Kalderon, Mark
Competition versus cooperation: German federalism in need of constitutional amendments. (2007)
Karpen, Ulrich
Electronic signatures: value in law and probative effectiveness in Greece. (2007)
Komnios, Komninos
Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach. (2007)
Lappin, Shalom and Fernandez, R and Ginzburg, J
Machine Learning Theory and Practice as a Source of Insight into Universal Grammar. (2007)
Lappin, Shalom and Shieber, S
The Legal Services Act: a Law Society perspective. (2007)
Law Society, Government Relations Directorate
Five Private Language Arguments. (2007)
Law, Stephen
E-commerce for Notaries in England & Wales. (2007)
Lightowler, Michael
Dealing in cultural objects: a new criminal law for the UK. (2007)
Mackenzie, Simon
Admissibility of computer evidence in Tanzania. (2007)
Makulilo, Alex B.
Austin: Sense & Sensibilia Revisited. (2007)
Martin, Michael
Beyond Dispute. (2007)
Martin, Michael
On Being Alienated. (2007)
Martin, Michael
Particular Thoughts & Singular Thought. (2007)
Martin, Michael
Setting Things Before the Mind. (2007)
Martin, Michael
Editorial. (2007)
Mason, Stephen
When is case law on the web the "official" published source? Criteria, quandaries, and implications for the US and the UK. (2007)
Matthews, Richard
The role of the notary in real estate conveyancing. (2007)
Morandi, Eliana
Trends in the South African Constitutional Court's jurisprudence on property protection and regulation. (2007)
Mostert, Hanri
From mothering behind bars to parenting beyond barriers? The right to family life and the politics of imprisonment. (2007)
Munro, Vanessa
The Business of crime. (2007)
Nakajima, Chizu
Telematic Land Registers: the role of the civil law notary. (2007)
Nastri, Michele
Telematic Land Registers: the role of the civil law notary. (2007)
Nastri, Michele
News Items. (2007)
News, Items
Self-knowledge, Agency and Force. (2007)
O'Brien, Lucy
The protection of cultural property in armed conflict. (2007)
O'Keefe, Roger
Kripke’s Argument is Ad Hominem Not Two-Dimensional. (2007)
Papineau, David
Naturalism. (2007)
Papineau, David
The electronic signature in Chile. (2007)
Quintanilla, Jorge and Doren, Cristian and Hernández, Diego
Book Report. (2007)
Report, Book
European Civil Law Notaries ready to launch international digital deeds. (2007)
Reynis, Bernard and Bechini, Ugo
Sartre and Bergson: A Disagreement about Nothingness. (2007)
Richmond, Sarah
Integrating qualified electronic signatures with password legacy systems. (2007)
Roßnagel, Heiko and Zibuschka, Jan
‘Maternité rendue, maternité perdue’: the return of/to the past in Le Jour où jen’étais pas là. (2007)
Rye, Gill
The Essence of Reference. (2007)
Sainsbury, Mark
Five Flies in the Ointment. (2007)
Segal, Gabriel
Judicial activism and overreach in India. (2007)
Shunmugasundaram, R.
What We Mean, What We Think We Mean, and How Language Can Surprise Us. (2007)
Smith, Barry
GE Moore on Sense-data and Perception. (2007)
Snowdon, Paul
Trustees, tribunals and taxes: creativity in Victorian law. (2007)
Stebbings, Chantal
The creation of Qualified Signatures with Trusted Platform Modules. (2007)
Stumpf, Frederic and Sacher, Markus and Eckert, Claudia and Roßnagel, Alexander
The German electronic order for payment procedure. (2007)
Sujecki, Bartosz
Introduction to Textual Scholarship and the Material Book. (2007)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Becoming Fully Human. (2007)
Vardy, Peter
Scanlon on Substantive Responsibility. (2007)
Voorhoeve, Alex
Silent, forgotten and vulnerable: examining the risks for children with a parent in prison. (2007)
Walker, Janet
Legal aid - and where do we go from here? (2007)
Williams, Sally A.M.
I.R. Willison’s response to the presentation of his Festschrift, University of London. (2007)
Willison, Ian
Muriel Anderson: an appreciation. (2007)
Winterton, Jules
Health Risks and the People Who Bear Them. (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
Making the World Safe for Utilitarianism. (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
Market Failure, Common Interests, and the Titanic Puzzle. (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
Mean, Mode and Median Utilitarianism. (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
What Sort of Person Am I? Reproductive Choice and Moral Character. (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
What is the Value of Preventing a Fatality? (2007)
Wolff, Jonathan
The German UMAG of 22 September 2005. (2007)
Wooldridge, Frank
The private company in Spanish law. (2007)
Wooldridge, Frank
The supervisory boards of large Dutch companies. (2007)
Wooldridge, Frank
Achievements of the People in Place Project to Date (October 2005). (2007)
Harding, Vanessa and Davies, Matthew and Smith, Richard
Aims and Objectives for the First Year of the Research Grant (October 2003-October 2004). (2007)
Harding, Vanessa and Davies, Matthew and Smith, Richard
Edited Summary of the Application to the Arts and Humanities Research Board (November 2002) for the People in Place Research Project. (2007)
Harding, Vanessa and Davies, Matthew and Smith, Richard
Research Grant Final Report to the AHRC (Ref 16429). (2007)
Harding, Vanessa and Davies, Matthew and Smith, Richard
Intute: Law – the What? Why? How? Where? and Who? (2007)
Whittle, Steven
Conference or Workshop Item
The history curriculum: past, present and future. (2007)
Armitage, Paul
What is a history education for? - Ros Ashby. (2007)
Ashby, Ros
Conference Report. (2007)
Bates, David and Armitage, Paul
The Victoria County History and publication. (2007)
Beckett, John
Copyright and licensing. (2007)
Bliss, Zoe
Suspects in Europe: Towards a Real Commitment to Minimum Standards? (2007)
Cape, Ed
Why history matters; two historians' perspectives: Justin Champion. (2007)
Champion, Justin
Religious nationalism and foreign policy: India and Israel compared. (2007)
Chiriyankandath, James
The experience of the London Record Society. (2007)
Davies, Matthew
Why history matters: further perspectives from a historian and an archaeologist - Madge Dresser. (2007)
Dresser, Madge
Why history matters; two historians' perspectives: Roy Foster. (2007)
Foster, Roy
What is a history education for? - Stuart Foster. (2007)
Foster, Stuart
Fixed Fees, Equality and Diversity. (2007)
Griffith, Adam J. G.
Creating a curriculum that will help all young people in Britain understand the world in which they live - Penelope Harnett. (2007)
Harnett, Penelope
Why history matters: further perspectives from a historian and an archaeologist - Don Henson. (2007)
Henson, Don
London Palaeography Summer School [Summer School in Manuscript Studies] programme 2007. (2007)
Holman, Zoe
Moral Fictionalism, the Frege–Geach Problem, and Reasonable Inference. (2007)
Kalderon, Mark
Morality: Fact or Fiction? (2007)
Kalderon, Mark
To Lawyer or Not to Lawyer, Is that the question? (2007)
Kritzer, Herbert M.
Students' historical knowledge: what research tells us - Part 1. (2007)
Lee, Peter
Students' historical knowledge: what research tells us - Part 2. (2007)
Lee, Peter
Paper: 'Putting People in Place - the Jigsaw Project'. (2007)
Merry, Mark
Paper: 'Family and household in late 17th century London: a Social Snapshot'. (2007)
Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
Paper: 'Family, housing and household in early modern London'. (2007)
Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
Conference Programme. (2007)
Millum, Danny
Uncontested Professionalism: Phoney Turf Wars and the Myth of Holism. (2007)
Moorhead, Richard
Libraries as history: the importance of libraries beyond their texts. (2007)
Pearson, David
Small claims mediation - does it do what it says on the tin? (2007)
Reid, Val and Doyle, Margaret
Creating a curriculum that will help all young people in Britain understand the world in which they live - Michael Riley. (2007)
Riley, Michael
Lesbian mothering and the family in France. (2007)
Rye, Gill
Threshold worlds: Marie Darrieussecq’s 'Le Pays' (2005). (2007)
Rye, Gill
Human Rights and Access to Justice. (2007)
Smith, Roger
British History Online - a case study. (2007)
Tate, Bruce
Creating a curriculum that will help all young people in Britain understand the world in which they live - Rachel Ward. (2007)
Ward, Rachel
Digital publication - the available options. (2007)
Winters, Jane
Open Access Publishing. (2007)
Winters, Jane
Legal Information on the Web - can we trust the official version? (2007)
Winterton, Jules
Working Class Militancy and the Downfall of Batista: the relationship between mass action and the armed struggle in Cuba 1952-59. (2007)
Cushion, Stephen
Legal transplants and economics: the World Bank and Third World economies in the 1980s - A case study of Jamaica, the Republic of Kenya and the Philippines. (2007)
Edwards, Gail
Justice and the duties of social equality. (2007)
Fourie, Carina
A Question of Leadership, “Read My Lips: No New Taxes.”. (2007)
Luxon, Stuart D
The Development of 'Revolutionary Consciousness' in Maurice Bishop's Grenada. (2007)
Morris, Edward
'No Tyrants Here Linger': Understandings of Democracy in Modern Belize. (2007)
Nowottny, Mark
'To parry the daggers of assasins is not to canvass votes for the Presidency': Popular campaigning and the presidential election of 1824. (2007)
Peart, Daniel
Reference and Modality: A Theory of Intensions. (2007)
Pelman, Alik
The Metaphysics of Corporate Agency. (2007)
Smith, Thomas
Faith, fiction and the historical Jesus: theological revisionism and its influence on fictional representations of the Gospels (c. 1860-1920). (2007)
Stevens, Jennifer
Equal Opportunity, Equality, And Responsibility. (2007)
Voorhoeve, Alexander
Bhimakali Temple Museum, Sarahan. (2007)
Devatta Procession, Rampur (winter capital of the state of Bashahr). (2007)
Nako Temple Complex, Nako. (2007)
Reception Hall in Raja's Palace, Rampur. (2007)
Tibetan Buddhist Temples in Rekong Peo. (2007)
Entrance Gates to the Bhimakali Temple Complex, Sarahan. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Hanuman Temple in Bimakali Temple Courtyard, Sarahan. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Images from the Town of Rampur, old capital of Bashahr. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Inside the Bhimakali Temple Complex, Sarahan. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Inside the Bimakali Temple Complex. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
The Last Trading Post in Kinnaur - Namgya Village and the caravan route to Tibet. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Nako Temple Complex. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Palace Compound in Rampur, the old capital of the Rajas of Bashahr. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Small Bhimakali Temple, Bhimakali Temple Complex, Sarahan. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Snake Charmers at Rekong Peo. (2007)
Halkias, Georgios
Leverhulme World War II published book lists. (2007)
Arioti, Lucilla
Poll Tax data. (2007)
Merry, Mark
Summary statistics sample. (2007)
Merry, Mark
Source specific datasets, Cheapside and Tower Hill, 1558-1769. (2007)
Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
Family Reconstitution Data (Clerkenwell). (2007)
Newton, Gill
Parish Register Data (Clerkenwell). (2007)
Newton, Gill
Family Reconstitution Data (Cheapside). (2007)
Newton, Gill and Baker, Philip
Parish Register Data (Cheapside). (2007)
Newton, Gill and Baker, Philip
English book owners in the seventeenth century: a work in progress listing (2007 version). (2007)
Pearson, David
Index for the London Book Trades database. (2007)
Turner, Michael
Discussion or working paper
Should Evidence be Probable? A Comment on Roush. (2007)
Cartwright, Nancy and Fennell, D
Merleau-Ponty's Transcendental Theory of Perception. (2007)
Gardner, Sebastian
Carnap-Confirmation, Content-Cutting, & Real Confirmation. (2007)
Gemes, Ken
Content & Watkins' Account of Natural Axiomatizations. (2007)
Gemes, Ken
Epistemological Vs. Causal Explanation in Quine, Or, Quine: Sic et Non. (2007)
Gemes, Ken
The Problem of Evil and Its Solution. (2007)
Gemes, Ken
Strangers to Ourselves: Nietzsche on The Will to Truth, The Scientific Spirit, Free Will, and Genuine Selfhood. (2007)
Gemes, Ken
The Problem of Consciousness and the Innerness of the Mind. (2007)
Hopkins, Jim
Withdrawal from the Senses and Cartesian Physics in the Meditations. (2007)
Patterson, Sarah