Items where Year is 2012
Number of items: 172.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 3. (2012)
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 63. (2012)
May Day: why the right to protest should be sacred. (2012)
Aborisade, Femi
Efficiency and effectiveness of the law making process of Uganda. (2012)
Aceng, Florence
Foreign branch exemption (CTA 2009 Pt 2 Ch 3A): acceptable tax competition/simplification or ‘the heist of the century’? (2012)
Adam, Timothy
The principle of Ultra Vires and the local authorities’ decisions in England. (2012)
Aguma, Kalimba Charles
Practical implementation of CRD III remuneration rules in the UK - issues and results. (2012)
Alexander, Kern
Prolegomena to Atlantic Catholic Citizenship. (2012)
Alonso, Gregorio
The impact of money laundering on economic, and financial stability and on political development of developing countries. (2012)
Aluko, Ayodegi
Digital Forensics Institute in Malaysia: the way forward. (2012)
Ariffin, Aswami and Slay, Jill and Jazri, Husin
Human Rights & The Millennium Development Goals: “A human rights based approach to implementing gender equality in Zimbabwe". (2012)
Banda, Victoria
The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889. (2012)
Barman, Roderick J.
A critical analysis of the Ethiopian Commercial Code in light of OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. (2012)
Bekele, Gebeyaw Simachew
Latin America’s debt crisis and “lost decade”. (2012)
Bertola, Luis and Ocampo, Antonio
Besson, Jean
Statutory interpretation in multilingual jurisdictions. (2012)
Birungi Kamugundu, Odethie
Letter to the editor. (2012)
Bohm, Nicholas
The Psychosexual Counselling Tapes of Dr Joan Malleson: New Theories. (2012)
Borge, Jessica
Forging Commonwealth consensus: the buck stops with the Secretary-General. (2012)
Bourne, Richard
Is a victim-centred approach to human trafficking key to increasing prosecution rates for human trafficking crimes? A UK case study. (2012)
Brotherton, Vicky
The extent to which Corporate Governance may be successfully implemented by the Business Community: the role of Public Entities and Non profit-making Organisations. (2012)
Brown, Angella Dianee
Freedom to Trade, Free Trade and Laissez-Faire: Latin American Approaches to Economic Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century. (2012)
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
Is there a distinctively feminist philosophy of religion? (2012)
Burns, Elizabeth
Ontological arguments from experience: Daniel A. Dombrowski, Iris Murdoch, and the nature of divine reality. (2012)
Burns, Elizabeth
Opportunities for National Biography Online: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2005–2012. (2012)
Carter, Philip
Case Note: Singapore. (2012)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Translation: Brussels. (2012)
Case Translation:, Belgium
Case Translation: Dubai. (2012)
Case Translation:, Dubai
Case Translation: Japan. (2012)
Case Translation:, Japan
Case Translation: Japan. (2012)
Case Translation:, Japan
Case Translation: Norway. (2012)
Case Translation:, Norway
Case Translation: Republic of Turkey. (2012)
Case Translation:, Republic of Turkey
Is it possible to establish effective financial services regulatory controls in multi-national enterprises? (2012)
Chapman, Rosemary
Why a legal opinion is necessary for electronic records management systems. (2012)
Chasse, Ken
Special Relations: The University of London and the University College of the West Indies. (2012)
Clover, David
Corporate Social Responsibility: an honest duplicity. (2012)
Connolly, Nicholas
Child Protection in Post-war Sierra Leone: Contextualizing provision, protection and
participation rights of children. (2012)
Conteh, Alimamy
A five-point plan to make the Commonwealth Foundation’s re-launch transformational. (2012)
Cooper, Daisy
Queen Elizabeth II should be the final Head of the Commonwealth. (2012)
Cooper, Daisy and Murphy, Philip
Prerogative legislation as the paradigm of bad law-making: The Chagos Islands. (2012)
Cormacain, Ronan
Private Interests, Extreme Energy and the Human Right to Water. (2012)
Cowell, Victoria
Credit information for Volume 9. (2012)
Credits, Volume 9
At Rio+20, the green economy won’t save the planet.But green democracy will. (2012)
Crook, Martin and Patel, Raj
Corporate Governance and Economic Development in Less Developed and Developing Countries. An appraisal of country-level and International Measures. (2012)
Darwish, Rania
SAS Open Journals. Overlaying an Open Journals service onto an institutional repository. (2012)
Davis, Richard and McNicholl, Rory and Webster, Peter
Reducing overreliance on credit ratings: failing strategies and the need to start from scratch. (2012)
De Pascalis, Francesco
Jamaica’s Environment in the Post-Colonial Era:
resources, risk(s) and responses. (2012)
Dodman, David
The commercial corruption and Money Laundering: How adequate are the regulatory mechanisms? (2012)
Ekwueme, Ejike Anaeto
The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: An Insight into The Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act of 2004, Laws of Nigeria. (2012)
Ezewudo, Chibueze Valentine
A combination or a key? The Fifth Amendment and privilege against compelled decryption. (2012)
Fakhoury, Hanni
Palestinian children's rights. (2012)
Farooq, Sobhia
Humanitarian aid relief or displacement protections: Assessing the appropriate framework response to the effects of climate change. (2012)
Flavius, Denis
Brazilian experience – The crash of 1982. (2012)
Freitas, Carlos Eduardo
The Argentine Foreign Debt Default and Restructuring. (2012)
Frenkel, Roberto
Human rights, colonialism and post-colonial conflict resolution: historical justice litigation. (2012)
Frost, Tom and Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
Fuel economy policies could spare Commonwealth governments from an impending transport fuels disaster. (2012)
Fulton, Dr Lewis M
The Continuation of Genocide without Mass Murder: The cases of 'cultural genocide' and 'ecocide' in Australia. (2012)
Gauger, Anja
Ecocide is the missing 5th Crime Against Peace. (2012)
Gauger, Anja and Rabatel-Fernel, Mai Pouye and Kulbicki, Louise and Short, Damien and Higgins, Polly
SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2010/2011. (2012)
Gee, David
Introduction: Tommaso Campanella and the arts of writing. (2012)
Giglioni, Guido
The Metaphysical Implications of Campanella's Notion of Fiction. (2012)
Giglioni, Guido
Philosophy According to Tacitus: Francis Bacon and the Inquiry into the Limits of Human Self-Delusion. (2012)
Giglioni, Guido
How Brady worked and why London. (2012)
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
A critical analysis of Ethiopian Civil Code: in light of the core features of Continental European Codification. (2012)
Haile, Liku Worku
Forensic document examination of electronically captured signatures. (2012)
Harralson, Heidi H.
A Charter for the Press? (2012)
Harris, Julian
Holding the Bank of England to account. (2012)
Harris, Julian
A long-term view of financial regulation. (2012)
Harris, Julian
The politics of press regulation. (2012)
Harris, Julian
eDiscovery in New Zealand under the new amended rules. (2012)
Harvey, David and Garrie, Daniel B.
The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012)
Heidemann, Maren
The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012)
Heidemann, Maren
Interpreting the new South African Companies Act: some challenges. (2012)
Henning, Johan
The Social and Political Significance of Workfare in the United Kingdom. (2012)
Hinton, Eleanor
Truth and reconciliation commissions. (2012)
Hortenstine, Katie
Informality, security and neighbourhood development in downtown Kingston. (2012)
Howard, David
London Rare Books School programme 2012. (2012)
Institute of English Studies, IES
Bilingual legislation: the consistency between two languages of law. (2012)
Ismail, Norismizan Haji
Introduction: Developing a Nomadic Ethics. (2012)
Jeremiah, Emily
The causes and the effects of the deficiency in the Pre-Legislative and Legislative scrutiny processes in
St. Lucia. (2012)
John-Theobalds, Michelle
The Haitian Revolution: Liberalism or Radical Universalism? (2012)
Kaisary, Philip
Migration and human rights - challenges and possibilities. (2012)
Karpen, Ulrich
Transitional justice and the transition to democracy: looking at the past to gain a better perspective for the future. (2012)
Karpen, Ulrich
Attribution of profits to permanent establishments under UK law – Inbound situations – (UK permanent establishment of a non-resident company). (2012)
Kepper, Philipp
Defence cooperation in Europe in the context of the European Union's Common Defence and Security Policy: what has been, will be again? (2012)
Konstadinides, Theodore
Life in the Suburbs: Property History Narratives. (2012)
Latham, Mark
State and development: economic liberalism in theory and practice, c.1900. (2012)
Lewis, Colin M.
Technology and banking: lessons from the past. (2012)
Lindup, Ken
Interview with Gary Littlejohn. (2012)
Littlejohn, Gary and Rockel, Vanessa
London Palaeography Summer School programme 2012. (2012)
Lovett, Patricia and Norbye, Marigold and Brown, Michelle
Judah Benjamin: the Confederate barrister. (2012)
MacMillan, Catharine
Interview with Andre Mahommed. (2012)
Mahommed, Andre and Rockel, Vanessa
BBC interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012)
Manghezi, Alpheus
Interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012)
Manghezi, Alpheus and Rockel, Vanessa
The authority of a truncated arbitral tribunal - straight path or puzzle? (2012)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
The concept of good faith in international investment disputes - the arbitrator's dilemma. (2012)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
As Western Governments squeeze public services, the BRICs expand them: new efforts to tackle poverty and inequality in Brazil, South Africa, India and China. (2012)
Manor, James
Modernity and Freemasonry in Nineteenth-Century Central America. (2012)
Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo
Cameras in the courts: why the prohibition occurred in the UK. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
Editorial. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
Vehicle remote keyless entry systems and engine immobilisers: do not believe the insurer that this technology is perfect. (2012)
Mason, Stephen
The Provision of Underground Public Conveniences in London with Reference to Gender Differentials, 1850s-1980s. (2012)
McCabe, Sarah
Princess Carlota Joaquina and the Monarchist Alternative in Spanish American Independence. (2012)
McFarlane, Anthony
Jamaica on the Cusp of Fifty: Whither Nationalism and Sovereignty? (2012)
Meeks, Brian
Beyond the veneer of reconciliation: human rights and democracy in Rwanda. (2012)
Melvin, Jennifer
The Drafter’s role in the drafting process. (2012)
Mico, Augustin
Stewardship and the insolvency practitioner: a review of the current position. (2012)
Milman, David
EU defence rights: how the system can be improved. (2012)
Mitchell, Jonathan
Digital Forensics Specialist Group. (2012)
Moore, Miranda and Iveson, Simon
Pre-legislative scrutiny as a way of ensuring the quality of legislation. (2012)
Mukeshimana, Beata
The East Asian Journal of British History, vol. 2. (2012)
Nakamura, Takeshi and Kim, Sangsoo and Do Jung, Chan and Mizokami, Hiromi and Sato, Shohei and Lee, Young-Suk and Yoon, Young Hwi and Frank, Jacob and Nam Na, Jong
The permanent establishment concept under tax treaties and its implications for multinational companies. (2012)
Nakayama, Aiko
Between Shared Understandings and Strategic Conflicts:
The Making of a Presidential Republic in Argentina, 1853-1860. (2012)
Negretto, Gabriel
Death in the suburbs: mortality in London and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700. (2012)
Newton, Gill
Use of legislative section headings to achieve effectiveness: Comparative Study of Rwandan and Australian jurisdictions. (2012)
Ngirinshuti, Samuel
Enforcing ‘simple’ electronic signatures in an international context. (2012)
Norton, William K.
Unauthorized use of bank cards with or without the PIN: a lost case for the customer? (2012)
Nuth, Maryke Silalahi
A Time For Renewed Nationalism. (2012)
O'kola, Andrew
'Cosmofobia' de Lucía Etxebarria: el miedo a lo diferente? (2012)
Oaknin, Mazal
Taxpayers rights protection in Nigeria. (2012)
Oke, Busayo O.
EFCC, Money Laundering regulation and Politically Exposed Persons: Evidential burden and the cobweb of legalism. (2012)
Oke, Tayo
The role of employees as stakeholders in corporate governance. (2012)
Okigbo, Martha Sophie
Monarchism and Liberalism in Mexico's Nineteenth Century. (2012)
Pani, Erika
Dean's Seminar: Branding Authorship: The Advantages of Anonymity. (2012)
Patten, Robert
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic: Cold War Trieste on Screen. (2012)
Pizzi, Katia
Pinocchio Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body. (2012)
Pizzi, Katia
Drafting of legislation in compliance with model laws. (2012)
Poloko, Lesedi
Drafting conventions, templates and legislative precedents and their effects on the drafting process and the drafter. (2012)
Quartey-Papafio, Agnes Naakwaley
Digital evidence in Malaysia. (2012)
Radhakrishna, Gita
Digital evidence in Malaysia. (2012)
Radhakrishna, Gita
Book Report. (2012)
Report, Book
Decolonising sexual citizenship: who will effect change in the south of the Commonwealth? (2012)
Robinson, Colin
A Commonwealth Free Trade Area is neither likely nor desirable. (2012)
Sanders, Sir Ronald
Interview with John Saul. (2012)
Saul, John and Rockel, Vanessa
Human rights, capital punishment and the Commonwealth: still behind the curve. (2012)
Schabas, Professor William
Inquest into justice of the Pakistani customary “Panchayat Justice System” in context of International Human Rights Law. (2012)
Shahid, Usman
Tax reform in the context of new Revenue Authority administration for Liberia. (2012)
Sherif, Musa M.
The Immigration Industry? A study of the effect of
privatisation on immigration detention and related
functions in the United Kingdom. (2012)
Shortland, David
Egypt’s revolution one year on – the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak was just the start. (2012)
Simic, Sasha
Good governance of sovereign wealth funds. The case of the Australia Future Fund. (2012)
Sinquin, Marianne
Scholasticism, Liberalism, Revolutionary Nationalism and Neoliberalism in Mexico. (2012)
Stack, Trevor
The central clearing of Over the Counter Derivatives and the potential risks: The need for international coordination for supervising and regulating clearing houses. (2012)
Stravolaimou, Eirini
The Right to Rehabilitation for Children. (2012)
Sumpton, Laila
Arbitration and Dispute Settlement in Foreign Indirect Investment. The increasing significance and use of arbitration in international loan agreements, syndicated loans and international bond issues. (2012)
Tatsis, Alexandros
Conference Report: Economic Liberalism in the Americas. (2012)
Toner, Deborah
Conference Report: Liberal Constitutionalism in the Americas, Theory and Practice. (2012)
Toner, Deborah
Conference Report: Liberalism and Religion. Secularisation and the Public Sphere in the Americas. (2012)
Toner, Deborah
Dean's Seminar: Prophets-Play: Personifying the Old Testament from Early Christian Homiletics to Medieval Drama. (2012)
Toth, Peter
Belgian cybercrime provisions. (2012)
Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
Belgian cybercrime provisions. (2012)
Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012)
Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012)
Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012)
Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
The pursuit of clarity, precision and unambiguity in drafting retrospective legislation. (2012)
Turatsinze, Elias
Introduction. (2012)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Hybrid signatures under Belgian law. (2012)
Vandendriessche, Johan
International capital markets: which have been the effects of the 2007 liquidity crisis on global financial regulation, supervision and compliance? (2012)
Vega, Patricio Juan
The impact of Basel II on EU banks, procyclical effects and proposals. (2012)
Verri, Marco
Surveillance cameras, identification and expert evidence. (2012)
Ward, Tony
To what extent are current efforts to tackle climate change in line with the Indigenous Peoples Movement? (2012)
Waters, Fiona
SAS Open Journals: final project report. (2012)
Webster, Peter
Superhero or Foe: Securitization as a Means of Rebuilding the American Housing Market. (2012)
Wells, Alisha
Fifty Years On: The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited and Reinterpreted. (2012)
White, Mark
Towards a decentralised European Public Prosecutor's Office. (2012)
White, Simone and Dorn, Nicholas
Amicus Curiae Pro Bono Publico - open access online publication at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2012)
Whittle, Steven
Jamaica and Caribbean Integration: Did One from Ten leave Nought? (2012)
Wilson, Steven
Minority rights in German public companies. (2012)
Wooldridge, Frank
Derivative claims under UK company law and some related provisions of German law. (2012)
Wooldridge, Frank and Davies, Liam
From London to Maputo: Ruth First and the Failures of Independence. (2012)
Zeilig, Leo
Contemplating privatisation of China's rural land ownership. (2012)
Zhang, Xiaoyang
Liberalismo y religión en el siglo XIX hispanoamericano. Reflexiones a partir del caso argentino. (2012)
di Stefano, Roberto
The Trojan horse defence – a modern problem of digital evidence. (2012)
Šepec, Miha