Items where Year is 2012

Number of items: 172.
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 62 No. 3. (2012) UNSPECIFIED
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 63. (2012) UNSPECIFIED
  • May Day: why the right to protest should be sacred. (2012) Aborisade, Femi
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of the law making process of Uganda. (2012) Aceng, Florence
  • Foreign branch exemption (CTA 2009 Pt 2 Ch 3A): acceptable tax competition/simplification or ‘the heist of the century’? (2012) Adam, Timothy
  • The principle of Ultra Vires and the local authorities’ decisions in England. (2012) Aguma, Kalimba Charles
  • Practical implementation of CRD III remuneration rules in the UK - issues and results. (2012) Alexander, Kern
  • Prolegomena to Atlantic Catholic Citizenship. (2012) Alonso, Gregorio
  • The impact of money laundering on economic, and financial stability and on political development of developing countries. (2012) Aluko, Ayodegi
  • Digital Forensics Institute in Malaysia: the way forward. (2012) Ariffin, Aswami and Slay, Jill and Jazri, Husin
  • Human Rights & The Millennium Development Goals: “A human rights based approach to implementing gender equality in Zimbabwe". (2012) Banda, Victoria
  • The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889. (2012) Barman, Roderick J.
  • A critical analysis of the Ethiopian Commercial Code in light of OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. (2012) Bekele, Gebeyaw Simachew
  • Latin America’s debt crisis and “lost decade”. (2012) Bertola, Luis and Ocampo, Antonio
  • Statutory interpretation in multilingual jurisdictions. (2012) Birungi Kamugundu, Odethie
  • Letter to the editor. (2012) Bohm, Nicholas
  • The Psychosexual Counselling Tapes of Dr Joan Malleson: New Theories. (2012) Borge, Jessica
  • Forging Commonwealth consensus: the buck stops with the Secretary-General. (2012) Bourne, Richard
  • Is a victim-centred approach to human trafficking key to increasing prosecution rates for human trafficking crimes? A UK case study. (2012) Brotherton, Vicky
  • The extent to which Corporate Governance may be successfully implemented by the Business Community: the role of Public Entities and Non profit-making Organisations. (2012) Brown, Angella Dianee
  • Freedom to Trade, Free Trade and Laissez-Faire: Latin American Approaches to Economic Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century. (2012) Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
  • Is there a distinctively feminist philosophy of religion? (2012) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Ontological arguments from experience: Daniel A. Dombrowski, Iris Murdoch, and the nature of divine reality. (2012) Burns, Elizabeth
  • Opportunities for National Biography Online: The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2005–2012. (2012) Carter, Philip
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2012) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Translation: Brussels. (2012) Case Translation:, Belgium
  • Case Translation: Dubai. (2012) Case Translation:, Dubai
  • Case Translation: Japan. (2012) Case Translation:, Japan
  • Case Translation: Japan. (2012) Case Translation:, Japan
  • Case Translation: Norway. (2012) Case Translation:, Norway
  • Case Translation: Republic of Turkey. (2012) Case Translation:, Republic of Turkey
  • Is it possible to establish effective financial services regulatory controls in multi-national enterprises? (2012) Chapman, Rosemary
  • Why a legal opinion is necessary for electronic records management systems. (2012) Chasse, Ken
  • Special Relations: The University of London and the University College of the West Indies. (2012) Clover, David
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: an honest duplicity. (2012) Connolly, Nicholas
  • Child Protection in Post-war Sierra Leone: Contextualizing provision, protection and participation rights of children. (2012) Conteh, Alimamy
  • A five-point plan to make the Commonwealth Foundation’s re-launch transformational. (2012) Cooper, Daisy
  • Queen Elizabeth II should be the final Head of the Commonwealth. (2012) Cooper, Daisy and Murphy, Philip
  • Prerogative legislation as the paradigm of bad law-making: The Chagos Islands. (2012) Cormacain, Ronan
  • Private Interests, Extreme Energy and the Human Right to Water. (2012) Cowell, Victoria
  • Credit information for Volume 9. (2012) Credits, Volume 9
  • At Rio+20, the green economy won’t save the planet.But green democracy will. (2012) Crook, Martin and Patel, Raj
  • Corporate Governance and Economic Development in Less Developed and Developing Countries. An appraisal of country-level and International Measures. (2012) Darwish, Rania
  • SAS Open Journals. Overlaying an Open Journals service onto an institutional repository. (2012) Davis, Richard and McNicholl, Rory and Webster, Peter
  • Reducing overreliance on credit ratings: failing strategies and the need to start from scratch. (2012) De Pascalis, Francesco
  • Jamaica’s Environment in the Post-Colonial Era: resources, risk(s) and responses. (2012) Dodman, David
  • The commercial corruption and Money Laundering: How adequate are the regulatory mechanisms? (2012) Ekwueme, Ejike Anaeto
  • The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: An Insight into The Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act of 2004, Laws of Nigeria. (2012) Ezewudo, Chibueze Valentine
  • A combination or a key? The Fifth Amendment and privilege against compelled decryption. (2012) Fakhoury, Hanni
  • Palestinian children's rights. (2012) Farooq, Sobhia
  • Humanitarian aid relief or displacement protections: Assessing the appropriate framework response to the effects of climate change. (2012) Flavius, Denis
  • Brazilian experience – The crash of 1982. (2012) Freitas, Carlos Eduardo
  • The Argentine Foreign Debt Default and Restructuring. (2012) Frenkel, Roberto
  • Human rights, colonialism and post-colonial conflict resolution: historical justice litigation. (2012) Frost, Tom and Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik
  • Fuel economy policies could spare Commonwealth governments from an impending transport fuels disaster. (2012) Fulton, Dr Lewis M
  • The Continuation of Genocide without Mass Murder: The cases of 'cultural genocide' and 'ecocide' in Australia. (2012) Gauger, Anja
  • Ecocide is the missing 5th Crime Against Peace. (2012) Gauger, Anja and Rabatel-Fernel, Mai Pouye and Kulbicki, Louise and Short, Damien and Higgins, Polly
  • SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2010/2011. (2012) Gee, David
  • Introduction: Tommaso Campanella and the arts of writing. (2012) Giglioni, Guido
  • The Metaphysical Implications of Campanella's Notion of Fiction. (2012) Giglioni, Guido
  • Philosophy According to Tacitus: Francis Bacon and the Inquiry into the Limits of Human Self-Delusion. (2012) Giglioni, Guido
  • How Brady worked and why London. (2012) Griffith-Jones, Stephany
  • A critical analysis of Ethiopian Civil Code: in light of the core features of Continental European Codification. (2012) Haile, Liku Worku
  • Forensic document examination of electronically captured signatures. (2012) Harralson, Heidi H.
  • A Charter for the Press? (2012) Harris, Julian
  • Holding the Bank of England to account. (2012) Harris, Julian
  • A long-term view of financial regulation. (2012) Harris, Julian
  • The politics of press regulation. (2012) Harris, Julian
  • eDiscovery in New Zealand under the new amended rules. (2012) Harvey, David and Garrie, Daniel B.
  • The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012) Heidemann, Maren
  • The Common European Sales Law proposal - European Private Law at the crossroads? (2012) Heidemann, Maren
  • Interpreting the new South African Companies Act: some challenges. (2012) Henning, Johan
  • The Social and Political Significance of Workfare in the United Kingdom. (2012) Hinton, Eleanor
  • Truth and reconciliation commissions. (2012) Hortenstine, Katie
  • Informality, security and neighbourhood development in downtown Kingston. (2012) Howard, David
  • London Rare Books School programme 2012. (2012) Institute of English Studies, IES
  • Bilingual legislation: the consistency between two languages of law. (2012) Ismail, Norismizan Haji
  • Introduction: Developing a Nomadic Ethics. (2012) Jeremiah, Emily
  • The causes and the effects of the deficiency in the Pre-Legislative and Legislative scrutiny processes in St. Lucia. (2012) John-Theobalds, Michelle
  • The Haitian Revolution: Liberalism or Radical Universalism? (2012) Kaisary, Philip
  • Migration and human rights - challenges and possibilities. (2012) Karpen, Ulrich
  • Transitional justice and the transition to democracy: looking at the past to gain a better perspective for the future. (2012) Karpen, Ulrich
  • Attribution of profits to permanent establishments under UK law – Inbound situations – (UK permanent establishment of a non-resident company). (2012) Kepper, Philipp
  • Defence cooperation in Europe in the context of the European Union's Common Defence and Security Policy: what has been, will be again? (2012) Konstadinides, Theodore
  • Life in the Suburbs: Property History Narratives. (2012) Latham, Mark
  • State and development: economic liberalism in theory and practice, c.1900. (2012) Lewis, Colin M.
  • Technology and banking: lessons from the past. (2012) Lindup, Ken
  • Interview with Gary Littlejohn. (2012) Littlejohn, Gary and Rockel, Vanessa
  • London Palaeography Summer School programme 2012. (2012) Lovett, Patricia and Norbye, Marigold and Brown, Michelle
  • Judah Benjamin: the Confederate barrister. (2012) MacMillan, Catharine
  • Interview with Andre Mahommed. (2012) Mahommed, Andre and Rockel, Vanessa
  • BBC interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012) Manghezi, Alpheus
  • Interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012) Manghezi, Alpheus and Rockel, Vanessa
  • The authority of a truncated arbitral tribunal - straight path or puzzle? (2012) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • The concept of good faith in international investment disputes - the arbitrator's dilemma. (2012) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • As Western Governments squeeze public services, the BRICs expand them: new efforts to tackle poverty and inequality in Brazil, South Africa, India and China. (2012) Manor, James
  • Modernity and Freemasonry in Nineteenth-Century Central America. (2012) Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo
  • Cameras in the courts: why the prohibition occurred in the UK. (2012) Mason, Stephen
  • Editorial. (2012) Mason, Stephen
  • Vehicle remote keyless entry systems and engine immobilisers: do not believe the insurer that this technology is perfect. (2012) Mason, Stephen
  • The Provision of Underground Public Conveniences in London with Reference to Gender Differentials, 1850s-1980s. (2012) McCabe, Sarah
  • Princess Carlota Joaquina and the Monarchist Alternative in Spanish American Independence. (2012) McFarlane, Anthony
  • Jamaica on the Cusp of Fifty: Whither Nationalism and Sovereignty? (2012) Meeks, Brian
  • Beyond the veneer of reconciliation: human rights and democracy in Rwanda. (2012) Melvin, Jennifer
  • The Drafter’s role in the drafting process. (2012) Mico, Augustin
  • Stewardship and the insolvency practitioner: a review of the current position. (2012) Milman, David
  • EU defence rights: how the system can be improved. (2012) Mitchell, Jonathan
  • Digital Forensics Specialist Group. (2012) Moore, Miranda and Iveson, Simon
  • Pre-legislative scrutiny as a way of ensuring the quality of legislation. (2012) Mukeshimana, Beata
  • The East Asian Journal of British History, vol. 2. (2012) Nakamura, Takeshi and Kim, Sangsoo and Do Jung, Chan and Mizokami, Hiromi and Sato, Shohei and Lee, Young-Suk and Yoon, Young Hwi and Frank, Jacob and Nam Na, Jong
  • The permanent establishment concept under tax treaties and its implications for multinational companies. (2012) Nakayama, Aiko
  • Between Shared Understandings and Strategic Conflicts: The Making of a Presidential Republic in Argentina, 1853-1860. (2012) Negretto, Gabriel
  • Death in the suburbs: mortality in London and its hinterland between 1550 and 1700. (2012) Newton, Gill
  • Use of legislative section headings to achieve effectiveness: Comparative Study of Rwandan and Australian jurisdictions. (2012) Ngirinshuti, Samuel
  • Enforcing ‘simple’ electronic signatures in an international context. (2012) Norton, William K.
  • Unauthorized use of bank cards with or without the PIN: a lost case for the customer? (2012) Nuth, Maryke Silalahi
  • A Time For Renewed Nationalism. (2012) O'kola, Andrew
  • 'Cosmofobia' de Lucía Etxebarria: el miedo a lo diferente? (2012) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Taxpayers rights protection in Nigeria. (2012) Oke, Busayo O.
  • EFCC, Money Laundering regulation and Politically Exposed Persons: Evidential burden and the cobweb of legalism. (2012) Oke, Tayo
  • The role of employees as stakeholders in corporate governance. (2012) Okigbo, Martha Sophie
  • Monarchism and Liberalism in Mexico's Nineteenth Century. (2012) Pani, Erika
  • Dean's Seminar: Branding Authorship: The Advantages of Anonymity. (2012) Patten, Robert
  • From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic: Cold War Trieste on Screen. (2012) Pizzi, Katia
  • Pinocchio Puppets and Modernity. The Mechanical Body. (2012) Pizzi, Katia
  • Drafting of legislation in compliance with model laws. (2012) Poloko, Lesedi
  • Drafting conventions, templates and legislative precedents and their effects on the drafting process and the drafter. (2012) Quartey-Papafio, Agnes Naakwaley
  • Digital evidence in Malaysia. (2012) Radhakrishna, Gita
  • Digital evidence in Malaysia. (2012) Radhakrishna, Gita
  • Book Report. (2012) Report, Book
  • Decolonising sexual citizenship: who will effect change in the south of the Commonwealth? (2012) Robinson, Colin
  • A Commonwealth Free Trade Area is neither likely nor desirable. (2012) Sanders, Sir Ronald
  • Interview with John Saul. (2012) Saul, John and Rockel, Vanessa
  • Human rights, capital punishment and the Commonwealth: still behind the curve. (2012) Schabas, Professor William
  • Inquest into justice of the Pakistani customary “Panchayat Justice System” in context of International Human Rights Law. (2012) Shahid, Usman
  • Tax reform in the context of new Revenue Authority administration for Liberia. (2012) Sherif, Musa M.
  • The Immigration Industry? A study of the effect of privatisation on immigration detention and related functions in the United Kingdom. (2012) Shortland, David
  • Egypt’s revolution one year on – the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak was just the start. (2012) Simic, Sasha
  • Good governance of sovereign wealth funds. The case of the Australia Future Fund. (2012) Sinquin, Marianne
  • Scholasticism, Liberalism, Revolutionary Nationalism and Neoliberalism in Mexico. (2012) Stack, Trevor
  • The central clearing of Over the Counter Derivatives and the potential risks: The need for international coordination for supervising and regulating clearing houses. (2012) Stravolaimou, Eirini
  • The Right to Rehabilitation for Children. (2012) Sumpton, Laila
  • Arbitration and Dispute Settlement in Foreign Indirect Investment. The increasing significance and use of arbitration in international loan agreements, syndicated loans and international bond issues. (2012) Tatsis, Alexandros
  • Conference Report: Economic Liberalism in the Americas. (2012) Toner, Deborah
  • Conference Report: Liberal Constitutionalism in the Americas, Theory and Practice. (2012) Toner, Deborah
  • Conference Report: Liberalism and Religion. Secularisation and the Public Sphere in the Americas. (2012) Toner, Deborah
  • Dean's Seminar: Prophets-Play: Personifying the Old Testament from Early Christian Homiletics to Medieval Drama. (2012) Toth, Peter
  • Belgian cybercrime provisions. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • Belgian cybercrime provisions. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • Translation of Legislation: Belgium. (2012) Translation of Legislation:, Belgium
  • The pursuit of clarity, precision and unambiguity in drafting retrospective legislation. (2012) Turatsinze, Elias
  • Introduction. (2012) Van Mierlo, Wim
  • Hybrid signatures under Belgian law. (2012) Vandendriessche, Johan
  • International capital markets: which have been the effects of the 2007 liquidity crisis on global financial regulation, supervision and compliance? (2012) Vega, Patricio Juan
  • The impact of Basel II on EU banks, procyclical effects and proposals. (2012) Verri, Marco
  • Surveillance cameras, identification and expert evidence. (2012) Ward, Tony
  • To what extent are current efforts to tackle climate change in line with the Indigenous Peoples Movement? (2012) Waters, Fiona
  • SAS Open Journals: final project report. (2012) Webster, Peter
  • Superhero or Foe: Securitization as a Means of Rebuilding the American Housing Market. (2012) Wells, Alisha
  • Fifty Years On: The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited and Reinterpreted. (2012) White, Mark
  • Towards a decentralised European Public Prosecutor's Office. (2012) White, Simone and Dorn, Nicholas
  • Amicus Curiae Pro Bono Publico - open access online publication at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. (2012) Whittle, Steven
  • Jamaica and Caribbean Integration: Did One from Ten leave Nought? (2012) Wilson, Steven
  • Minority rights in German public companies. (2012) Wooldridge, Frank
  • Derivative claims under UK company law and some related provisions of German law. (2012) Wooldridge, Frank and Davies, Liam
  • From London to Maputo: Ruth First and the Failures of Independence. (2012) Zeilig, Leo
  • Contemplating privatisation of China's rural land ownership. (2012) Zhang, Xiaoyang
  • Liberalismo y religión en el siglo XIX hispanoamericano. Reflexiones a partir del caso argentino. (2012) di Stefano, Roberto
  • The Trojan horse defence – a modern problem of digital evidence. (2012) Šepec, Miha