Items where Year is 2017

Number of items: 91.
  • Profession and Performance: Aspects of oratory in the Greco-Roman World. (2017) UNSPECIFIED
  • A Comparative Analysis of the Control of Financial Crime From the Perspective of the UK, USA and Nigeria. (2017) Adetunji, Adeoye
  • Certainty in Islamic Legal Theory: An Enquiry into its theoretical Foundations and Implications on Sharia, with focus on its effects on the development of Islamic Finance Law. (2017) Ali, Ali
  • Interoception and Autonomic Correlates during Social Interactions. Implications for Anorexia. (2017) Ambrosecchia, M and Ardizzi, M and Russo, E and Ditaranto, F and Speciale, M and Vinai, P and Todisco, P and Maestro, S and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Theorising the relationship between social law and markets in regional integration projects. (2017) Ashiagbor, Diamond
  • The pendulum effect of regulation: How the policy swing between the over and under regulation of financial institutions will be ineffective and detrimental to business. (2017) Atkinson, Elizabeth
  • Folios in Context: Collecting Shakespeare at the University of London. (2017) Attar, Karen
  • Frontal Functional Connectivity of Electrocorticographic Delta and Theta Rhythms during Action Execution Versus Action Observation in Humans. (2017) Babiloni, C and Del Percio, C and Lopez, S and Di Gennaro, G and Quarato, PP and Pavone, L and Morace, R and Soricelli, A and Noce, G and Esposito, V and Gallese, Vittorio and Mirabella, G
  • People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Norman Worlds of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. (2017) Bates, David and D'Angelo, Edoardo and van Houts, Elisabeth
  • ‘To avoide all envye, malys, grudge and displeasure’: sociability and social networking at the London wardmote inquest, c.1470-1540. (2017) Berry, Charlotte
  • Characterizing and imaging gross and real finger contacts under dynamic loading. (2017) Bochereau, S and Dzidek, B and Adams, M and Hayward, Vincent
  • Fashioning the Foundlings - Education, Instruction and Apprenticeship at the London Foundling Hospital c.1741-1800. (2017) Bright, Janette
  • The impact of rivers on urban development - the Tyburn River and Mayfair in the eighteenth century. (2017) Brown, David
  • Methodological reflections about establishing a corpus of the archived web: the case of the Danish web from 2005 to 2015. (2017) Brügger, Niels and Laursen, Ditte and Nielsen, Janne
  • Web 25: histories from the first 25 years of the World Wide Web. (2017) Brügger, Niels and Locatelli, Elisabetta and Weber, Matthew and Nanni, Federico
  • 'What does philosophy of religion offer to the modern university?'. (2017) Burns, Elizabeth
  • The king of King's Cross: Henry Croft and digital history. (2017) Carter, Philip
  • Rozhdestvensky and Communication Theory. (2017) Cobley, Paul
  • Russian Evolution: Rozhdestvensky and the ‘image of the author’ explored with reference to his book General Philology (1996) Moscow. (2017) Coghill, Mary
  • Russian Evolution: Rozhdestvensky and the ‘image of the author’ explored with reference to his book General Philology (1996) Moscow. (2017) Coghill, Mary
  • Russian Evolution: Russian Reflections Conference Poster. (2017) Coghill, Mary
  • General Philology by Yuri Rozhdestvensky (1996) Moscow, "Novoye Tysjacheletie" - The "New Millennium" Foundation [Ю. В. Рождественский, Общая филология, 1996, Москва, Фонд “Новое тысячелетие”]. (2017) Coghill, Mary and Richard, E and P
  • Legislative Drafting and the Rule of Law. (2017) Cormacain, Ronan
  • The value of culture: economics, diversity and understanding in the 21st century. (2017) Crossick, Geoffrey
  • Cambridge Squire Law Library: historical development and current status of International Law collections. (2017) Dingle, Lesley
  • Rozhdestvensky "Theory of Rhetoric" as the Foundation for studies of Language in the Media. (2017) Dobrosklonskaya, Tatiana
  • Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A Close Reading and Commentary. (2017) Fotheringham, Lynn S.
  • Archives of the International Law Association. (2017) Frendo, Ruth
  • Embodied simulation: ideas for a dialogue between cognitive neuroscience and psychoanalysis. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • Embodying movies: embodied simulation and film experience. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • Emotion regulation and recognition in traumatized and neglected Sierra Leonean young individuals. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • L'empathie d'une machine: cinema and neuroscience. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • The bodily space of images. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • The problem of images. A view for the brain-body. (2017) Gallese, Vittorio
  • Using structured text corpora in Parliamentary Metadata Language for the analysis of legislative proceedings. (2017) Gartner, Richard
  • How did British voluntary organisations concerned with the environment balance their commitment to protect it with supporting the Second World War effort. (2017) Gary, Willis
  • Guest Editorial – Key sources for international law research. (2017) Gee, David
  • SLS/BIALL Academic Law Library Survey 2015/2016. (2017) Gee, David
  • An analysis of the Effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Funding Legislation and its Administration in the UAE. (2017) Gibbs, Tatyana
  • Importing, Trading, and Collecting Islamic Artworks in Seventeenth-Century Italy: the Cospi Museum and the Bologna Collection. (2017) Gigante, Federica
  • “Franglais Fops” and mocking the French in English Restoration Theatre. (2017) Glynn, Dominic
  • The shipwrecking of literature: All at sea with Olivier Cadiot. (2017) Glynn, Dominic
  • Magna Carta: History, context and influence: Papers delivered at Peking University on the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. (2017) Goldman, Lawrence and Carpenter, David and Vincent, Nicholas and Ambler, S. T. and Garnett, George and Foxley, Rachel and Dickinson, Harry T. and Lock, Alexander
  • The Future of Refugee Law: RLI Working Paper Series Special Edition (Papers 16–22). (2017) Goodwin-Gill, Guy S. and Einarsen, Terje and Engedahl, Marthe and Inder, Claire and Azhigulova, Khalida and Marques, Rodolfo and Fourer, Margarita and Koo, John
  • Consumption and poverty in the homes of the English poor, c. 1670-1834. (2017) Harley, Joseph
  • A chronological and analytical account of Achamore Gardens, Gigha, Inner Hebrides. (2017) Haugh, Helen
  • Yuri Rozhdestvensky on Semiotics of Literature and Modern Literary Process. (2017) Hazanova, Olga
  • Accessing web archives from different perspectives with potential synergies. (2017) Holzmann, Helge and Risse, Thomas
  • Legal Aspects of Takeover Defence Tactics: A Comparative Analysis between the English and the US Systems. (2017) Huseynov, Elshad
  • Data management of web archive research data. (2017) Jurik, Bolette and Zierau, Eld
  • The end of tax avoidance practices in the EU? The impact of the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive and Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive on corporations. (2017) Ludvikova, Eva
  • Digital Humanities Research, Teaching and Practice in the UK – Landscape Report. (2017) Marketwise Strategies Limited
  • Electronic Evidence: 4th Edition. (2017) Mason, Stephen and Seng, Daniel
  • Sovereignty, Territory, and Population in Jean Bodin's "République". (2017) Miglietti, Sara
  • Introduction: Ruling "Climates" in the Early Modern World. (2017) Miglietti, Sara and Morgan, John E.
  • Lessons from “Lessons from failure with the UK Web Archive” - the MMR crisis, 1998-2010. (2017) Millward, Gareth
  • La reedición del conflicto: la política electoral en El Salvador de la posguerra. (2017) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Stability in the Face of Financial Misconduct and the Possible Contribution that Islamic Finance Can Make to Stability. (2017) Naffa, Mohammad
  • Piety, beeswax and the Portuguese African slave trade to Lima, Peru, in the early colonial period. (2017) Newson, Linda
  • The perfection of the soul in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Al-Sirr al-maktūm. (2017) Noble, Michael Sebastian
  • Capturing the web at large: a critique of current web referencing practices. (2017) Nyvang, Caroline and Hvid Kromann, Thomas and Zierau, Eld
  • Financial Product Regulation in age of Innovation - The final frontier towards achieving effective financial services regulation. (2017) Odigie, Catherine
  • The Level of Central Bank Independence in Developed and Developing Countries. (2017) Orellano, Cindy Melissa
  • Wearable haptic systems for the fingertip and the hand: taxonomy, review and perspectives. (2017) Pacchierotti, C and Sinclair, S and Solazzi, M and Hayward, Vincent and Prattichizzo, D
  • The Opening of ROSTA Windows: “Mayakovsky Style” and the Culture of Soviet Posters. (2017) Peng, Qiaoyun
  • Rozhdestvensky’s theory of culture and Media Ecology. (2017) Polski, Maria
  • The unending lives of net-based artworks: web archives, browser emulations, and new conceptual frameworks. (2017) Post, Colin
  • The 1916 Easter Rising web archive project. (2017) Power, Brendan and Kunze, Svenja
  • Balancing the Interests Between TNCs and Host Developing States - The Role of Law. (2017) Pusic, Nastja
  • The publication and reception of local and Parliamentary legislation in England, 1422-c.1485. (2017) Rowland, Dean
  • A Chapter from ‘General Philology’ by Yuri Rozhdestvensky is here published in English Translation from the Russian for the first time: Chapter 5. Printed Literature. (2017) Rozhdestvensky, Yuri
  • Sensing the Worst: Neurophenomenological Perspectives on Neutral Stimuli Misperception in Schizophrenia Spectrum. (2017) Sestito, M and Parnas, J and Maggini, C and Gallese, Vittorio
  • Stutton Hall and Crowe Hall : the development of two designed landscapes on the Stour estuary, Suffolk c. 1500-2017. (2017) Shone, Patience
  • The French gardening craze, 1908-1914 : horticulture, politics and the media in Edwardian Britain. (2017) Short, Andrew
  • ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable’ in the United Kingdom. (2017) Singer, Sarah
  • The perceptual categorisation of blended and single malt Scotch whiskies. (2017) Smith, Barry and Sester, Carole and Ballester, Jordi and Deroy, Ophelia
  • Public Registers of Beneficial Ownership in the British Overseas Territories via the Criminal Finances Act 2017: Does Britain Know Best? The Case of Bermuda. (2017) Sousa, Brandon
  • Ploughing a Furrow to Zion: Fostering Ideals and Identities through the Agricultural Training of European Jewish Youth - A Case Study of the Bachad Movement 1928-1962. (2017) Steele, Verity
  • After Brexit: The legal relationship of the UK-OCTs with the EU. (2017) Stoll-davey, Camille
  • Contiguity of the research work by Roman Jakobson and Yury Rozhdestvensky in terms of method and material. (2017) Subbotina, Marina
  • The East Asian Journal of British History, vol. 6. (2017) Sul, Heasim and Hosokawa, Michihisa and Ishikawa, Hanako and Tominaga, Erika and Liu, Lin and Masaki, Keisuke
  • The Optimal Level of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation for the UK Banking Sector. Banks’ Cost of Compliance, De-risking Problem and How to Implement Effective AML Systems and Controls. (2017) Sumkovski, Igor
  • The International Law Collections of IALS Library. (2017) Swift, Hester
  • Preserving social media: applying principles of digital preservation to social media archiving. (2017) Thomson, Sara Day
  • Learning Rapidly about the Relevance of Visual Cues Requires Conscious Awareness. (2017) Travers, Eoin and Frith, Chris and Shea, Nicholas
  • The Special Collections in the Peace Palace Library and the work of Library Director Dr Jacob ter Meulen. (2017) Vervliet, Jeroen
  • What was the nature and extent of charitable giving by and through the livery companies in the year 1390-1570? (2017) Weake, Jane
  • Onwards, Upwards, Toward the Co-operative Commonwealth: London Co-Operative Citizenship, 1918-1925. (2017) Williams Elliott, Yvette
  • John Hay 1758-1836 : '...the most eminent horticultural architect Scotland ever produced.' (J. C. Loudon). (2017) Wilson, Patricia
  • Breaking in to the mainstream: demonstrating the value of internet (and web) histories. (2017) Winters, Jane
  • A Critical Appraisal of the Law and Practice Relating to Money Laundering in the USA and UK. (2017) Yakubu, Sirajo