Items where Year is 2022

Number of items: 59.
  • Non-political anger shifts political preferences towards stronger leaders. (2022) Ambroziak, Klaudia B. and Safra, Lou and Tsakiris, Manos
  • Re-cognizing the new self: The neurocognitive plasticity of self-processing following facial transplantation. (2022) Azevedo, Ruben T. and Diaz-Siso, J. Rodrigo and Alfonso, Allyson R. and Ramly, Elie P. and Kantar, Rami S. and Berman, Zoe P. and Diep, Gustave K. and Rifkin, William J. and Rodriguez, Eduardo D. and Tsakiris, Manos
  • EpiDoc and Epigraphic Training in the Era of Remote and Hybrid Teaching. (2022) Bodard, Gabriel and Vagionakis, Irene
  • Tammaro De Marinis, Vittorio Forti, and the Acquisition of Islamic Manuscripts for J. P. Morgan in Constantinople in 1913. (2022) Botana, Federico
  • The archaeology of wine production in Roman and pre-Roman Italy. (2022) Dodd, Emlyn
  • Towards a Vernacular Poetics of World-making: Edouard Glissant, Abdelkébir Khatibi, and Kaouther Adimi. (2022) Ford, Joseph
  • Decolonising languages: Ways forward for UK HE and beyond. (2022) Ford, Joseph and Santos, Emanuelle
  • Lèche-vitrines: Human Identity and the Mannequin in 'Au Bonheur des Dames'. (2022) Foster, Kate
  • Leben in (Liebes-)Briefen. Lesarten von Winckelmanns Korrespondenz im langen 19. Jahrhundert. (2022) Harloe, Katherine
  • At “tipping point”: New report signals limited drive within the Home Office properly to address the Windrush scandal. (2022) Hayes de kalaf, Eve and Cox, Juanita
  • Mobilising and constraining: the dynamics of human rights discourse in two Mexican social movements. (2022) Knox, Rupert
  • Jean Bodin: une pensée en mouvement. Etude des variantes entre les deux rédactions de la Methodus (1566, 1572). (2022) Miglietti, Sara
  • Post-extractive juridification: Undoing the legal foundations of mining in El Salvador. (2022) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • Sensitive liberals and unfeeling conservatives? Interoceptive sensitivity predicts political liberalism. (2022) Ruisch, Benjamin C. and Von Mohr, Mariana and Naber, Marnix and Tsakiris, Manos and Fazio, Russell H. and Scheepers, Daan T.
  • Concepts as Plug & Play Devices. (2022) Shea, Nicholas
  • Is Concept Appraisal Modulated by Procedural or Declarative Manipulations? (2022) Shea, Nicholas and Thorne, Sapphira and Smortchkova, Joulia and Quilty-dunn, Jake and Hampton, James A
  • Presentación del dossier. Extractivismo minero en América Latina: la juridificación de los conflictos socioambientales. (2022) Sieder, Rachel and Montoya, Ainhoa and Bravo, Yacotzin
  • On the realness of people who do not exist: The social processing of artificial faces. (2022) Tucciarelli, Raffaele and Vehar, Neza and Chandaria, Shamil and Tsakiris, Manos
  • National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic. (2022) Van Bavel, Jay J. and Cichocka, Aleksandra and Capraro, Valerio and Sjåstad, Hallgeir and Nezlek, John B. and Pavlović, Tomislav and Alfano, Mark and Gelfand, Michele J. and Azevedo, Flavio and Birtel, Michèle D. and Cislak, Aleksandra and Lockwood, Patricia L. and Ross, Robert Malcolm and Abts, Koen and Agadullina, Elena and Aruta, John Jamir Benzon and Besharati, Sahba Nomvula and Bor, Alexander and Choma, Becky L. and Crabtree, Charles David and Cunningham, William A. and De, Koustav and Ejaz, Waqas and Elbaek, Christian T. and Findor, Andrej and Flichtentrei, Daniel and Franc, Renata and Gjoneska, Biljana and Gruber, June and Gualda, Estrella and Horiuchi, Yusaku and Huynh, Toan Luu Duc and Ibanez, Agustin and Imran, Mostak Ahamed and Israelashvili, Jacob and Jasko, Katarzyna and Kantorowicz, Jaroslaw and Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Elena and Krouwel, André and Laakasuo, Michael and Lamm, Claus and Leygue, Caroline and Lin, Ming-Jen and Mansoor, Mohammad Sabbir and Marie, Antoine and Mayiwar, Lewend and Mazepus, Honorata and McHugh, Cillian and Minda, John Paul and Mitkidis, Panagiotis and Olsson, Andreas and Otterbring, Tobias and Packer, Dominic J. and Perry, Anat and Petersen, Michael Bang and Puthillam, Arathy and Riaño-Moreno, Julián C. and Rothmund, Tobias and Santamaría-García, Hernando and Schmid, Petra C. and Stoyanov, Drozdstoy and Tewari, Shruti and Todosijević, Bojan and Tsakiris, Manos and Tung, Hans H. and Umbreș, Radu G. and Vanags, Edmunds and Vlasceanu, Madalina and Vonasch, Andrew and Yucel, Meltem and Zhang, Yucheng and Abad, Mohcine and Adler, Eli and Akrawi, Narin and Mdarhri, Hamza Alaoui and Amara, Hanane and Amodio, David M. and Antazo, Benedict G. and Apps, Matthew and Ay, F. Ceren and Ba, Mouhamadou Hady and Barbosa, Sergio and Bastian, Brock and Berg, Anton and Bernal-Zárate, Maria P. and Bernstein, Michael and Białek, Michał and Bilancini, Ennio and Bogatyreva, Natalia and Boncinelli, Leonardo and Booth, Jonathan E. and Borau, Sylvie and Buchel, Ondrej and Cameron, C. Daryl and Carvalho, Chrissie F. and Celadin, Tatiana and Cerami, Chiara and Chalise, Hom Nath and Cheng, Xiaojun and Cian, Luca and Cockcroft, Kate and Conway, Jane and Córdoba-Delgado, Mateo Andres and Crespi, Chiara and Crouzevialle, Marie and Cutler, Jo and Cypryańska, Marzena and Dabrowska, Justyna and Daniels, Michael A. and Davis, Victoria H. and Dayley, Pamala N. and Delouvee, Sylvain and Denkovski, Ognjan and Dezecache, Guillaume and Dhaliwal, Nathan A. and Diato, Alelie B. and Di Paolo, Roberto and Drosinou, Marianna and Dulleck, Uwe and Ekmanis, Jānis and Ertan, Arhan S. and Etienne, Tom W. and Farhana, Hapsa Hossain and Farkhari, Fahima and Farmer, Harry and Fenwick, Ali and Fidanovski, Kristijan and Flew, Terry and Fraser, Shona and Frempong, Raymond Boadi and Fugelsang, Jonathan A. and Gale, Jessica and Garcia-Navarro, E. Begoña and Garladinne, Prasad and Ghajjou, Oussama and Gkinopoulos, Theofilos and Gray, Kurt and Griffin, Siobhán M. and Gronfeldt, Bjarki and Gümren, Mert and Gurung, Ranju Lama and Halperin, Eran and Harris, Elizabeth and Herzon, Volo and Hruška, Matej and Huang, Guanxiong and Hudecek, Matthias F. C. and Isler, Ozan and Jangard, Simon and Jørgensen, Frederik J. and Kachanoff, Frank and Kahn, John and Dangol, Apsara Katuwal and Keudel, Oleksandra and Koppel, Lina and Koverola, Mika and Kubin, Emily and Kunnari, Anton and Kutiyski, Yordan and Laguna, Oscar and Leota, Josh and Lermer, Eva and Levy, Jonathan and Levy, Neil and Li, Chunyun and Long, Elizabeth U. and Longoni, Chiara and Maglić, Marina and McCashin, Darragh and Metcalf, Alexander L. and Mikloušić, Igor and El Mimouni, Soulaimane and Miura, Asako and Molina-Paredes, Juliana and Monroy-Fonseca, César and Morales-Marente, Elena and Moreau, David and Muda, Rafał and Myer, Annalisa and Nash, Kyle and Nesh-Nash, Tarik and Nitschke, Jonas P. and Nurse, Matthew S. and Ohtsubo, Yohsuke and Oldemburgo de Mello, Victoria and O’Madagain, Cathal and Onderco, Michal and Palacios-Galvez, M. Soledad and Palomäki, Jussi and Pan, Yafeng and Papp, Zsófia and Pärnamets, Philip and Paruzel-Czachura, Mariola and Pavlović, Zoran and Payán-Gómez, César and Perander, Silva and Pitman, Michael Mark and Prasad, Rajib and Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Joanna and Rathje, Steve and Raza, Ali and Rêgo, Gabriel G. and Rhee, Kasey and Robertson, Claire E. and Rodríguez-Pascual, Iván and Saikkonen, Teemu and Salvador-Ginez, Octavio and Sampaio, Waldir M. and Santi, Gaia C. and Santiago-Tovar, Natalia and Savage, David and Scheffer, Julian A. and Schönegger, Philipp and Schultner, David T. and Schutte, Enid M. and Scott, Andy and Sharma, Madhavi and Sharma, Pujan and Skali, Ahmed and Stadelmann, David and Stafford, Clara Alexandra and Stanojević, Dragan and Stefaniak, Anna and Sternisko, Anni and Stoica, Agustin and Stoyanova, Kristina K. and Strickland, Brent and Sundvall, Jukka and Thomas, Jeffrey P. and Tinghög, Gustav and Torgler, Benno and Traast, Iris J. and Tucciarelli, Raffaele and Tyrala, Michael and Ungson, Nick D. and Uysal, Mete S. and Van Lange, Paul A. M. and van Prooijen, Jan-Willem and van Rooy, Dirk and Västfjäll, Daniel and Verkoeijen, Peter and Vieira, Joana B. and von Sikorski, Christian and Walker, Alexander Cameron and Watermeyer, Jennifer and Wetter, Erik and Whillans, Ashley and Willardt, Robin and Wohl, Michael J. A. and Wójcik, Adrian Dominik and Wu, Kaidi and Yamada, Yuki and Yilmaz, Onurcan and Yogeeswaran, Kumar and Ziemer, Carolin-Theresa and Zwaan, Rolf A. and Boggio, Paulo S.
  • Book Section
  • Wine and the vine in ancient Italy: an archaeological approach. (2022) Dodd, Emlyn
  • Description, translation and process: Making the implicit explicit in digital editions of ancient text-bearing objects. (2022) Filosa, Martina and Gad, Usama and Bodard, Gabriel
  • Ambiente. (2022) Miglietti, Sara
  • Climate theories in Italy. (2022) Miglietti, Sara
  • Un Caso Di Autotraduzione Medico-Scientifica Nel Rinascimento: Il Pourtraict De La Santé / Diaeteticon Polyhistoricon Di Joseph Duchesne (1606). (2022) Miglietti, Sara
  • Introduction. (2022) Palladino, Chiara and Bodard, Gabriel
  • Social Media, Research, and the Digital Humanities. (2022) Wells, Naomi
  • Book
  • The Trade in Rare Books and Manuscripts Between Britain and America c. 1890-1929: Constructing Cultural Histories. (2022) Cleaver, Laura and Magnusson, Danielle
  • Thesis
  • Niccolò Leonico Tomeo’s Dialogi (1524). The Philosophy of a Renaissance Scholar. (2022) Baggio corradi, Allegra
  • Embedding Skills in African Customary Law and Culture in the LLB Curriculum: An Empirical Study of Pedagogical Approaches in Selected African University Law Schools. (2022) Chimbwanda, Victor
  • Miraculous Prints in Early-Modern Emilia-Romagna. (2022) Clavarino, Margherita
  • Annuity loans and private credit in Britain, 1750-1813. (2022) Clements, Diane
  • Portrait Prints of Rulers and Military Commanders in Sixteenth-Century Italy. (2022) Cornetti, Gemma
  • London's green spaces and contested heritage: a research audit and analysis of London's public parks and gardens and their links to the slave trade in response to the government's 2021 Retain and Explain policy. (2022) Couling-dini, Antonia
  • Manuscript Journals of Travel in England in the Eighteenth Century: Can they reshape and add to our understanding of garden history? (2022) Cousins, Michael
  • Professional Passions: Art Historians as Collectors in the 20th Century. (2022) Coviello, Sarah
  • An examination of post-industrial landscape design on former transport routes: the transport route park. (2022) Davies, Cecelia
  • “La Flor del Perú. The Political Culture of the Catholic Monarchy through three expeditions to the Southeast of Charcas in the second half of the sixteenth century”. (2022) Graña Taborelli, Mario Julio
  • The Social History of a Library: Four Stages in the Life of the Collection of Sir Richard Ellys (1682-1742). (2022) Greer, Eleanor
  • The Blitz as a catalyst for greening London: a study of historical sources using a Geographical Information System. (2022) Hersee, Katharine
  • F. Inigo Thomas: painterly architect and neglected proponent of the concept of the garden in relation to the house. (2022) Hoff, Marcelle
  • Rethinking international development: To what extent can the practical interaction of sustainable development and the field of international investment law be considered mutually beneficial in the light of modern advances? (2022) Jameson, Emily
  • Retrieving the imago agens in the structure of systematic theology and spiritual exercise: a search inspired by the illumination of the Master of the early fourteenth-century Luttrell Psalter. (2022) Marshall, Christina
  • Iron park furniture in public parks 1860-1914: providing for the people? (2022) Mcintosh, Muriel
  • Slides, sandpits and sustainability: children's play in London parks and public spaces, 1970s to the present day. (2022) Nesbitt, Anne
  • The history of landscaping traffic roundabouts and their present functions beyond traffic management. (2022) Robinson, Linda
  • Women, education and the birth of a profession: a study of the Lowthorpe School landscape architecture of Groton, Massachusetts (1901-1945). (2022) Sarathy, Paula
  • The revival of the formal garden in the late nineteenth century and the contribution of architects George Devey (1820-1886) and Sir Reginald Blomfield (1856-1942). (2022) Tenneson, Sara
  • The Rise and Fall of Trust Based Intermediated Securites: An Economic Jurisprudential Approach to Trust Based Intermediated Securities. (2022) Turner, Benedict
  • The role of Digital Humanities in Papyrology. (2022) Vannini, Lucia
  • Alexander McKenzie, the 19th century horticulturist and landscape designer: his life, career, and legacy. (2022) White, Lisa
  • Discussion or working paper
  • Showing its Age: The 1951 Convention and the Right to Work - the Example of Ethiopia. (2022) Alberghini, Diana
  • Dignity in Repatriation: What does it mean for UNHCR? (2022) Bewick, Rose
  • The EU Screening Regulation Proposal and the Right to Asylum - Cementing Fortress Europe? (2022) Dräger, Susanne
  • The ‘(In)security Decree’: Undermining Practices of Reception in the Italian Hosting Mechanism. (2022) Franzè, Federica
  • The Eritrean practice of the issuance of identity-proving documents with particular focus on the case of returnees from Ethiopia. (2022) Mekonnen, Daniel and Palacios Arapiles, Sara
  • Building Career Pathways for Resettled Refugees in the United States. (2022) Neginskiy, Katherine
  • Menstrual Hygiene Management in the Refugee Context: Learning from Piloted Interventions in East Africa. (2022) Wynne, Emma
  • Survival Migration: A Study of Central American Transwomen’s Decision to Flee. (2022) de Nicolás Izquierdo, Cristina