Dr Dingwall's Casebook, Part One: A Sceptical Enquirer; Part Two: ‘Dirty Ding’.

Josiffe, Christopher (2013) Dr Dingwall's Casebook, Part One: A Sceptical Enquirer; Part Two: ‘Dirty Ding’. Fortean Times (299 & 300) .

Eric John Dingwall, author, anthropologist, librarian, psychic investigator, and, to some, the ‘British Kinsey’ is less well-known than his erstwhile colleague and sometime adversary, Harry Price, but is a figure of equal interest. Part one deals with Dingwall’s long and sometimes fractious relationship with Price, and with his colleagues in the Society for Psychical Research. Part two opens with a detailed examination of a particularly impressive and perplexing case of physical mediumship that Dingwall investigated -the Mina Crandon or ‘Margery’ mediumship. It also looks at Dingwall’s post-WW2 work for the British Library, as Honorary Assistant Keeper of its ‘Private Case’ (erotica and other obscene literature), and his friendship with Alfred Kinsey.

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