Items where Subject is "Sociology & Anthropology"

  • Subject Areas (7997)
  • Sociology & Anthropology (167)
    Number of items at this level: 167.
  • Improving empathy: is virtual reality an effective approach to educating about refugees? (2020) Alberghini, Diana
  • Indigeneity, law and performance on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. (2014) Altamirano-Jiménez, Isabel
  • (Un)holy alliances: The UK’s hostile environment in faith-based spaces, and its implications for refugee protection. (2020) Atkinson, Mary
  • The breathing space or impact of temporary protection on integration from the perspective of refugees. (2020) Averhed, Yevgeniya
  • Re-cognizing the new self: The neurocognitive plasticity of self-processing following facial transplantation. (2022) Azevedo, Ruben T. and Diaz-Siso, J. Rodrigo and Alfonso, Allyson R. and Ramly, Elie P. and Kantar, Rami S. and Berman, Zoe P. and Diep, Gustave K. and Rifkin, William J. and Rodriguez, Eduardo D. and Tsakiris, Manos
  • B
  • Skilled Refugees Integration into the UK Labour Market. (2023) Bajboj, Ammar
  • Latin America’s debt crisis and “lost decade”. (2012) Bertola, Luis and Ocampo, Antonio
  • Dignity in Repatriation: What does it mean for UNHCR? (2022) Bewick, Rose
  • War and Resettlement: Polish Resettlement Camps in the UK after the Second World War. The experience of creating a settlement policy for Polish political refugees. (2020) Blaszczyk, Agata
  • Narrating Atrocity: Obstacles to Proving Credibility in Asylum Claims. Bohmer, Carol and Shuman, Amy
  • The Psychosexual Counselling Tapes of Dr Joan Malleson: New Theories. (2012) Borge, Jessica
  • NGO strategies for sex and gender-based violence protection and accountability in long-term displacement settings: Reviewing women’s participation in humanitarian programmes in Dadaab refugee complex. (2021) Bottomley, Bo
  • From Hierarchy to Inequality; From a Social Consciousness Based on Caste to One on Class. Breman, Jan
  • Rethinking spectacle and indigenous consumption: commercial huayno music in Peru. (0214) Butterworth, James
  • C
  • ‘We ate bread and salt together’: communal cooking and eating as a model for developing trust between hosts and asylum seekers in London, UK. (2019) Chaplin, Lucia JDC
  • Visions of the Caribbean: exploring photographs in the West India Committee Collection. (2006) Clover, David
  • “Integrating ‘Traditional’ and ‘Scientific’ Medicine in contemporary Cuba”. (2009) Cochetti, Chiara Stella
  • Indigenous interventions at Klahowya Village, χwayχw əy Vancouver/ unceded Coast Salish Territory. (2014) Couture, Selena
  • Carnival and other seasonal festivals in the West Indies, U.S.A. and Britain: a selected bibliographical index. (1991) Cowley, John
  • D
  • The Value of Open Access in Anthropology and Beyond. (2015) Dallemagne, Grégory and del Arco, Víctor and Montoya, Ainhoa and Pérez, Marta
  • Humanitarian accountability: a conceptual analysis. (2020) Daun, Joakim
  • A Vision of ‘Home’. An Investigation into the role of Nostalgic Memory in Irish American Identity Formation 1899 - 1904. (2021) Debray, Catherine
  • Countering the Politics of Fear - Reframing Threat Narratives about Refugees in Hungary. (2021) Demjén, Judit Eszter
  • Getting Beyond Governmental Category: Contemporary Dalit Assertions in Kerala. Devika
  • Equalizing and Widening Access to Higher Education During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from a Multi-University Perspective. (2021) Dodd, Emlyn and Singh, S. and Micsko, J. and Austin, K. and Morison, C. and Upton, S.
  • Jamaica’s Environment in the Post-Colonial Era: resources, risk(s) and responses. (2012) Dodman, David
  • Web-site of memory: the war of the Pacific (1879-1884) in the global age of YouTube. (2010) Drinot, Paulo
  • Survival Migration: A Study of Central American Transwomen’s Decision to Flee. (2022) de Nicolás Izquierdo, Cristina
  • F
  • Caste and Caste Based Discriminations Among Indian Muslims. Falahi, Masood Alam
  • A return to the village: community ethnographies and the study of Andean culture in retrospective. (2020) Ferreira, Francisca and Isbell, Billie Jean
  • RF/6/8: Don Pinnock interview with Ronald First. First, Ronald and Pinnock, Don
  • The Mozambican Miner: A study in the export of labour. (1977) First, Ruth
  • Note from Ruth First to Alpheus Manghezi. (1978) First, Ruth
  • O Mineiro Moçambicano: Um estudo sobre a exportaçāo de māo de obra. (1977) First, Ruth
  • RF/6: Don Pinnock interview with Tilly First and Hilary Kuny. (1988) First, Tilly and Pinnock, Don
  • The ‘(In)security Decree’: Undermining Practices of Reception in the Italian Hosting Mechanism. (2022) Franzè, Federica
  • Brazilian experience – The crash of 1982. (2012) Freitas, Carlos Eduardo
  • The Argentine Foreign Debt Default and Restructuring. (2012) Frenkel, Roberto
  • G
  • Introduction: Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas. (2014) Gilbert, Helen and Gleghorn, Charlotte
  • Recasting Commodity and Spectacle in the Indigenous Americas. (2020) Gilbert, Helen and Gleghorn, Charlotte
  • Modernity and the indigenous in centennial celebrations of independence in Mexico City, 1910 and 1921. (2014) Gonzales, Michael J.
  • ‘Economic migrants’, ‘criminal smugglers’ and ‘a burden’: How people seeking asylum were portrayed in political and media discourse during pivotal moments in UK asylum policy and law 1999-2022. (2023) Grey, Holly
  • How Brady worked and why London. (2012) Griffith-Jones, Stephany
  • H
  • Basgo Fort, Ladakh. (2008) Halkias, Georgios
  • Nako Temple Complex. (2007) Halkias, Georgios
  • Notes on Caste and Class - partly critical of Manor's arguments on the declining power of caste hiearchies. Harriss, John
  • COST Action Blog: A Legal Identity for All? (2023) Hayes de Kalaf, Eve
  • Digital Identity: Emerging Trends, Debates and Controversies. (2023) Hayes de Kalaf, Eve and Fernandes, Kimberly
  • Roraima: Brazil's Northernmost Frontier. (1990) Hemming, John
  • Informality, security and neighbourhood development in downtown Kingston. (2012) Howard, David
  • Brazil’s Popular Groups microfilm collection from the Library of Congress. (2005) Howard-Reguindin, Pamela
  • Performing and disputing indigeneity in the Fiesta del Coraza in Otavalo, Ecuador. (2014) Huarcaya, Sergio Miguel
  • Healing Under Oath: Biopsychosocial Dimensions of the US Asylum System. (2020) Hunter-Haydon, Daisy
  • Walls of Algiers: Culture, Conflict and Politics in the 21st Century French and Algerian Imagination. (2011) Hussey, Andrew
  • I
  • Caste Hierarchy and Class Hierarchy: A Comparative Study of Tamil Nadu and Bihar. Iyer, K. Gopal
  • J
  • Caste and Power in the Lands of Agri-Culture. Revisiting Rural North-West India. (2014) Jodhka, Surinder S.
  • British Voodoo: the Black art of Rollo Ahmed. (2014) Josiffe, Christopher
  • Dr Dingwall's Casebook, Part One: A Sceptical Enquirer; Part Two: ‘Dirty Ding’. (2013) Josiffe, Christopher
  • Changing Caste Relations and Emerging Contestations in Punjab. Judge, Paramjit S.
  • K
  • In Search of a New Vocabulary: A Preliminary Note on Caste and its Emerging 'System'. Karanth, G. K.
  • Access to mental health services in Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and the Greater Horn of Africa region. (2024) Kinsella, Matt
  • Mobilising and constraining: the dynamics of human rights discourse in two Mexican social movements. (2022) Knox, Rupert
  • Caste Hierarchies and Substantive Discrimination through NREGA. Kumar, Yogesh and Sah, D.C.
  • L
  • Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2012. Larby, Patricia
  • Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2013. Larby, Patricia
  • Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2015. Larby, Patricia
  • Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies, 2010. (2010) Larby, Patricia
  • Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. (2009) Larby, Patricia
  • Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change. (2013) Lennox, Corinne and Waites, Matthew and Kirby, Michael and Cowell, Frederick and Kinsman, Gary and Willett, Graham and Obendorf, Simon and Shah, Shanon and Baudh, Sumit and Gomes da Costa Santos, Gustavo and Tabengwa, Monica and Nicol, Nancy and Mwakasungula, Undule and Jjuuko, Adrian and Ward, Kevin and Gaskins Jr., Joseph and Blake, Conway and Dayle, Philip and Petrova, Dimitrina
  • The London Furniture Trade, 1640 - 1720. (2016) Lindey, Laurie
  • Interview with Gary Littlejohn. (2012) Littlejohn, Gary and Rockel, Vanessa
  • Everyday work as spectacle: celebrating Maya embodied culture in Belize. (2014) Llanes-Ortiz, Genner
  • Forum: On Politics and Precarity in Academia. (2019) Loher, David and Strasser, Sabine and Monterescu, Daniel and Dabağcı, Esra and Gallo, Ester and Shore, Cris and Gupta, Akhil and Mathur, Chandana and Anton, Lorena and Zane, Rodica and Lems, Annika and Khosravi, Shahram and Sarıaslan, Zeynep and Salazar, Noel B. and Montoya, Ainhoa and Pérez, Marta and Kovač, Uroš and Tilche, Alice and Loperfido, Giacomo and Matos, Patricia and Santer, Kiri and Thorkelson, Eli
  • Obstacles and Catalysts of Integrating Young North Korean Defectors in South Korea. (2020) Lyman, Thomas
  • M
  • Interview with Andre Mahommed. (2012) Mahommed, Andre and Rockel, Vanessa
  • Open Journal Systems. (2013) Mahon, Matt
  • Access to formal employment and mobility: Colombian and Venezuelan forced migrants in Ecuador. (2020) Malo, María Gabriela
  • BBC interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012) Manghezi, Alpheus
  • Trabalho forçado e cultura obrigatória do algodão: O colonato do Limpopo e reassentamento pós-independência c. 1895-1981. (2003) Manghezi, Alpheus
  • Interview with Alpheus Manghezi. (2012) Manghezi, Alpheus and Rockel, Vanessa
  • The Declining Power of Caste Hierarchies and Abram de Swaan's Concept of a "Social Consciousness". Manor, James
  • The Implications of the Declining Power of Caste Hierarchies in Rural India: Issues for the Shimla Conference. Manor, James
  • Accountability in Displacement Contexts: A case study on client-responsiveness in collaboration with IRC Tanzania. (2021) Martin, Diana
  • Accountability to Affected Populations in Displacement Contexts and During the Covid-19 Pandemic. (2021) Martin, Diana
  • Locating the value of the participatory approach to ‘humanitarian accountability’ in displacement contexts. (2021) Mathias, Bethan
  • From Integration to Belonging? Exploring the Trajectory of Integration for Short-term Settled Refugee Women in Berlin. (2021) McDermott Reid, Frankie
  • Settler roles and responsibilities: Engaging Indigenous rights in Canadian environmental activist organisations post-TRC and #IdleNoMore. (2018) Mccallum, Karen
  • Jamaica on the Cusp of Fifty: Whither Nationalism and Sovereignty? (2012) Meeks, Brian
  • "Justice et liberté". Des volontaires italiens en Catalogne (1936-1937). (2010) Miglietti, Sara
  • New Worlds, Ancient Theories: Reshaping Climate Theory in the Early Colonial Atlantic. (2019) Miglietti, Sara
  • Sovereignty, Territory, and Population in Jean Bodin's "République". (2017) Miglietti, Sara
  • Introduction: Ruling "Climates" in the Early Modern World. (2017) Miglietti, Sara and Morgan, John E.
  • "It's the end of the world as we know it - human displacement, loss of States and climate change". (2008) Millar, Ilona
  • Digital barriers and the accessible web: disabled people, information and the internet. Millward, Gareth
  • From Cultural Translation to Clinical Consultation: Working Between Languages, Working Between Disciplines. (2016) Milne, Anna Louise
  • Ethnographies of the Opportunities and Risks of Neoliberalisation. (2014) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • La reedición del conflicto: la política electoral en El Salvador de la posguerra. (2017) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • Lo transfronterizo como futuro común. Hacia la co-gobernanza de las cuencas hidrográficas compartidas en Centroamérica. (2021) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • On Care for Our Common Home: Ecological Materiality and Sovereignty over the Lempa Transboundary Watershed. (2021) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • Post-extractive juridification: Undoing the legal foundations of mining in El Salvador. (2022) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The Turn of the Offended: Clientelism in the Wake of El Salvador’s 2009 Elections. (2015) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The Violence of Cold War Polarities and the Fostering of Hope: The 2009 Elections in Post-War El Salvador. (2013) Montoya, Ainhoa
  • The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil: The Judicialization of Environmental Politics in Central America. (2018) Montoya, Ainhoa and Pauchulo, Constanza
  • FAQs about Open Access: The Political Economy of Knowledge in Anthropology and Beyond. (2014) Montoya, Ainhoa and Pérez, Marta and Dallemagne, Grégory and del Arco, Víctor
  • Juridificación multiescalar frente a la industria minera: experiencias de Centroamérica y México. (2021) Montoya, Ainhoa and Sieder, Rachel and Bravo-Espinosa, Yacotzin
  • N
  • Building Career Pathways for Resettled Refugees in the United States. (2022) Neginskiy, Katherine
  • Beyond the Pathogen: Cultural Influences on the Impact of Epidemics Viewed from History. (2020) Newson, Linda
  • What we talk about when we talk about Indian. (2014) Nolan, Yvette
  • O
  • A Time For Renewed Nationalism. (2012) O'kola, Andrew
  • A Situação nas Antigas Zonas Libertadas de Cabo Delgado. (1983) Oficína da História, CEA
  • Indigeneity in the Oruro Carnival: official memory, Bolivian identity and the politics of recognition. (2014) Oviedo, Ximena Córdova
  • Evaluating Protracted Social Conflict in the Niger Delta of Nigeria: An Analysis of the Challenges of the Post-Amnesty Peace-building Process. (2019) Oyibo, Peggy
  • P
  • Land, Caste and Power: Politics of Land Distribution to Dalits in Madhya Pradesh. Pai, Sudha
  • Introduction. (2022) Palladino, Chiara and Bodard, Gabriel
  • Independency and Ethiopianism among the Tswana in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. (1971) Parsons, Q.N.
  • Theses in progress in Commonwealth Studies 2014. Pat, Larby
  • Quality of Institutions on Education Policy Programs. What Does Makes a Difference in Brazilian Education Policies? Pereira, Carlos and Vargas, Getulio
  • In-between Lives: Attending to age-position in adolescent refugees’ experiences of forced migration in the Horn of Africa. (2020) Phillips, Caitlin
  • Mandela's address on the tenth anniversary of Ruth First's assassination, 17 August 1992. (1992) Pinnock, Don
  • RF/6/2: Don Pinnock interview with Mary Benson. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Benson, Mary
  • RF/6/19: Don Pinnock interview with Joe Slovo. (1992) Pinnock, Don and Slovo, Joe
  • From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic: Cold War Trieste on Screen. (2012) Pizzi, Katia
  • The Unsustainability of the Neoliberal Public University: Towards an Ethnography of Precarity in Academia. (2018) Pérez, Marta and Montoya, Ainhoa
  • R
  • ‘Will making movies do the sheep any good?’ The afterlife of Native American images. (2014) Raheja, Michelle H.
  • Linking Land and Sea: Intersections between Indigenous Peoples’ Dispossession and Asylum Seekers’ Containment by Australia. (2021) Reardon-smith, Susan
  • Language, Culture and Citizenship Among Amharic Speaking Eritreans and Changing Conditions for Eritreans in Ethiopia. (2023) Riggan, Jennifer
  • Spectacle and discourse of decommoditisation in the construction of subaltern public spheres: the P’urhépecha New Year and P’urhéecherio. (2014) Roth-Seneff, Andrew
  • S
  • Protecting the Community: Security Practices in London after 7/7. (2008) Salerno, Daniele
  • A World You Do Not Know: Settler Societies, Indigenous Peoples and the Attack on Cultural Diversity. (2020) Samson, Colin
  • Women Who Dare: Exploring experiences of participation among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. (2021) Sanchez Bean, María Celeste
  • Interview with John Saul. (2012) Saul, John and Rockel, Vanessa
  • The new African elite in the Eastern Cape and some late nineteenth century origins of African nationalism. (1971) Saunders, C. C.
  • Caring for unaccompanied minors in transit in Serbia. (2020) Serviere, Carole
  • Financial inclusion for refugees in India – a study on the practical access to banks and financial systems. (2020) Shanker, Roshni
  • Persisting Hierarchies Perpetuating Inequalities. Historically Lived Realities of Dalits in Rural Himachal Pradesh. Sharma, Satish K.
  • School history in the twentieth century: a story of decline or progress? (2011) Sheldon, Nicola and Keating, Jenny
  • Extreme energy, ‘fracking’ and human rights: a new field for human rights impact assessments? (2015) Short, Damien and Elliott, Jessica and Norder, Kadin and Morley, Joanna and Lloyd-Davies, Edward
  • Presentación del dossier. Extractivismo minero en América Latina: la juridificación de los conflictos socioambientales. (2022) Sieder, Rachel and Montoya, Ainhoa and Bravo, Yacotzin
  • Can Dalits Also Form A Dominant Caste? Changing Patterns of Power Relations in Rural Uttar Pradesh. Singh, Jagpal
  • Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro. (1988) Soares, Luiz Carlos
  • Scholasticism, Liberalism, Revolutionary Nationalism and Neoliberalism in Mexico. (2012) Stack, Trevor
  • Performance, gestures and poses in postcards of Ho-Chunk in Wisconsin Dells. (2014) Stolte, Sarah Anne
  • LGBTI Refugee Protection in a Culture of Disbelief: The impact of integration. (2020) Struthers, Katrina
  • T
  • ‘We are family!’ The kinship between individual cosponsor and sponsored refugee(s) and its impact on mental health service uptake. (2024) Tala-Jumbam, Simolen
  • Caste and the Democratic Imaginary: Notes from Bihar. Thakur, Manish
  • A risk approach to government perceptions of irregular migrants and asylum seekers in the legal and policy frameworks of Australia and the United Kingdom. (2023) Thompson, Dean
  • Dynamics of Caste System - Exploring the Complexity of Changes and Causation. Thorat, Sukhadeo
  • Conference Report: Liberalism and Religion. Secularisation and the Public Sphere in the Americas. (2012) Toner, Deborah
  • The South African Republic: class formation and the state, 1850-1900. (1973) Trapido, Stanley
  • On the realness of people who do not exist: The social processing of artificial faces. (2022) Tucciarelli, Raffaele and Vehar, Neza and Chandaria, Shamil and Tsakiris, Manos
  • U
  • Circuitos de troca e transporte no desenvolvimento do campo. (1981) UEM, CEA
  • Narradoras adolescentes en la literatura colombiana / Female Adolescent Narrators in Colombian Literature. (2020) Uribe-Duncan, Elvia Jeannette
  • V
  • Crafting contemporary indigeneity through audiovisual media in Bolivia. (2014) Villarreal, Gabriela Zamorano
  • W
  • Emplaced and embodied encounters: methodological reflections on transcultural research in contexts of Italian migration. (2019) Wall, Georgia and Wells, Naomi
  • Pacaya-Samiria. (2014) Walter, Wust
  • Ethnography and Modern Languages. (2019) Wells, Naomi and Forsdick, Charles and Bradley, Jessica and Burdett, Charles and Burns, Jennifer and Demossier, Marion and Hills de Zárate, Margaret and Huc-Hepher, Saskia and Jordan, Shirley and Pitman, Thea and Wall, Georgia
  • The Aborigines' Protection Society and white settlers in Rhodesia, 1889-1930. (1973) Whitehead, Rachael
  • Jamaica and Caribbean Integration: Did One from Ten leave Nought? (2012) Wilson, Steven
  • Class, race and the occupational structure. (1972) Wolpe, H.
  • The theory of internal colonization: the South African case. (1975) Wolpe, Harold
  • Menstrual Hygiene Management in the Refugee Context: Learning from Piloted Interventions in East Africa. (2022) Wynne, Emma
  • Z
  • Nora Naranjo-Morse’s ‘Always Becoming’: enacting indigenous identity on a museum stage. (2014) Zittlau, Andrea